Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Oct 1995, p. 6

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Page 6, Whitby Free Press, Weclnesday, October 18, 1995 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whîtby resîdents for Whîtby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ONTARIO COMMUNITY C OMMUNITY NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outlets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES IIIELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GSI - Outside Canada $80 + GST Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager To th .ditor 'Risk' flot about Iearning Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% recycled content using vegetable based inks. $ Ail written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permissiïon of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit lme 10 the Whilby Free Press. mo the ke7diO I rI OId-fash ioned To the edilor: Tiere was a demnonstrafion at Oueen's Park ai the opening of the Ontano iegisiaturo. lb was meant 10 bo rather smaii and quiet, but many more people showed up than were expected. The police called. for assistance but stilI, before long, lie crowd was out af contrai, tiey were in afighting mood. What was their beef? The. newiy eiected govemffhent's budget culs. Premier Mke Harris has promised liat he wl reduce tho deficit and eventuaily balance the budget. -A noble goal, that must b. aciieved here in Ontaio as il has in some oCher provinces. Those who bave oxisted on social assistance, however, wanted the Premier 10 know liat they wou Id not take a reduction In their monthîy cheque iwithout a llght and so thoy did and kt was an ugly sceno la say lie least. The police had their iands full to try to contrai lie yelling and screaming mob. Of course, they wore unhappy witi lie cuts, but k neoded ta b. dune. For many years our govornment has spent much more than kt received and lhiIcannot continue, Rk wili eventually ruin us. Tiere are, of course, people wio noed assistance from the. govemment - lhe elerly, sick, handicapped, 10 name a tew. But lier. are also tioso who siould -probably b. supported by theïr familles and not by lhe taxpayor. They are, dare i say il, lie unwed motiers. How 1 wlsh liat girls wouid not have babies until they are married. Every ciild has a night ta two parents, not only liaI h/h. noods lwo parents. And a woman noeds a man by hor aide ta rais. their chlldren and 10 provido for the family. Old-tasiioned, you say? Weil, tell me whaÉ as wrong wihh il and 1 I elle you what le wrong with this Immoral Ifestyle. Iti le .reason for muci uniappiness, unwanted pregnancies, abordions, sexually transmitted diseases and, not to torget, poverly. i wlsh thae our educators woul teaci rosponslblllty In reiationships, omany management, cNId cars and moral vakues, rather than an overdose on sex eductatian. kt vould b. beneficial ho the taxpayor, too. Maybe someday taxpayers, 100, Wti have a demonstration ai Queen's Park ... nah... I don'b think so. They grumble 10o aci other about high taxes but that le ait Thon, when it us lime ta go la 1the polis they vote for a man who promises change, that's what.they do. Jeannette Vandermeulen Brooklln Sodbuster pro)et praused To the editor: I wouid 1ke ta pay tribut. 10 Henry Street High School staff and students. To the physical education teachers who inltlated lie projecbta renovate the trackç and put ln a functional playtng field, haIs off; also 1o the students who put thew ltime and effort int compieting tuis projeot at a lime when wo tond to focus on the nogatives 0f a few. lVs so rot roshing 10 see what young people are about and what they can accomplish. i understand liaI in addition ta the work tbey put ln, thoy collected piedges from the community and were able 10 rais. sizeablo amounts. Aleo 1o b. thanked are the residonts and tie business people wio donated lime and supplies. This s wbere it's ai Wien we start 10 help ourseives and others, wo can do muci, instead 0f wiining about what we havent got. HaIs off ta you ail, particuiarly those young people (studonts) who have shown us once again tiey count. Elsie Myette Mother of thre. grown sons Whitby To the editor: I want 10 applaud the conscierntiaustrustes who voted out the controversial Reduce the Risk document sae for Durham schools and shame on those trustees who dldn't. A Ifli bit 0f knowledge le a dangorous thlng - a MUle bit of knowledge gleaned fromn fais. information la a disaster. Reduce the RIsk talle 10 qualfy as a useful document on that: basis. lb convyss varled misinformation 0f ANDS. k encourages sexual expert- mentation and Invites the surroptitious Introduction of lie undesiroable Ifestyle of homosexuallty. Pages 4-6 of the. draft reveal that the document le not as much about STD prevention as a Klnsey-bype survey ta fUnd out what sex gamnes each student mtight b. willing 10 play or succumb 10, and 10o lcit discussion on the valckty 0f homnosexuallty - supposedty beyond the scope of this document Russian routiette le 83.3 per cent sale, condoms are only 80 per cent sale. Teachi abstention, not Russlan roulette wlth a rubber. The. steps for condom use, on page 12 of the draft, is a particuîarty unpaiatabie, asJnlne and perverted game of instructions. f students of the mature senior classes have dedided . to becomne sexuaily active, thon undoubtedly they MiI b. mature enough and adept enough to unzip their pants and lunroll condom on penis," insert same, and do ail that foiiows wtthout the help or guidance of the teacher or schooî board. Page 15 displays a table that deals with prejudice and discrimination. it has nothlng to do wlith reducing the risk; Inste&i, It ls subtly contnived to elicit discussion on homosexuality. Reduce the Risk. is not about iearnîng; RIlsl an Insuit 10 the dignity and moraty of the students and tends 10 Invacle their privacy. Il us unclear what the purpose of the document really le meant 10 be. kt dos not addross moralty or responsibility issues. By accident or design, the document Is structured t0 tel the. kids what to think, not how to thlnk; to adopt group values, agree wlth group cons ensus - in ocher words _ succumb 10 peer pressure and follow the flock. If It le necessary 10 teach STD Îrevoidon at school, then loirs toach in a way that wMI do some good and convey faM~al information. An ecellent four-hour video sertes, The Cause of AIDS: Fact and Speculatian, roveals mfuch 0f the. f iawed research and explores thé cause of AIOS and its Ink 10other STD& The video la likely available for classroom use, and much good information could b. passed on 10 students wlthout on. single condom- cards game. And if homnosexuality must b. brought Into the discussion, thon by ail means tel lb as It le: Tell the. klds the vaulod osexuan actles homnosexuals engage In and supposedly enjoy. Lot the- kids décide whether bomosexua behaviour ropresents a normal naturai and healthy Ifestylo, warthy of clgnlty and respect. Jatin Flury Oshawa Feds' soft stand Yo the. ditor: Re: FMs. Lucdenne Roblllard's tour of local (Ontario) area. Tii. Quebec question bas me slIgilly confused and 1 wonder iW someone ln tho Uberal party could dlarlfy several problemsa aI kposes t0 me? 1. Wbendoes 51 per cent of25 per cent mean a democratic majorty? Since the population ai Quebec leproposng tohod a referendum liaI wAlI ffecively destroy al ai Canada, wouldn'i one think tlialI uld be a malter Io be decided by lhe wbole population of Canada? Tien would itnot b. reallydemocratic becau se lie 51 per cent would b. out of 100 per cent? 2- Why le Ms. Roblllard lourtng Onlalo for lie M aide? As it now stands, we bave no vole anyway. la li to Imply liaIlie present Uberal party In power le recognlzlng a vote of a mlnority 10 apply to lie whole country? 3. le liee a conflict ai inlorest belween lie large number of Quebec fedoral cabinet mninialors and thua referendum, -and le lhis lie reason liaI lie Uberal ruling .body refuises to make their position known? 4. YIthe referendum question ends witha 51 per cent Yes vote and Quebec baaves Canfederatlan, and if lie native population decides to separate tram Quobec and as a resul war breaks ouIt migil one consider lie cause to b. lie soft stand taken by lie tederal govemment? Whoa wi1 b. responsible for tie resulting carnage? 5. Does anyorw assdaed wtI Ibis fedoral govommont realiy belleve that Canada can survive witb 1h. guIs (Quebec) tom out of lb? 6. Hlstorically, Quiebec bas nover been a country nor has ft over ruled itseif lndependently. The largoal portion of Quob.c was transtered from holings purciased by Canada tram lie Hudson Bay Co. and in essence le Canaiuian. Wili Ibis in mmnd, what ls tb. ratioal used to justify 1h. Uiberal partyls sait stand on permilling Quebec to separate Canadian terrttory? KnoWlng politkiana, lb will surprtse me 10, see Ibis letter publisied, but mme more surprtsing wtll b. ta see a reply from tho ruling Uberals. An ordinary Canadian Patrick Dooloy Whltby Slash and burn To the editor: Wiy can lie Ontario government break the baw and gel away wlith f? Itls stated ckary ln the Ooetjpational Heafth and Safety Act, Section 13(2), liaI *Th. Warkplace Heali and Saféty Agency muat have two fuill ime vice chairs, one of whom represents management and on. of whom represents labour.w Harrts and bis croniles bave dono away witi liese vice-chairs as well as lie executive board whlci la also logislaied ln lie same section of lie Act. They bave aclod ln total diaregard for Ontario law. On top oai lis, liey berald lie oct as botter for wrkers. Weil, go ahead. Ask a worker haw liey feel about the Workplace Healti and Safety Agency b.ing slashed and bumoed. Theyll tell you liaIliW feel liaI Iheir only workplace empowerment lowards their own heati and saioty lias been takon away. By cioaing lie agency, reduding lhe number oai nstry of Labour inspectors and .siashlng WCB funding, lie govemment bas given empfl a cisar go ahead la Injure, maim and kili Iheir workers. Just ask lie famniles of tbs. wiaae sons bave died, caused by a "eckoaidue diligence tram tloir employers, what justice lieylve seen. Theyll tel you lhi justice doesnt exist ah lie Ontario Mnistry of L abou r. Before Mr. Harris starts whining about fiscal responsibilily, rment statistics show liaI 50 per cent 0f aur province's yeariy sperdâng goes 10 lax culs for big business, 44 pr cent goes to our debL Only four per cent goes to ai aur social spendng combined. ht was 1he PCs' awn repart ln lie 1 980s liaI siowed Itmif the money traie and stock exchange brokerage tees were taxed, aven at a rate ai lire. cents per dollar, liaI aur province's debt would b. -ai off in less than two years. Funny liaI report cdidn't maice If t tb. public. Hmmmmm.' SLasn C. Muil.y Whltby

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