w.~ *~ items from Whitby council agenda(s) Mnondna .Oct. 1&. Recommendations from the pann and developing Thot a rezorilng and site plan application tram Parailax Land Corporation ta permit a commercial bank at 309 Dundas St. W. be approved. The applicant lntends Io construct a 5,000-suare-footbilding on the vacant lot tu house a branch af NatioalTrust. Rsonndd to councîl Thie a ste plan application tram Atlantic Packaging Products Ltd. ta permit construction af a 7,400-square foot adidition te Ils Thîcheon Road South factory be approved. The proposed structure Wl house a paper sludge warehause ta store the by-product ofitIs paper recydling pracesa. The material is now stored in the open, but will be enclosed by the building until t can be hauled away ln vehicles appraved b y the Ontario Wnistry afi Environment and Energ. The sludge Is used as a compasting material and spreari on farmers feis. Ronnded ta councîl Thai a site plan application tram Croven Crystals Ltd. ta permit a 5,200-square-foot adiion ta its faclory al 500. Beech St. W. be approved. In addition Io the proposed expansion, the applcant lntends te asphaft the emsem p=eton af the praperty ta pravlde adionai parking. Rcm nd.d ta council Recomendations from the operations comittee,É That a $59.611 tender tram J.A. McDaugal Contractor 1lnc. af Port Perry for construction ofi a new avilk8onidRtr Sunrise Lake ark, sde Heydenshore Pavillon, be ccepted. The praject Involves the construction ai a 1,100-square-foot wooden pavulion with an asphalt shingle rof and a concrete foundatian. Roonnded ta councîl That a $19,284 tender tram That a $28,304 tender tram Nurse Chevrolet Oldsmobile Ltd. for a1996 9,2WG.V.W. truck be accepted and that a $56.481 tender tram Ontario Mator Sales for twa 1996 11,000 G.V.W. trucks be accepted. R.comm.nded ta councîl United Way officiais confident Early returna have raised thus ya' United Way campaign total to $597,000 or approimately 20 per cent of the 1995 goal of $3.2 million. United Way director of development Robert Howard is pleased wfth the results to date and is optimistie about the success of the ovorail campaign. "Strong early returne in both the public and separate education divisions have been extremely promising and we are excited about the. student carnpaigns which are gearing up in the next few weeks. "As well, many of the companies in mur majors division, which include Croven Crystal, Woodbridge Foam and Lear Seating, are just starting their ]Robbers attack nanny Police are utiil looking for three suspects - one woman and two men - after a nanny at a West Lynde area home wae attacked and robbed Thursday morning. Police say the three knocked on the door. of a Bluebeil Creecent home around 8:30 a.m. and asked if they could use the phono. The live-in nanny lot them ini and was immodiately attacked. Police say the trio bound and gagged her before stealing lier wallet and ileeing. She was able, to free herself about a haif an hour later and called police. A baby i the houe. at the. time of the incident was not harmed. The nanny was take to Whitby General Hospital, where she wae treated and released.. The f.m.i. suspect je described as white, in her thirties, around five foot four inches with a medium build, with blonde curly hair past lier shouldere. mhe victim was able te give police a desciption ofonly one of lier maie attackere. He'e deecribed as white, around aged 30, with blonde, ehoulder-length hair and a moustache. An investigation je continuing. workplaoe campaigns in the. next few days, and w. would encourage employees at these organizations to continue their fantastic support. 'With many in the. public service division facing government cutbacks, we recogmize that it is a difficult situation for employees, but so far there still seems te b.e strong support for the.Unmted Way campaign within these organizations." Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 18, 1995, Page 3 'TTLE-EXTRA-HELP" TUTORING SERVICE we use only Certif'ied Ontario Teachers we tutor in YOUR home, and WC le<îclithc classroom curriculum ph as call 668- 784-1 for a brochure! Irichîç wed and opcrafed hy Certified Onîtario Teachers OST -QUAUIFIED GEMOLOGISI Mn Duuham Appraisals'~on Spot Gem J Repairs -3 Days Birds ,,'@' RemodeI Iing Original Handcrafted - 211 Brock St. S., Whitby_ Buy2 Gem irds Get 3rd at 1/30OFF F 666-4612 How to invest in the world's future superhighways. Both kinds. \\'Iietlber hl)re-( iii )r aispb iii .t I cg >m1 Il htg Im ' siloici n g dusî Inped nofr èi ing grîîssth porential for ine'strirs. (.T G ( ; dx C.11 L; 1 1 ogid l i g s ( I b il 1I înîd li cgivs ut iins ns tn paîricpare ini these nppnrtunities., Global Telecom munications Class livstii srs n îipa nies t hatrare pi sitl iîcd te)t I .1 ialiec oui dt grnss'Iing ghial denîaîîd for eeiiîiinc nsndus iiid services. " 'I'lîrecebillion ipel iple M dt: Jwi iîi 5<îlo.1c lirreitri Lick basic phonei service. " lssenty iir nmore: cliîries art, exl)eCCredIii pris ithir srr- s'îdteleplîî me ci uiîpa îles w rthe end (ifi199)6. " Chiinaa alune ikplannîing ni instali 140 n1il1111011 lie\%' telepliîîuir hilies. Global Infrastructure Class hivtîss iii ciîpaîîies that develiîp or naiîîrain infrastructure - primania re elergy, tra nspoîrtatiuin and conmnnicatinns - in both emierging and estabhiished eclinumIlies. * Asian cituries are planning tri spend UISS 1.9 trillionn iiifrastruuure 1w' the vear 2000. * In the . S. alone, cOihined igbwa: and bridge repairs are estiniated tii require UJS$88 billion. * 180) nul riiad, bridge and tunnel projects, valtied ar UIS$ 122 billiuon, are pianned svurldwvide. Attend this seminar on worldwide infrastructure and telecommunications investments. FONRANEA TIME: 7:OOpm DATE: Tuesday, October 24th S LOCATION: Harmony Creek Golf Centre GT LBLCD CAtLL 430-0333 FOR RESERVATIONS Im otntiioilai i b u i ..( o a u a -iis1, (ie 1h îîj h iedpro fil ti 1) liii i ai t riiii %. ir nu etnwent icis rnor .TJ o al lw n ra ts utllctr jl t ,I.r vli ninves ni uit rer niivil liuaiate % ii nimarket cndi nsn j- z h La " HASSLE FREE ENVIRONMENT M LOTS 0F SELECTION " FLEXIBLE FINANCING OPTIONS B GOOD COFFEE A Different Kind of Company a A Different Kind of Car k 1v0 1520 Dundas St. E., Whîtby (905) 430-2350 1996 SATURN SCi 'J 'M.. *0 F - - -,-, , , ---- - --- - --- 1 Il ý - --- - - - -- iqRuý