Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Oct 1995, p. 26

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Page 26, Whitby Free Press, Wodnesday, October 18, 1995 I. [AUCtIONS. FOUND: SEARS door dloser. Brooklin Pharmacy. 655-3301. prepaidl, includes tax, for 25 wo>rds or Iess IT'S A BOY! Kevin & Deana Gogolin are proud fa annaunce the arrvai af their 1sf borni, MITCHELL LUKE GOGOLIN arrived et 10:57pm, Ma% 13, 1995. A special thanks ta Dr. Norma n & the nurses et 0.G. H. for a~ thels orthay Annivray. afed aispecial way send goeetings! iM 668-6111 PRAYER TO THE BLESSED Virgin, nover known to aie. O most beautiful flower of Maunt Carmel, fruifful *vine, spîendar af Heaven, Bîessed Mother of the Son o! Gad, Immaculate- Virgin, assist me in necossify. O star of the sea help me and show me hors you are my Mather. O HoIy Mary, Mther of God, Queen of Hoaven & eerfh., 1 humbly beseech yau from the bottom of my hoart ta secure me in my necessity <me ke req uosts). Thore are nons theat can withstand your power. O Mary canceived without sin, pray for us who have reoreto thos. Holy Mary 1 place this cause in your hand (3 fîmes). Say this prayer for 3 cansecutive deys and thon you must publish it and if will be grentod fa yau. M. E. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & t ho Sacred heerf of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, Ioved & preserved thraughouf the world now & forever. O Sacred heart of Jesus, prey for us. St. Judo, workor of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, holper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say thisp rayer 9 times a day. By teeighth day your prayer will be answered, regerdîess of how hapoloss your situation seems. Publication must be promised. 5.W. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred hearf af Jesus for favours roceived. May the Secred heart of Josus be adored, glanified, lovod & preservod fhraughouf tho world now & forever. O Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Judo, worker ot miracles, pray for us. Sf. Jude, helper of fhe hopeîess, pray for us. Say this p rayer 9 fîmes a day. By the oi ghth day your prayer wmIl be. answered, regardless of how ho peless your situation seems. Publication must be promised. M.H. MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified, loved and presorved throughouf the worîd now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles, p ray for us. St. Judo helper of the hopoloss, pray for us. P.C. OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE ANTIQUES COLLECTABLES & HOUSEP-OLO ARTICLES SUNDAY, OCT. 22nd, Il :OOam A(viewing 10:00) Agrnculture Building, Orano Fairgrounds Take 115/35 hwy. To Main St., Orono & foflow signs This Sunday's auction features an excellent offering of articles from the past ta present, some aId, some new, einished & in original codtion, partial 1sf includes early Ginball machine (Bright Star, D. Gottlieb & Ca.), Hoosier cupboard ( ref.), omately carved oak buffet (serpentine front, claw ft., exc.), large oak kitchen table (exc.), new glass front book case & double doar china cabinet, knick knack sholves, brass tea wagon & vanity ornately carved Victonian settee, 5ô s couch & chair, iran bed pine table, hanging postal sheil, piano sf001, butter chum, misc. chairs, 2 large wool rugs, cracks, sevoral pcs. of aId clafhing, quilts ail Iamps pocket watches, miîk bottles, oîd raio,é sleigh,.teddy bears & doîls, wikr, sewing machine, Coke coolor, ight fixturo, many household collectablos, old & new, Kirby vacuum, dishwasher, woodstove, pictures, glass & china (Fireking, Pyrex, etc). This is an outstanding opportunity ta purchase some rare, unique & useful items. Corne early, browso & enjoy our last sale this yoar at this location. Watch for oui new winfer location beside the Wovh Mari, Flea Market on Scugog St. ir Bowmanvillo. Caîl for ail your auct ion needs MacGREGOR AUCTIONS Mike MacGregor 905-987--5402, 90-87-3664 KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS- every Wednesday et 6:30p located #2699 Brock Rd. N., Pickering,. 3 miles north of hwy. #401 (take exit #399). Featunng every Wed. en excellent selection of antiques, fine fumishings, glass china, collectables; primitives, and ather unusuals. Sa Join us oveBry Wed. andý participate in ans of Ontanio's true" auctions with no huy-backs or reserves. Terrns: cash, choque (with proper I.D.) or Visa. Previews from 1: OOpmr $onsignent & Estate sollin our specia ty" Caîl us today - ahn Auction Services 905-683-0041. I this world there is always rooin for one more siNrF 193o T0 Callyour Welcoine Wagon Hostess now. PhoneH668-058 EnîometCnaasrecentpulicaio, coyReosrntigt page nwslettr on resaife-cyls. if ecyce asseesment je th Btuy o aproucttaDetrmiEnits eniroNmetaork impadcarn thf thanikeingWateRedcton--mite- teùauma'curijg, packaging, shipping, customer use and ultimate .Oestory reported in the summer issue stated that the vehicle recyching partnership (VRP), now looking for ways ta improve recycllng and ta increase the proportion of recycled materials, is set to diSmantie about 500 vehicles a year in a new 63,000-square-foot research centre in hMichigan. The VRP is also asking suppliers ta develop plans ta use recyclod materials in new parts and ongineers are now consideuing recyclability in future designs. Researchers will wark with te Aenican Recyclers Association and other research scientiste and engineers focusing on -the 25.per cent of automobile content not yet boing rocycled, such as flmids, Flastice, glass, rubber, adhesives, fabric and paint..Plastics, the astest-growing automotive matorial, is getting qpecial attention. Three million tonnes of the auto shredder residue, or fluif, is landfilled annually which contributes about two per cent to all municipal solid waste The three big automakers, Chryslor, Ford and General Motors who formed the VRP ini 1991, have already agroed ta put standard codes on parts weighing mare than 100 grams ta help dismantlers sort them. Ecocycle is published biannually and dolivered free of charge ta industry, gvernment, organizations and individuals. To order, cal 1-1-9700 Eoylis also available on the Internet at: www.doe.calecocycle. Earlier this year lmperial 011 Resources inl Calgary sent approximately 60,000 yards of used carpet ta DuPont's reclamation fadilty in Chattanooga, Terni. where it finds new life in car parts such as fan shrouda, brackets and housing. Automakers are interestod in purchasing car parts that incude recycled carnet matenial becauie it contributes ta good environxnental practices. Iý success of this project has prompted DuPont ta expand its carpet reclamation program. At the Whitby murncipal building on Oct. 11, Joe Dickson of Ajax's WasE" Reduction Wevoluntoer cormittee presented the Waste Reduction Week challenge toalal regional councilars. For the past two years, Scugog h as been the overaîl winner by weighing in the least amount of garbage per capita from the residentaal sector. The weok of Nov. 6 ta 12 is celebrated with a vaniety of displays and 3Rs events. Pickering mayor Wayne Arthurs and Ajax maj or Jim IWitty are anxious ta see their community win the regional trophy but have aiea decided ta challenge oach other during November. Crimestoppers and Durham Regional Police are asking for the publices assistance ini solving a break enter and theft at the Whitby Yacht Club Sept. 10. The break-in took place duning the late evening/early morning, through a set of patio doors. Once inside the culprits ransacked the upstairs bar and damaged a number of room fuxtures. A quantity of property was stolen including a microwave aven, 26 inch Mitsubishi television, four sinali steo speakers, two large steo speaka and a Traynor PA systemn. Crimestoppers will pay a cash reward of up ta $1,000 for any information that leads ta an arrest. Cail 436-8477. OBITUARY-*- ANTHONY RINALDI A resident of Whitby since 1954, Anthony (Tony) Rinaldi died on Sept. 22, 1995 at Oshawa General Hospital after a brief battie with cancer. He was 64. A son of the late Orazio Rinaldi and iàbera hinnoli, ho was born at Vieste, Foggla, Italy on Oct. 28,. 1930, and lived there until ho came ta Vhity. Mr. Rinaldi was a longtime employee of the Dunlop Co., Dayton Tire and Firestane, which closed their Whitby plant in 1980. On April 24, 1958, Mr. Rinaldi was married at Viesto, Foggia, ta Lucy Maggio, who survies him. Ho is also survived by son Enzo and bis wife frene; daughtor Stella and her husband Dale Baxter and grandchilren Mark and Adam Rinaldi. LUNG ASSOCIATION Volunteers are needed for various activities with the Lung.. Association, Durham Région. Caîl 436-1046. MIr. Rinaldi is also survived by his mother, aged 93, in Italy, brothers Franco and Matted in Italy, George of Pickering and Mike ofWhitby-, sisters Isabella in Italy and Nina in Toronto. Ris father, and sistors Noula of Toronto and Stollina of Italy, died before him. Mr. Rinaldi was at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, 'Whitby. Rev. Father Andy MéBeth conducted the Mass of Christian Burial at St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholie. Church on Sept. 25, followed by mnterment in Resurrection CemeteryWhitby. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust *Family Monuments *Granite or Bronze Markers *Cemetery Lettering *Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 Afler H-ours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointmenta gladly arrangod Thel evernecoeto usi Tho Utmudsalacetest ai cuts soctors af tho ocanomny. Whon I Seo ail boartngtho pain oqually, thon MY criticisrnm willstop. And, by the WaY, i have nover beongod ta the NDP, but in the past i have bolonged ta the Progressive Consoivatory party, bath tederally and provincaiy. Lite sure has a tunny way afi working out, doesn't it? Chnistopher WMite is the rninister of Westminster United Chuch. Fis 1ist boo, 'Naked on a Snowbank/ Wlbo available this fail. iiiiirý- - - I'r - 1- ---- - < - -- 1 .--- - - --- 7- - - - - > - 1 -- - -- -- - 1 1 - - -, ".- - - - , 1 Of Aileacy W. took Thanksgiving dinnor intmyad last weok. Wefund my fathor in a fairly agitated tramne of mmnd and it didn't tako long to discovor why ho was afrald. Ho. grow up in Aiborta during the dirty thirties. His tathor was out af work for a whlle and the tamily was split up with relatives o hy could ail ea. Ho ran a trap Uine and did everythingho could to holp his tamlly in taso lean Urnes. I-ls tavaurito Ghrlstmas was whon ho actuaily got a proper pair of wintor boots ta koop tus foot warm tram the prairie winters. During the war ho repeatedly trod toonlst dofoated by flat fet and colour bllndnoss ýuntl ho fially convlncod a rocruitlng otticorta lot hlm into the navy. Ho servod an the wost coast and in tho Paciflo just at the ond of the war. My tather has contrtbutod ta this . country ail through his working lie. Ho has eamoed his rotirement and atter overythlng that ho and othor mombers af his genoration sacntficod one would think that they could have a comtortable rotiremont. But today my tather is afraid. He Is adrald that ho WIlil so his provincial drug coverage that ho*- roquires for a couple of modical conditions. Ho is afraid that if romt contrai is removod ho wiIl see his ront go up ta such an extent that being on atlixed Income ho will be lorced ta moave. Foar is the now Iegacy af aur provincial govemment. But the toar is soloctive, Rt is reservod for seniors, batterod womon, govemnt omployeos, and the sick. I understand when yau thraw people out of wrk, thoy don't pay taxes *and thoY dont buy now cars from GMV. In tact, thoy hardly buy anything at' ail. That MuI have an etfect on the prîvato sectar, their goods and services and their abilty to employ people. I Caililà the economics-ot-trickîle-down poverty. But what of the dobt and the deficit? 1 agroe that tho dobt must be paid down. The first pnaority must b. ta retire the portion held outside Canada s0 we are not at the Mercy af international

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