Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 18 Oct 1995, p. 17

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 18, 1995 ,Page 17 Novices fait to advance The. Whitby major novice AA hocley team, sponaored by Recycle Filter Corp. lied two wins and a oese ln the Georgetown Stevenson scores 3 1 In rep hockey action over Thinsgvn weekend, the. Whitby major AAA peewees, sponsored by the. Village of Brooklin, defeated Central Wolves 4-3. Judd Stevenson had a hat trick and Sean MacRury scored the. winning goal. Wildcats lengthened their undef.eted streak on Oct. 12 with a 3-2 win over Peterboroughi. Blaine Down scored two goals and Stevenson thi. other. A fidaing'Family Party and Pool Tournement' will be held at Sassy's Restaurant, 3050 Garden St., on Saturday, Oct. 28' Information and tickets are available from team members. Anlnulae lacrosse meetig Thursdy The Whitby Mfinor Lecrosse Association will iiold the. annuel genleral meeting on Thursday, Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m., in Whitney Hall at Iroquois Park. Anyone who wishes to offer suggestions or criticias, or run for board positions or work on conmmittees is welcome to attend. invitational novlce-atom tournament over ftii.Thanksgiving weekend. In . their flrst gem.e gainst Scerborougli, W-Ildcats found tiiemselves in the. hole 1-0 after onlyl14 seconds. However, the. jitters were overcome as Wildcats scored six straigit goals for a 6-1 win. Tyler Healy led the way witii three goals, singles to Steplien Foston, Justin Fox and Mattliew Anderson. .Andrew Meedows lias two assiste. Against Brampton, aft.r falling b.hind 1-O egain ini the. iret period, Wildcats r.plied witii four goals and a 4-1 win. Healy continued hits scoring pace adding a goal and an assiat. Greer, Meadows and Goodwin completed the scoring. Gae. thee against Vaughan came down to tiret place with the winner edvencing to the. semi- finals.' As in the prevlous two games, Wildcats fell behlnd early and watciied Vaughan build a 3-0 lead. The. lead Was cut to one at the end of the. scond on goals by Greer and FoL. However, a goal In the. thfrd iced the win for Vaughian. Jordan Calleghan and Justin Whitby split ail three games in net, The. Whitby novice C2 ringette team opened their seeson with an 11-3 win over Scerborougli on Saturday and a seesaw 6-5 loss to Sunderland on Sunday.. KÇristen Miller and Kelly Scliad eacli scored four goals, and Cendice Cattafi added three goals to eccount for the goal-scoring in Saturdey's gae. Ashley Taylor, frmehl off the injury list, essisted on two goals, as did Amber Kelly. Excellent offensive support was provided by wingers Alison Gellea, Jeclyn Game and Sarah Quesnelle. Strong defensive work wes provided by Rosanne Cannelle, Jemie Doggert, Pemele Dyell and Megen Hurst. Cerleigli Taggart was outstending in net. In Sunday's geme, Sched scored three goals and Mfillar scored two. Cannelle was eastar in lier first- time outing as a goalie. 1-2 win The Whitby hunnies 2 team, coeched by Ted Davidson and Guy Moulton, overpowered the Whitby bunnies 1 teem 10-2 on Sunday in the firat gae of regular season play. Veronica Jolinston had five goals, Candice -Henry two goals and three essists, Alyshe Ripley two goals and Amy Moulton a goal and two assista. Strong performances were given by firet-time players Abigail Hill, Katleen Edwardla and Alison Hawkins. Novies fie WbitbY~s two novice B ringette teama tied in their seeson openers on Seturday. The. Bi squad, sponsored by Vicdom Sand and Gravel, treiled by two late in the. gae, but a pair of goals by Lindsey Giordano in the. lest 22 seconds tied the. contest et 7-7. Bail.y Corneel also scored twioe for Vicdom, and Mykala Abel, Sheuna Hamer and Kelly Jeifs added one goal eacii. Tracy Ktarba, Amenda Lilly and Ashley Jennings ecii hed e pair of goals to lead the B2's attack. Cliantel Smith also scor.d for the B2s, who are sponsored by !Mater Transmission. Petites lie Whitby's petite B ringette teem, sponsored by Wbitby Fabnics, pleyed to e 3-3 tie against Richmond HüJI i their firet leegue geme on Sundey. Botli the offensive and defensive units pleyed a strong gae in front of goalie Emily Mountjoy. Wbitby lied meny excellent scoring cliences but were stopped by a solid Richmond Hill goaltender. Scoring for WlIiitby were Jene Smithi with two goals -and indsey Làlly with a goal. Other teamn members are Lynsie Arts, Hayley Falles, Cindy Jolinston, Lyndsey Matsumure, Erin Mclntosii, Joannei Tellis, Jessice yen, Erin Fraser, Danielle Morrison end Meglian Rodger. 7-7 tie The. Whitby petite C ringette teara, sponsored by Dodd & Souter, sketed to a 7-7 die against Maripose in their seeson opener. Goal-orerewre Melenim Cen evoiy athiete achiovo such a landmnark? Of course, if he/she reaizes that being successfuilis based on achieving the tergets you set for yourseif. Lot the teain statisticdan record goals, essists and penalty minutes, and set your focus on a few of the goals isted below: -Check your equlpinont beforo effy outing, mak<e sure it is thore andln good repair. -Get to the rlnk on time. -Estabiish good Uistening behaviaurs. -Warm-up and stretch thoroughly before gaines and practices. - Eat foods that agreewvith you, and try to avold simple sugars. - Drink eight ounces 0f water 20 minutes beforo activities and rehydrato regularly, play sale and use your own water boUtle. - Croate your own ýpump-upw and ncooi-dwnu tape; remember that it takes Imo to relax after exertion, don't get upset if you cait fall asleep night away. -Estabish a pre-gaine and pro- practice routine that iMI help you perforin and team better. -Keep a diary, record new things thet you have Iearned, things your coach looks for, motivational articles, and other items of personal interest (phono numbers, etc.). -Record your goals and the stops thiat you have taken to achieve them, share thern vwith your parents and coaches. -Tak to your parents, coaches and- toammates - arly discussion often stops major disagreement. -Work on your fitness daily, if your coach doesn't give you a pogra, work one out for yotiurself maybe Include dad or mom or follow the Instructions ln my next column. -f you take the sport sertousiy. study t, check out books ln the ,brary or cal Rlck Morocco et the Hockey Devek>pment Centre et the Hockey Hait of Faine, ho has some great stu. -Watch other hockey gaines wth a purpose; what doos somneone playng your position do when they dont have the puck. -If you are upset wth a teammate, write down 'three things tha they do weil and try to focus on their positive contribution. Dunng gaines, focus on facts that MiI give you rosi information about your play: -To make 12 good passes. -Make less than three g1veaways. -Cover your defensive assignments. -To maice sevon checks - stick checks, body contact ard body checks - make sure that your objectives are night for your ae and level. -To mako good decisions wth the puck, pass and shoot et the right time. -Lead by exemple. -Be a positive Influence on the bonch. -Show respect for your teazmeates, coaches, offloials and those you play against. Sports are only part of your Ide, keep your gaines ln perspective and always remember the most important goal - have fun. ThisIs onty e partial Uist of the goals of athiotios, and we have barely touchod on leadiership sidls. Thars another column. C0 STEEL <*LASCO 25 go>als for ecvcry player iii to>wri Novices split WT.b.tby Sa Holmes MAJOR ATOMAM rep Oct 152Maha Sean iKerr hockey JsnCno Oct. 14 Whitby 4 Newnurlcut 3 MAJOR MUTANM Je" reBimbe 2 qsred hp Ferez Dispsa Corp. Kein Walsh Jason onnor Oct. 13 Whty3 DAumrs 5 MAJOR NOVICE AAA DUUk AcMIoIII2 Paul Hinrich Oct. 16 Whitby 2 Oshawa il Oct. 10 StemnSoesdhouse Whity S Barris 7 Mati Snowdon Ry.n WMtur 2 lue Power MMDII NOVICE AM Bob Schlitt pa.umd by uidas Canirs Guerdimn Dnigs Pauli Honrich Pauli Chomrobay Whitby 6 Peterborough 3 David Mlntyr 2 *NOR IMTAM M Luka Carson Philip Nkllhonu adinhes Tomauni Nick Jardin James Neai Oct. 7 Whitby 1 Piclerng 2 Whitby 3 Richmond Hill 4 Jason Turldngton Phiip Mlcllhone James Nuli Whitby O Newnrd 6 Andrew Faric Oct. a MINOR NOVICE AD Whitby 3 Richmond Hill 1 SpousOId hi LiscoinConatiing Jason Turldngton Gil VUfilewI Oct. 14 Rlck Mace Whitby 9 Oshawa Bruins 2 Jesse Biduke 4 Lsqve aniasMark Minzi John Hughes Ott 4 ScottWatson Whiby 1 Petrborough 2 Jason Pollard ffliCUflin Stephen Rodger ct 3 t. 13 WhiibV ô Msrlham 1 Whitby 4 Barrile 7 Mark Unwin Jesse Bidule 2 moti Fote John Hughes Wil ya"Irew Mrk Minzi Andrew Hoirnes Mar Lanurs Oct. 8 Jason Turidngion Whitby 1 Lomne Park 6 Jesse Biduke OctA1 Whitby 3 Pkwrng 1 Oct. 7 Mat Forier 2 Whitby 3 Burington O kiks Hlfering Todd Collins Sephon Rodger s*-.29 Mark Mizzi Whitby 1 Daumia 3 shutout - Mf arnere ChrisThonue MJOR PEEWEEAMA 0dB pOhUISd hy Cou's Whiiby 2 Richmond Hill 6 John Hughes Oc. 9 -dexibitionl Jesse Biduke Whitby 8 Ennisinore PaulTafti2 Oct. 1 Luc Chiasson 2 Whitby 3 Newnurlcei 6 Ciis Vn Daman John Hughes 2 Kl Rutin Cvd Leahy- aryen Roue flot~ Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club requires l0Cepe REP TEAM COACHES 'cFn; FOR THE 1996 OUTDOOR SOCCER SEASON Applications are invited for coaching positions for the 1996 rep program. AD ati-s illbe acoepted untl ct31/5 orBoys Teams Ontyf COMPLETION 0F LEVEL 1 COACHING CERTIFICATION REQUIRED. For further information and applicationforms please contact "Club Head Coach" Stan-Bombino at 665-2009.

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