Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 11 Oct 1995, p. 24

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Page 24, Whltby Free Press' Wednesday, Octobe 11, 1995 ROOMS RQM APATMETS MROQS ORO ROOMS FOR rent in Brooklin includes hydro, heat air conditioning, cable, bedroom, rec room. Share two bathrooms and kitchen, large backyard. $350 per month. Available Nov. 1/95. More info cali Chris or Justin 655-4786. DOWNTOWN WHITBY fumnished room in dlean, quiet home. Use of kitchen. Calble & parking included. Suit mature working maie. $95 per week. First/iast. 668-3640. CCMING EVENT? Pho ne: ) BUSINESS, OPPS, TRAVEL AGENCY - $14,995. Full Train- ing and Ongoing Support. Ful-tlme/Part- time, Home or Office. Many travel bene- fits. LIMITED AVAILABILITY. T.P.I. Canada Inc., 1-800-799-9910 or 1-204- 987-3322 r Wnnipeg. ARE '<ou READY for the next logîcal step ln free enterprise? FRANCHISING SQUARED. $1 ,000-$5,000 lnvestment. $25,000-$250,00 annuailIncome poten- tial, fuI-tlme/part-tlme. 1 -800-613-1411. LOG HOME DEALERSHIP OPPORTU- NITY with Canadas leading log home manufacturer. Calil or write today. Bill Morris, P.O. Box 9, Bobcaygeon, Ontario, KOM 1AO 1-800-567-0270. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance programs Information avait- able. For your new or exlsting business. Take advantage of the government grants and loans. Cal 1-800-915-3615. CAREER TRAINING A NEW CAREERI Learn Income Tax Preparation or Basic Bookkeeping. Tax deductible certificate courses. For free brochures, no obligation: U & R Tax Schools, P.O. Box'6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6. 1-800-665-5144. Enquire about exclusivo franchise territo- dies. COUNSELLOR TRAINING Institute of Vancouver offers correspondence cours- es for the certif Icate of ÇounselIing Stud- ies to begin October .I1t For a brochure phone toll-free 11-800-65-7044. EMPL.OYMEMt. OPPS. INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXOHANGIE - Ages 19-30 with agricultur- ai experience to live/w ori with family in Australia, New Zealarr. Europe, Japan. Costs/details - 1 -800-263-1 827. #1 05, 7710-5St. S.E., Calgary, AB, T2H 2L9. FOR-SALE KARAOKE - Mr. Entertainment, Canadas iargest karaoke dealer, has the largest selection of singalong tapes and related karaoke products. Cali now for our free catalogues 1-800-661-7464. HELP WANTED COMPUTERS. No previous computer experience necessary. Exciting opportu- nities nôw available in computer pro- graming We wili train suitable appli- cramnts M -800-477-9578. SALES HELP WANTED $ATTENTION STUDENTS$ Make a lot of money seiling chocolate bars. New prod- ucts available. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1-800-383-3589. LEIGH MORGAN FASHIONS and Wow Kidswear. High quality fashions sold through yorhme. One week delivery with no h andling charges. Now hiring reps. Cal 519-541-1383. ROOM FOR RENT. Close to al amenities.* $360/mo. Quiet neighborhood. Shared accommodations. Please el 430-2972 after 6pm. References required. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80lweek. Share bathroom & kitchen. Worker preferred. Walk 10 ail amenities. Please oeil 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. ROOM FOR RIENT, Thicksonl40l. Furnished, access 10 kitchen & iaundry, cable. Non-smoker, -quiet neig hborhood. $400/mo. Cail Larry 7 28-019. LIMOUSIN SALE, SATURDAY, OCTO- BER 14 at 7:00 p.m., Hlckson Sales Arena, Lindsay, Ontario. 65 Quality Bred Females, Top Bloodlines on offer. Cal 519-323-9505. PAY TELEPHONE SERV. PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satlsfied customers. September - 5 lottery win- ners. Solve ail problems ... Answers about love, money{, career ... $3.49/min... .Talk live 1 on 1 ... 24 hrs ... 18+...all calîs confi- dential. 1-900-451-4336. PSYCHIC MASTERS! Genuine Canadian Psychics tell ail. Answers on Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Numbers. Live and personal. 1-900-451-3778. $2.99/min .,18+, 1-on-i, 24 hrs. l.C.C. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS. Friends of thousands, multi-talented inter- national psychics. Relatlonships, Future, Finance, Career. Live 24 Hours, $2.99/min. 18+. 1-900-4511-3783. PERSONALS WOULD YOU LIKE to correspond with unattached Christian people across Canada for companlonship or marriage? S.A.S.E. Free information. State age. Ashgrove, P.O. Box 205, Chase, B.d., VOE 1iMO. REAL. ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'll take ItI Americas largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales Intemnational 1-800- 423-5967. Timeshare rentaIs needed. Caîl 24 hours a dlay. STEEL BUILDINGS BUILDINGS ... Some Stralght Sides. Round or Peaked Roof. Quonset Style. 20x3O $2,998.00. 25x40 $4,388.00. 30x46 $5,844.00. 35x54 $6,744.00. 40x64 $8,366.00. Others. Ends Optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - Quonsets 25 x 30 $5462, 30x4O $6593, 35x50 $8478, S. Series Straightwall S25x32 $5922, S30x4O $6999. Endwalls & Sliding Doors included. Caîl Future Steel 1-800-668- 8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strait- wall Type - not quonset - 32x54 $9,460, 40x72 $14233, 50x90 $20.443, 60xl26 $31,314 - other sizes available - misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. SPAN-TECH STEEL BUILDINGS LTD. - Exclusive distributors of the MAGNUM serlas of buildings, S'traightwac-t wood/steel and ali/steel buildings, Are- nas, Stables, Workshops, Barns, Etc. Contracting and Financing Available, 24 hours 1-800-561-2200. BROOKLIN BEAUTIFUL. 1 bedroom apt. for rent, fnidge, stove, parking, $5751mo. + hyd ro. Days (905) 655-4544, evenungs (905) 655-8989. TWO BEDROOM basement apariment, newly decorated, private entrance, $600Imo. First & last availabie now. Working people preferred. No pets. 668-2445. SMALL BACHELOR APT. IN country estate, pnivate entrance, prvate 3 Pc. bath,' smali fridge & microwave.-. Use of g rounds. Fumnished/unfumnished. $3251mo., first & last. 655-4514. BROOKLIN- PRIVATE basement apartment wîth full kitchen & private bath. Ail utilities p aid except cable $6 if desired on $350 basic monthi rentai. Available Nov. 1/95. Car, 655-8264. No pets. Older person preferred. EAST WHITBY NEAT ONE bedroom basemnent apartment for rent. No pets, non-smoker. Utilities included $500/month. Cali 668-9657. DOWNTOWN WHITBY apts. available November 1195. One and two bedroomn apts. Fridge & stove, ail utilities & centrai air included. From $550 per month first, last and references required. Ail apts. newly finished. No pets. Phone (905) 623-1013. BROOKLIN, LARGE bachelor apt. Close 10 conveniences. Available now. For more information oel 655-5539. CARETAKER WANTED live-in 3 bedroom main -floor unit of Whitby triplex. $750 monthly inclusive. Available Nov. 1. Cai Ron 436-0990. - eoe radstheclasifeds Rcach 1.3 MILLION Onitarianig acror2 the province b:y pIacinie your adt throueh the Onitario blanket CIa5sified AMvertisinq Program for on1ýy $380o. WHîTBY LARGE 3 bedroom house, living room, kitchen, dining room 2 car garage or workshop $895/mýo. + h eat & hydro. Cai 668-4321 or 655-4623. CENTRAL OSHAWA - unique century home. Two - 3 piece bathrooms, 3 bedrooms appliances, garage, fully fenoed yard. Available immediateFy. $950 + utilities. Firstflast. 668-3640. MORTGAG ES & LOANS L$ *lst&2nd e Lines of Credit e BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding 1c U.S. GOV'T FORECLOSED homes from,5%. Delinquent Tax, Repos REQ's. Toil Free 1-800-898-&7à Ext. H-5365 for current listings. couMRCAL SPACE BROOKLIN IS BOOMINGI 1740 sq. f1. building - renovated, lights, ceiling fans, alarm systems, excellrent location for offices, store or pub, etc. Days (905) 655-4544, evenings (905) 655-8989. DOWNTOWN WHITBY - Brock St. frontage. approx. 2,000 sq.ft. Long terni lease. 668-1468, 9am 10 S5pm. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING US MONDAY AT NOON L ANDCP TREE CUTTING & TRIMMING, pruning, shaping, selective branch cutting, 'tree removai. Fre estiaes fully insured. 433-7140 or 4,3O-6ý2. ager 721-7304. TREES - blue spruce for sale 7-8', $10 per foot. Ready 10 go. Phone 655-8088, INTERLOCKING BRICK - dniveways, walkways, patios, retaining wails, steps, repairs & sealin g. Cail Bnicksoepe lnc. for a free estimate (905) 665-2742. Best price aroundl LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, sodding. Fail dlean-ups. Renovations 0f gardens, rock gardens, plantinq, firewood. Dutchwa Landscaping. (905) 649-3183. NEED VOUR yard raked, eavestroughs cleaned, gardens tumed, lawn cut'n' trim. Cali L an D Mowing, 436-7833 or tol free pager 1-416-553-8180. Free estimates YARD SALE - DOORSi computers, sewing machine, stove, man's bike & lots more. 321 Cochrane Street. Saturday, October 14 at 9am. 16 FAMILY GARAGE and craft sale, Saturday, Oct. 14, 8am to 3pm. (Ramn date Oct. 21). Thickson and Dundas, A&P lot. Something for everyone. Refreshments available. MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Rothean Drive, Queen's Common. Saturday, October 14, gam-2pm. Take McQuaý Blvd. north of Dundas St.. No earlybirds please. MULT1-FAMILY GARAGE SALE for a worthy cause. 81 Stratton Cres., Saturday, October 14, 8am-3pm g rain date Oct. 15). New & used. omething for everyone. CLOTHINGICOSTUME SALE at Oshawa Little Theatre, 62 Russett Ave., Saturday, October 14 from lOam - 3pm. Don't throw it out. Someone may want it. Try1heWty Free Press classifieds.hib ARITICLES FOR SALE- STROLLER $30; BASSINET $10; 2 bassinet covers $10 each- drawers for waterbed 2 sets $1lOd each; microwave stand $20; kitchen table $30; crib sheet set with bumper pad $10; Snugii $25. Cail SAXOPHONE, CLARINET, flute, trumpet, violin,' ail in excellent condition. Trades considered. Pnoced to SELL. (905) 985-8967. VAMAHA BABY upright piano, wainut finish, $1700. Cail 571-4212. METAL BUNK BEDS, SINGLE over double,* mini green comes with double mattress only, $150 o.b.o. Cail 430-2803. LARGE AMOUNT of kitchen cupboards, counter tops sink, garbage disposai, stove top & hood and double built-in oven.* Cali 666-2472 after l2pm. FISHER PRICE KITCHEN WITH lots of accessonies, $30. Fisher Price workbench, lots of accessories, $30. Beautiful red veivet & cream poly-satin dress, girls' size 12, $35. 430-1038. ÇzIz CLASSIFIED MAR KETPLAC E "A divertise A cross Ontario or A cross the Country" *It IrAffordableIe *kfFast a ft k Easy OOne OIDo.«ft Ail eNorthem Ontario $63 e Easte Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontarlo $168 *Ail Ontario $380 National Packages Available Cali this paper for details! r-

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