Whltby Free Proue, Wodnoesday, obbor 11, 99Il ag wh * * *usnes Chambeir, labour girol view reforms differeni The Whitby Chamber of Commerce support s the Harris governments move to dismantle Ontario's labour laws. "At a time when the Ontario governiment needs to demonstrate a commitment to job creation and a stimulation of the economy, this introduction of Bill 7 sendsa clear message to business in Ontario that if individuals at a workplace do not want to be part of a union, they now have that ehoice," says Ian Bergin, chair of the chamber's governiment relations committee. "It also demonstrates ,a commtment to restructuring without fear of shutdown of essential services like the public service." Three years ago, the Whitby chamber presented comments on Bill 40, the Labour Law Reform Act. "We poinited out that the union certification process should have been strengthened to avoid the problems we are witnessing today, the expanded rights of strikers May cause closures and unrealistic harsbips on expanding businesses, and the employees eligible for union representation may cause conflicts of interest," says chamber vice president Deb Sweetman. *With those concernis and the "apparent lack of concern by the former governmen for a business agenda," the Whitby chamber is Workshop upcoming The Durham Home Business Association will hold a networking workshop on Wednesday, Oct. 18, 7:30 p.m., at Trillium Trails, north Oshawa.- The workshop is designed to help participgnts build confidence when interacting with others. There wiUl be role-playing and group participation. Cost is $10 for members, $15 for non-members. To register, cail Scott Weatherall at 721-1776. For more information about- the association, cail * 728-2899. pleased by the steps taken by the current goverment to repeal Bill 40. "The repeal of the Bill 40 provisions sends a strong message to investors who build the plants and create the jobs that Ontario is open for businiess once again," says chamber manager Deb Filip.* The Ontario Federation of Labour and Canadian Auto Workers have condemned the labour law revisions. Whitby'st Gord Wilson, federation president, says the "Harris revolutionaries have made it harder to join a un ion, and by taking away successor rights, the Harris gang bas made it easier to privatize public services and at the same time easier to pound the wages of low-paid workers in the contract service- sector to the minimum wage level." Homnepreneur s meeà t Thursday The Durham Homepreneur Group will meet on Thursday, Oct. 12, 7:30 to 9 a.ni., at the Annandale Golf and Curling Club, Ajax. Meetings consist of breakfast, display tables to promote products or services, and information- sharing with other home-based businesqes. Cost is $10 at the door. For more information or to reserve a space, ca! 905-686-8627. Semias scheduled Seminars on employment standards and and the family support plan will be held in Oshawa Oct. 23. The seminars, at the Holiday Inn, are being held by the Ontario region branch of the Canadian Payroll Association. For more information, cal 905-831-9600 (Pickering). BROOKLIN FamiIy Health Centre Chiropractors: Dr. Robert D. Johnston B.A., D.C., D. Hom. Dr. Katharine du Quesnay B.P.H.E., D.C. Nutnitional Consultant: Kate Head B.S.P.E., R.N.C. Massage Therapists: Don Cook R.M.T. Lois Lenarduzzi R.M.T.,C.R. Join..u................ (Hwy. 12between Taunton Rd. and Hwy. 7, just South of Lyndebrook Golf Course) 655-5767 *Face Paînting Lîve Entertainment *Magic Show a Fun for the entire famnily Rain Date: Sunday, October 15,1995. Oering ail insolvency services 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturdây & evening appointments available. FREE initial consultation. JAMES R. YANCH IP s Wilson says Ontario's 45-year-old tradition of union certification by membership'card majority'has ended, and "Harris and Co. have invited employers to hold an anti-union election canipaign, with ail the harasament and intimidation they can muster, every time working men and women try to organize a union." CAW national president Buzz Hargrove notes that Chrysler Corp. and McDonnéil Douglas are just two of several corporations 0"expressing doubt about massive regressive changes to labour law." This is your opportunity to see first hand Experience what quality means to our Irn 1g L ..-- ---- - some of the top practitioners of Quality in our Region. Sover 30 exhibitors on hand to share their experiences with you., > presentations A day by leading advocates of Quality practices. c > Iearn more about ISO.& QS-9000 0 Quality Standards, Durham Region Energy Efficiency Network, and other Nz2ry resources and Networ1s in the community. FREE ADMISSION local Duinesses, scnools, nospïtais, and public agencies. For more information, cali Ellen Nolan, BEDR Offices; 721-2000 ext. 4004. presented by BUREAU FOR SICELLENCE D UR H AM * iîRiO10N' entiumproesors basedPC um riiceibe ces *e Microsoft, A 9 A* 9 M idw§5PgCSO 11P1C CDIFX95 Pentium Processor models *Intel Pentiums processor 530MB1,high sed haïd drive * 8B AM 56 cche * 5h hdes- 'floppy 'drive *PC! Local 1bus architecture * MB PîCI SVG- v d <it d * .-: *QUAO speed CD ROM MS Mous. and mous. pad ~~4t * 16 ~bit sound card Widw 95P.lddg D ual amp! tied speakers *Nnepopulr oftwate packages' M 144 Vo celFajc/ioc,,m Tht.. year parts & labour wvarrant>' *Interne t Starter KiLt *Frsi r ar on-site service- . .....Mon tor not sncluded CDIFX95-55M 9 Intel 75MHz processor CDIFX95590. ~~ '4~k Intel 90Hz processor M I CDIFX95-5100 Intel lOOMHz processor lf~~ 10IPC CD/FX systems incdudes nîne popular software tiffes a e Micosoi! Encarta'95 -* Golf - Works - asqersus (reatures - Msney -Scenes' Estertainmesi fac!. * CD!Sampter .-and Le! s Lests Vs!o--------------- - - --1 Sc enft & F.ierflvii.f rPck ae p'elided ose reisd dii,, * .Everything you do witir 'a PC is easier and faster with Windows 95. 32-bit architecture delivers faster asnd smootlier performance, Multi-tasking FRE -.and multi-threading let you work in sereral nea tv W n o s.9 ,programns on several jobs ast once.g The redesigned user-interface makes comput I ing even more automnatic, and plug-and-play T toIa teclsnology lets you expand ins tantly q> _ g..HS OPO Exi es:Ot.19 VIL >î g 'k flLlyUir Netare M For information PerComae contact: eSe Pefrac PERSONAL mMN 25 Thickson Road. North (Near K.F.C.) LUJ VZI~~¶ ous:Tel: 905-725-7454 o Fax: 905-725-7732 F ywy. 2 COM PU ERS Hurs:Mon., Tues. 10-7, Wed.-Frï. 10-9, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11 -4 IP PeniCMpesx t y3 Sypes 5 t* dIMka tr 3 B a MM68D n !sLWi à f ik od * Thse PC bia bvoko 0WisJ Mbn *éfo is M.0% vc sntrfl i l» mf I P0I "wWnc NE VER AQ AIN! a War AmPs videO. series awar, everyone suffers ... we must nover ltthappen agaîn." dU ~ s~ é r eaimo c by e povl histor1-t ccunts of Canadas participation.in thIPrst and Second Worlcl Wars and, Korea. Military-preparecinëss my be a necessary cleterrent, but we must strîve to avoici another global confliot. F mreinformation.abou EVER AAN laocnat TiWar Amp. iltil.2827 1'!ýiversideDlve i-Ottawà 5 Ontarlo 1(l1 V 004 Temal>71321(taa)Q .002882 LIL~~ Chiart ..ettaiflNme. 283