Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 4 Oct 1995, p. 19

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Whltby FreProe,Wednesday, Ortober 4,1995 Pagel19 .C.L. A. .AL.L.A .......... .U OF....NA......SS...N. ('OSHAWA 0 QDRIVING 0SCNOOL ,sha. *728-0091 Fui Divers Education Courses, OCTOBER 1OTH" Tues . & Thurs. 4 week course OCTOBER 14TH Saturdays 4 week course NOVEMEÉR 7TH Tues. & Thurs. 4 week course PRIVATE LESSONS . REGISTEREO & APPROVEO BY THE DS.AO.AND OSL CLASSIFIED AS GE eSWTSa Whether you'repbuing or selling, put the classifieds to work for youl1 To place your ad, caîl 668M6111 MARIGOLD WINDOW Cleaning $25 for ail extenor Windows. To book fali appt., please cail Ray 668-0070 for prompt and proifessional service. Aiso hedge tnmming and tree pruning. CALL A PROFESSIONAIL Landscaper - lawn- & garden care, tree removal, limbing, pruning, fail clean-ups. Free estimates, licensed and oertified. Excellent rates. Sýnow removal and salting. Going on vacation? Will babysit your home & grounds. Cali Paul Hurst 668-0242. q4a<eed4 F N !Uilterlockigstone' *retainingwmls~ I ewood f encing & decks IFREE COMPETI TI VE ES TIMA TESI IWritten Guaranteel 1~666-96901 HANDYMAN. PAINTING, repairs, improvements -if you want.to keep your house or apt. looking its best, cail now for a free. estimate 666-0288. FLOOR REFINISHING - wood renewers will do a professionai job of 'your sandini, refinished and staining needs. Ail work guaranteed. 655-3566. HENK KARELSEN' Painting& Home Repair. Quality work, intenior/extenior. Over 20 years expenence. No job tooý small. Free estimates. 1-800-423-08323. "HANDYMAN WITH A VAN" will do household moving, clean-ups and removal, general- repairs and electrical work. Cali Doug (905) 434-7874. OLYMPIC PAINTING - professional r intinqg & wallpaper. nteniorfextenlor. No job too smali. For good prices & good work, oel George at 725-7870 or 666-2091. Free estimates. ELECTRICIAN METRO Lic.# E-2268. Residentiai, commercial, industriai, 24 hr. service. Free estimates. No job too smail. Al work guaranteed. Cali Frank ét 905-666-0193. CLEAN-RITE CLEANING Compa ny offers professional, depen dable cleaners for a pts., buildings, homes, offices. Free estimates. Reasonabie rates. Guaranteed satisfaction. Please oel (905) 686-6421. ed ars100 for25 eors o ess MEDICAL SECRETARY/offlce, manager, 20 years experience internai medicine office, references supplied available immediately. Cal Olive (965) 985-4639. BATHROOM SPECIALIST, complete bathroom renovation, new or old. Cail 427-8773. PHOTOGRAPH-Y. Distinctive euaity portraits. Studio or in home. Babie s, children,' families. Christmas speciai from $29. Also: weddings from $299, oid photos copied & restored, co rporate & promotional. No GST! (905) 427-9164. YOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Ail makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complete tune-up from $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & delivery oeil 432-7375. PAINTING & PAPERING "LET George Do 1t". Reliable expenenced, quality work. Special rates for seniors. Flexible hours,' p rompt service, free estimates. P hon e George 666-1168. HOME, RENOVATIONS& restoration. Plans, inspections, specifications, carpentry, plumbing, electrîcal, windows, energy conservation. Caîl Jacques of AI I Trades, ASHRAE #2053385- 666-0993. RJSSY DUSTER HOUSECLEANER Need a break? Better things to do? Check Fussy Duster out - reasonable rates, spring clean every visit, equipment & matenials provîded. Caîl (905) 668-0323. AFFORDABLE carpentry specializinq in interior renovations, custom cabînetry and trim work. No job too small. Please oeil Jim 13ranton for your free estimate (905) 435-8124. 44 d 0~ Clerical & Word Processing UJ Customized Resumes LI Correspondence J Manuals Mailing Lists 0 Reports Laser Printer Fax & Mail Service UJ Pickup & Delivery (ail 432«1491 -s-lie Fr - 6- 610il IlLow i-iancing Aval/a b/e .25 IFlopkins St.. Wliithy L I N 2C 1 668-2252 * 686-1853 BUSINESS OPPS. ARE YOU READY for the next logicai step ln free enterprise? FRANCHISING SQUARED. $1 ,000-$5,000 investment. $25,000-$250,000 annualIincome poten- tiai, fui-time/part-time. 1-800-613-141 1. START YOUR OWN home-based busi- ness! Watkins is todays best business opportunityl For f ree Information contact - Independent Marketing Director, 338 Braeshire Rise, Saskatoon, SK, S7V 1 B2, 1 -800-263-2999. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Government assistance programs information avail- able. For your new or existlng business. Take a.ivantage of the government grants and boans. Cail 1-800-915-3615.. CAREER TRAININIG LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the South- western Schooi of Auctioheerlng. Next Class: NOVEMBER 18-24. Contact: Southwestem Ontario Sohool of Auctlon- eerinig, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario N45 7V9. <519> 537-2115. BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER. . with our great home-study course. Cail for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The Writ- ing Schooi, 2401-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ontario Ki L 6R2. 1 BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX CERTIFICATE COURSES! Learn Income Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by cor- respondence. Earn your certificate now. For free brochures, no obligation, U & R Tax Schoois, P.O. Box 6052, London, Ontario, N5W 5R6. 1-800-665-5144, over 20 years of tax training experience. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. MAKE A DIFFERENCE? Learn to heip people, quit smoking, lose weight, handie stress, increase heaith. A unique self- improvemhent progrîam. 1-800-661-2599 Alandel Schooi & Clinic. EMPLOYMENT OPPS. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT APPROVED Environmentai Company. Looking for representatives in your airea to service routes. No sales, protected territory, full or part time. Retired, semi-retired, house- wives, set your own hours. Excellent remuneration i -905-773-TREE, 1-905- 773-8733. FOR SALE KARAOKE - Mr. Entertainment, Canadas iargest karaoke dealer, has the iargest selection of singaiong tapes and reiated karaoke products. Cail now for our free catalogues 1-800-661-7464. SALES HELP WANTED $Attention Stù"dents$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money seiiing chocolate bars NEW $2.00 PRODUCTS. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast deiivery 1-800-383-3589. LEIGH MORGAN FASHIONS and Wow Kidswear. High quaiityfashions soid through your home. One week deiivery with no handiing charges. Now hiring reps. Cali 519-541-1383. LANTANA - Do you have an entrepreneur spirit and love. ladies' fash- ions? We're iooking for you! Cali.... Suzanne Wiîsdon, Exec. Sales Dir. 1- 800-578-7717. INVESTMENTS SAY GOODBYE ... To ail you bis and retire eariyi To find out how send S.' A.S.E. to: T.C.M., Box 20156, Keiowna, B.C. V1Y 9H2. MIVULTI- LEVEL M *ARKET. ATTENTION ENTREPRENEURS & MLMr's. Corne aboard! the Enterprise System with the ne *w, exciting and unique Quintrix® marketing plan.* Highly con- sumnable product.* Unlimt-d market & income potential. Let us take you into the next generation of networking. 1 -800- 872-1977. PAY TELEPHONESEV PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satisfied customers. August Iottery winners. Solve ail problems.. .Aniswers about love, money, career ... $3.49/min...Talk live 1i-on 1 ... 24 hrs ... 18+...all cails confidiential. 1- 900-451-4336. HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS., Frlends of thousands, multi-taiented Inter- national psychics. Relationships, Future, Finance, Career. Live, 24 Hours, $2.99/min. 18-. 1-900-451-3'183.. LIVE, AMAZINGLY GIFTED PSYCHICS Choice of Reading - Psi/chic, Tarot, Horoscope, Drçam Interprotation i-900- 451-3297 Ext. 601. $3.99/min., Touch Tones, 18+ only. InfoService, Studio City CA, (213) 993-3366. YOUR OWN P ersonal Lnd Contidential Psychic. Love * Job* Family *'$$$* Health* Happiness, A ccuratel 1 -900- 451-4614.24 hrs $3.99/min. 18+, UNEXPLAINED POWERI Psyohic tells you things you may flot eveni want to knowl 1-900-870-2212. $3.75 per minute. 18+. RELESTATE PRIVATE SALE: Exceptional Value! New Colonial 2600 Sqiiare foot, 3 bed- room home. Artists studio, separate equipped woodworking 3hop. 38 wooded acres. Minden. Cail 705-286-3749, $210,000. GOT A CAMPGROUND membership/timeshare? We'll take it! Americas largest, oldest resale clearing- house. Rçsort Sales International 1-800- 423-5967. Tîmeshare rentais needed. Caîl 24 hours a day. SELBUILDINGS REDUCED PRICES FOR FALL! Build before winter. Quality, Canadian-made steel buildings. We spbcialize in agricul- turai, commercial and industriai buildings. DURA IBUILDING SYSTEMS. Cail 1-800- 633-7538. STEEL BUILDINGS - Quonsets 25 x 30 $5462, 30x40 $6593, 35x50 $8478, S. Series Straightwaii 5S25x32 $5922, S30x4O $6999. Endwaiis & Siiding Doors inciuded. Cail Future Steel 1-800-668- 8653. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Strait- wali Type - not quonset - 32x54 $9,460, 40x72 $14,233, 50x90 $20,443, 60x126 $31,314 - other sizes avallabie - misc. clearance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. VACATION/TRAVEL MUSKOKA THANKSGIVING. Patterson- Kaye Lodge. $236.-$266. per person. Oct.6-9; includes deliclous meais, and a warm and friendiy Lakeside settirig. Cail 1-800-561-6998. *It k Affordable a ft WFast a ft W Easy e On. J311 Do«s HtAil e Northern Ontario $63 e Eastern Ontario $91 *Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontario $168 e Ail Ontario $380 *National Packages Available * Cali this paper for details! "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACEO" To mach a wfer market, acîvertise dh.oughout the reglonal menibershlp of the Ontario and Canadian Communlf y Newspap:erAssociadons. C*Central Ontario 50 newspapers - $168s for 25 words Ail Ontario 178 Newspapers - $380 for 25 words *Ail Canlada 583 newsalipers - $1,183 for 25 words For furthor informaton plu acli 1h. Whltby Fr.. Prmu Clausfkids 668-6111 I Whitby Frée -:P.ress à 6,68-6111 Office:Hours: Moniday t;oFri:day, 9:.-00 arn to ,*5.:00 pm * ax 668m-594 I MARKETPLACE "A dvertise'A cross Ontario orA cross the Country" ACCURATE CONTRACTING* " Home Improvements *Building Maintenance " Drywali.- Stucco - Painting FREE ESTIMA TES - 905-666-2185 The Mutuai Group HERBTRAN call for quotation 668-9669 e 432-72 RRIFs ANNUITIESi GICS RRSPS L- 1

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