Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Sep 1995, p. 23

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JOHN AND LILIAN NORTH are h4appy to announce the September 2t aement of their son Russelto Elizabeth (Liz) Rupa daughter of Shirley and Michael Rupa of Trinidad. Weddîng to take place in 1996. - ,,Enggement ~ Vem & Jean Grîffin of Whitby are pleased to announce the forth- corning ma*mage of their daughter Shirley Grifin to Dino Spina. son of Rosaiio Spina from Oshawa. The wedding will take place at Cornmunity Pentecostal Assembly in Oshawa on June 1, 1996.. BEST WISHES for a Happy Birthday or Anniversary. The dlassifieds are a special way to send greeingsl Cali 668-6111 MAGGIE - despite ,those mean-spirited, untrue statements: 1 do Jove -you; unconditionallyl OCTOBER: or sweetheart, it is over and we both lose! Happy Birthday Bill. VIVACIQUS, GREEN-EYED, petite lady, non-smoker, would like to meet a gentleman 60+. Enjoy travel, theatre, romantic dinners & quiet evenings at home. Box 10026 c/o Whitby Free Press, P.O. Box 206,_ Whitby, Ontario, Li N 5S1. BAHA'IS BELIEVE the essence of love is for man to tumn his heart to the Beloved One, and sever himself from aIl else but Him, and desire naught save that which is the desire of his Lord.. For information cal toll-free 1-800-433-3284. BUTCHER, MINNIE - peacefully ai the Oshawa General Hospital on Tues day, September 19, 1995, in her 96th year. Beloved wife of the late Dr. William J. Butcher. Dear mother of Keith Butcher'and his wife Isobel of Oshawa. Grandmother of Susan and her husband Mike Bransfield 0f Aurora, Bruce Butcher of Brooklin and his fniend Isabel, Beth and herhusband John Game of Oshawa and goeat-grandchildren Tyler and Daryl BransTield. Sister of the late Irene Butcher. A Memorial service was held on Sunday, September 24th, 1995 at Brookin United ýChurch, Brooklin. Memorial donations to the Palliative Care Unit of Oshawa General Hospital would be appreciated. Arrangements. under the direction of the Truli Funeral Home, "North Toronto Chapel." <416-488-1101). IN MEMORY -0f GORDON PROUSE, who passed awar September 30 1994. The sun stirI, shines, The skys still blue, Ofien my thoughts retum to you, Moments we shared, Memones 1 cherish, Are some of the things, That keep us together. Martha, children & grandchildren. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 27, 1995 , Page 23 's *~' 'r ~'N ~'$~ CNBCI * Reagan Andrews L Well, fellow Andersomians.. three weeks down and only nine months to go. What happened to summer? 1 know you're asking yourself right now, what is new'at Anderson? In sports, Anderson's senior girls' basketball team has started another impressive season. They placed third in the Queen's tournament recently. Good job, girls, keep it Yp. Don't forget about the university and college seminars te b. held over the next menti at lunch time. Also, we have' our annual fundraising assembly coming Up, ao I want to see a< lot of people out Grade 12 drama students at Anderson. CVI will present No Ies, a 60-minute stage production, in the drama room, room 107, of the school on Tuesday, Oct. 3, 9 te 10.a.m. Ail 25 students of the class, under teacher Margo Rodgers, contributed te the writing of the play and all will have roles. No Lies is about the experiènces of the students from age 13 to 19. Anyone is welcome to attend the presentation. PERSONLS>DAN . . . . . . . ...~,. ..~... .~. .- .... .... .,,,The Whitby Free Press..., .- 1-'800-853-6445 Ext* 47 . . 1900im to place your FREE P ro1 oF ro ors voice ad. .y' Itsooly. 24 hours a day FREE AD FREE VOICE GREETING FEE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL once a week CALL w451-,4882 Ext. 47 Pond'or browse ads. .99 per minute. You mnust be 1,8, ýand have a touchtone phone to use this service. Service brought to you by: Direct Response, Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, N.Y. 14221 Customer Service # 1 -800-647-3782 FE SA'n ADVENTUROUS SWF. 40, enJoys lite, dining in/out, skating, dancing, educationat activ- ites, seeklng communicative SWM, 38-48, ta Inspire my dreama goals. Ad# 8446 WARM LOVING GBF, 28. likes sociallzlng, movies, dining out, seeks GWF. 20-35. with a great sense of humor and a warm hèart, for rlendship, possible rae- ionship. Ad# 6272 LIKES BIKER TYPES SW mom, 30, 56", i 25bs.. blonde hair, blue/green eyes. lhree chul- dren, ikes camping, barbecues, swimming, going la Ithe park, seeks SWM, 30-40, wth rugged good looks, for a possible seriaus raea- tionship. Ad# 7430 HAVE A CHAT SWF, 40,. romantic, likes walks in the winter, cooking, crafts, many things, seeking SWM, 38 or over, close la 6, for friendship, possible relalionship. Ad# 9445 HONEST & SINCERE SWF, 22, tull-igured, sincere, hon- est, otd-fashioned values, ikes movies, quiet evenings, cuddting, short evening watks, seeks SWM, 23-2g, with simitar interesîs. ctean- miess is a must. Ad# 5107 NOTHING SERIOUSI SWF, 21. 5V, not int bar scene, enjoys fishing, long beach walks, camping, jogging, hocey, seeks SM, for friendshîp and casuat dat- ing only. Ad# 3178 SUPER NICE LADY SWF, 40s. 55B", blonde hair, fuît-fig. ured, likes cooking, watks, rides in the country, arts and cratts, seeks SWM, 38 or over, on the taiti side, for friendship, maybe more. Adn 9445 LIKES BEARDSIMUSTACHES SW mon, 31, 56*, 1251bs.. blonde flair, blue/green eyes, dedicated, enjoys rock/country music, camp- ing, motorcycles, walks seeking SWF. 30-40, for possible relation- ship. Ad# 4578 CALLING ALL FIREMENI SWF. 22. 54". 11O7lbs., sandy blonde hair, crystat blue eyes, drop dead smite, enjoys horseback nid- ing. dancing, watks, romance, seekîng SWM, 25-40, attractive, loi friendship. Ade 8489 LEAVE NAME à NIJMBER SWF, 47, active, high morals, suc- cessfut in business, toves home, gardening, the finer thlngs in lite, seeking SWM, 45-55, wilh hlgh morals and good characler, for friendship, maybs more. Ad# 7963 HOME FOR SUMMÉR SWF, 20, 5V, 120lbs., outgoing, energetlc, college-student, seeking SWM, 18-25, for friendshlp, maybe relatlonship. Ad# 8379 tilt SWF 23, 56*, dirty blonde flair, blue eyes, full-figured, two children, seeklng SWM, 23-26, ta hang out with and have a good ime with, for friendship, maybe more. Ad# 7224 GOOD OUALMES GBF, 28, warm-loving, ikes going 10 the movies, sociatizing, bars, seeking GWF, 20-35, with a simitar character, for friendshie, possible relatianship. Ad# 6272 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWF, 37, 51, î 4lbs., blue eyes, blonde hair, enjoys biking, walks, sports, dining out, TV, seeks SM, simitar inlerests, for possible rets- tionship. Ad# 9129 SETILE DOWN TOGETHER SWF, 21, one daughtér, seeks responsible, emptoyed, considerate SWM, 25-31, who ikes amusement parks, dining, lunches, and fias noa dependents and fias neyer been married. Whitby area.Ad# 9526 SEEKS MR PERFECT SWF, 22, 56", blonde hair, blue eyes, slightty full-figured, lîkes ta party on the weskends, seeks sin- cere, honest SWM, 24-29, for friendship, maybe mare. Whitby area.AdN 8547 VERY HIGH MORALS Active SF. 46. successful in busi- ness, loves home, gardening, finer things in lite. seeking intelligent. humoraus SM, must be aI gond character. Whilby ares. Ad# 7388 WHITBY OR OSHAWA SWGF, 29. enjays sports, horse- back riding, romantic evenings, walch movies at home, seekîng SGF, ta be friends wth. maybe more. Ad# 2861 LADY FROM CANADA GAF, 23, 52T, lOgîbs., long flair. brown eyes, petite, excellent shape, seeking Mtender, blonde SWF, 2029. lor rlendship, passible relalîonship. Oshawa area. Adn 1252 YOCUM & BROOKS SWF, 36, gonmd sense of humai, one son, likes rock and country music, watks, full moons, stars ln the sky, dancing, quiet eveningsata home, seeking SWM, 36-47, for frlendship, passible relatlanship. Oshawa area. Ad# 9667 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF, 19, 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, Irsh, one daughler, goad sense af humar, easy ta gel alang wilh, likes kids, golng for long walks, cuddting, movies, some sports, seeking tall, dark SWM, 20- 29. Oshawa ares. AdN 5600 DURHAM REGION SWF, 19, enjoys alternative music. seeking SWM, 19-22, for frlend- shlp, going ta concerts, hanging out.Oshawa aiea. Ad# 6362 TALL BEAUTY SWF, 18, 5'l11', modet, enjoys movies, seeking, SWM, 18.25, 66»+. for riendship possible rela- tlonship. Whtby ares. Ad# 6970 IS THISVYOU? SWF, 29, 5'2», dark blonde flair, green eyes, son, 10. enjoys pets, shooting pool, ouldoars, horses, Harleys, seeks ruggedly hand- some, SWM, 33-36, facial flair a plus, 5'8"+-, for possible relation- ship. Oshawa area Ad# 9495 LET'S DANCE SWF, English lady, petite, 54, 53", red haîr, blue eyes, enjoys interme- diate ballraom dancing, loves~ dogs. watks on the beach, seeking a SWM, 50-65. Whtby ares. Ad# 3033- DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34, 55*. brown hair. blue eyes, enjoya country music, talk- ing, dancing, camping, much more, seeking SWMV, 32-45, must lke children, similar interesîs. Oshawa ares. Ad# 2208 l'LL GET BACK TO YOU SWF, 30 professionat, attractive, long blonde hair, green eyes, enjoys banda, basebaît, camping. working out, outdoors, seeks SWM. prolessional, similar inter- ests. for friendship, possible romance. Whitby ares. Adn# 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, enjaya dancing, movies, animais, sports, autdoors, isarning, seeking SGF, sny age, wilh imilar Interesal, frienda tirai, msybe mare. Whitby ares. Ad# 1819 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46, seeka haneat, sincers, intelligent SWM, 45-58, who lias high marais and enjoys Ifs better lite for friendahip and a long termn cammitmeni Whitby ares. Ad# 7388 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF, 37, 58V. brawn flair, sligfly overweighl, wears glasses, ans son, ikea country music, dining out, mavies, nature walks. seeks sensitive, fun-loving, patient SM. 37-47, who likea kîda Whiby area. Adn 1485 HAPPY PERSON SWF, 25, N/S, nan-drinker, red flair, brawn syes, new ta Oshawa. seeking SWM, 25-35. N/S, ta gel togelfier with, muaI ba in Oshlawa ares. Adn 1433 GREEN EYES 81-SWF. 30, 54W, slightly fuît fîg- ureri, long dark flair, aesking SF. 23+, ta, talk ta, go ta clubs wth, for friendship anly ta astart. Oshawa ares. Ad# 8092 ON THE LAKE SWM, 48, honeat, alfectionate, sense of humor. enjoys ouldoors, boaling, cooking, movies, dinling out, taira, seeking SWF, with same values, single moma 0k. Ad# 4476 LOOKING GWM, 24, 5'10-. iSOîbs., neyer dons Ihis before, seeking GWM, 18-24, for friendship/companion- ship. Adn 6435 THAT SPECIAL PERSON SWM, 29, 57, curly hair, very laid back, casual, casual drinker, seeka down ta earth SWF, any age, who enjoys parka, dining in, watching movies, kids are okay, for lriend- ship, maybs more. Adn 3334 LAID BACK SWM, 30, casual, occasional drinker, no kida, ans dog, sesking SF, who is not JnIa head gamea, for frlendship, maybe more. Adn 3436 VERY ATTRACTIVE SWM, 36, 58, well-built, enjoys being active, skiing, cycting, sait- ing, seeks attractive, employed SF, 20-30. wilh similar interesîs, for possible relatianship. Adn 3284 NOT INTO HEAD GAMÇS SWM, 43, easygoing, open-mind- ed, likes traveling, dining ouI, quiet limes, camping. outttoar activîies, seeka SWF, 36-40, for friendship, possible relationship, in the Oshawa area. Adn 6811 Ht GENTLEMEN GWM, 25, 6'. lSStbs., blond flair, brown eyes, smoolh well toned body, seeks SWM, 27 or under, for friendsflip, possible relationship. Adn 5979 LITTLE BIT BORED SWM, 30, 58-, l6Olbs,. likes high sneigy fun, sseking like-minded SF, ta spend ime wilh. Adn 4736 LIKES KEEPING ACTIVE SM. 25. 511", 180lbs., short brown curly flair, blue syes, going ta be a firefigflter, likes music, dancing, parties, clubs, bîking, walks. hiking, Ihs autdoors. seeking SE, 19-29, wilh similar interests. Ad# 8347 PERSON TO MEET SWM, 43, l45lbs., blond hair, hazet eyes, gond looklng, likes country/rock music, long walks, dancing, ive concerts, camping, dining, movies, romantic eveninga ai home, seeka SWF, 36-45, must like kids. Adn 1957 DURHAM AREA SWM, 43, N/S, open-minded, easygoing, likes traveling, dining, quiet limes, camping, ouldoor aclivities, seeking SWF, 36-43, for lîiendship, possible relationship, no games. Ad# 6811 INTERESTINO & EXCTNG SWM. 49, 59'. l8lbs., brown flair, sexy blue eyes, self-employed, likes downhill skiing. golfing, travet- ing, seeks medium built, N/S, down ta earth, intelligent SWF, 35 or aver, who is welt-dressed. Adn 9953 TWENTVSOMETHING SWM, 26, 6'. 160ibs., blond hair, bI us eyes, likes fitness, movies, volleyball, dining, dancing, aeeking SWF, 20-29, for friendship, possi- ble relationship. Adn 9544 A CARING RELATIONSHIP GWM, 20, 59, 1351bs., brown flair, blue eyes, likes camping, dancing, going ta clubs, quiet eveningsata home, seeking GWM, 18-25, for friendship and fun. maybe more. Adn 2774 A NICE SMILE SWM, 30, 6'. blond hair, green syes, slim build, attractive, essygo- ing, likes movies, swimming, the beach. camping. car trips, seeks easygoing, honesl, sincere, carîng, attractive SWIF, 26-33, no depen- .dents. Adn 8390 SELF-EMPLOYED SWM, 22, 1651bs., bîown hair/eyes, seekîng SWF, 18-25, easygoing. likes long walks, drives. movies. cuddling, single moma welcome, for friendship. Adn 9985 1 PROMISE... SWGM. 20, 59». 1 35lbs., brown flair, blue sys, enjoys camping, movies, gaing ta clubs, quiet nights aI home, seeking SWGM. 18-25, for frisndship and fun. teading ta possible relationship. Ad# 2427 With Auto Ad taking, just use your touchtone phone to answer some questions about yoursetf and the type af persan you would like to meet. Then record your voice greeting, and we'Il transcribe tl anto a print ad that witt appear in the Whitby Free Press. Whitby Free Press' Person tai Person Is availabte tor- single peopte seeklng relallanshlps. Ads containing explicit sexual or anatomical language witt flot be pub- lshed. We reserve the right to edit or retuse any ad. customner service 1 -800-847-3782. M Mate W White H Hispanle NC Native canadian S Single WW Widowed V Double Dater F Femate B Black A Asien c christian D Dlvorced N/S Non-smoker G Gay HOPELESS ROMANTIC 0W dad, 42, 510", l75lbs., klnd, carîng, honest, likes dining, danc- ing, long drives, picnics, music, the beach, seeking down la sarîfi SWF, 35-40, 1 35lbs., for a loving relatianship. Ad# 3354 PLAY THAT NOTEI SWM, 24, musicien, seeks slim, attractive SWF, 19-30, who fias a love for music, for friendship, posai. bIs ieltionship, fia head games. Ad# 5969 AH HNDYMAN WWWM, 53, 6'1". 180lba., tikea country music, dancing, walking, camping, traveling, mavies, relax- ing aI home, dining ouI, seeka 57M or taller, fit SWF. 45-55, wilh litlî or no emational baggage. Adn 3041 GET INVOLVED TOGETIIER SWM, 45, brown flair, tait, goad looking. apen-minded, seeking reti- able SWF, 40 or under, single moma are welcome. Ad# 2323 EXCITNG FUN SWM, 20, honeat, humorous, likea havîng fun, dancing, occasional diknseeks aulgoing, apen- midespontaneous SWF, 18 or over, for lriendship, possible rata- tionship. Whitby area. Ad# 6438 HOPE YOU CALL SWM. 36, enjoys live theatre. movies,- snuggtîng in front af the tirs, seeka SWF, 28-37. 5'-57, ta share intereata, possible relation- ship. Whitby ares. Ad# 8873 LET'S HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38, 6. l75lba,, enjoys camping, music. sports. travet, dao a, seeka ambiliaus, slim, cule GM, 18-24, wilh zest for ifs, smok- er. drug-free, for frîendship. maybe more. Whilby ares, Ad# 2053 WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWM, 19, amaker, laid back. enioya clubs, hockey, dining out, dancing. seeks SF, la share inter- esta. possible retationship. Whilby ares. Ad# 3402 NICE CATCH SWM. 25, setf emptoyed. goad background, likes many thînga. seeking sincere. goad looking SWF, 20-26. for friendship, possi- ble retationship. Oshawa ares. Adn 9321 RELATIONSHIP 5DM, 37 5l . 1iSOba.. fun, essy- gaing. likes mavies, music, dining, camedys, galng for drives, goi'ng ta the park, seeka attractive. allec- baonale SF, 18-50. lor an angaing rslatiort.ahlp. Oshawa ares. Adn 2835 A. NY>UM ie g o be reoordln yaur voieq rsetinq, bepie- pered'.. SPeakIt.th() atèe, way.8se ianest ereailveed - fbor.Cal 11y80-M W115 rit.,.e.kx ou il be pro edpté~ enser snasquestions about ,you)rselfertcl the type nt per»Jon you warît f10meet. An effective prlnted adI will e trestscribed from: your, volce grsetitig wbtch ahI! appear in the paper In 7 -10 days. ID.Whet ls en add tlumber? A The 4 iit nurrber et ths end 'of yaur print ad that allows sîn-i glas to al aind respand tli your mailbait. Q:What lo an accesu code?> A: A* coifidentiat 4 digit code that anly you kitow, ltaI stlows anly yeu ccess ta your mattbox. 0: Whet are Massages? A: Voice greeinga from other singles wflo responded ta your ad lnt nenwspaper or thraugh the brawse. Ta ien ta yaur messages for FREE, caîl 1-800. 853-6445 Ext. 47 once every 7 days or 1.000.451-482, Exi. 47 anytie, et a chaige af $1 .99 per minute. 0: What are systemn matches? A: Volce gisetinga fram ather adveitisers whose matching cil- taris is the same or aimîtar ta yours.Yau can listen ta your sys- temn matches lnstantly by catling 1-900-451-4882 Ext. 47. ai a charge of $1.99 per minute. O: What sa Smart Browse? A: A speciel feature that atlows yau ta tisten and respand. ta allier voice griqetinga that match lte, criterla you select. Cati 1- 000.451.482 Ext. 47, option 2, et a charge ai $1.99 per minute. 0: How do I respond ta mn ad? A: Cati 1-900-786-4882 Ext. 47. option 1. ai a charge af $1.99 per minute. the system wîti ask you ta enter the 4 digit ad num- ber at the ned ofthIe print ad. Press 1Iot respond. press 2 ta go on taolte next ad. 0: How do I cancet or renmw end ad? A: Cati customer service et 14800447-3782. 91 there raising money for our school. Interim reports go out Oct. 25, and for those who graduated ini June, Our commencement ceremony will be on Oct. 27. Grade 9 students and parents visit the school this Thursday for Grade 9 Information Nfight. Al Grade 9a will receive thefr firet report card on Oct. 6. Anyone who didn't get an activity card last week can still purchase one ini the student council office at lunch (it's next to the library entrance in the m hall). Get involved, students; our school spirit 'si icreasing oach year. Join clubs, teams, anything that will involve you ini our school. .You're going to be at Anderson for an important part of your life, 80 help make it great. sport sales atFarewell, ]Palmerston Col. J.E. Farewell Public School will hold their annugl sports exchange from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., on Thureday, Sept. 28 at 810 McQuay Blvd., Whitby. 'rhere wîlU be sports equipment, dance' costumes, Halloween costumes, skating costumes, dance attire, exorcise equipment and other recreational items and equipment. Palmerston Pubic School will hold a ski, skate and sports equipment sale on Saturday, Sept. 30, 1 to 3 p.m. Grade 8 students are hosting the sale. PSYCHIC ANSWERS RATED #1 IN CANADA Talk lve one on one CERTIFIED PSYCHICS wlth mystical oers .. .find out about your future...concems about love, money or career. call now 1-900-451-4055.24 hrs. a day for Instant answers. Evanly-Rays, là+, $2.99Imin. in Canada oel 1-900-451-4055 _

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