Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 27 Sep 1995, p. 9

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Mistakes made with nmmey (Part ID They take unneoSaary riska by being either too conaervatiue or too spoezdatiue Some investors try to obtain such a hlgh return of their money that they dramatically icrease thie probabiity of losing much of their capital. -Others risk losing Borne of the purchasing power of their dollars through too conservative a guaranteed program. Some leas extreme program in either direction la far more prudent. They don't protect themaeluea againat the kom of their earnng paumer. Approximately one-third of the people qged 35 today wil b. disabled for more than three montha before reaching age 65 - and half of these disabilities wil Iast two years or more. What make it even more tragic je that many of these mon and women provide ail or more of the family icorne. There is on. good way to make certain that if you are laid up you won't be wiped out fincially. Itfs cailed disability income insurance and ia designed to provide moet of the mroney you'll need to pay those bis when you have to stop working. Iltey make invesiment deciajona on the baàia ofemotiona rather than logic. There are thâree questions one should always ask before rnaking any investment decision: (1> What is the potentiel reward? (2) What je the risk? and (3) "I5 thie potentiel reward worth thie riek involved7' Moat investors, however, ignore tuis risk/reward test. Theylet theirernotions make the decisions for thern, which more often than not will b. wrong. They ftil to diueraify their anet,& bany -times an investor will get ail excited about one type of investment and commit ail of hie or her inveetable assets to it. It la far more prudent to diversifSr your assets in several different types of investrnent. They don't olow enougk tinte for auoeesaful reaulta. Too rnany people want it ail right now. They become dissatisfied with an investment i a matter of months rather tha being patient and allowing several years for that investment ta produce the. resuits for which theyr had hoped. There is no such thing as a good "one- year" investrnent program. Those who will need their money within a year should deposit that rnoney in smre forrn or guaranteed dollars. They don't ne professional advaoe on their overoil financial programn. Most people have been sold life Insurance by an nurcesalesperson, stocks by a stock broker, etc. They deposit their savings in a bank or savinge and loan because of the. guarantee and high interest rates. They have no organized financial program that is planned around their financial objectives - considering such factors as tlieir age, children, emotional '"r"e" mnt inome, present resoluces, tax bracket, etc. They would do weil to get advioe frorn soreone experienced in helping others with their financial plannig. Dereh Dutka is an .indexndent finandial pionner with Finonciai Concept Group in Osawa.. Offering ail insolvency services including personal & corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX: 50 Commercial Ave. 619-1473 COBOURG: 72 King St. W. 372-4744 Saturday & evening appointments available. FREE initial consultation. Cotfdb tiil Document Shreddung *Hîgh volume equîpment wîll reduce your shreddîng cost *Secure locked containers at no extra cost *Bonded drivers *100% of paper is recycled *Certificate of destruction *Volume discounts available year-end, clean-outs (AIL 110W (905) 427-3605 (Derrick) WASTE SYSTEMS JAMES R. YANCH 1 Clerical & Word Processlng ICustomlzed Resumes ICorrespondence 0 Manuals 3 Mailing Lists 0. Reports 3Laser Printer 1 Fax & Mail Service 1 Pickup & Delivery Cail 432.1491 Whitby Fr.. Press, Wedineeday, Septeenber 27, 1995.,Page9 Otter Cr ndalsm declinesa By JohnR Dujay Vandallarn ba dedlined in the Otter Creek ares since a petition about the problern was submitted ta the Town in July. Accordlng ta a parks dopait- ment report presented at Monday night's operations committe., meeting, the potition wus then given ta Durham Regional Police. Staff and police have since studied the situation and have corne up with a number of possi- ble reasons why the vandalisrn rate bas fallen. They include -ini- creased public awareness, target- ing of areas by police which have a high incidence af vandalisrn, and increased follow -up of beade with respect La enforcernent. "Tii. Town doos have a vandal- isrn bylaw and we will pursue it," eaid regional councillor Gerry Enir. 'W. don't want this de- struction." Parks and recreation director Larry Morrow eaid the Town and the police have cooperated in various waye ta combat the prob- lem. These inclikde updating the parka bylaw and placing bylaw and reward information signa. Morrow said the Town has Instituted a!mo taleranc."policy toward vandals. In one case, the Town pursued the parents of a young offender and obtain.d a money ta repair the damnage: Iàghting the- pathway and re- rnoving the berrn, where vandale rnay have hidden, were dis- counted as possible solutions - they were too expensive. The out of the. two messures would have been $30,000 with an annual operating out af $500 to maintain the lights. Only $150 will be spent ta post bylaw signa inthe psrk Poice board vacancy to be filed By Mm*kRe.or hopes to have that finished by Oct. Provincial officiae will soon 1 - recomnrendations are made ta begin interviewing candidates who minister Bob Runciman's office. -want to replacesa retiring member 'These appointrnents are made of the Durham Regional Police at'the pleasure of the minister... s0 services board. ho lias the. final say." Allen McPhaills six-year term on Once the minister decides, an the board expires Nov. 15. order-in-council is drawn Up, McPhail, a Cannington resident wbich lias ta ho approved by and former Brock township mayor, cabinet and signed off by the. was a provincial appointee. lieutenant-governor. The Mnistry of the. Solicitor "Cabinet only meets once a week General and Correctional Services and it bas ta be sclieduled ta get on recently ran newspaper ada asking the cabinet agenda (so) it'sa long, interested people ta submit their lengthy proceas... wbich can take resumes. anywhere frorn six ta 10 weeks.* * Jane Eeles, who coordinaa She's hoping ta have a new public appointments for the. appointe. "ready ta go" by the. tirne rninistry, says once ehort-listed McPhail's terrn expires so thero' candidates are interviewed - aha nnt a vat-ancv on the board. Pen.tiumprocessorsbasedRN i MDesigned for E ~rn incredihile urices Microsoft,~r..fo, WndowÈ95 ~ MM ÉPC CDIFX95 Peniu Processor models Intel Pentium processor 8M RAM, 256k cache PCLtocal bus architecture QUAO speed CD ROM 6 bit ,ound card OuaL amptified speakers E go *144 Voice/fax/Modem Interner Starier Kit *530ýMBh gh peedharddroceB* I c~. * s3è6'S~>~'~ t 3/ppy drive MS Mouse and mouse pad *M Wndows95pl adgd .....ne pplrsof twarpckages go T~hree >ear parts & labour warrant f/rit rear on-site service* MIPC CD/FX systems includes nine popular software tities: Monitor flot included Micosoft Encarta'95 - Golf - Works - Dangerous Creatures - Money Scenes' CDIFX95-575E *Entertainmnent Pack -CD Sampler - and Set's Learo Vol. t Intel 75MHZpcso go- a go ~~~~Eseryt/iing you do vvith a PC s casier and fas terCDF 5- 0 - ug vvith Windows 95. 32-bit architecture delivers Itl9Mzrcso U T U (aster and smoother performance. 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