Whtby Free Press, Weckiesday, September 20, 1995, page 3 Items from Whitby coumeil agenda(s) RecoMmendations from the planning addeveloping comumitte. That council arve a site plan applicationafrom K-Mart Canada for the enlargoment and refurbshlng of its Kendalwood Plaza store. The plan detals a 15,888l-square- foot exinsion to the west side of the building and the enclosure. of the now open gardon centre. The Inside of the store wiUl be compietely rwvamped and a new entrance, canor.y and slgn WU be Recommended to council Recommendations from the operations conmttee That the low bld 0f $9,536.37 from Royal Pavlng of Lindsay for the granular sealng of road shulders in north Whltby bé aoeepted. Rocommended to council That the proposai of JMA Communications Spectrum 0of Mount Abert for the creation and production 0f about 20,000 32-page waste management calendars and logo, for $35,621, b. accepted, subjeot to tho Town recelving a 50 per cent subsldy f rom tho provincial govemment and that the tender of $805 from OshawafWhitby This Week to dolver the calendar b. accopted. The calondar ls to be madleof at least 50 per cent rocycled paper and JMA has the rlght to soul advertislng on each page. JMA can keep 80 per cent 0f the ad revenue, with the remaining 20 per cent to bo usod to oftset the costaol which ls owned by the Whitby Baptist Church, MIi be offered to the church for $79,200. Recommended to council That a report from public works diroctor Wayne Hancockç on the extension of Roan Drive bo reoived for Information-- Committge suggests the Town go ahead with the extension, whlch woulIncludecoenstructing a storm sewor. curb and gutter, asphait pavement and concrete sldewalk. Rocommended to council By Mark Hessor Part of a move by Family Kartways te, changeii. zoning on its proporty te legalize current use and permit others got a rougli reception from neiglibouring property owners. The 4305 Baldwin St. S. (H-ighway 12) go-kart and amusement park is asking the Town te amend its existing agricultural zonng te permit the construction of a 40-ian. bowling alley. It aloo wanta an amending bylaw that would legalize current uses that include various amusement rides, go-kart rides and racing, a restaurant, battingl cage and mini-goilf Some uses currently do not "appear te b. conforming te tthe bylaw," admits planning director Bob Short, wlio steppod short of agreeing that tliey- were illegal.. But what enraged neigbbouning residents was a request te permit racing of two-cycle and four-cycle By Mark Ressor Many Sinclair S.coudary Schooi studenta wore Canadian Sagu - on. even used on. as a cape - last week te protest a student!e suspension. A Grade 10 student at tue echool liad sewn a flag on tue back of hie jacket sud wae wearing it when a teaclier spotted it, according te hie mother. He was ordered te remove it because tue teacher said it was raciet. Ho refused sud wae suspended, ah. says. "W. got iiold cf the police station sud tuey said 'no it wasu't (racist).' Wo teok it over te tue Oshawa police station tue otuer niglit sud tiiey actually, al cf tiiem tuat were ln tiers, stood up sud started laiughing over it. "They said'we wear tue Canada flag, are we racit! The student, who, hie motuor admits, lsa raciet - "lie doesn't lot it be knownteppeope but heis"- returned te echool Friday. "W. teid tue schooi iie is coin back te eclicol, witu his jacket on whetuer you li.ke it or not; we were told tuat it was not racist sud tuat's it," she sys. mhe studenfis father had littie te say about tue situation at preseut. 'Tv. get tue police involved in it se I really don't want te say too mucli about it.. I want te wait and hold off sudd50S what tue echool is going te do about it first... 'Ii. flag issue is s big issue sud tliere's a lot of thinge going on at that echool that eliouldn't bo going on." "Honeet, w. didn't have a Id suspended for wearing a flag," says Sinclair principal Kay Egan. "A rumeur about a student who was suspended for inappropriate isuguage - it was a littie incident -- very quickly got turned iute a studeut being. euspeuded for wearing a flag." mhe incident began when s studeut was teld te take bis coat off, she sys. "Our kIds areu't allowed to wear coats in the hall; you have te put your coat away." The jacket did have a flag on it but ah.e sys tuat waen't tue issue. "Ho was being asked te take it off and put it in alock.r... this issue cf him being suspended oertaiuly was go-karts on both tihe aid (south) and n.w tracks at the. faciity. The current bylaw permits racing on the. old track only, and with only the. quieter four-cycle go-karts. "Have you any idea of thie noise pollution this applicant is applying for," asked Cuilen Gardons owner Len Cuilen. "Do you know what it's like on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday afternoon te sit in your backyard and listen te tthe continued, nervo-wracking, brain-splitting, ugly. uncomfortable sound of these litt. monsters tearing around the. track, hour after hour?" mhe ares is zoned residential and a lot of new residents will b. moving in in the. nezt fow years, lie warned commtte. "Have you any idea five or 10 years from now the. number of people wio wil MI this council room with objections te tii. noise... it will b. bedlam," said Cuilen. H. aiso noted that the. Catholic no t related te anytbing other t1han hie mouth." Egan sys elie even made an announcemout over the echool PA system Wedneeday to try sud clear up the situation. "W. have a Canadian flag flying in the front of tue echool, we have Canadisu Slagsasround the. building - wo're very proud te b.e Canadianst. "But I said we definitely are couoerued about the. wesring of symbole of racist organizations. Theso are symbole that the police have ideutified for us sud w. are not going te change our mind on ailowing that on echool property." Egaur says sho ld the. suspeuded studout'e; father that lier understanding from the Durham Regional Police street crime unit is that a Canadian flag can b. a raciet symbol. «But I teid bim, teo, that obviously I was in the. middle of a situation tuat I couldn't win. How do you argue about a Canadian flag? But police are "quit. clear on tue fact that a symbol of any sort by itaelf means nothing-, it lias a whole lot te do witu the. student's behaviour or the. student's attitude or ail tue rost of it." Egan says she made it clear ln the announcement tuat the echool lias ne problem witli students woariug f"commerciaily-aold t-shirts and jackets with Canadian flags," addi.ng the sehool lis even ordered somne Canadlian flag pins school board is building a Frenchi higli scliool just south of Family Kartways. Cullen suggested the. bowling alloy application was a way of maskingwhat wasrealy wanted - increased racing and the use of two-cycle karts. In response to Cullen's qýiestioning, Short said ho believes Faxnily Kartways lias applied for pormits. for ail its buildings but couldn't say wliether it had permits for ail structures on the property. MDid they pass noise tests, environmental tests, engineer and safety structure tests liko someone acoesthe . md recently liad te do to build a simple little building,« Cullen continued. "Did they pay their building permits and fees for ail of these structures that tliey have?" "Mr. chairmant I cannot respond te those particular questions," Short replied. James Hunter, a part-owner of a property just north of the from Durham riding MP Alet Sheplierd. But eliee sys she's checking with the. Whitby Legion Brandi te 500 iiow tue Canadian flsg should b. dieplayed because Tlm not convinced, but tuis is my personal beliefC that it la acceptable te sew a big flag on tue back cf your coat." She mey several etudents who wore Canadian fSags, lnciudiug one who woreit around hie back as a cape, were teld to remove them. Sinclair is trying te look at tue behaviours ofestudents, and ensure that everybody le treated fairly, she sys, "because I wish I could tell you we didn't but we certainly do have a couple of kIds hore who are incredibly raciet, and what we do is insist that their beliaviour is tue same as everyoue eise's. "They can believe 'what tuey want - I mean, you can't go in someoue'e head and readjust their beliefs - but they do have te behave tue same as everybody else." Kartways, urged counïilors te talk te other municPolitien Whio have racetracha if tlieWre considering letting Family KartwaYs proceed. Since theres non-conform*n uses, "What if tlieres a firn there? Areoyou asa township or acity in any way responsible for this? - "What about the sanitation on tUs place. They have races ther. every Saturday. Do you se. any portable toilets? Have you walked along the. road and smeiled the garbage or the sewage tiat's coming out? 'In on. Of Mr. Short's reports, ho describes thila thing as a narrow strip of hazard land adjacent te a creek running througli. tus proporty... . 71believe tisissue is a very live one for the. whole community. Why don't we get the. wlole community involv.d... this is a very valuable property, ini the centre of your town."- If theres a bylaw preventing two-cycle karts on thie track, it sliould b. enforced, argued neiglibour Bernard Bice, wlio noted that bis mother used te have te go away Sundays te, get some peace and oscpe thie din. Another neighbour, Lois Atkinson, said her mother "couldn't even hear lier television" because of the noise. Jim Priest estimates h. livos some two kilometres away from the. Kartways but complains even lie can liear the karts on Sunday afternoons. "IE the noise tliat exits now was allowed te b.e increased in any way, it would b. uncomfortablo." "Clearwly the inuant, of thiB apictois for a bowling facility -tliats tlie primary intent,. responded development consultan Paul Rycroft, wlio attended the- meeting with Russell Sorichetti (the Sorichetti faily owns aud operates Family Kartways). Rycroft says there's beon racing at the. site since thie 1950s, before the. Soricliettis owned the fadility. "W. want te set straiglit, in addition te the bowling facility, tiie uses and have tliem legaiized on thei* site, liowever they have evolved over time." Rycroft expects noise, parking and trafflc studios and a storm water and servicing report te be completed ini the next month or two. Committee voted to recomniend te council that planning staff report back once the. resuits of the tests and ail agency aud public commenta have been received and assessod. j. FLAPoVRFAG Sinclair students prtSt suspension In Durhm *Appraisals- On Spot Bu y2 Rear~ as Gem -Tm 0e mBirds epars- Dys Birds @) Get 3rd at *Remodelling OiialHncrafted 1/OF 211 Brock St. S., Whitby 666-4612 *Carson Wagonhit Travel (selected homes) (Re/Max Summit Realty) (selected homes) Dundas Centre/ Pringle Creek Guardian Drugs (selected homes) *Prince Restaurant (selected homes) *Andrew Wood (Buchanan Realty Services Inc.) (Brooklin, Ashburn, RR#2) If you did flot get a fiyer which is listed for full distribution, give us a cali. mý