Page 4, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 13, 1995 A&utolrecydcllng plIant plan witlhdrawn By Miko Kowaiski A controversial automobile recyclixg plant proposed for Port (Mclntosh Cortland Snow Whitby has been scrappod. Owners of Whitby Auto Wrecloer have abandoned plans te, Red Deliejous Talmon Sweet Spy Spartanj Empire APPLES. + Family Fun a straw maze e picnic'shelter DOurhani 211 Uka If 1N * c ider * animais pumpkins Ciak LaloRd oe2d LieSo Wealthy McIntosh Spartan Cortland Empire Red Deliclous Golden Deliclous Idared Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct.1 Sept. Oct. Sept. *Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. --j 1 er 1geolden Russet Oct. 10 to Oct. 24 Follw or ~Northern Spy Oct. 15 to Oct. 30 4kmecast o[LÙkeRd. on Chalk Lake Rd., OR 3 kmwest of Hwy 12 onScugUne 2 Cail 905- 985-2096 for Information This coupon is redeemnahle for 107cDISCOU~NT on apple produci purclîase prior Io oOclober 31. 1995. Noi tobhe comnbined with ihis or oher spedail offers. Ob__________________ nterested in TPNý these varlcUies Address _________________ PostlW Code _______ Phone I Pick your, own apples move their Brock Street Northi scrapyard to an empty lot on the southwest corner of Watson and Harbour streets. An application seeking to change the property's zoning to permit the recycling plant was witlidrawn eariier this summer. Opposition from area residents has forced the Labanovicli family to consider other locations - even outside the municipality - as a site for their third-generation buoiness. 'There was too mucli opposition te the idea, people were rnisinormed," d. caims Bill Labanovicli of bis company's new approacli th the traditional way of disposing of old cars. "We decided te witlidraw and look somewhere else." Labanovich has te move bis scrapyard because it and abutting properties are siated te become the home of a residential subdivision. But instead of the open-air operation associated with a wrecking yard, Labanovicli intends te run the business almost entirely indoors. A rezoning application te allow construction of a 31,000-square foot building on the Port Whitby site was filed by property owner Wilfred Stemeroff~, a local PEER SUPPORT The Peer support program is a volunteer opportunity for women interested in working towards violence against women. For further information, contact S9harlene or Lisa at 723-0036. businessman, earlier this year. However, the proposai quickly ran inte a roadblock when it came before Town council's plang and deveiopment commnittee. Two separate potitions toitalling 100 signatures were given te the committee at a publiceliearing in May. Angry liomeowners rejected the applicants' contention that the plant , would be an "environmentaliy" state-of-the-art operation and expressed fears about increased traffic, noise and potential damage to the evironment from chenîical spells. Despite being teid their fears were groundless, residents feit the proposai did not warrant changing the aite's prestige industrial zoning. Aithougli he has not set a deadline for making a decision on a new site, Labanovicli las dcsedbis proposai witli City of Oshiawa officiais and is aiso considering other Durham Region locales. "Our firat desire is te, stay in Whitby, but that doesn't seem likely," he says. "Whitby doesn't seem te be in a position te grant that zoning. Oshawa does, Ajax does, Whitby doesnt." Labanovich sayslie would meet with Town officiais again, but lias yet te pursue the matter further. Couneillor Marcel Bruneile, for one, hopes Labanovicli can be accommodated eisewhere in tewn. "I tbink there are a number of locations that would be suitable, but that is somaething I sliouid HISTOJILCAL FEATUIRE in the Whitby Free Press 1 .Which Ontario Premier- delivered the commencement address at the centen niai ai Whitby High Sohool an Dec. 13, 1946? 2.What Whitby newspapercdid, W.H. Higgins ai the Chranicle cali "the Smut Machine?" 3.What Whitby native was one of the only three Americans ta be named a Freeman of the worshipful campany of Goldsmiths ai London, England? 4. What Whitby Callegiate Institute principal leit maney in his wilI to establish public speaking prizes at the schaal? Answers on Page 27 This feature provided by Document Shredding *High volume. equipment will reduce your shredding cost *Secure locked containers at no extra cost *Bonded drivers *100% of paper is recycled *Certif icate of destruction *Volume discounts available year-end, clean-outs CALI NOVf (905) 427-3605 (Derrick) WASTE SYSTEMSj diseuss witli bim," says Brunelle, Plann and deveiopment cornmittee chair. "Wliat lie wants to do is environmentaliy sound and rmini favour of it. "Those old auto yards are no longer feasible. Wliat is needed is s3omething new and that'. exactly, wliat lie's proposing. . If we're going te, process automobiles, we need a lot more rational way and Fim hoping we can stillworksomething out." At the ' May public meeing, Labanovicli and bis solicitor Barry Micliaels tried te ailay the residents' and conimittee's concerna, but liad littie success. Labanovicli expiained that the car wMilb. flattened and thon put on trucks for delivery te, Co-Steel Là asco. Comrnittee members feit to many, questions remained unanswered and ordered that a number of studies be undertaken. by the applicant prior te a recommendation being made to council. North East corner of Westncy Road & Taunton Road A Family Outing T-1HEF MAYOR AND MEMBERS 0F COU*ICL 0F 11HE CRORTO F 1HE TOWN 0F WHITBY are gleed Io extand an ONTZENS 0F WHITY b band an OPEN HOUSE M the new FIRE DEPARTMENT HEADOUARTERS 11l - "Drie wNhy. Onaro on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 21ST, 1995 bebtwenhehours of 4:00 pm. and 8:00 p.m.