Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Aug 1995, p. 20

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Page 20, Whlýby Fiee Prest, Wechiesctay, Auguot 30, 1995 ......A.... .A......A PROFESSIOan. RFSIOA RFESOA RESUMES, ETC. Give your' job hunt the edge with a professionaliy prepared resume. Also press, releases, newsietter production, word processing. <905) 666-9902. WOOD RENEWERS - make decks, fences, woodsiding, Io structures look like new agaîn. Remove al weathernq, stains & paint. Sealer/stain will not peel or chip-. Work guaranteed. 655-3566. RENEW WORKS - we dlean and *seal your ltterlocking brick with our patented, environmentally friendly products. Free estimates and aIl work guaranteed. 655-3566. ELECTIRICIAN LIC. -# E-2268. Residentiai, commercial, indu striai, 24 hr. service. Free estimales. No job too smaii. AIl work guaranteed. caIl Frank at 905-666-0193. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive Guality Portraits. Studio or in home. Packes chiidren, families.. Pkaefrom $29. Aiso: weddings frornY299, old photos copied & restored 'opoa0 & promotionai. No GSTI (905)0427-9164. EXCAVATING &' TRENCHING, Bobcat $551hr., trucking $40/hr., mini hoe $50/hr., no *Ob 100 small, free estimates. 666U990. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS & Custom Designs - Come see us for aýil your sewing needs. Leather, zppers aiso men's tailoring available. Tues.-Fri. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, 133 Byran St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. KATE'S CUSTOM-MADE draperies. Free consultation. Shop ahore service. Low, Iow pnices. Caîl (905) 668-3048. HOME MAINTENANCE. Specializing in smali jobs - if you want to keep your house or apt. Iooking its best cati now for a fre estimate 666-0à88. OLYMPIC PAINTING - professionai jaintin g & waiipaper. ntenorfexterior. No job too small. For good pnices & good work, cati George ai 725-7870 or 666-2091. Free estimates. PROFESSIONAL CAR ctleaning. rIntenior steam while you shop for only $39.95. 8.00 arn - 5.00 pm at the Pickering Flea Market. For oniy $39.00 we wiIt dlean your carpets, seats, doors and mats, compiete intenor for $59.00 or complete exterior polish.for, $39.00. FoIiow signs 10 North side of building. Enqiries or at-home service, oei Damin at (905) 839-2573. HENK KARELSEN Painting &. Home Repair. Qualit!y work, interiorlextenor. Over 20 years expenence. No job 100 small. Free >estima tes. 1-800-423-0823. HOME-. RENOVATIONS & restoration. Plans, inspections, specifications, carpentry, piumbing, e1ectrcal, Wind.ows, energyý conservation. Cati Jacques of Ail Trades, .ASHRAE. #05385 666-0993. L an DMOWING. Our specialty - lawn cut n' trim. Aiso hedqe shearing and yard dlean-up. Qualmty workmanship guaranteed. Toli-free pager 1-416-553-8180. PAINTING INTERIOR/EXTERIOR quality work, best materiai used. For those who deserve more for their money, oeil Joe 721-2706, please ieave message. PROFESSIONAL PAINTING& decorating by Aýdran Pope. Over 23 years experience, intenior & exterior, waiipaper specialist. For your free estimate cati 655-4254. FORGET ME KNOT FLOWERS, Flowers, Ftowers. Spcaizing in last minute flower,chapagne**& Balloon-A-Gram deliveries. R oses: sweetheart $32 dozen, kwig-stem $40 dozen. Carnations $20 dozen. Mixed bouquets from $ý5. Ail prices include tax, local deiivery, fem, baby's breath, packaging & ribbon. Smiies are freel Wholesaie pnoes available, to restaurants and offlices. Cali (905) 428-1305 <905) 619-3055, (416) 424-363g. GRANDMA'S CLEANING COMPANY offers highiy trained, dependabie, courteous cleaners. Bonded insured & police security checked. We are very lxbe o more information oeil 725-9177. PROFESSIONAL CARPET 'and uphoistery team cleaning. Any 5 roos -$7.95. Living room, dnn room and hall - $34.95. Sofa, chair, loveseat - $69.00. Giving you quality workmanship at a pnce- you can afford. Ail work guaranteed. Book your appointmyent today, oel Damrn a t (905) 839-2573. You've lried the rest now lry the best. LANDSCAPING - speciai izing in prunin g, clean-ups lawn & garden care, planlings. Free estimâtes. Reasonabie. I.icensed .& oertified landscaper.- Grass cutting & trimming $12 & up. Cai Paul Hurst 668-0242. VOUR #1 SEWING CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs. Ail makes. 10% Seniors' discount. Complete, lune-up frorn $2995 + parts. Factory trained lechnicians. For free pick-up & deiivery oeil 432-7375. et4m a<e 4d. CALP MARIONS HOUSEQ!ANING SERVIR husband & wife team> We have a service to fit ypur needs & budget starting at $50. Cali us at (905) 706-0526 or (905) 427-3607 I * wood f encing &desasoe WeD666-Fles 86 1' m jq w i: -1111: ' i ki 14'À :1 T,,1 *Windows *Doors *Awnings *Siding *Patio Doors Hleidi Schempp RIConsumers Gas Dealer 11Lowv Financing Available --i 325 Hopkinhs St.. Whitby LI N 2C i1 668-2252 * 686-1853 1 AS ABOUTsOU SPECAL BUSINESS ýOPPS. SCHNEIDER'S POPCORN PAR- TIES actively seeking representa- tives ta market exciting papcarn praducts. If you are interested ln a home-based business/eamlng extra incarne, cali 1-800-665-6484. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT FUNDS. Govern- ment assistance pragrams informa- tion availabie. For your new or éxist- ing business. Take advanitage of the government grants and baàns. Caîl 1-800-915-3615. .CAERTANN BE A SUCCESSFUL WRITER ... with aur great home-study course. -Cali for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267-1829. The -Writing Schooî, 2382-38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ont. KI L 6R2. BE AN INTERIOR DECORATOR. .with aur great home-study caurse. Cail for a FREE BOOK. 1-800-267- 1829, The Sheffield Schaol, 1006- 38 McArthur Ave., Ottawa, Ontario Ki L 6R2. Q UICK/EASY TAX COURSES. Buiîd your careen/earning potential by seif-study. Free brochure. 1-204- 956-7161; 1-800-219-8889; Fax: 1- 204-949-9429. Jacks Institute, 902- 167 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0V3. BOOKKEEPING AND INCOME TAX COURSES!. Leam Income Tax Preparation and Bookkeeping by correspandence. Earn your certifi- cate now. For free brochures, no obligation, contact U & R Tax Schoois, P.O. Bax 6052, London, Ontaria, _N5W 5R6, 1-800-665-5144, aven 20 years af tax training experi- ence.1 COMPUTER SOFTWARE TRAIN- ING. in-depth hands-an instruction for popular software packages, in house or an site: spreadsheeting, wond-pracessing, database, presen- tations, and mare. For Information phone (705) 435-3988. EDUCATIONAL OPPS. NEW CAREER OPPORTUNITYI Train, upgrade retire in a powerfui ne.. profession.,Becomne a Cortifiad Master Hypnotist/Hypnotherapist. Free information package-. Alandel SchoI & Clinics 1-800-661-2099 Ext. 250. FOR SALE WHOLESALE HOT WATER HEAT- ING Systems and Parts factory direct prepaid. Exchanges, pump, underground insulatian, furnaces, etc. Free catalog. Cali message centre 1-800-61 Ç-4666, after Spmn. SALES HELPW.ANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lat of, money seiiing chocolate bars NEW $2.00 PROD UCTS. Nothlng ta pay ln advance. Fast dellvery 1-800-383-3589. KATYS CLOSET. 100% Canadian direct sales company featuring affordable ladies' fashions, needs coordinatoirs ln your area. Eam 30% commission. Start your business-. with $50 investment. No experience necessary. 1-800-563-7752. HIGH COMMISSION. Homhe-based emplayment. Full training. Fui/part- time representatives required throughout Ontario for Identification sales. Send resumes ta Search Ouest, 30 Foster Street, Perth, Ontario K7H 1 R7. PAY TLEPHt~E:8E W PSYCHIC ALLIANCE. 100,000+ satisfied customers. July - 3 iottery winners. Salve ,ail probiems ... Answers about love,' maney, career ... $3.49/mln ... Talklilve 1 on 1_..24 hirs...1 8+...al calis confi- dential. 1-900-451-4336. PSYCHîC MASTERSI Genuine Canadian-Psychics tell ail. Answers on Romance, Wealth, Career, Lucky Numbers. Live and personai. 1-900- 451-3778. $2.99/min j,8+, .1-on-1,' 24 hrs. I.C.C._ HEAVENLY PSYCHIC ANSWERS.ý Friend of thousands, multl-taiented International psychics. Relation- ships, Future, Finance, Career, Live 24,Hours, $2.99/Min. 'l8+î- 1-900- 451-3783. RARE GIFTED Psychlcs wiil guide *you In ail aspects of. lave, success, money, difficuit decîsians. Takecon- trai of yaur destinyl 18+. $3.99/min. *Cali nowl 1-900-870-2778 Ext. 175. UNEXP 'LAîNED POWERI Psychic tells yau things you may nat even want ta knowl 1-900-870-2217.. $2.99 per minute. 18+. REAL ESTATEý1. GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take itl Ameni- ca's largest, oldest resale clearing- hause. Resort Sales International 1-, 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cati 24 hours a day. ..STEEL BUILDINGS FOR SALE. STEEL BUILDINGS Quansiat & Stiaightwali. A eheap Building offers nofIexibility, may even cast more. The answer, Future Steel, thausands of people can't be wrong. 1 -800-668-8653. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS... 'ROCK BOTTOM PRICESIn 18x24 $2,177. 20x32 $3,192. 25x40 $4,550. 30x44 $6,124. 30x4O $6,323. 40x48 $7,643. 40x84 $1 2,999. Others. Ends aptianal. Pionleer 1-800-668- 5422. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Straitwall Type - nat quanset - 32x54 $9,460, 40x72 $1 4,233, 50x90 $20,443, 60x126 $31.314 - other sizes availabie - misc. clear- ance. Paragon - 24 hrs - 1-800-263- 8499. *t kt Affodable a It W Fast a ft k Easy @One J3111 Doea It Ail e Northern Ontario $63 * Eastemn Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 * Central Ontario $168 e Ail Ontario $380 *National Packages Available - Cali this paper for details! -»CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To moach a widermiarket ad~Verdse thrauhoufthde reglonal merberehfp ofihe Ontario and Canadian CommunlfyàNewspaperAssocadons. c.Central Ontario 5o newspapers - $168 for 25 words -Ail Ontario 178 Newspapers - $2ý30 for 25 words *Ail Canada 583 n.wslpprs - $1,183 for 25 words For fuyther Information piluacati the Whftby Fro. PissaCiaaulfis-6M61 11 j hibyFree Press *668-611 -off ice o s oda oF-a, :Qant :0 i a 6870594I CLASSýIF IEDý MAR ,KETP*LACE, "Advertiso A cross- Ontario. or A cross the. Country" 24 hr. Emergency Repairs. 'You buy it, we'Il instal t!" Quality wo&kat reasonable rates. (905) 571-6453 ACCURATE CONTRACTING " Home Improvements " Basements " Building Maintenance *Drywall - Stucco - Painting FREE ESTIMA TES 905-666-2185 The Mutual Group [FHERB TRAN cail for quotation - 668-9669 e 432-721.6 RRIFs ANNUITIES GiCs a RRSPs L-

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