Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 30 Aug 1995, p. 10

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Paige'ibi WhIIbÏ Fr.. Pks,Wédnesday, AugUst 30, 199e Ne w school's day care to open despite -cuts By lMrk Resor Sclioolhouse Playcare is openg a daycare centre in the new Jon Dryden Public Scliool in Whitby, even thougli the province lias cut off themoney needed te equip and open it. The Playcare board bias issued a "publiecaoel for funda" te the comunitylin an effort te raide the needed, dollars, says Brock Township truste. Bill Fairburn. Fairbumn filled in for vacatio *n Whitby truste. Doug Rose, wo represented the Durhiam public board at a Playcare meeting lield earlier this montli te consider the issue. The new Conservative government recently- announced that no start-up or minor capital funding would b. provided té support new scliool-based daycare centres unless a signed legal agreement was in place. Scliolhusedidn't have a signed agreement, Fairburu says, because it's "used te negotiating with the Mlnistiy of Comxnunity and Social *Services a set amount of money tô *open the daycare. 'Then, a montli or more after the actual opening of school, they aigu an agreement for that money... JOHN DRYDEN PUBLIC SOHOOL "Iu other areas of the. province, the agreement, is signed before actually any money comes." The. previous government liad okayed funding "over the phione," says Fairburu, and Schoolhouse lias spent about 12 per cent of the money promised "because tliey were assured tliey were getting the funding." The board was informed the money te open wasn't available jua fvewees efrethe centre' =!W=ue Speme opening at the. school, located on Rolling Acres Drive,, Sclioolhouse éxecutive director Denise Gilbert wrote iu an Aug. 3 letter asking new education iinister Dave Tsubouchi to reconsider the. eut. The daycare facility cos3t $350,000 to, build, according te Gilbert, and some 35 families have signed up. "Althougli we can appreciate your position in making some very dimfcult cutbacks," she writes, "we do not understand the rationale bebind denying the last 20 per cent of funding te a project which. is already complete." Durham public board chair Patti Bowman agreed te, a request from trustees te write a letter to, education ' minister Dave Tsubouchi, expressing the. board's support of Schoolliouse Playcare. IBROOKLL N}'< Up ithPeule presentation By Steve Leahy Debbie Batten, wlio las speut 1il montha witli the Up With People interuationally . renowned entertainment group, will speak about lier experiences at 7 p.m. on Sept il at the Burns Preshyterian Churcli in Asliburn. This may be lier only puiblic opportunity te, speak aud tlie Burns Churcl i Mssionary Society welcomes auyone wlio is interested te attend. 80017F RtEGISTRATION Asliburn Scouing will liold registration Weduesday, Sept. 6, 6:30 te 8:30 p.m., at Burns Cliurcli in Ashburn. The. cost is $50 for the year. WOMEN'S NTT E Brooklin Women's Institute members will soon liold their first meeting of the fafl season. Tliey want to know if anyoue in the Brooklin area is. interested in aerobics on Wednesdays, 7 te 10 p.m. AUl ages are welcome. Cail Laural Hamèr at 655-4731 or June Hloar at 655-3144. LIBRARY PROGRA.M As liard as it ia~ for the Idds to believe - as happy as mom and dad can b. - September, the school mouth, is back. Along with September comes a wliole lot of activities and programs at the. Brookliu Library. The Children's Club is on Saturdays from 10:30 te 11:30 a.m. Ail kidla aged four and up are invited te join. For the first Saturday, Sept. 2, the. theme is Sesame Street. A ctivities include steiytelling, colouring and crafts are planned. Hereé a groaner, courtesy of the club: Q. What do you do for a sore pig? A. Put on wmne omnkment! Here's a special school groaner Tedcher1thouht told you that Iawver uaned to a you waMt into thiasaroom late again! Student: 1 know, that's why Pmr crawling in! SPORTS EXCHANGE A reminder te start piling up that sports stuif no one is using anymore. Meadowcrest Public Scliool, along with St. Leo Catliolic Scliool, will hold a sports excliange ou Saturday, Sept. 9. Items Bucli as Halloween costumes and bicycles will also be gladly accepted. This is also an opportunity te, get that Scouting or Guiding uniform.* For more information, contact Sonja Graliam at 655-4079. CORRECTION Last week's notice about Guides registration should. have stated that gis aged 7 and 8 are eligible for Brownies, and that Guides are" aged nine to 11. Registration for botli groups along witli Sparks (ages 5 and 6) will be at the Brooklin United Churcli, 19 Casuels Rd. E., from 6:30 to 8 p.m. This yearl's fee in $25 and there are payment options. Pathfinders (aged 12 to 15) will b. registered at their first meeting on Monday, Sept. 11, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., at St., Thomas Agia Churcli. Pathfinders sliould attend the meetilg. For furtlier information about Guiding in Brooklin, cail Norma Murray at 655-8357 or Heather Iroland 655-3742. Steeeay's column appear ever week He mat be reached . 65.439 o .655888 (far). OBITUARY---- Chrissie McKinney dies at 89 A long-lime reeident of Brooklin, Christian Katherine 'Clrissie' Mclney died at Whitby General Hospital on Aug. 16, 1995. She was 89. SA daugliter of the late Rev. Robert Simnpson suad Christina Hay McIllry, slie was boru in the Nortliwest Territories on April 15, 1906. Her father came te Brookiin lu 1917 as minister of the Brooklin and Columnbus Presbyterian churclies. He served until 1920. Upon bis retirement in 1931, Bey. Simpson and bis family returned to Brooklù, sud lie served as minister of Burnd Presbyterian Churcli, Asliburn from 1937 -te 1940. His daugliter Chrissie was a teaclier at the Brooklin Public sud Continuation School for many yearu until ler retirement lu 1971. In 1978 ah. married Dr.. John Henry Mclnney, a long.time resident of Brooklin. Mms.MéKnuey was apponted te the Groveside oemetery board wlien the Township of Wbitby took over the. cemetery from private ownerpMinl 1945, and served on that board until 1983. Slie spent many years researching the histoiy of the families- buried lu the cemetery. Mrs. McKlinuey is survived by lier liusband, son Dr. John Alexander McKlnney (aud bis wife Marie) of Napanee, graudchildren John, Jim, Beth and Margie sud great-grandson James, and sister Catherine Hodgins Of Scarborougli. Mrs. McEInney was at the Carson Funeral Home and Chapel, Brooklin. Bey. "Sheina Smithi conducted the funeral service at Burna' Preabyterian Churcli, on Aug. 19, followed by intermeut iu Groveside Cemetery, Whitby. Contributions to the. Canadian Bible Society or cliarity of choioe. m I * _______________Modelling & Talent Agency __________666-1528 is offering Personal Image programmes starting in, September for Young Women'ages 11 -14 Image for Girls 15-17 Beautiful You Imagining & Makeup Workshops now available for Adults. Sign Up Now For FaII/Wnter. ,Progrms PROGRAMISFOR: JUNIOR LEVEL GR. 3-5 SENIORS GR. 6-8, ACTORS GUILD GR. 9-12 FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION CALL 0668386 "Joîn our quatified instructors at a place where kids can act up. "1 Introducing Aduitlasses BALLET -Beginners, Intermediate, and Advance MODERN (Graham) -Beginners and Intermediate JAZZ - Beginners For more information please cali REGISTRATION WEEK -'SEPT 4th - 9 th Mon. Fni. 9am 9pm / Scit. 9am - noon 0 Classical Ballet 0 Ballet Pointe O Modern Jazz O Acrobatics O Tap 0 Classes from 3yrs to Aduit 0 Beginner & Experienced Students Welcome O Recreation - Stage 0 Individual Assessment 0 Exams - BATD, CDTA 18 Years of Quality Dance Training -Gaetane's Dance School 11i Stanley Crt., Unit 12 Whitby (uext to Wheelies) 1 1430-9115 1

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