Page 14, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, August 23, 1995 a PRATT &LAMBERT'S $UMMER $A.LE Cellu-Tone * utstanding Washability *Excellent Levelin9 *Rich, Attractive Finish o Trim, Cabinets, Furniture Accolade e Velvety Enamel for walls and trim *Spatter Free *Supenior Hiding _____ SUFRIMElO iiian anddeaarfor smoke UPd riMywereteepr cvhvi sgo sour reoat . Ever nloticç that the bigget ads a juisinçss ever rins are when it' s going out of busines., That's because every busines owner knows b"ùvy -that fyou need tomowve alot of merchandise in a limted dmn, you have to advertise. The bigger, the morefrequent the adthe more merchandise you seil. Too bad they didn't do it a littie sooner, Tihis mssage from the Wliitby Free Press who would far rather be running PROSPERING-IN-BUSINEs ads [AI GBIOS OUR IBUSINESS IS FOOD... BUT OUR JOB IST1 sAvR yOU I.- IlIUM 0OUR STANDARD AT GINO'S... Great for BBQ! CHICKEN 1 BREAS TS BONELESS AND SKINLESS 10-9 LARGE 3LB. BOX CHIPS AHOY COOKIES 450g BAG 1.99 0 mip p 0 1. e W@ Te 0*1Te OLYMPI BEEF BURGIRS lOxlOO0g BOX .499 OUR VERY OWN URoeRYW ASSORTED FLAVOURS 2 LITRE EACH 99qc rCHIRICO BRA ND SUPER SPECIAL~ PASTA CHWEPPES PASTAGINGER ALE LIMITED VARIETIES 24x355m1l CANS 1lIb. EACH 5Oct3 9 str foP~r deis.u jv~ ROBIN HOOD A LL: PURPOSE FLOUR' 10kg 4.991 With this coupon. $5.99 without.~ MAPLE LE.AF OR TOWN CLUB BREAKFAST SAUSAGES 500g EACH frgetds -foros * sto.s. os the *es as Frnki .tadtono LWPI.00 GURNED SMALL FRY POTATO CHIPS ASSORTED 170g EACH S9RA FLORA PEPPERMINT MAOUTH WASH iLITRE BOUTLE 1.990 i' 11à ,I< i Il 'l *ie e0.1 0 À i I4WY 401 1 1 1 ý,,. 1 ! ill i e 1 0 9 1 9 til 1 >