Whiby Free Preas, Weclesday, Augut2,99 Pg Company president rebutted To the editor: i arn wrting ln response ta a loUter by Stpen Morrison, president of the Rase Corporation, ln the July 26 odition 0f Tho Free Press. Mr. Morrlson states that the article wrlten by Concerned Citizens For Lynde Marsh (CCLM) ln the July 12 edibian of The Free Press was factuaily inaccurate since à climed that "the officiai plan amendment (OPA) for the Lynde Shores, once approved, caL4id flot have been ch allenged at the Ontario Municipal Board (0MB)." But this is flot what the article stated at ail. - We wereflot denying that kit s possible ta challenge an OPA at the 0MB. What we were saying ils that there is a tinfe frame for dolng so - that once the OPA recelves final approv 'aL, k s no longer possible ta challenge k at the 0MB. Final appravai af the Lynde Shores OPA had been granted in 1992, twa years befare Savo Lynde Marsh (SLM) or To theOoditor: Re: Aug. 2 Fr00 Press article, BmokIin mom issues challenge ta MPP' Mr. Flaherty should fiat accept her challenge. Ho is a warling citizen and shauld not have ta. Sameano shauld remnind Ms. McCauley thag wefare is finanoial aid and shoulnt beregarded as a way FM McCauley and 1, however, do have some thlngs in common. MW name is aiso Debbie and my child's father lefI. Like Debbie MAcCauley, 1 receive no financial help from bhe fther and 1, boa, do not knaw where ta flnd hlm. However, the similauiies end there. 1 coninued ta warlc alter ho left and stili do so. 1 ar nont on mother's CCLMV carne on the scene. W. painted this out - ta show the limitations under which wo were workng. For a group of people ta talc. a matter of this magnitude ta the 0MB without the backing of a vast number or the majority of the ciizens, as wouki have been the case ln 1992, Is almost Impossible financlally and extremnely difficuit psychabogically. Mr. Morrison states that when tho OPA was flrst intraduced, prior ta its final approval, the "many pnivate Individuals concerned with enviranmental Impact" of this OPA wwere flot prepared ta talce the malter ta the 0MB." We dont deny this. Although many pnivate Individuais ralsed objections ta the OPA, as we pointed out ln aur article, ln 1992 the majorlty of citizens, including myseif and ail but one or twa members of SLM, were unaware bath of the existence of and the implications of this amendmenb. allowance ar any ather klnd of welare. Last year 1 braught home an income of $1 ,328 per month and my refit, Iko PMs. cCauley's, was alsa close ta $700 a month ($683 ta be exact). .f 1 had quit my job and gone an welare, 1 would have had an incarne of only $107 kes per month. But 1 wouki have had a cbothing allowance for my child, free prescriptions and free medical and dental coverage. I alsa woul have had nio daýcare tees to waruy about because I woul have been homo ail day. A feel that Debbie M4cçauley has nothing ta whine about and I suggest that if she wants ta keep her "hobby faimO she shouki go out and wark for kt and flot have the nerve ta expect Canadian taxpayers ta, pay for l. Deborah Kelso Oshawa When, ln the fa] of 1994, we referred the matter ta the 0MB, we dld so ýwth the support of a vast number of citizens, thanks to aur public awareness carnpalgn. We ended our, article by asklng whether It was really necessary for the chair ta talcs six months- and $70,000 ta reoeh his conclusion that, ln effeot, the Rose Corporation did flot have ta adhere ta the wetlands polcy. Mr. Morrson's suggestion. that in raising this question we wwere maligning one aof the OMB's most expeu1ènce and capable officers, flot ta mention an exceptIonaily fair and decent indMvdual,O is, weli, a cheap shot. We- were ln no way malgnlng the - chaies character - the chaies characer simply wasn't an Issue. .Unfortunately, for Mr. Morrison, however, itlIs also a shot that goos stuight mbt his own foot. Chiding us for wastlng everyones lime and mnoney, Stephen Morrison states that *once the facs wero understood.. the decision couid have been -rendered in six munutes, rather than six months.0 In the same breath ho e hr uts Quality Haircare Affordable Prices SPLPERMS $25.00 and up MON. TO FR1 900 - 7.00 - SATURDAY 9.00 - 6:00 209 DUNDAS ST E. WHITBY* POST OFFICE (IN THE Vll-ITBY CORPORATE CENTRE) HY2 {NA ACROSS PROM IPOST OFFICE> îý states that the chair was "one of the OMB's most experienced and capable afficers." 'Well, 1 arn af raid that <this la whero Mr. Morrison willl requiro the assistance of a skIiied foot surgeon. How Is k tha tk took f"ane of tho most experlonced and capable 0MB officers" six monbhs ta, see facts thae Mr. Morrison cdaims were mapparent from the'outset," facts that would have "allowed a decision ta. be. reached ln six minutes?" From the outset 0f the 0MB heartng, we had made it clear by aur evience and swam af1fidavits thae wo wero arguing for ail tho developors ta adhere ta the wetlands pollcy.(SLM and CCLMV always argued thae Rose Corporation should bo componsated by a land swap should adhorence ta the wetlands pollcy entail a finandial loss ta them.) We were ploased when the Reglon and province doclded ta adhero ta that pollcy. We ask again. could the chair not have made kt clear much sariler that, accordlng ta hîs reading of the Planning Act and' Wetlands Pollcy Statement, the Rose Corporation wouki flot have ta adhere ta this palicy but that ho iwould wpermki decision-makers ta decide that In a speciflç case fk would 'bu unreasonable or Inapprapriate ta apply the pollcy either ln whole or ln part?w Contrary ta Mr. onbrison, this ls flot a rhetorlcal question. A satsactory answor, howover, vAI need toappalto the lgiof the situation, rather than ta the chairs charadter. We wauld, however, Ike ta thank the Rose Corporation for thoir cooperation ln agreelng ta provide a six-foot chain llnk fonce ta bu placed atthe outer easterly Uimit of the buffer sbrip. We are grateful for this. - Johanna Tito Concerned Citizens for Lynde Marsh Winchester CC've Rs 5825 THICKSON RD. N. Taunton Rd. Hwv401 WHITBY FiOSHAWA"'5 4 4 GET YOURHOMEWORK DONE Designed for T HAFNUETIMIE! 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