Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 16 Aug 1995, p. 23

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Whltby Fre Proua, Wesday,,August 16,1995 Page 23 Wins $169 Osbert Harrison~ of Whitby won $169 as the. winner of the Knights of Columbus 50/50 dra'w held during the County Town Carnival. Harrison had been unable to dlaim his prize earlier as h. was on vacation. EUXEN HUMPHREYIS A resident of Whitby almost al herlifâ, Eileen Hattie Humphreys died at Hilledale Manor, Oshawa on Aug. 5, 1995. 5h. was 98. A daughter of the late William Ashby and Harriet Kemp, she was born in Whitby on Jan. 20,1897. A member of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 112,» Whitby, she wýas president of the Ladies' Auxfiiary in 1954-55. On March 1, 1922, she was narried in Whitby to Ernest John Humphreys, who died on Dec. 17, 1968. Mrs. Humphreys is survived by son frwin (and his wife Helen) and son Robert (and his wife Marie), grandchldren Kay., Arme, Judy, Shawn and Robert and 14 great- grandchildren. Mrs. Huxnphreys was at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, where the funeral servie was held on Aug. 8, 1995, followed by ixiterment in St. John's Cemnetery, Port Whitby. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust " Family Monuments " Granite orBronze Markers " Cemetery Lettering " Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552 After ilours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Home appointments gladly arranged Twins? HENRY STREET'resident Ross Law grew this unusual 'siamese' apple in his orchard. Photo by Mark Reeso, Whltby Free Prom Agincourt, team first An Agincourt team won the. second annual Jeffrey Douglas/Fortune Financial Challenge Cup at the. Whitby Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday. .Mark Sandford, Rick Matthews and Joe Camilleri won top prize of $600. Second was the. Aurora team of Dave Houtby, Stan Farmer and Bryan Luther, winning $375. Teams from Cosburn Park and Oakville tied for third ($210 each). Tii. Whitby team of Peter Robb, Sandy Pope and Alex Hawke was eighth, winning $105. For the second straight year, Douglas, the. sponsor, was dloser to the jack than Mayor Tom Edwards in the opening-ceremony competition. Twenty-four three-man t.ams competed in the. tournament that is now one of the, top competitions in Ontario. A raffle at the, event raised $375 for the Arthritis Society, and excess food was given ta the Oshawa mes hostel. FREE AD FREE VOICE GREETING "ÊREE MESSAGE RETRIE VAL once a week Service brought to you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive WilliamsvilleN.Y. 14221 Customer Service # 1-800-647-3782 * WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWF, 37.,5'i". l4Olbs., blue ayes, blonde haïr, enjoys biklng, walks, sports, dlnlng out, TV, seaks SM, simifar Inaiesais, for possible rois- ionship. Ad# 9129 kinda of food. seoka attractive, happy SF, 25-40. Ad 3284 SETTLE DOWN TOGETHER SWF, 21, one daughter, seeka responsiblo, amployed, consider- aie SWM, 25-31. who likos amusament parka, dinling, lunchi- as, and hec no dapondonts and has navar been meiriod. Whitby atoa.Adi 9526 SEEKS MR PERFECT SWF, 22, S6. blonde hair. btua eyaa, sllghtly ful-flgured, likes to party on the weekends, saaks sin- caro, honoat SWM, 2429. for frlondshlp, maybe more. Whulby sraa.Adi 8547 HOW ARE YOU SWF, 40, 56, likos long welka, ridas in the couniry, seoka SWM, 35 or over, who la lot offun to be with and likas home ite, for friand- shlp, maybo moto. Whiby aiea. Adi 9445 VERY HIGH MORALS Activa SF, 46. succesaful n bili- nasa, loves homa, gardonlng, tner thinga in lita, sooklng intelligent. humorous SM, muai heo0f good character. Whiby aras. Adi 7388 WHITBY OR OSHAWA SWGF, 29, enjoys sports, home- bock riding, îomentic avaninga, watch movies et home, aeking SGF, to ho friands euth, maybo more. Adi 2861 LADY FROM CANADA GAF, 23, 52, 109ib., long hier, brown ayas. petite, excellent shape. saaking landar. blonde SWF, 20-29, for riondahup. possi- ble rlationship. Oshawa aras. Adi 1252 YOCUM & BROOKS SWF, 36, gond sens o0f humnor. one son, likes rock and country music, watks, fuît moons, stars n the sky, dancing, quiet eveningsaie hmseeklng SWM, 36-47, for rindshlp, possible rlaionahlp. Ohawa ares. Ad# 9U87 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF. 19, 128ibs., blonde hier, blua eyec, Irsh, one daughtar, gond sonse of humor, easy to gaI ieong with, likes ddc, ging for long watks, cuddting, movies, coma sports,sceaklng tait, dark SWM, 20-29. Oshawa aies. Adi 5600 DURHAM REGION SWF, 19, enlos altarnaive music, seeklng SWM, 19-22, for friand- ship. golng to concerts, hanging out.Osaws aiea. Adi 6W82 TALLBEAUTY SWF, 18, 511., modal. enjoys movies, saeking. SWM, 18-25. 6'1r+, for frendshlp possible rata- tionchlp. Whitby aras. Adi 6970 IS THIS YOU? SWF, 29, 52", dark blonde heur, green ayes, son. 10, enjoyc pots, shooing pool, outdoors, hoises, Harieys. saaks ruggadly hand- comie, SWM. 33-38. facial hir a plus. 5'8"+,, for possible rlation- chlp. Oshawa ares Adi 9495 LETrS DANCE SWF, English lady, petite. 54, 53T. raI heur, bue eyas, enioys inter- mollato balroom dancing, lovas doga, walks on the bosch, saeking s SWM, 50-65. Whiby ares. Adi 3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34.56V. brown hier, blua aes, enjoys country music, tiek- ng, dancing, camping, much mnore, saeldng SWM, 32-45, muai liko childian. simitar intereais. Oshawa aras. Adi 2208 ILL GET BACK TO YOU SWF, 30 professlonat, attractiva. long blonde hair, green ayes, anjoya banda, basebal, camping, working out, outdoorc, seeks SWM, profesalonal, similsrinter- acta, for fiandchip, possible romance. Whitby ares. Adi 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, anjoys dancing, movios. animais, sports. ouldoors, loamning, saeking SGF. any ae. with sumitar Intarasts, friands firai, maybo more. Whiiby ares. Ad# 1819 IF YOU WANT TO SW momn 19, 54, 128bs.. blonde heur, blua ayes. one daughtar, seeking S;WM. 20-29, for friand- ship, maybe mora. Oshawa area. Ad# 5600 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46. seeka horiesi, sincera, inelligent SWM, 45-58, who has 119h morale and enjoys the botter Ilite for friendshlp and a long tarm commutmeni Whltby ares. Ai73M5 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF, 37, 58». brown heur, slightly overwalght, wears glassas, one son, likas country muslc, dining out, movias, nature walka, saeks sensitive, fun-loving, patient SM, 37-47, who likes klds Whitby aras. Ad# 1485 IF YOU WANT TO SW mom, 19, 5W4, 1281bs., blonde heur, blue ayes, one daughtar, seeking SWM. 20-29, for friand- ship. mye~ more, Oshawa ares. Ad# 5600 HAPPY PERSON SWF, 25, N/S. non-drinkar, raI halr. browna ,esnew to Oshawa, seekng SM, 2-35.N/S, to get togethai wth, muat be in Oshawa aras. Ad# 1433 GREEN EYES Bi-SWF, 30, 5'4». sllghtly full fig- ured, long dark heu,. seaklng SF, 23+, to talle to, go to clubs with, for frlendship only to start. Oshawa ares. Adi 8092 LErS TALK SBF, 19, 56. l4lbs., attractive, intelligent, matura, caring, roman- tic, saaking SWM, 30a-40s, no haad games. Whitby ares. Adi 8232 SHE LIFTS WEIOHTS SWF, 38,5S6", il Sîb., no childian, anjoys running races, canoaing, mountain biklng, movies, dining out, saeking SWM, 35-39, for long tarm rlatlonship. Whitby aras. Adi 9150 TAICE A CHANCE SWF, 20, mom of one, enjoys dancing, walking. femlly flie, home flt, saeking down to oarth, employaI, SWM. 22-32, must lika kils, for honast rlaionshlp. Whitby aras. Adi 9719 GENTLEMAN WANTED SWF.33, seaka down to aarth, honast, SWM, 29-41, for lasting ralationship,. possible romance. Oshawa ares Adi 2390 WELL EDUCATED SWF, 39, 56' no chillran, vaga- taran, anviîonmantalist, anjoys iunning, mnountain biking, sking, kayaking, trael, reading, seoking SWM, to share intareats. Oshawa aies. Adi 9148 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SWF, 19, 5'4». 1121bs., enioys altermative music, aoaklng aasygo- ing, honasi, SWM, nothlng, sari- oua, jusi hanging out, concarts, more. Oshawa ares. Adi 6362 CALL ME SWF. 38, lova and inireat for flita honast, affectionate, stîong tamlly and social valuas, soaka SWM, 35-45. Whltby aras. Adi 7892 ENJOYS FUN SWF, 33, aeeks -sincara, honasi, SWM, 30-41, for friendchip, long tai-m reltionchlp. Oshawa ares. Adi 2360 OUTODOR NUT SWF. 40, 148lbs., loves flie, hors- os, goltlng, boating. boaches, basebait. holding hands, theaire, dining oui, seeka SWM, 40-55, wiih common introsis. Whitby ares. Adi 5122 STILL SEARCHING SWF, 32, enjoys dancing, going oui. g001 imes, seeka oulgoing SWM, 36-40. to shara Introsts. Oshawa ares- Adi 1800 HEY LADIES GBF, 27, spontaneous. seaka GFE 18-31, for friandship, going oui. mayba more. Whitby ares. Adi 3903 PLAY THAT NOTEI SWM, 24, musicien, seaka sllm, attractive SWF, 19-30, who has a lova for music, for rendshlp, pos- sible rlationship, no head gamea. Ad# 5969 A HANDYMAN WWWM, 53, 6', 180ibs., likos country music. dancing, welking, camping, traveling, movies, relax- lng et home, dinlng out. seeka 5,r" or taller, fit SWF 45-55, with littia or no amotionel baggage. Ad# 3041 SAIL SOMETIME? SWM, 36, 58'. iSIba., blond heur, blua ayas, wall built, attractive, ikas tennis, cycllng, whitewater canoelng, sailing, cooking, eating many kinds of fond, seaks attrac- tva, happy SF, 25-40. Ad# 3284 GET INVOLVED TOGETHER SWM, 45, brown heur, tait, gond looking, open-minded, saakîng rellable SWF, 40 or under, single moms ara welcoma. Ad# 2323 EXCITING FUN SWM. 20, sincare, honasi, humor- ous, lîkas having fun, movias, dancing, occesional drinking, saaks outgoing, opan-mindad, spontaneous SWF, 18 or ovar, for friandship, possibla ralationship. Whitby aise. Ad# 6438 VERY OPEN.MINDED SWMV, 25,5W', slim, vary attractive looking, gond shape, artist, likas dining out, reading, anythîng cre- ativa. seeks lîbaral, open-mindad SWF, 19-30, who is nol boring, for friandahip, mayba mora. Whitby ares. Ad# 4080 SEEKING CREATIVE LADY SWM, 25, artist, vary musical. seaking attractive, slim SF, who sharas passion for art and music. Whitby area. Ad# 4080 HOPE YOU CALL SWM, 36, enjoys liva theatra, movias, snuggling in front of the ira, seaks MEF,28-37, 5s5r,.to share intarests, possibla relatin- ship. Whitby ares. Ad# 8873 LErS HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38. 6'. 175ibs., anjoys camping, music, sports, traval, dos, saaks ambilious, slim, cula G,18-24, with zost for flit, smok- ai, drug-fiao, for friendship, mayba more. Whitby araa. Ad# 2053 *WHAT DO YOU THINK? SWM, 19. amokor,eaesygoing, laid back. anjoys clubs, hockay, dining ouI, dancing, seaka SF, to shara interests, possibla îalationshlp. Whitby ares. Ad# 3402 NICE CATCH SWM, 25. self amployed,. gond background, likas meny thinga, seekIng. sincare, good looklnp SWF. 20-26. for friandshlp, posai- bla rlatlonship. Oshawa iea. Ad# 9321 ' RELATIONSHIP S8M, 37,5S'il,1lObs., fun, easy- going, likas movias, music, dining, comedys, going for drives, going to the park, seaks attractive, affac- tionate SF. 18-50. for an ongoing ralationship. Oshawa ara. Ad# 2835 , GOOD NATURE SWM, 34, 510", brown heur, hazat eyes, slim buîld, likas walking, talk- ing, klds, saaks good natuîed SWF, 18-40. for friandahip, possi- ble îalaiionship. Oshawa aies. Ad# 3589 FAIRLY FOR YOU SWM, 18, 59V, brown haiî/ayas, muscular built, seaks gond looking SWF, 22-25, for fniendship, posai- bla îlationship. Oshawa aras. Ad#53688 LET ME KNOW SWM, 22, works shift work. pretty quiet, pratty shy, likas country music, saaking SWF. 19-25. for friondship. mayba more. Oshawa aras. Adi 1613 VIGOR FOR LIFE S8M, 50. likos sports, outdooi aclivitias, seeking enargetic S8F, 35-45, foi friindship. mayba more. Oshawa ares. Adi 8868 CARS ARE FUN SWM. 36. 62Z. 200lbs.. likes tha outdoois, camping, going oui and watching auto îacing. aeeking SWF, 25-99, for frnendship, posai- ble relationshlp Whitby ares. Ad# 2061 With Auto Ad taking, just use your touchtone phone to answor some questions about yourself and the type ot porson y ou would like to meet. Thon record your volce greeting, a nd we'il transcribe It into a pnint ad that will appear ln the Whitby Frei) Press. Whty Free Press' Poison to Poison ls avallable for single pooplo soeklng rotatlonshlps. Ads containlng explicit sexuel or anatomical languago will not be pub- ishod. Wo resorve tho rlght te edit or refuse any ad. Customor service 1-800647-3782. M Maie -W White H Hispanie NO Native Cenadian S Singlo WW Wldowod F Female B Back A Asian C - Christian 0 Dlvorced N/S Nonsmoker GOOD RELATIONS GWM, 25.81'", vegelarian, no chul- dren, likes going to clubs, sports, making people laugh, soeklng N/S SWM, 20-40, wilh simîlar inlerosts for a possible Ion g torm relation- ship Whitby aroa. Ad# 2402 CAN MEAN SOMETHINO SWM, 26, brown heur. blue oyes, N/S, lawyer, funny. likos tennis, Cyctng golng out, learnlng, seek- ingiively. onergetic, protessional WF , 20-38. forga meeninglul rota- tinhp saaares. Ad# 8801 GO FOR IT SWM, 35, 5-8-, 200lbs., average looklng, one dependonl, owns horses,. likos country music, out- door lite, barbaques, dining ouI, tamily, seeks SWF, 29-40, for trlendship. Oshawa aiea. Ad# 5834 THANK YOU SWM, 30, 6, brown hair, green oyes, enjoys camping, movies, music, beach et night 10 hear, waves, going oui 10 parties and bais, soeks sincere, honeet, car- ing, slim, SWF, 24-33. Oshawa aiea. Ad# 8390 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWM, 23, 6, 170lbs., brown hair/eyes, Oshawa aras, easygo- ing, onjoys ouldoor and indoor activiios, seoklng SWF, 19-25, for xood trnes. Oshawa aiea DOWN TO EARTH SWM, 33, onicys fun imes, con- versations, walking, seeking friand, pal, buddy, lover in SWF, 18-30. Whitby aiea. Ad# 3641 MR. ROMEO SAM, 32, 66, 1801bs., blond hair. blue eyas, soeking inleîasting, advanlurous, aponlaneous, cie- ative, SWF, 22-38, for Tniendship possible long relationship. Oshawa aiea. Ad# 2339- GOOD CATCH SWM, 40, 5W, 1iSSibs., fll head of hir, good looking, N/S. moder- ato drinker, scuba dîver. anjoys outdoors, canoeing. hiklng, biking, golf, saeks SWF. under 27, toi possible ialationship. Whily aiea. Ad# 6875 LOVE ME TENDER SWM, 24, Sicilien. enjoys movies, bais, bands, gond limes, seeking SWF. undai 27. for possible roIa- tionship. Whitby ares. Ad# 8270 GOT YOUR ATTENTION SWM, 45, seeking down to erh, lovlng, sinceroý, quoon izo, SWF, for epollina, pampering, fine clin- lng, moto. Whilby aiea. Ad 9016 01 Whit là ait bd nwnber A.: The 4 dit InUrnterat thearend of your print adIthat sllowasun-W glas 19 Ca. aund respontiçi19you 0. Whet le an eccoas code? A. A conffdenMIal4 digitcode that Iontyý you know, that sllows only you accoa Io your malbox. O:. Whut ore Mue.aes? A. Volco grestinga frors othr ciniglas who 'respondol to your ad ln thp'newaper or lhiough thée broW»;e. To listen:lu> your mesgsfoi FRE!, cgtl14800- 5445Ext. 47 on»ceavery 7 dsys or 1-9000451-488Z Ext. 47 àa.nyfime. et a charge of $1,99 per minute. O:Whai ame syatem matches? A. Volca greetings frors other advertiserswhose matchlng cri- tort la the came or similar 10 yours. You cen len 10 your sys- tom matches instantly by caling 1400-451-4882 Ext. 47, ai s charge of $1.99 par minute. 0: What la Smart Browse? A: A special loaturo that shlows you to liten and rospond 10 other voice greolings thai match the criterla you select. Cai 1- 900-451-4882 Ext. 47, option 2, et acharge of $1.99 par minute. 0: How de 1 respond to en ad? A: Ceti 1-900-786-M82 Ext. 47, option 1. ai a charge of $1.99 par minuta, bue system wtt ask you Io enter the 4 digiad num- ber ai the nel of tha prini ad. Presa 1 to-iespcnid, press 2 to go on 10 the noxt ad. 0: How do I cancet or renew aid ad? A: Cait customar service et 11-800-W4-3782. S1HE E3O LMUNKPAL[rYCF, DURAM VO(S DEPARTMBNT Winter Bio-solIds Management ilass Environmentai Assessment e Notice of Public Open House The Ro0on of Durham lntiated a Schedule C Cases Envionmetud Assessment (EA) for "hor wlntor bio-sollds management (preoIoU* relerred tomaswlnier sludge nmwçaement> problema in June 1992. Bio-solids are a bonoficl end product from the wastewater treatment prooesse at 9» Region's Waler Pôllution Control Plant (WPCP). The storage of blo-soldI n enclcsed ttl kcMtd at or adjacent to the Corbett Cmeek WPCP in ho Tomn et Wlity asdebd by #w Region i October 1994 as "h preierred solution to the Rogons wlnter blo-solds mngmn problem. Public notice of tu perofrd wlnfar blo-sollds mngmn solution was provlded by the. Reglon I NonToe 1904. This evaluation of alternative solutions and dme selectiof o tu preer solution wre made through a public consultation process mw ra Comnmencig In Novmber 1994, tii. Reglan exrnied a numnbor - o f rleslgnfMMi alltremio for dm praiered bio-sMids management solution. ibis wa dons In consultation with a Publie Consultation Workng CommiMe (PCWC). The deslg*lig alternatives were developed and evaluated hIdetal wlth te PCWC I addross the oenoerns about the proposed facility of tu resideM ntad busisses incathile preferred site area and aoher citizons and groupe withi1hm Regîon and th. Province. A Publ Open Housw ewllh ld to present the results of the evaluation of #w deslgn/slting lternatiesnd b recéive input and comments frorn any lntorested party. The. proposed mitigating measures lncluding prelmiary architectural -and landscaping foatures for #we proposed faolhity wll aiso h. prosonBd at the Open House. You a re Invlted Io attend the. Open Houa. to b. held as followa: Place: Reglon o! Durhiam Works Departinent 105 Consumera Drive, Whltby, Ontarlo. Dat: Tuesday, Auguat 29,1995. Ime: 2:.00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., and 7.,00 p.m. to 9:00 pi. The RegionË Project Team wYIll b. present at #me Open House ta answer your questions. For furlier iknfato, please contact: Mr. RichardWatt. Eng. Mr. Chang La., P. Eng. Slnicoe EngIneering Group Umlted The. Roglon of Durham Works DepL 1815 uiroon Manor, Suite 10 105 Consumera Drive Pickerlng, ON L1W 3W9 Whltby, ON LiN 0" Telephon: <905) 831-1715 Telephone: (905) 668-7721 Subject b commentr, reoeiwed as a resuit ai tuis Notice, lhe Region'plans b Instruot lim consultant bo prooeed with te planning for lil project and an En*cunfmntEl Study Report wiiI h. prepared and placed on t1e putgli record. 'i '77 < _75V7 l - ý -77-77,

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