qff Page 20, Whltby Fm Preos, Wednesday, August 16,199m ...........~OW ~ ORI. . ..... ...... ... .. ...... ...... SEEKING A COMPANION FOR a 2 year aId baby girl in my home. Will provide excellent daycare in a smoke-free environment. Lots of fun activities that motivate the mmnd & the spirit. Heaîthy meals & snacks. Near park & school. Thickson/Rossland area. Cal anytime at 576-9686. Excellent references available. Starting September, 1995. Specializing*in Early, Childhood - Education. For Peace of Mi. Perry'House Child Care Servies 129 Psrry St., Whltby 668-9476 EXPERIENCED DAYCARE in my home, nuiritious lunches & snacks. Lots of toys & activities with fenced-in backyard. References available. Cal Sandra 430-2681. STARTING SEPTEMBER daycare available in my. home, Garden & Manning area. Close ta Leslie McFarlane & Pringle Creek schools. Also at bus stop to St. Teresa school. Cal 666-8295. TREE CUTflN,8 .*TRiMMING9 pruning, shaDing#,el etive branch cutting, tree '(emaoval. Free estimates fully insured. 433-7140 or 430-46j. pag721-7304. SPANKY'S .PROPERTY Maintenance. Residential and commercial lawn maintenance, aerations, dethatching soddîn9, tapsoil delivery, rubbish removai, tree & brush removal. Caîl Jim at 906-668-6803. Please leave message. WHITBY - MALE OR female -ta share home. Must be non-smoker and employed. *Parking available. Close ta transit.' $35OImo. inclusive. Caîl 666-8388, leave message. WHITBY *- MIF TO share 3 bedroom gayw positive house. Prîvate bath,1walk ta GO train, beach. Parking, laund yhydro included. $400Imo. Cail 666-8650. WVHITBY -. PERSON TO share 2 storey, 3 bedroom house, fumished room & use of house. Laundr included. Immediate. $400 + 1/2 utilities. First & last required. (905> 837-1879. ROOMMATE(S) TO SHARE Anew 3 bedroom house with 1 other. La master bedroom w!th pnivate bath, located in a subdivision near RosslandlThickson. Avalable immditel. al Dimitri ai 725-3790. SHARE 4 BEDROOM HOUSE with 1 other. Laundry, air, non-smoker. Cali 666-3478. A NICE PLACE TO LIVE. A beautiful bedroom in a nice homne with use of everything. Check it out. You'Il like il. Phone 728-0337. g esor $75 FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80lweek. Share bathroom & kitchen. Worker preferred. WaIk 10 ail amenities. Please caîl 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. DOWNTOWN WHITBY fumished room in dlean, quiet home. Use of kitchen. Cable & parking incluided. Suit mature working maie. $95 per week. Firsi/last. 668-3640. LARGE FURNISHED room, quiet neighborhood, close ta downtown, use 0f laundry facilities, cable, air and soft-water. Non-smoker. $85/week. Caîl 668-1861, leave message. WHITBY BEDSITTING room. Very central, -pnvaie, peaceful, newly decoraied,' fridge, microwave, parking, suitab[e for mature, working- gentleman or pensmoner. $90fweek. Caîl afier i :0Opm 728-6697 or 655-5719. LARGE, FURNISHED room for rent in Whitby close to downtown & buses. TV & cable included. $95/week. Caîl 666-4279 or 668-8375 and leave message. MASONIC HALL, 203 Cochrane Si., avaîlable for banquets, weddings and other occasions. Catering. available. For more informa tion leave message at 668-0776, ý4 hrs. CENTRAL LOCATO, Whitby close to ail amenities, iriplex, ý bedroom apt. Available. Oct. 1195. First & lasi. $817 + hydro. No pets. 668-5068. OSHAWA MAR YIADELAIDE. Two - 1 bedroomn apts available Sept. Isi. Includes par(dng, cable and utilities. Suit responsible working persan. $650 & $575. Small pets welcomeý 668-3640. WHITBY, NICE 2 BEDROOM api. in upper unit, parking, $650 per mon th including utilities. First and lasi, referenoes required. Available September lst. Cal Pat Schwartzenhauer, sales rep, 668-6171. WHITBY CLEAN, 1 BEDROOM api. in century building, fully renovated & close to ail amenities. Suitable for single, working person, non-smoker,' available October 1195. $540/mo. 4 hydro (includes heat). Cal 668-3011 days or 668-6818 evenings & weekends. BROOKLIN - LARGE BACHELOR a pt. in quiet area. Close to shopping. Available now. Cal 655-5539. CENTRAL WHITBY very large modem split-level 2 bedroom. Appiances, including dishwasher. Available Oct. 1/95. $795/mo. Cali 668-4643. NORTH 0F OSHAWA CENTRE, dlean api., 2 bedrooms, $655 incl. heat, parking & storage. 428-7677. WHITBY $475. Fumished bright cheery I BR apartment in respectable weIl-kept heiage home. Stnictly non-smoking Utilities private parking included. 668-7464 OSHAWA: ONE bedroom apartment for rent with basement for storage. First and last required. $625/mo, utilitie s in'clu d e d. Available Sept. 1. Cali 436-0618. DOWVNTOWN WHITBY - B3rack St. frontage. approx. 2,000 sq.ft. Long terni lease. 668-1468, 9am ta Spm. CENTRAL OSHAWA- unique century home. Two- 3 piece, bathrooms, .3 bedrooms appliances, garage, full fenced yard. Available Sep t. 1/95. $950+ utilities. Firsi/lasi. 668-3640. WHITBY BUNGALOW, 2 bedroom, large yard, close ta 401 & GO trains. Caîl (905) 430-9081. $5991MO. + PART UTILITIES. 121 Victoria Si. W., Whitby. Main floor, 3 bedroomrs, aIder home, dlean, spacious, close toalal, parking Sepiember lst first & lasi, references. 666-4850, 420-9477. WHITBY CLOSE to town 3.75 acre and lovely 4. bedroom sidesplit, main floor laundry & family roomn, patio door to large deck offmaster overîooking kidney shaped pool, fenced off. Own your private park just north of town. OnIy $254,900a. Ask for Lilian North 668-3800, res. 668-7479 Re/Max bummit Realty. ATTENTION TENANTS & first time buyers - I have at my disposaI almosi 200 homes under $99,000 in the Durham area. In some instances the vendor Wil assist with financing. Some may be purchased via renit-to-own. Cal now, while il is still a buyer's market. Rick Daniels, Major Realty Inc., (905> 579-3537. ASHBURN VILLAGE Open House. Sun. Aug. 20, 2-4pm. 8975 Ashbumn Rd. Uniq ue 2-storey. Country kitchen, island, buili-in appliances. Master bed,, 4pc. ensuite. 2 fîreplaces. Separate dining roomn. Workshop & barn. $179,90% Betty Emm, Sales Representative. Royal LePage Real Estate Ltd. 666-1333 MORTGAGES & LOANS F$ *lst &2nd e Lines.of credit e BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada FundingInc. BUILDING LOTS in waterfront community. Spectacular 2 acre lots with natural g as service. Cali Paul MacNeiî at W. Frank Real Estate 668-6171. FIRST TIME HOME BUYERS. There are many homes available with creative financing. Rent ta own, VTB, and Agreement of sale. Cali Dan Gilmour at Realty Executives Real Estate, 579-7339 t0 realize your dreams. DEADL UNE FOR ALL ADVERTISING US MONDAY LADIES' BUSINESS, evening & casual faîl designer clothing wanted for resale. Must be in excellent condition. The Wardrobe Exchange, 856 Brock St. Ný, 666-9225. -la s. eyl hsNwppr, YARD SALE: August 19 & 20, 9am-5pm,. 9 George St., Brooklin. Large selection of camera equipment. and accessories. Ughting & back drops, garden tools, rear-tine rotortiller oak bookcase and wall units,'sofid oak & maple cabinet doors, oak vanities with couniter top, household items and, books. Ramn or shine. SUMMERS END garage sale August l9th, 8am-2pm, 31 Hiarrson Curt (Brack & Manning). Some items include brand new suni roof, lamps, cookware, clothing & sports equipment. GARAGE SALE - 74 Lipton Cres., Whitby. Saturday, August 19, 9am -4pm. SATURDAY, AUG. 19, 9AM -2pm, multi-family garagesre sale - Carroll Street Whitby, just southwest of Anderson & Rossland. GARAGE AND moving sale 107 Kirby Cres. Whitby. Saturday, August 19. Iwo waterbeds, baby fumiture, lawnmower, weeder, Misc. household items, etc. Phone 436-1172. YARD SALE, Saturdayý, August 19, 9:OOam-2:OOpm, 14 Locknidge Street. Raindate August 20. Varlous items, excellent se[ection. MOVING SALE GE fridge (gold Medallion 850 edition) $600; Kenmore washer $400; fumiture (living & dining); books, other items, excelle nt condition. Please caîl 430-8486. STEREO, JVC double cassette, Son y CD player, technics amp, hea dphones, cabinet included. Moving overseas, must self $750 o.b.o. Other items available. Caîl 668-9264. TWO CERAMIC heaters cost $70 each, self $20 each; metal tricycle $1; 12" white bike with training wheels $8; quantity of clothes, newbom to 3X; wooden rocking horse $20; Sesame Street musicà a9 mobile (neyer opened) $15; Fisher Pnoce diaper pail $10; infant's Mickey Mouse activit gym $5. Please phone 430-6797. BOX TRAILER 4'XB', 24" sides with lockable top, 15" tires, $500. Caîl 668-6144. REFRIGERATOR GE frostfree,, 18.2 cu. fi 2 years aId, white, excellent. bove GE eîectric, self-cleaning, white, 2-yrs-old, excellent condition. 666-55(58 *Movies * Cassettes 108 Brock St. N. 666-8050 The systemn that provides... *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your child " Fully trained providers receive angaing Agency support " Reliable local backç-up covers Provider illness or holidays " Com e te insurance coverage " Incarne tax receipîs " ChiUdren six weeks and up *Full or part-lime For more Information cal: 686-3995 a ficensed Agency The Lifesaver course is designed ta teach essential ifesaving first aid skills to people of ail ages. Three and a haif hours of your time could save a life. Cail St. John Ambulance for details. SSt. John Ambulance 1 e CD's