Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Aug 1995, p. 6

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Page,6, Whitby Free P.-ers, Wednesday, August 2, 1995 -7 The only Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby resîdents for Whîtby residents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIAN ~.-ONTARIO COMMUNITY _________ COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONASSOCIATIO ASSOCIATION ISSN#0844-398X ASO IT N The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 99% of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashburn & Myrtie as well as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST -' Outside Canada $80 + GSI Publ ished every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Imc. Box 206, 131 Brook St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-611il Out of town: 1 -800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 2001% w recycled content using vegetable based inks.%l CAil written material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation oft Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit lineto the Whitby Free Press. s 'the edior. Great response To the edîtor: Henry Street High Schoal would like ta thank the Whitby Free Pres for the article about oui Sodbuster's Marathan.' The carnmunlty response ta the article has been overwhelmlng. The Rayai Canadian Legian Branch 112 Ilckçed off tundralsing efforts with a generaus danation. Alumni tram as far back as the 1970s have aisa respanded ta the article with cash danations. In these difficult scanamlc Urnes. R le heartwarming ta know that aur schaals can depend upon the support ai their cammunity. Anyane wtshing ta support aur efforts can do sa by cantacting us at Henry.. Once again. thank yau for the article andipleture. ht was a great klckaoff for aur fields af dreama. Pat Pucknell Paul Slean Bad judgment To the edîtor: Mark Rsesor's July 19 article, 'Henry Street teachers dlg ln,' la ai Inteiost ta peopleoliving an Harriet Street adjacent- ta the -Fied Fllntstans praject. Hlgh schoals tend ta b. poar nelghbaurs - grass cutting, student smokers, veNdce Parking and naw the Flintstone praject with plenty ai dirt and duat. Perhaps the board ai education management tearn should sit dawn wlth Paul Slean and Ns staff and wark aut sOme finandial hslp as well as outine the gîaund rules wifth such a praject. Looks 1ke a serlous errai ln judgment was made. h le not fair ta let this project drag out too far. Cauld we se. samne actian tram aur school baard autharilies? Ron Murdock Whltby What's the problemn? To the editor: Re: 'LeVa waik together,' loUter, Fise Press, July 26. Dennis Fax appears ta aubscribe ta tho schaol af thaught thet Ufyau repepat something oten enough, p eapls wvilI begin ta beliove IL msrepiesenting tacts over and aver agaln dos not ater tho ieallty af what occurred, regardless af what yojmight get some people ta Mi. Fax has taken an extremely defensive position when ths subject ai Whltby Generai Hospital cornes up. Why is that? 1, for ans, tind h lnteresting that athough he professes ta speak for Whitby cauncil, he's the only one doing sa. Whitby council has worked cbosely wlth Save Oui Generai Hospital and ls an record as suppartîng aur efforts and doesn't appear ta teel thero is a need ta support ils actions. What's the prablern, Mr. Fox? Wha le really rnuddying the waters here? h appears on the surface that we ail want the sarne thlng. Why dos Mi. Fox point fingers at evory oppoitunity and thon cry toui when the reciplents point back? JoAnne Prout Whltby - * thW1e ediorg Asked to withdraw To the odîtor: Re: 'Unfair to malign 0MB chair,' letter, Free Press, July 19. We agie. fully with the pralse ai uthe OMB's exceplionally fair and decent IndMvdual" (0MB chair). But ta go on and state that at the lime <1992) nobady attempteci or was prepared to take the matter ta the 0MB ia wrong. We took the matter ta the 0MB, in wrlting and at the proper limes, anly ta b. asked by the Town of Whitby planning department ta withdraw. Wh en we did -nat do this, we recelved an invitation tram the Mlnistry ai Municipal Affairs ta came ta their Toronto offices. There we were led through the whale Bird and Hale Ltd. process again. We were tald the same a befare in Whitby that the NbIg Ruth Grier, Minister af the Environment' had stated that no environmental assessment study was required; wha did we think w. were and what did we think we cauld achieve against these adds. ln triendly and na uncertain terms, we were asked ta withdraw aur request. At this meeting at the MMA I asked what else was left for us ta do $235000 raised. To the edîto-r: On behaiffai kidney patients, their familes and thausands af valunteers, I would 1k. ta thank the Whitby Free Press fai support in publiclzing oui annual March Drive campaign. Thanks ta the generosity ai the local community and the support given b y dedicated valunteers, we were able ta raise approxlimately $23,000 in Whitby. Their efforts caupled with the hard wark af thousands ai other volunteers across aur catchment aiea resulted In raising over $700.000 during Mardi Drive, yet anather recaid-bieaking campaîgn fai the Central Ontario branch ai the Kidney Foundatian af Canada. In addition ta supparting angaing research, patienit services and public education pragiama, such financlal successes also make passible the start-up of new initiatives such as the Natianal Organ Danar Task Farce. The task farce has taken a leadership raIe in addressing the argan danai cnisis in Canada, a criais that not onliy impacts kidney patients. but the health care system as a whole. Withaut the support ai people such as yourselves we could not hep make a difference. Diane Truyens agalnst the development. We were tol that later on ln the process of thls development with zonîng amendments requlred, we could corne back if any one af the parties devAated tram the development plan. We walted for that, until the new zoning bylaw requests came out. We objected then about a lot -of devialions from the 1992 accepted plan and asked for an 0MB mediation or hearing. Frank and Sus Eggsrt Whltby To the edîtor: I arn wrlling ln respanse ta Town councll's appiaval of the motion ta support Anderson CVI's efforts ta reinstate a smoking area on schoal piaperty <"Measures urged to stop student drivers' speedlng,% July 12, Fiee Press). Smoking areas on schoîlproperty are cuiiently prohibited by the Tobacco Cantrol Act. Relnstaling a smoking aiea would not salve the prablem of klds oongregaling ln ara 'na the schooî, and wauld be givlng ln ta pressure tram the students. To the edîtor: June was Seniors' Month. This year's therne, 'Growing and Achleving Tagether,' was promoted by the Durham Regian Health Depariment. The publc health nurses who work with specific seniors' graups piesented plants donated by varlous florista and nurseries ln Durham To the odîtor: Samethlng must b. dans about the Welare and Faniily Benetits Act. Reckpients get a stamped envelope ta retuin their mantlily carda. Benefits are paid ta anyone coming into Canada, wvith or wvithout Intentions of becaming a Canadian citizen. Mthers deilberiely are havin9 babies ta Increase their benefits; each year they have- another cIiild and guarantee an Increase of appiaxirnately $120 per week. Legal aid la supplied fiee ta recipients, and la paid for by the working persan. Recipients' delinquent acunts with Canaumers Gas, hydra, water, cable, Bell, etc., are passed alang ta the paylng custarner. Reciplents are exempt tram Canadian law - they are pratected againat gamnishrnent (even if you have a judgment f=ornthe courts, h la warthless for collecton). Reciplents can collsct two choques ln one month by clalming Ater manths of hard woik, the province praclalmed the Tabacco Contrai Act ln November Last year. This heafth legîslaon regulates haw tabacca is sald and used. R le deslgned mainly ta reduce smoking by yaung people, and ta protect Ontarians tram secand-hand srnake. Tabacca is the leadlng avoldable killer ln Ontario and almost ail new smakeriare childien. Ih le important that everyane ln aur -cammunlty, especially elected officiais, support legîslalian deslgned ta reduce aur children's access ta tabacca. Mary Sue O'Connor Chair, Councli for a Tobacco- Free Durham Reglon, Region. Ta evsryane who contributed so geneiously to help us celebrate wlth the seniors', we wouîd Uke ta say thank you.' Judy Clmenhage Christine Gillespie PublIc heaîth nurses Aduft program Durham Reglon Health Department that they cashed -their cheque and bast the maney. Recîplents do nat pay Incarne tax. Recipients receive free inedical prescriptions and dental work. A reciplent mother af thîee will receive appraxlmately $2,400 manthly. Recipients fiaudulently misuse funda as piavided for ladging and services, knawing full well that ht can't b. collected. Reciplents laugh at the system, abuse R. and talk amongat themnselves ta see what else that they can get away with. Taxes are dralnlng the woikei, but so aiea are the increases in services because af non-collection tram reciplents. The governrnent la cutting backç In aider ta repay the deficit, but I firmly believe that reforma to the W sitar. and' Family Benefits Act must corne. Everyone tram the biih- paying world is paying and repaylng for the system. It la about Urne that samething le don. D.L French Whitby Smroking areas Nurses say-thanks Welfare abuse

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