Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 2 Aug 1995, p. 19

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Whltby Free Press, Wedriesday, August 2, 1995 , Page 19 ANNOUNCENT$I ALLAN AND SHERILLYN HALTON wish t0 share their Silver Wedding Anniversary with family and friends ai a Corne and Go Tea on Saturday, August l2th, 1:3Opm to 4:00gm ai 8 Coniston, Court, Please Recycle This Newspaper MOLSN 'JOHN & LAURIE fHolmes) along with their children, Peter and Alexandra, are pleased t0 announce the birth of their new baby boy. GREGORY EDWARD was born June 27, 1995 weighing 5Ibs., 9 oz. Gregorys grandparents are Beatrice Molson of Pembroke, Ron and Carolyn Holmes of Whitby and great-grandmother Laura Molson of Pembroke. Special thanks go to Dr. Lockner and Dr. Braithwaite and nursing staff ai Oshawa General Hospital. IT'S A BOY! ROBINSON - Elisa & Rob are thrilled to announce the birth of their lst born. THOMAS-JAMES ALBERT ROBINSON was bomn October 201h, 1993 ai Qshawa General Hospital, weighing 81.bs, 4oz at 7:OSpm. Proud grandparents are Joan & Art Robinson of Whitby,- Sylvia Polt 0f Oshawa & AI Polt of Bowmanville. Aunts are Deana Gogolin, Danielle Pollett, uncles are Tim Robinson, Shaun Polletti THANKS MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus be praised, adored, glorified, Ioved and preserved throughout the world now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude worker of miracles, pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless, pray for us. C. D.N. E. TaNK THANKS TO THE SACRED Heart of Jesus and St. Jude for many favours received. B.C. THANKS TO ST. JUDE & the Sacred heart of Jesus for favours received. May the Sacred heart of Jesus be adored, glorified, Ioved & preserved throughout the wortd now & forever. 0 Sacred heart of Jesus pray for us. St. Jude, worker ot miracles, pray for us. St. Jude, helper of the hopeless, pray for us. Say thisp rayer 9 timnes a day. By thY eighth day your prayer will be answered, regardless of how hopeless your situation seems. Pubication must be promised. M.P. PRAYER TO- THE BLESSED Virgin, neyer known to fail. 0 mosi beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful- vine, spiendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assisi me in necessity. 0 star of the sea help me and show me here you are my Mother. 0 Holy Mary, Mother of God Queen of Heaven & earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to secure me in my necessity (make requesis). There are none t hai can withstand your power. 0 Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee (3 limes). Holy Ma7 1place this cause in your hand (3. times). S ay this prayer for 3 consecutive cdays and 'hen yvou musi publish. it and it will be granited to you. M. P. Whitby Free Press 668-6111 Office Hou rs: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00, pm Fax 668-0594 W MUn iulsi Aucoin Htlng 18 AdvanfgeTmh.13 Hani Pltis 12 sufton G" p 10 C. D.wkns 8 masbarhdrom 7 Margold ougaus8 MOn lght dlwluh CirchTad 15 Hughes Hawks 10 Golden LU 8 lan eann 8 mmlnimPringles S Apolo Spoitwr 7 macsitIRpopoit S TURF 0 264 0 230 1 216 1 206 1 183 3 201 0 133 1 227 0 225 0 149 0 196 0 210 0 1oi 1 204 JuIy 23 MacAsdlRappoprt...3 Bill EoonM ...... Whitby men' s slo-pitch m el Iuly 3m C.Gowdri. ....17 Goldn UNl. il....1 JuWy24 Hughes Hrb ..... 7 Ken Clu........ ,1UWy25 Aucoln Hufing&Air. il Jonatiun Fuanc-i Midst.rBdroom..2 S&ttn Group...10 MulnhsPdngl.S8 AdvanagsThlcom.. 1 Scott Me macAsdIlRapoot.. 10 OBITUARY--+ MYRTLE STAFFORD A resident of Whitby most of her life, Myrtie Irene Stafford died at Whitby General Hospital on July 14, 1995. She was 82. A daughter of Williamn John Richards and Florence Maurant, she was born in Pickering on Nov. 14, 1912. A housewife and homemaker, she was a member of St. Marks United Church, Whitby. On Feb. 25, 1933 she was married lu Whitby to Emest Robert Stafford, who died before her. They operated the Stafford Brothers Monument Works. Mrs. Stafford is survived by daughters Barbarad (and husband Theo Thissen),, Helen (and husband Ray Rundie) and Debbie (and husband Gerald Robitaille), many grandchildren, great- grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. Shle is also survived by brothers Bill, Hanson and Elgin Richards and sisters May Dalby, Dorothy Anstey and Eunice OBrien. She was also predeceased by sister Elsie Greentree. .Mrs. Stafford was at the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel, Wihitby, where Rev. Brian Geeconducted the funeral service on JuIy 17, 1995, followed by interment ini Oshawa Union Cemetery. 6 Generations of Service, Quality & Trust e Family Monuments * Granite or Bronze Markers * Oemetery Lettering * Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 3 18 Dundas St. E. Whitby.- 668-3552 After Hours 668-4460 or 721-9882 Homne appointments gladly arranged isintroduigC L colun! . . ... 1900-451-4882,1xtE 4 It's enly. $1.99 per minute. You mÉust e l 8 years or, older Pe.. nand have a touchitone phone to use this service. Per on*To resp on d or browe ds FREE AD FREE VOICE GREETING FREE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL once a week Service brought 10 you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive Williamsville, N.Y. 14221 customer service # 1-800-273-5877 ~ES VERY HIGH MORALS Active SF, 46, succestul in business, lovas home, garden- ing, finer things in lite, seeking intelligent, humorous SM, must be of gaod character. Whilby area. Adi 7388 WHITBY OR OSHAWA SWGF, 29, enjays sports, horseback rlding, ramantic evenlngs, watch mavies at home, saeking SGF, to be friends wilh, maybe mare. Ad# 2861 LADY FROM CANADA GAF, 23, 5'2*, lO9lbs., lang hair, brawn eyes, petite, excel- lant shape, seeking sMender, blonde SWF, 20m29, for friand- ship, possible retatlonship. Oshawa area. Adi 1252 VOCUMA BROOKS SWF, 36, good sense af humor, one son, likes rock and country music, walks, fuît moons, stars in the sky, dancing, quiet evenings at home, seaking SWM, 36-47, for friendship, passible relatlonship. Oshawa area. Adi 9667 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF, 19, 1281bs., blonde hair, blue eyes, Irish, ana daughter, gaod sense ai humor, easy ta get alang witli, likes kids, going for long walks, cuddling, movies, somne sports, seeldng teil. dark SWM, 20-29. Oshawa area. Adi 5600 DURHAM REGION SWF, 19, enjoys alternative music, seaking SWM, 19-22, for friendship, going to con- carts, hanging out.Oshawa area. Adi 6362 TALL BEAUTY SWF, 18. 511, moal, enjoys movias, saeklng, SWM, 18-25, 6'60+., for frlandship possible relatlonshp. Whltby arma. Ad# 6970 I5 THIS YOU? SWF, 29, 5'2", dark blonde hair, green eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets, shooting pool, outdoors, haises, Harfeys, seeks rugged- ly handsome. SWM, 33-36, fadiai hair a plus, 5'8*-, far passible relationship. Oshawa area Adi 9495 LET'S DANCE SWF, English lady, petite, 54, 53», red hair, blue eyes, enjoys intermediate balliaom dancing, loves dogs, walks on the beach, seeking aSWM, 50-65. Whitby area. Adi 3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34, 5'5», brown hair, blue eyes, enjays country music, talking, dancing, camping, much more, seakingSWM, 32- 45, must like childien, similar *interesta. O§hawa area. Adi 2208 I'LL GET BACK TO YOU SWF, 30 professional, attrac- tive, Ian g blonde hair, green eys an oys bands. basebali, camping, working out, oui- daors, seeks SWM, profession- al, similar interasis, for friend- ship, possible romance. Whitby aires. Adi 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, enjays dancing, movies, animais, sports, out- doors, lemming, seeking SGF, any age, with sirnilair Interests. friends first, maybe mare. Whitby area. Adi 1819, IF YOU WANT TO SW mom, 19, 5'4*, 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, ana daughter. seeking SWMV, 20-29, for rilendshlp, nmybe more. Oshawa area. Adi 5600 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46, seeks honeat, sin- cere, intelligent SWM, 45-58, who has high Marais and enjoys the better Ite for friend- ship and a long termn commit- ment Whitby area. Adi 7388 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF, 37, 58V. brown hair, slightly oveiweight, weaîs glasses, ana son, likes country music. dlnlng out, mavies, nature walka, seoks sensitive, fun-lovlng, patient SM, 37-47, wha likas kida Whtby aiea. Adi 1485 IF YOU WANT TO SW mam, 19, S4», 128ibs., blonde hair, blue eyes, ane daughter, seeking SWMV, 20-29, for frtendship, maybe mare. Oshawa area. Ad# 5600 HAPPV PERSON SWF, 25, N/S, non-drinker, red hair, brawn eyes, new ta Oshawa, seeking SWMV, 25-35, N/S, ta gel tagether with, muai be in Oshawa area. Adi 1433 GREEN EVES Bi-SWF, 30, 54", stighlly fuît fig. ured, long dark hair, seeking SF, 23+, ta talk ta. go ta clubs wllh, for friendship only ta, start. Oshawa aiea. Ad# 8092 LET'S TALK 58F, 19. 56V, ll4lbs., attrac- tive, Intelligent, mature, caring, ramant, seeklng SWMV, 30s- 40s, no head gamea. Whitby aiea. Adi 8232 SHE LIFTS WEIGHTS SWF, 38, 5W6, ilSîba., no chul- dren, enjoys running races, canoeing, mountain biking, mavies, dlning out, seeking SWMV, 35-39, for long terrni rela- tionship. Whitby aiea. Adi 9150 TAKE A CHANCE SWF, 20, mom ai one, anjays dancing, walking, family lite, home life, seeking down ta, earth, emplayed, SWMV, 22-32, must like kîda, for honuat rata- tionship. Whitby aea. Adi 9719 GENTLEMAN WANTED SWF,33. seeka down ta earth, honest, SWMV, 29-41. for lasting relmtionship, possible romance. Oshawa aiea Adi 2390 WELL EDUCATED SWF, 39, 5V, no childran, veg- etarian, environmentalist, enjoys running, mouniain bik- lng, skiing, kayaking, travel, reading, seeking SWM.I to share interests. Oshawa. aiea. Adi 9148 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SWF, 19, 54", ll2lbs., enjoys alternative music, seeking easygaing, honeat, SWMV, noth- ing, seriaus, juat hanging out, concerts, more. Oshawa aiea. Adi 6362 RELATIONSHIP SWF, 47, 57r, stim, looking for bail, SWM, 40-50, sincere, hon-, est, intelligent. Whitby aiea. Adi 4242 CALL ME SWF, 38, lave and intereat for lufe, honeat, affactionate, strang family and sociat values, seeks SWMV, 35-45. Whitby aiea. Adi 7892 ENJOYS FUN SWF, 33, seeka sincere, hon- est, SWMV, 30-4l', for friendship, long taon relationship. Oshawa area. Adi 2360 OUTDOOR NUT SWF, 40. 148lbs., loves flie, hormes, galfing, boating, beach- as, basebali,. holding hands, theatre, dining out, seeks SWM, 40-55, with comman intereats. Whitby araa. Ad 5122 SEEKING CREATIVE LADY SWM, 25, artist, vary musical, seeking attractive, slim SF, who shares passion for art and music. Whiiby area. Ad# 4080 HOPE YOU CALL SWM, 36, enjoys live theatre, movies, snuggtîng in front of the ire, seeks SWF, 28-37, F- 57', ta share interests, possi- ble relationship. Whitby area. Ad# 8873 LET'S HAVE COFFEE GWM, 38, 6, 175lbs., enjoys camping, music, sports, travel, dags, seeks ambitiaus, slim, cute GM, 18-24, wth zest for ife, smoker, drug-free, for friendship, maybe mare. Whitby area. Ad# 2053 WHAT DO YOU TI-INK? SWM, 19, smoker, easygoing. laid back, enjays clubs, hockey, dining ouI,.dancing, seeks SF, ta share interests, possible retationship. Whitby area. Ad# 3402 NICE CATCH SWM, 25, self emptayed, good background, likes many thinps. seeking sincere, good taokung SWF, 20-26. for friendship, possible retationhp Ohw area. Ad# 9321 RELATIONSHIP SBM, 37. 5,11", 1501bs., fun, easygoing, ikes movies, music, dining, camedys, going for drives, going ta the park, seeks attractive, affactionate SF, 18-5 0, for an ongaing raea- tionship. Oshawa area. Ad# 2835 GOOD NATURE SWM, 34. 510% brown hair, hazet eyes, stim buitd, likes walking, tatking, kids, seeks good natured SWF, 18-40, for friendship, possible relation- ship. Oshawa area. Ad# 3589 FAIRLY FOR YOU SWM, 18, 5'9", brown hair/eyes, muscular built, seeks goad toaking SWF, 22-25, for frlendship, possible relation- ship. Oshawa area. Ad# 5368 LET ME KNOW SWM, 22, warks shift wark, pretty quiet, pretty shy, ikes cauntry music, seeking SWF, 19-25, for friendship, maybe mare. Oshawa area. Ad# 1613 VIGOR FOR LIFE SBM, 50, likes sports, outdoor activities, seeklng energetic SBF, 35-45, for friendshlp, maybe more. Oshawa -area, Ad# 8868 CARS ARE FUN SWM, 36, 62». 200ibs., likes the outdoors, camping, going out and watching auto racing, seeking SWF, 25-99, for friand- ship, passible retationship Whitby area. Ad# 2061 GOOD RELATIONS GWM, 25, 6Y, vegetarian, no chitdren, ikes gaing ta clubs, sparts, making people laugh, seeking N/S SWM, 20-40, with similar interests for a possible long terni relationship Whltby area. Ad# 2402 CAN MEAN SOMETHING SWM, 26, brown hair, blue eyes, N/S, tawyer, funny, likes tennis, cycting, gaing out, learning, seaking ivaly, anar- getic, professionat SWF, 20-38, for a meaningful retationship. Oshawa area. Ad# 8801 GO FOR tT SWM, 35. 5'8". 200lbs., aver- age looking, ana depandent, owns harses, ikes country music, outdoor fife. barbaques, dining out. family, seaks SWF, 29-40, for friendship. Oshawa area. Ad# 5834 With Auto Ad taking, just use your touchtone phone ta answer some questions about yoursetf and the type af person you woutd ike ta meet. Thon record your voica greahing, and wetIl transcriba it int a print ad that witt appear in the Whitby Free Press. Whitby Free Press' Persan ta Persan ta avaltabte for single people seeklng retatlonships. Ads containing explicit sexual or anatomical language will nat ha pub. ished. We resarve the rlght ta edit or refusa any ad. Customer service 1-800-273-5877. KI Maie W Whte H Htspanlc NC Native Onadian S Single WW Wldowed F FOemi B Black A Asian C Chritian D Oivarced NIS Non-smoker THANK YOU* SWM, 30, 6% brown hair, green eyes, enjoys camping, mavies, music, beach at nighlta hear waves, going out fa parties and bars, seeks sincere, honest, =aig slim, SWF, 24-33. Osaa area. Ad# 8390 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWM, 23, 6', 170lbs., brown hair/eyes, Oshawa area, easy- gaing, enoys autdoar and indoor activities, seeking SWF, 19-25, for good limas. Oshawa area Adi 4582 DOWN TO EARTH SWM, 33, enjoys fun limes, conversations, walking, seek- ing friand, paf, buddy, laver in SWF,- 18-30. Whitby area. Adi 3641 MR. ROMEO SAM, 32, 6', l8Olbs., blond hair, blue eyes, seeking inter- esling, adventurous, spanta- neous, creative, SWF. 22-38, for friendship possible long relatianship. Oshawa area. Adi 2339 GOOD CATCH SWM, 40, 5'8, , lSlbs., fuit head of hair, good looking, N/S. moderate drinker, scuba diver. anjoa outdooîs, canoelng, hik- lng, bîking, golf, seeks SWF, under 27, for passible relation- ship. Whitby aiea. Adi 6875 LOVE ME TENDER SWM. 24, Sicilien, enjoys movies, bars, bands, gaad limes, seaking SWF, under 27, for passible relationship. Whitby area. Adi 8270 GOT YOUR ATTENTION SWM. 45, saeking down ta earth, Ioving, sîncere, quaan size, SWF, far spailing, pamt- ernfine dining, mare. ~Jhtyaiea. Adi 9016 SENSE 0F HUMOR SWM, 25, 56, i 37lbs., black hair, green eyes, en oys weight traiinglon wals, ravel, skin SWF, 20-30. for passible relatianship. Whitby area. Adi 8460 STILL SEARCHING SWM. 21,510, lSOlbs.. brown hair, b lue eyes, anjoys quiet imes, mavies, dinlng ouf, seaks SWF, 18-22, hanest, sin- tara, funny, wlth simitar Inter- ests. Whllby are&. Adi 3480 md fà,eswer, sOoaquCio botY.Purseif andthe tye:if: poion ou anttaMuetAnt sc(bd to yurvôetre ln- whc lt er intho paper Mt :Q: What àluanm tber? A: The 4 digit pumber ait h.eand o1 your prirnt ad 1het al vs min gis I acm. and rnapond 10 your 0. hm Mai Ioen cceas code?: A; AdohfIdetill 4 digi t eothat only you know, that ailows* only you acceaa to your *BkfI*. 0.:,whatrnieleose? A. Voce gretngs tram other singeia Who .ré sporded. tIo'your ad inthà aw Mer or through the :.Toitln 1, Fout mes sages fr FRE!, cati140o. 853-445Ext. 47. once every 7 daya or .-900-451-4882, Ext. 47 anytime, *at. a charge of $1.99 per minute. 0: Whet amn system matches? A: Vo s retg framother admV= Mertl w araching cri- terta îs the same or simitar to yours. You can lsten t0 your sys- tamn matches lnstantly by caltng 1-900.461-4882 Ext. 47, at a charge of $1.99 per minuta. 0: What la Smart Browme? A: A spatial feature that attows you 1 t ten. and respond ta othar voice greetings that match the criterta you select. Cali 1. 900.-488M2 Ext. 47, option 2, alia charge of $1 .99 par minute. 0: How do 1 rsspond to en ad? A: Calit11-900.78>4882 Ext. 47., option 1. ai a charge of $1.99 par minute, the system wili ask you ta enter the 4 digit md num- bar ai the nad of tha prinI ad. Press i1 t respond, press 2 ta go on ta the. nerçt md. 0: ftow do 1 cancel or renmw and ad? A: Cali customer service at 14800-273-5877. Manigold Lotom ... 4 fucon Heting &Air. 9 Scott Hmadurson ... Chuck Mous CirclsTàid ......... 9 lmnBaion Motoi... 20 Ricti fàztn ........ Uke Rankin 3w., à QomMe AdantgoTlwm..ô RBon*uil r- 1

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