Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Jul 1995, p. 31

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Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, July 19,199, Page 31 Lakefiront oncea posh resort By Brian Wmnter Towan tWhit1by Archivist F'rom 1900 to 1965, Whitby had a thriving sunimer resort on the shore cf Lake Ontario, that was a mecca for taurists and visitors from Toronto. Nothing remains of the original buildings, a pavillon and nuinerous summer cottages built at Heydenshore Park at the turn cf the century. Today the park ise' a public playground owned by the Town of fWhitby, but originay it was a *private summer resont operated by the Wbitby Street Railway and Park Company. The idea of a summer resort of cottages at Port Whitby was firet voioed in 1897 by Fred Howard Annes, a visionary who propoeed many projecte for the development cf Whitby when the community only had a population cf about 3,500. By 1899 the WVhitby Board cf Trade, under chair John Bail Dow, a lawyer, approacbed Town council with a request ta expropriate ]and for the proposed resort. The site under consideration was a plot of 21 acres owned by a brother and sister,. Lawrence and, Barbara Heyden of Toronto, whose father was one of the early settlers of Whitby. The Heydens agreed to lease the property for 21 years at $200 a year and take stock ini the company which was ta manage the park A joint stock company called the Whitby Street Railway and Park Company was formed, with capital stock cf $20,000. One thousand shares were ta be sold at $20 each. By May 1900 a THIS POSTOARD view of, 1913 shows Heydenshore Park, Iooking east from a small gazebo which once stood on the lakeshore. The only remains oý the cottages at the park now are a few sets of concrete steps Ieading to the beach. Whltby Archives photo charter for the company was obta ined. The directors of tbe Company were Lawrence Heyden, John Ball Dow, James Rutledge, Lyman T. Barclay, Theodore McGillivray, Andrew M. Ross, William J. H. Richardson, Hugh M. Rosa, Fred Hatch, Thomas G. Whitfield and James L. Madill. The charter gave the Company the right ta, build an electrie street railway from the Park ta downtown Whitby, but this was neyer done. But the resort, nanied Heydenshore Park after Lawrence and Barbara Heyden, went abead. Fred Hatch, owner of the buckle factory from 1903 ta 1929, was one of the leaders in the' development of the park. A friend of R.S. McLaughlin, president of the McLaughlin Carniage Company in Oshawa, he persuaded McLaughlin and bis daugbters ta build cottages at the park. Building got underway in the spring cf 1900. Hundreds of trees were planted and a landacap gardener was- hired ta lIay out the grounds. In the suxnmer of 1901, contractors Brown and Coopers of Toronto constructed a frame pavillon in the centre of the park at a coet of $1,500. The 40-square foot pavilion consisted of a covered dance floor on the second level, with ice cream booth, change rooms and a kcitchen on the first level. The pavillon, a social centre for the town every suxnmer, stood until 1936 when it was demolished. The present Heydenshore Pavillon, b uilt in 1971, ie named after this buildià Ini May 1901, Mathias W. Colins, a local shoemaker, used traction engines ta, haul a eail house from the north part of the town ta Heydenshore Park ta be bis family cottage. Many other cottages were built in 1901 and afterwards, establisbing a prmanent summer colony at the Arrangements were made by the park company for special excursion trains and steamboats ta, bring visitors fromn Toronto ta Heydenshore Park. In July 1902, the Methodist .Deiconesses of Toronto opened &ýhome, for underprivileged chUýdren at the west end of the park. Gouzp of children . from àoono slums, 100 at a time, were brought ta Whitby where they , were- housed in the Deaconesses' Fresh Air Home for a week or two weeks. The borne was still in operation in 1932, but closed shortly afterwards because of the Great Depression of the 1930s. By 1904, the park consisted of 50 acres and was described as "the most admirable site for a summer retreat and picnic ground between Toronto and Kingston." The centre of the park was open to, the public for pienics and field days. Special events were beld at Heydenshore Park on the August Civie Holiday weekend, and excursions from Toronto such as the Danforth Businessmen's Association made annual summer tripe tothe Pak. 1n1916during the First World War, the 182nd Ontario County Battalion established a militazY training camp at Heydenshore. The bucide factory and other local industries beld their employees' summer picnics there and the wealthy citizens of Toronto, Oshawa and Whitby maintained cottages. The end of Heydenshore Park as a private summer resort came in 1965 when the Whitby Public Utilities Commission purchased the pak or $38000 and demolished the cottages., thé park was later sold to the Town of Whitby and is now maintained by the' Town's parks anc receatondepartment. Over the past several years the Whitby Kians Clu b bas provided playground' equipment, and the new Hfeydenshore Pavillon bas been a popular social centre for 24 years. DD YOU KNOW? That Kent Street was named after Darwin Kent (1822-1884) who owned and subdivided the land between Kent and Euclid streets, north of -Dundas Street. In the 1850s he operated a hotel at the location now occupied by Canada Trust at Dundas and Eudlid streets, he later rnoved to Bracebridge where he continued in the hotel business. .'CALL Th Whitby Fe Pess is ntroducng , CL 1~8O0-83-6445 xt. .7an alNEW dating column!190-5-82 x.4 It's only $1.99 per nunte. ou must be Iyaso le and have a touchtone poet s hssrie to place your FREE P r l oP ro orsodo rweads. voice ad,,Trsod rbo's FREE AD FREE VOICE GREETING FREE MESSAGE RETRIEVAL once a week Service brought to you by: Direct Response Marketing 2451 Wehrle Drive Williamsville. N.Y. 14221 customer servicen # 1-800-2.73-5877 MOTHER 0F ONE SWF, 19, 1 28ibs., blonde heir, blue eyas, Irish, one daugisiar, good sense of humor, easy to gai along wiih, likes kids, going for long walks, cuddling, movies, some sports, seaking tait, dark SWM, 20-29. Oshawa ares. Adn 5600 DURHAM REGION SWF, 19, enjoys alternative music, seeking SWM, i 9-22, for friendship, going 10 con- certs, hanging out.Oshawa ara. Adn 6362 TALL BEAUTY SWF, 18, 5,11", modal, enjoys movias, saeking, SWM, 18-25, 6'6"+, for friendship possible ralationship. Whitby ares. Ad# 6970 S THIS VOU? SWF, 29, S'2», dark blonde hair, green eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets, shooting pool, outdoors, horsas, Hantays, saeks rugged- y hsndsome, SWM, 33-36, facial isair a plus, 5'8"+ê, for possible relaiionship. Oshawa ares Adn 9495 LET'S DANCE SWF, Englisis lady, petite, 54, 5'3", red heir, blue eyea, enjoys intermediate ballroom dancing, loves dogs, walks on tise beach, seeking a SWM, 50-65. Whitby aras. Adn 3033 DOWN TO EARTH SWF, 34, S'5", brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys country music, talking, dancing, camping, mucis more, seaking SWM, 32- 45, must like children, similar interasis. Oshawa aras. Adn 2208 l'LL GET BACK TO YOU SWF, 30 profassional, attrac- tive, long blonde hair, green eyas, enjoys banda, basebaîl, camping, working out, ouI- doors, seaks SWM, profession- ai, simitar iniaresis, for friand- sisip, possible romance. Whisiby ares. Adn 2324 THIS CAN WORK SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, animais, sports, oui- doors, leamning, seeking SGF, any age, with simitar interests, friends firsi, maybe more. Whitby ares. Ad# 1819 IF YOU WANT TO SW mom, 19, 5'4", l2Blbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, one daughier, seeking SWM, 20-29, for friendship, maybe more. Oshawa ares. Ad# 5600 GOOD CHARACTER SWF, 46, seeks honesi, sin- cere, intelligent SWM, 45-58, who has high morals and enjoys the betier life for triend- ship and a long iermn commit- ment Whiiby ares. AdC 7388 LAUGHING TOGETHER SWF, 37, 5'8", brown hair, slightly, overweight, wears glasses, one son, likes country music,f dining oui, movias. nature walks, saeks sensitive, fun-loving, paient SM, 37-47, who likes kids Whiby area. Ad# 1485 IF YOU WANT TO SW momn 19, 5W", 128lbs., blonde hair, blue eyes, one daughter, seeking SWM, 20-29, for friendship, maybe mpre. Oshawa ares. Ad# 5600 HAPPY PERSON SWF, 25, N/S, non-drinker, red hair, brown eyes, new to Oshawa, seeking SWM, 25-35, N/S, 10 gel iogeiher wiih, must be in Oshawa ares. Ad# 1433 GREEN EYES Bi-SWF, 30, 5'4", slightly full fig- ured, long dark hair, seeking SF, 23+. to ialk io, go 10 clubs with, for triendship only to start. Oshawa ares. Ad# 8092 LETS TALK SBF, 19. 5'6-, 1141bs., aitrac- tive, intelligent, mature, caning, romaniic, saeking SWM, 30s- 40s,' no head games. Whiiby ares. Ad# 8232 SHE LIFTS WEIGHTS SWF, 38, 5'6", IllSlbs., no chil- dren, enjoys running races, canoeing, mouniain biking, movie4, dining oui, seeking SWM, 35-39, for long term rela- iionship. Whitby ares. Ad# 9150 TAKE A CHANCE SWF, 20, mom of one, enjoys dancing, walking, famnily life, home life, seeking down 10 eanth, employed, SWM, 22-32, must like kids, for honiesi rata- tionship. Whitby ares. Ad# 9719 GENTLEMAN WANTED SWF,33, seeks down to earth, honesi, SWM, 29-41, for lasting relationship, possible romance. Oshawa area Ad# 2390 WELL EDUCATED SWF, 39, 56», no chitdren, veg- etarian, environmentalisi, enjoys running, mountain bik- ing, skiing, kayaking, trevel, reading, seeking SWM. 10 share interesis. Oshawa area. Ad# 9148 SEEKING FRIENDSHIP SWF. 19, 5'4", lî2lbs., enjoys alternative music, seeking easygoing, honesi, SWM, noth- ing, serlous, jusi hanging out, concerts, more. Oshawa ares. Ad# 6362 RELATIONSHIP SWF, 47, 57", slim, looking for tll, SWM, 40-50, sincere, hon- est, intelligent. Whilby ares. Ad# 4242 CALL ME SWF, 38, love and inieresi for lite, honesi, affeciionate, sirong famity and social valuas, seeks SWM, 35-45. Whitby ares. Ad# 7892 SWF, 33, seeks sincare, hon- est, SWM, 30.4 1, for friendship, long termn retatîonship. Oshawa ares. Ad#i 2360 OUTDOOR NUT SWF, 40, 148lbs., loves lite, horses, gotfing, boating, beach- as, basebal holding hands, tisesîre, dining oui, seeks SWM, 40-55, with common interasîs. Whitby ares. Ad# 5122 STILL SEARCHING SWF, 32, enjoys dancing, going out, good times, seeks outgoing SWM, 36-40, ta ahare inieresîs. Oshawa ares. Ad# 1800 HEY LADIES GBF, 27, sponianeous, seeka GFE 18-31, for friendship, going oui. msybe more. Whitby ares. Adn 3903 SINGLE PARENT SWF, 25, two children, msny interests, essygoing, down ta earth, employed, seeking SWM, 38-40, simitar qualities. Mississauga ares. Ad# 7838 LMALE R-ELATIONSHIP SBM. 37, 5'11', iSOîba., fun, eaaygo'n', likas movias, muamc, dining, comedys, going for drives, going 10 the park, seeka attractive, affeciionate SF, 18-SQ, for an ongoing reas- iionship. Oshawa ares. Adn 2835 GOOD NATURE SWM, 34, 510", brown hair, hazal eyas, slim build, ikes walking, itking, kida, seeka good naiured SWF, 18-40, for friendship, possible relation- ship. Oshawa ares. Ad 3589 FAIRLY FOR YOU SWM, .18, 5'9", brown hair/eyes, muscular buili, seeka good looking SWF, 22-25, for friendship, possible relation- ahip. Ohawa ares. Ad# 5368 LET ME KNOW SWM, 22, works shift work, pretty quiet, pratty shy, ikea country music, seeking SWF, 19-25, for friendahip, msybe more. Oshaswa ares. Ad# 1613 VIGOR FOR LIFE SBM, 50, likes sports, ouidoor activities, seeking energetic 56F, 35-45, for friendasip, maybe more. Oshawa ares. Ad# 8868 CARS ARE FUN SWM, 36, 6'2", 200lbs., likea tise outdoors, camping, going ouI and waîching auto racing, seeking SWF, 25-99, for friand- sisip, possible relationsisip Whitby ares. Ad 2061 GOOD RELATIONS GWM, 25, 6'l", vegetarian, no cisildren, ikea going ta clubs, sports, making- people taugis, seeking N/S SU,20-40, witis aimitar interesîs for a possible long tarm relaiionasip Whiiby ares. Adn 2402 CAN MEAN SOMETHING SWM, 26, brown hair, blue eyes, N/S, lawyer, funny, ikes tennis, cycting, 4going out, Ieaming, seeking ivety, ener- getic, professional SWF, 20-38, for a meanlngful relationship. Ad# 8801 GO FOR IT SWM, 35, 58», 2001bs., aver- age looking, one* dependent, owns horses, t ikes country music, ouldoor lie, barbeques, dining oui, famnily, seeks SWF, 29-40, for friendship. Ad# 5834 THANK YOU SWM, 30, 6', brown hair, green eyes, enjoys camping, movies, music, beach ai night to hear waves, going out Io parties and bars, seeks sincere, honest, caring, slim, SWF, 24-33. Ad# 8390 CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWM, 23, 6, l70lbs., brown hair/eyes, Oshawa area, easy- going, enjoys outdoor and indoor activities, seeking SWF, 19-25, for good times Ad# 4582 DOWN TO EARTH SWM, 33, enjoys fun timnes, conversations, walking, seek- ing friend, pal, buddy, foyer in SWF, 18-30. Whitby area. Ad# 3641 MR. ROMEO SAM, 32, 6'. 180ibs., blond hair, blue eyes, seeking inier- esiing, adventurous, sponta- neous, creative, SWF, 22-38, for friendship possible long relationship. Oshawa ares. Ad# 2339 GOOD CATCH SWM, 40, 5'8-, 1551bs., fuît head of hair, good looking, N/S, moderate drinker, scuba diver, enjoys outdoors, canoeing, hik- ing, biking, golf, seeks SWF, under 27, for possible relation- ship. Whiiby ares. Ad# 6875 With Auto Ad taking, just use your toucistone phone to answer same questions about yourself and tisa type of parson you would like ta meet. Then record your voice greeting, and wa'll transcribe ilito a print ad tisai witl appeer in tisa Whitby Free Press. Whiiby Free Press' Person to Person is availabta for single people seaking relationships. Ads conîaining axpîlcit sexuat or anatomica language will not be pub- lished. We rasarve the rigist ta edit or refuse any ad. Customar service 1-800-273-5877. M Mata W White H Hispanlo NC Native Canadien S Single WW Widowed F Femala B Black A Asian C Christian D Divorcad N/S Non-smoker LOVE ME TENDER SWM, 24, Sicilian, enjoys movies, bars, bands, good times, seeking SWF, under 27, for possible relationship. Whitby ares. Ad# 8270 GOT VOUR ATTENTION SWM,, 45, seeking down to earth, loving, sincere, queen size, SWF, for spoiling, pam- pering, fine dining, more. Whiiby ares. Ad 9016 SENSE 0F HUMOR SWM, 25, 5'60, 137lbs., black hair, green eyes, enjoys weight training, long walks, travel, seeking SWF, 20-30, for possible relatîonship. Whiiby ares. Adl# 8460 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 21, 5'l10", lSOlbs., brown hair, blue eyes, enjoys quiet limas, movies, dinîng oui, seeks SWF, 18-22, honesi, sin- cere, funny, wiih similar inter- ests. Whiby ares. Ad 3480 FIRST TIME AD SWM, 24, new to ares, tives alone, enjoys cycling, sports, seeks SF, for friendship, possi- ble relationship. Ad 9446 ARE YOU IN SHAPE? SWkÇ, 27, 5'9», lBlbs., msu lar, dark blond hair, blue eyes, dlean cut, good looking, hon- est, romaniic, enjoys ouldoors, going oui, seeks SWI, 19-30, similar interesîs, positive atti- tude, friends tirai. Whiiby ares. Ad# 9368 STILL SEARCHING SWM, 40, 6', 200lbs., good shape, dark hair. blue eyes, smoker,,social drinker, enjoys ouidoors, camping, fish- ing, hunting. walks, nature, ani- mals, dancing, country music, movies, seeks SF, 18-40, for friendship, mayba more. Whiiby ares. Ad 5407 NEW TO AREA SWM, 48, 510", brown hair, blue eyes, N/S, professional, funny, enjoys tennis, cyctîng, going oui, learning, saeks SWF, 32-47, lively, ener- getîc, professional, for mean- ingiul relationshlp. Whitby ares Ad# 5679 .w. . . . . . . . . . . . . w 1uw ib j<. ~ wThew4 44ppeboathe arn Qyaufprit led thateaws sin- 9105 to cai and reepond to your znlbox. O: Whatis ua a=ces.code?, A: AcanffdetiaJ 4 deglcode tisai only you knaw. 1ai ettows or#y VOU eassatu yaur maltbox. Q: Wf isat Mamessages? A: Volce- greatings tram othart singles who responded .tai your ad lnhe newspaper 1or tirougt, tisaý braWss. To ien to your messages.for FREE. caI 1400I. 853-6445 Ext. 47 once every 7 days or 11-900>451-4882, Ext 47 anytime. ai a charge. af $1.99 par minute. 0: Wismt are aystem Match«s? A: Volca greelings tram otiser advertisers whose matching cri- taris is tisa same or similar tri youre. You co îs.ten to your sys.- tam matches instsntly by calling 1-900,451-4882 Ext 47, et a charge of $1.99 par minute, O: What la Smart Browae? A: A speciat teature tisaI allows you ta listan and respond 10 othar voica greatinga that match tise cnitenîa you select. Cati 1- 900-451-4882 Ext. 47, option 2, ai a charge of S1.99 par minuta. 0: How dol1 rempond ta an ad? A: Cal 1-900-786-4882 Ext 47, option 1. ai a charge of $1.99 Par minute, thse syatem wîll ask you ta enter thse 4 digit ad num- ber eithtie ned of tise print adi. Prass 1 ta respond. press 2 ta go on ta the- next ad. 0: How do 1 cancel or rmnew and ad? A: Cal custamer service ai 1-800-273-5877. 1

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