Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 19 Jul 1995, p. 22

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Page 22, Whltby Free Prosa. Weckiesday, JuIy 19, 1995 Eagles The Whitby Eagles novice girWo? fastball teain, sponsored by Tribute Homes and the Broqklin and District Kinsmen, brought home the hardware from the recent Barrie girls' fastbl tournament. Eagles went undefeated against Walkerton, Aurora and Newmarket to win their division and advanoe to the round-robin finals. After a mercy shortened undefeated in tournament gaine. in the' opener against Walkerton, Whitby downed Aurora Diggers 8-7 and Newmarket 7-6. Andrea Gale made a beautiful running catch ini centrefield to shut down a rally attempt by Aurora in the sixth and Leanne Gannon drove in five runs including the tying and winning runs to defeat Newrnarket in the bottom of the seventh. The playoffs saw Eagles rally for five runs in the sixth against Cambridge. to break the gaine open and go on to wi 9-3. A gaine against Newmarket took 10 innings to decide as Eagles camne froin behind to score two in the top of the seventh and hold on defensively and cause the extra fraines .The international tie-breaking rule was brought into effect and Whitbysored run in the top of the last three i'ng matched by runs from Newmarket only ini the eighth and ninth. Warriors stili perfect The Whitby Warriors novice A rep lacrosse team, sponsored by the Brooklin and District Kinsinen, rolled over Brampton 10-0 on' July 11, to keep their zone 10 league record pefect at six wins and no losses. Kyle Musselman led the Warriors with The Warriors dominated the game throughout, scoring two goals in the first period, three in the second, and finishing off with five goals in the third. Kurtis Wagar went the distance in goal for the Warriors to record the shutout. Ini addition to Mussehnan's five goals, the Warriors got scoring from Scott Morrison with one goa and three assists; Deek McTeague with three assists; Shane Sargent and Wayne Turcotte, each with one goal and one assist; Marc Jackson with Whlitby basébali MAJOR BANTAN MWy25 Whitby Raay Club i June 7 The Bu"c 7 J ue 26 The B"ik 1 June 28 Bankocd Montai 6 Bryx"Hodi ~il J*6 The Brick Whitby Rolry aClb Whktby Rntay'C b The Bri" The Brick Tingmon aptter1 Trigon Cmptile1 Bai iMorired 4 ceai JWy The Brick 6 4 Trigm CorTputer 6 6 Bankaoflontreel 5 4 Br*oyHM 5 4 Whhy Petwy tb 5 e *NOR BANTAM June 20 Par Eeeo Blue Jay Sound June 22 Bank ai Montreel Stiton Group Whitby Optimist June 29 Creede Cycle Bank of Montreel Kentucky Fried C. June 30 Par Essa July 4 Kentucky Frl.d C. Bank cg Montree July a Kentucky Fried C. Whitby Optirrdet Blue Jay Sound 9 iton Groojp 9 Whitby Optinte 8 Creede Cycle 4 Pu Emo 6 BlueJay Sound 6 P« Eeo 16 Sion Groq> 9 Creede Cycle 15 Bkm Jay Sound 9 Whittay Optimci 5 Par ma 9 Creede Cycle 5 Sillon Gro..p Mai Jty lu SW L T p Kenftucky Frlod Chicken Il O O 22 Bank of Montreesl 9 2 0 IB Par Eeeo 5 5 2 12 Ellue Jay Sound 5 5 2 12 Whty Optimniet Club, 4 8 08 CreedeCycle 1 8 2 4 Sitan Groi> Saue 2 9 0 4 MAJOR PEEWEE June 24 Mot orcity Sotun 12 MacMilan Orch. 2 June 26 Dynes & Lloyd 5 MacMilan Orch. 1 Whitby Rotary Club 6 Bankcai Morreel 1 Co-Stee lmleeo 8SMotorcity Sedumn 4 J une 28 MacMilan Orch. 7 Whitby Claernt 2 Ca-Steel I1c 7 Whitby Rctary Ck*>5 Mdotoecoty Sidum 16 &rulng Doillars 3 Durharm Dodge 12 Dynes à. Lloyd 5 July 3 Durham Dodg. 7 MacMilan Orch. 0 Whitby Cleamen 12 Whitby Roary Club 7 Dynes àULlyd 9 Ban et ontreel 5 July 5 Co-Stewlloeco 19 MacMilan Orcf. 1 Dynese&Lloyd 7 WbutbyCbmes 4 DuharnDodge 8 Bank ci Maiireel 8 Whhby Rotay Club S Smilin Dollar 5 calJWy 7 W L T p MoaroitySitum 8 2 0 18 CO-StSIlc 7 2 1 15 two assists; Mike Ozystal and Blair Singler, each with one goal; and Zach Greer, John Pimin, Kurtis Wagar, and Jay Winder, each with one assist. The next home game for the novice A Warriors is Wednesday, July 26 at 7:30 p.m., at the Donevan Community Centre in Oshawa, against Brampton. Tennis taught, Whitby Tennis Club jno lesson prograi will be held on SatrdsJl 29 to Aug. 26, for childre gd6 te 9, 10 te 12 and 13 te 16. -Cost for members is $30, non-members $35. Registration forms are available at Iroquois Park and the Whitby library, Rossland branch. Whitby PngyOltb 6 5 SunigDr 4 4 Ba* ci Mordreel 2 3 zMila t I g *NOR PEEWEE Marvn Eripris Jume 27 0Mervn Enierprwee O Ray Euieepneme 1 Whig. Pm .Ffight. Whitby Toyota 0 Jue 30 MAM Mod Shape 3 800 Raya ErUeprime 3 Whit . ~Freght. kger. M3l Sevices J *4 4 Marin Ergerpns Jenen Atto Body 800 MSM MSt Shape RW sEtepràue 14 Whitby Toyota 13 80 12 (len GrapNcs 15 Glén GrqAiVcs 3 Junon AioBody 7 Wliby Othkvù a Mnigww nkm 5 Glen Grphice 1B WhitbyToyota la aMov M Ente0p r-em 13 1 a WmX on rti 5 Whiby Otrnist 15 irg M . m eviae 7 Gien Grphics il WhRby timist 9 Jeneon Atto Body Me of JiiY7 MauM" tshape Whitby Pro. Fieighters Marvin Erieupases Raye Eriere Gien Graphie WhitbyOptimit CkiA IrarnioelMiServices Jeon mAto Body WhktbyTe.yota Marigo Lxdn lnMorcy Lennox Doua W L i~ 2. 9 2 G 3 7 3 6 3 6 5 6 7 5 B 4 9 4 g 3 8 i ~ MAJOR SQWRT Juie 3 kMvn Erterpases Jwoe7 WhiqLk» ImeClub Jmnun AttoBdy Jiiy 3 Bankcai Morire. WhM ityKumn AndemSonVterai W.C. Town Chapel Goldn Hm" CO-Sed LmS Jenen Ato Body Dr. D&ersDyn. Jenen Ato Body 13 Whitby LisaClb 12 W.C. TownOChapel Il Dr. Denier ymi 8 Douidesi.t Detai 8 Di"deC. Guardan 1B MariEnterprises, 5 Bnkaetlantreal 19 Albkid aim 9 Dr. Déniers.Dyn ID Tarato Dmoni 15 Alkid ofG» 12 17 Bankaof Manremi a» ad Jaly 9 W L Jeneon Ato Body M10 Gol"e Mam*» e wzC.Town chapel 7 3 A-Ùàbl-Extra-H* , 7 3 Torano Donion Bank 7 4 Co-seLASCOo 6 5 Marvin Erierprise Be WhiilyULons Ckd, 5S LeamcoCoruitia 6 5 Aldnd af Gm Service 5 a Whitby KWTUm.mCkIb 4 5 AndeuanVoaeineyClnic4 6 Dw" dC. Gwu.IiDrug 3 7 BaNkcfl Morreel 3 9 Dr'. DailesDynae 2 MNOR SQWRT Ciewawnetinq Brookin Kinemen KSC.Socuty Ba*N ca Mrr" Phinced Crire RNgle C. G&mrdim May. Jity 6 Dis kwuruuc WhâbyOptknist Reit-A-Teru 13 Whitby lOnusmn la Ex.cuiwe Clenor 1 m crwecit.k 18 Pfru.uod Cerre i S<aummeg V 2 Rer-A-eni9 2 Whkby OpIboliCk a 5 WhâbyKlnmn ChI 7 6 W. Fm* 7 5 Cnmeer Cuttinç SCorin 4 7 TD -Gren MacNne 4 7 DIS kururmae 4 9 Pay GkW 2 8 Pl%ýýnodCtre 2 in PribCvk. Guitm Dai 1 MAJOR MOSOUTO Joune 23 SeleePuCheli Juoe24 June 27 ChurchereAtm KP Capy Jue29 Cchr'$Augo. smmesC" Whkby WKini 8 Whltby Klwmi. là Law=oxDrun 11) Lennox Orn 12 S"jeChalet 6 WhmtbyAudio 4 StuM 7 Warrn'.Pdrging 8 Cenadiao Tire 24 PlmiueAttak 8 Hýhhd Movng opC aJsiy i w Dundas GuadliDruge 10 ChuchWe 'Autoentvé il) Whiby Audio 5 Whiby Km" ù 5 Sw" Chaeti 5 KP Ccpy 4 Ilghland Movng yiern. 3 Carbadan Tire 2 LaMait Drum 2 Plaue.Attark1 LT o o 20 50 4 i 50 40 60 60 S O 7 i 90 70 *NOR MOSOUITO Vc k iNaae 2 Whkby Kiriem Suba rnis 3 Srokl.In rnen 6 Mkche ktuii Jue29 Jerry. Dru W«a. 3 Joiy4 Vick kmmNoee Whiby Kinerar sieur Bu-Ua p Jijy e 15 mac=%=euma 15 Jerrys DrMgWame 14 Don ug Tcwn arp. 9 awrBurqar s 7 Quaity ,c 4 la Whdittoyc>imi 8 14 Mawlm eura. t> 21 Lagdaglee i 3 9 DomdSSoojer 4 14 D--g Turner Carp. e 18 BenkciMontreal 7 20 WbItby Optimii 5 9 Sunlea Fkrmis 1 8 Brookîn Kinmen 4 10 Dodd asouter 4 13 V*ck Inrence g 9 Whetby Kimen 8 il Whitby nie 7 atumlGe e» ai lily 9 Midiael kmun" a. Markeing ReMSaua Grotp 7 'dock kuowanoe6 Suha Fans. Doug Turner caentry 6 LW:kb* ik Clb 4 wooeuài IGnemnenCkl, 2 ~B w orks We brew for you - no extra charge INC. (you just add the yeast) Brew beer for as lowas $115 per case of 24 reg. bottieýs. Brew ypur 1 Oth batch & your 11lth is FR EE! Make ivine for as Iow as ~ $2.75 Per 750m1 bottie. $~ Introducing ... wine coolers and sparkling wines. Make them now in time for the warmer weather! ALSOTRY UR EW WHEAT BEER RECIPE Browlng BURNSCDIrIL 666 I W 11-9 IMIII1390 Hopkins St. N OW O1PE5N COJSMERSJ Unit #6 Whitby -Sun. 11-3 ~---------- jr ------------------ I */ e ADVERTISING POLICY The Whitby Free Press is a business which derives almost ail Its revenue from advertislng ln one form or another. For obvlous seif-interest, we want our clients' advertlslng tb work. Our policy is 10 reach as many homes in Whitby as possible (usually more than 99%/) and to provide local high-interest content that ensures that people read the paper and hence the advertising as weIl. We urge readers to patronize our advertisers ln order that we can provide even better coveraqe in the future. We also stress creatlvity. We will provîde our professional experlence to advise clients on ways ta make their advertislng more effective, but for a product that cannot be repossessed, there are no guarantees. We strive 10 avoid errors, but when we make them. a correction will be made in a subsequent issue or a discount oifered. The newspapers legal liability is only for the actual space occupied by the error. Advertlslng is sold according 10 the space It occuples. No additional charge Is made for artwork or layout and hence the newspaper retaîns the copyright on ail ils original work. The newspaper reserves the rlght to refuse advertislng which il finds objectionable or detrimental 10 ls business. 90' Pîtcher Patricia Cowman gave a stellar performance on the mound as she hurîed complete gaines i the flrst four outings Callie Osborne camne on in relief ini the fifth inning of the last match to record the win. Osborne also led the teamn offensively in the tournament with seven singles and a home run, followed by JilbInnes with a double, two triples and five singles, Gale six singles and a triple, Gannon a triple, double and four singles, Kristen Foster a home run and a single. Mitchellme maove -on Mitchell Insurance won the mens masters division of the Oshawa Coors Light provincial qualifier recently. Mitchell flnished the weekend with five wins in -six gaines. By wmnning the tournaznent, the Whitby teain qualified for the iagaraal championships in .NaaaFalIs Sept. 8-10. They had already qua]ified for the Labatts provincial chamlpionships in Hmilton by winning a tournamnent in Ajax in 1

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