Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 12 Jul 1995, p. 2

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Page 2, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, JuIy 12, 1995 MUNICIPAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN EXPENSES RE&POR..T Developers biggest contributors to candidates By Mark Reesor Developers with substantial holdings in Whitby were the lar- gst overail contributers te con- -ates i November~s municipal election. Morkborough Properties was the most. generous, giving $750 each, the maximum allowable from a single source other than family, te Marcel Brunelle, Joe Drumm, Tom Edwards and Den- nis Fox, ail eiected te, council. Another developer, Monarch Construction contributed $750 to Brunelle, Drumm and Edwards and $250 te, John Dol- stra, who lost te, Shirley Scott in the centre word contest. Snowspring Developments ($750 te Brunelle, Drumm and Edwards), Pebbiestene Muiti- Services ($750 te, Brunelie and Drumm and $500 te Fox and Mitchell), Invar Construction ($750 te Edwards and $500 te, Doîstra and Don Mitchell), Brooklin Estotes General Part- ner ($750 to Drumm and Edwords), Tormina Homes ($750 te Drumm and Edwards) and Whitby Gardens ($750 te Drumm and Fgdwards) were aznong the other large corporate donors. Mayorai candidate Pat Perkins spent $21,800 in her failed bid te unseat Edwards -- $4,000 more than the Whitb mayor. Much ($16,'306) of that expenditure, and a $2,644 bank loan, came from her or her family. Brunelle w*as the ne t biggest fre ain ifisgion council seat, o1wed b regional councilior Drurm ($J,696), east ward's Fox ($8,999) regional councilior Gerry FËmm ($7,734), Dostra ($7,2 10), Scott ($6,380), hydro commissioner Don MacMaster ($6,011) and unsuccessful regional councilior candidate Doug Anderson ($5,054). Joanne Prout spent $2,203 ini her unsuccessful bid te take the east word from Fox. The other candidates inciud- ng both separate anâ public schooi board trustees, spent les thon $2,000 and received les thon $2,000 in contributions with the exception of north word councillor Mitchell, who receiied $3,672 but spent juet $1,984 on his campaign. Campaign surpiuges are tur- ,,ed over te the clerk's office but can be used in the candidate's next coipign. Drumm had the largest sur- p lus ($2 952), foilowed b y Bruýnelle ('$,979) and Mitchell ($1.688). Three unsuccessful candidates -- former regional councillor Ross Batten and 'Public school board hopeful Jack Bremer and Carol Wilson - have yet to file finan- cial disclosure statements. Under provincial legislation, if they do not file withmn 30 daýys, they will be banned from run- ming i the next election. 3Oshawa, 258 Park Road, 130 King Streeot aT w e p25 )O O p e g * DRY CLEANVER SPECIAL.S 0Trousers $1.98 Rain Coats (liner extra) $5.25 Shirts .99 m FROM PAGE 1 the health councilproposai, the. dents.) MSuit Jackets $3'95 Ski Jackets $5.95 Shirts (silk) $2.98 m optlsbodo directers is "If we don't pigaback on that Suits $5'93 Blouses (plain) $1.98 Shirts dry clean $1.98 reasmuthvno"ad daitd»eepndgace then smtng's wrong,» saiâ Coatsa 'usUae o»a-d ý" te»t epnin ct àCas$4.25 & up Blouses (silk or rayon) .$2.98 Dresses reg. $4.75 & up *a should have now» respectively care services. Drumm. "We have a rare oppor- à Up TO 601% OFF Ail other items flot isted 40% Off « whiie the latter is what hospital "If Whitby General is not tunity now te tell the premier Prosont coupon wllh Incomlng order. doctors wouid "like te have now» allowed te expa4d and grow, it and our two MPPs3 how we fee LintExcluding sleeping bags, bedspreads, comforters & down-filled cmats. à but con afford te deiay. will be from a lack of commit- If we lose this hospital, getting it im Coupon per customner. Not valid with any other offers. Llmited Timo Offer. 4 N pRe the cost of meet- ment from this council and com- akwlbe sie t it You can entrust your child's care to Wee Watch,. Reliable, supervised day care at a home in you neighbourhood. " Safe, comfortable environments " Stimulating daily programs " Trained, professional Pro viders " Reliable local back-up for Pro vider's holidays or illness " Complete insurance coverage " Income tax receipts supplied a Monthly home inspections and, we wefcome full or part-time care for chîfdren from 6 weeks of age! For information cati: w ue 686-3995 !atciib a icensed Agency Ph U "c ing the- equùipment needs of al three categories at more than $900,000, with more than a third of it in the "essential» doass. Much of the hospital's machinery is as old as t he faci- iity itseif and no longer ca abe of meeting current needs, d noted. 'The waiting list is over six months te use some equipment and without equipment, physi- cians are foroed te send patients elsewhere," he said. "AnXd the fastest way for the Ministry of Heaith te, close acute care ser- vices is not te use them.Y Souch teld council that despite FROM PAGE 1 crease be phased in over a two-to three-year period; the depart- ment proposes rates would be increased $12.50 April 1, 1996 and another $12.50 April 1, 1997. Whitby taxpayers wiii chip in $375,000 this car -- $46W0 an hour -- te subsidize ice rentai costs. Without the fee hike, almost $300,000 more wouid be required te subsidize rentai, rates at two new pads.. The Town projects it wouid cost $3.5 million to buiid one new pad at Iroquois and $6 million ïmtwo. $1 3,495 GOLF "WORLD'S BEST SELLING CAR"I POWER LOCKS, TINTED GLASS, DUAL MIRRORS, ADVANCED SAFETY SYSTEM, AND MUCH MORE. *Freight, PDI,& taxes extra. O.A.C. OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC.k/ -ProvwI erffwvou BEsTrshife192 An I OARE arid OAA awardv*iner. 1425 Dundas St. East, Whitby *686-6410 munity," lie warneci Souch said hie wiil follow the example of newly-elected Dur- ham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty if the hospital boses acute care ser- vices. "If Whitby General Hospital is foroed te tak just a rehab role, 1 will.be joining our sittinq mem- ber in resigning,» he promised. (Flahert and Durhamn East MPP John O'Toole were both present for much of the meeting. They were formally recognized by council for their victeries in last month's provincial election.) Aithough he supjported council- lor Marcel Brune le's motion te honour the $250,000 pledge councillor Don Mitchell expressed concern about "local" taxpayers taking on the pro- vinoe's role in hospital funding. Reed replied that the money will be used solely for equipment purchases and not operating expenses. 'Me ministry does not provide sufficient funds for capi tal equip- ment expenditures. e have te rely on a variety of sources,» he said. In bringing forward his motion, Brnelle, a former mem- ber of te health council, critic- ized that body for its recommen- dation onn Whitby General. "'With the growth of this com- munity, I can't understand what's gone on in the minds of those who would change the puar function of the hospitai,» hesaid In arguing for council's endorsement, councilbor Joe Drumm said he was encouraged b Fiaherty's promise during the ection campaign. "I heard Jim Flaherty give a solid commitment te our hospital and the commitment that now- Premier Mike Harris gave our comrnunity,» said Drumm. (Durin a campaign stop at Flahert's Whitby headquarters, Harris roised that no changes would bemade te, the hospital without the support of local resi- a headline saying that Whitby council doesn't support its hospi- tai,» said councîllor Dennis Fox, wheo blamed some foes of the rehabilitation proposaI for doing more damage te the hospital i the long run by their opposition. «'A year ago we had people wo ran for council -- and thankfully didn't win -- ask the service clubs not to contribute te the hospital,» hie said. «Unfortunatel they lis- tened and the hospital has suf- fered.» Although hie did not mention "ny names, Fox's main opponýent in last Novembei>s municipal election was JoAnne Prout, co- chair of the Save Our General Hospnital citizens' committee. Although hie had- no i good news' te report on the heaith council study, Flaherty and Souch engaged in a brief debate outside the* council chainbers wheri the former complained that bis efforts were being hindered' by lack of a unified stand by al parties. Flaherty said the Hospital Council of Durham Region recently asked the health minis- ter to approve the study and he is worried that the mimister may be getting niixed messages. 'T wish the board and administration of Whitby hospi- tai wouid stand up and say we don't su pport it (study) period,» said Flaherty. "I want the board te unequàvocally support mne on this and not have t he minister sign it.» Souch said hie prefers flot te "close doors,» but agreed with Fiaherty that the health council std fers no guarantee of acute care services at Whitby General. «We- deflnitely don't want it signed in its present form,» said Souch. «There are no ifs, ond, or buts, we don't support it as is.» H-owever, the board will accept rehabilitation facilities if ocute care and urgent care services are retained, Souch added. I..

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