Rebels earn berth at provincials Page14 MPP wants end to Tackling workplace Chase ends hi sudden gas prioce hilkes problemns Whitby field Page 2 Page Il' Page5 ~',1t1 *BigCrowd for carnival AN ENTRY ln the Whltby Jaycees parade cetebrates Canada Day. Thousands turned out for the Saturday parade and many County Town Carnival events June 30 to JuIy 2. More photos on~Pot pae .Ã, Peter Nueas. Whltby Fre Prou By Mike Kowali If Whitby's reborn County Town Carnival is any indication, thon absence truly doos make the heart grow fonder. Twelve years after the last carnival, thousands of Whitby residents took part in the 1995 version of what was once the town's most popular community event. I fact, the response ,to last weekend's carnival was s80 strong that organizers are already look- ing forward ta making next year's even bigger and botter. «I think it went fantastie. I just couldn't believe the crowds" carnival committee chair revo;r Bardens said Monday. «T'he people of Whitby need te, be commended for coming out and taking part.» Bardons, who headed up the committee of volunteers that planned the threo-day event that coincided with Canada Day, esti- mated that 5,000 people were ini attendanco at tecarival's height. E-vents held in downtown Whitby on Saturday seemod te b. thé most popular, Bardons said but activities held on al throe days attractod crowda, ho noted. "As chairman for the first yoaýr, I had my doubta, I was a littlo appréhensive,» ho said. «But it saratod Friday mght. People juat rolldini and it was groat tho whole weekend.» Bardons said ho hoard nothing. but positive comments from everyono involved, b. they volun- toors from tho many service SEE PAGE 18 Steel Plant strike is now in secon wee By Mike Kowalsi There is no end in sight toaa strike that has stope produc- tion at a south Witby steel plant. Workers at North American Steel have beon off the job since June 26 after negotiations for a new contract broke down bot- ween managemont and Local 2784 of the United Stoelworkers of Arerica. There have been no meetings since the striko began and none are planned and thoro is evory indicationtfiat the work stop- page could be a long one. Bath sides in the- dispute dug in their heels Tuesday and bla- med the other for instigating the strike at the Hopkins Street plant that manufactures steel racks and shelving. Company prosident Rosalie Fabricius accusod the union of being inflexible on the issue of contracting out production and also demanding instant bargamni- ing rights should the firin oxpand elsewhere in Canada or the U.S. The workers claimed Fabricius is seeking concessions such as wage freezes and a reduction in the employer's share of the bene- fit package that is now paid sole ly by the company.' "They keep saying we broke off negotiations, but Steelworkors don't give concessions,» said Local 2784 president Glen Lee.. «We're not asking for much. We just dont, want anything taken away,» ho said. Under the provious threo-year agreement that expired June1, uin employee4i.-earn betwoon $16.7 ad $1.47an hour. AIl benefits including dental prescription crgs and hospital care, are paid by tho company. Management has now asked the workors te, pay 20 por oent of the Atou&h the union is seeking a wage mncrease and improve- monts to theý benefit package te include employees' families, Lee preferred not te disclose the monetary amount. But ho insisted'it is not out of lino with settlements elsewhere. "We're not asking for a hell of a lot, we know the economy is bad for everybody,» ho said. «We're just lookingr for what everybody else is gettig.» Lee said the company initially sought a 70percent reductionin its portion of the drug plan and wants toeoliminate some holidays and a 10-minute break period. While no further taika have been scheduled, Lee said any meeting will b. futile if manage- ment intends te, continue press- ing for concessions. Ho insisted the company is in a healthy financial situation and pointed te an enlarged photocopy of a Toronto newspaper story tacked te the outaide of the union s makeshift pickët lino <office i front of the factory Tho story notes that Fabricius .SEE PAGE J3, Hamming it up Firef ighters paddl-e to victory : 1 4 ,