Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 5 Jul 1995, p. 9

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Whitby Free Press, Wodnesdy, JuIy 5,1995 ,Page 9 BMBE SCHOOL Children, aged 4 te those who have finished Grade 6, can join staff at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church for an Awesome Adventure July 31 te Aug. 4, 9 te 11:45 a.m. There will be songs steries, snacks an d crafts. Pre-register by calling 668-4022. ONE PARENT FA ilS One Parent Familles Association - Oshawa Chapter, will meet Tuesday, July il, at the Adria Culture Club, 432 Sinicoe St. S., Oshawa. Bruno Scanga will speak on financial services. Foi more information, cali Diane Legere at 434-1954. FIRST AID St. John Ambulance will offer a, standard first aid/heartsaver CPR course in Whitby on July 26 and 27 te teach people lifesaving sIils. Cail St. Johný Ambulance - Durhamn Region branch at (905) 434-7800 or 1-800-267-1032 te register. City corn THIS HARDY CORN PLANT found a big enough crack in a downtown Whitby sidewalk toztdown some moots. POtby Mark Rleesor, Whtby Free Press GREEN THUMBS Bilan leyes *of the Arthritis Society will describe gardening techniques espeially suitable for those 'çreen thumbs' affected b arthritis, on Thursday, July 1:30 p.m. PHOTO WORKSHOP Bob Richardson, past president of the Whitby Photographie Cub, wilI give tips on photography on Mondy, JUlylO , 1 t03P.m. SLIDE SHOW A slide show, showinq Whitby's Canber arsh, bira sanctuary, harbour and area con- servation authorities, will be held on Thursday, JuIy 13, 1:30 P.m. GABlES An afternoon of gaines - in- cluding Scrabble,, rummy and cheekers __ will be held on Mon- day, July 17, 1lto 4p.m. DANCE Performers froin the Gaetane Ollesch School of Dance will nr- form on 'Ihurndav, July 20, 1:30 p.m. ENRICUMENT Club Carib of Oshawa Inc. will offer its second summer enrichinent program (math and English) at the Caribbean Cultural Centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa, July 17 te Aug. 4. The target group is elementary grade students, (not excluding Grade 9 registration where appropriate). Registration is on Julyl11andl13, 6 to8p.m., at the centre. Cost is $120 per student (supplies included). For more informnation, caIl Beverly at 430-6 308 or Lydia at 436-5026 or 728-4298. ORIENTEERING The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authoitysorien- teering workshop will be held on Wednesday, July 12 at Eni*skiilen Conservation Area, north of Bowmanville. The workshop wiil start fromn the recreation centre at 7:30 p.m. The event is free. To reserve a spot, contact the authority office at 579-0411. Take Regional Road 57 north te the 7th Concession, go west on the 7th te Hoît Road, turn north on Hoît and follow te the park entrance, turn left at the park entrance inte the recreation centre. FIIRST AID For information about first aid courses to be offered in July and Auut eall the Durhamn branch of th e Ue Cross at 723-2933. FISHING FESTIVAL An Urban FishingPFstival will takce place. on Sunday, uly9a Bowmanville Valley Coservation Area from 10 a.m. te 4 p.m., hosted by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, Mfinistry of Natural Resources, and the Bowmanville Anglers' Association. The event is free and fishing is licence-free as a result of the Ontario Family Fishingr weekend running July 7-9. A limited supply of fishing rods will be available te use at the site. For more'information, contact Kathy Dodge at (905) 832-7288. FUN DAY The Bonacord Child Care Centre will hold a Kid&s Fun Day te raise funds for new outdoor equipinent and teys, on Saturday, July 8, 10 a.m. te 4 p.xn., at 900 Bonacord Ave., Whitby. There will be free gaines, balloons, face painting and prizes for the kids, and for parents a bake sale, yard PC USERS The Durham PC Users Club will meet Thursday, July 13, 7 te, 10 p.m., iat CAW Local 222 Ha]l, 1425 Phillip Murrary Ave., Oshawa. Laurence Cutner wil discuss 'Ganes' and Caroline Parker of 'Discovery Toys' will discusa children's gaines. For more information, cail Allan Hewitt at 723-3179. INVISILE DISABlIL1TY The Invisible Disabililty Support Group will meeting on Tuesday, July 18, 7 p.m., at 947 Adelaide- Ave. E., Oshawa. The group is for the parents of social, emotional or behaviour probleins. Ail welcome. For more information, call Nancy at 436-7706.' WRrMRS CLUB The Durham Writers and Editers Breakfast Club will meet on Saturday, July 8, 8 te 10 a.m., at Swan'ls Marina, Liverpool Road and Lake Ontario, Pickering. Coet is $8 for members, $10 for non-members, reservations nec- essary. Anyone interested in networking with writers is welcome. Call Maijorie Green at (905) 686-2085. WRITEItSWORKSHOP The Writers Circle of Durham Regiora will hold a -workshop, «'Mags & Rags,' on Thursday, July 13.Ç 7 te 9 p.m., at the -Toronto Sehool of Business, 1450 Kingsten Rd. (at Valley Farm R xd) Pickering. Coet is $10 for memnbers; $15 for non-members. Freelance journalist Marjorie Green will discuss writing for magazines and newspapers. For more information or te register, call (905) 686-2085. Edo van Belkoin, Canadian regional directeir of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, discusses the speculative genres of si-fi, fantasy and horror. For more information or te register, -cali Maijorie Green at (905) 686-2085. DANCE A benefit dance for the Oshawa District Humane Socieywill take paeon. Saturday,July 8 at Brach 4i of the Royal Canadian Leçion, 471 Simcce St. S., Os awa. 'Double Play Entertainment,' a local DJ service, will ofer ail genres of, music, ranging from country te sixties to tep 40. The event is licensed so ticket holders must be aged 19 or over. There are prizes and giveaways including gtawae to Niagara Fals, Yuk Yuk ticketsý, Blue, Jays package, Wonderland day passes and restaurant certificates. Mfckets are $20 per person. To purchase tickets or for information, cail Carolyn Prear at 619-6762. "Ç DR. MICHAEL GREENGLASS 220 Dundas St. W. #102 (Dundas-Centre Medical Building) Whitby - LiN 2M3 430-4822 Evenlings & Saturdays Emergencies & New Patients Welcome NICNIC The Head Injury Association of Durham Region will hold the annual picnic on Saturda, July 15, 2. M. to dusk, at the Knights of Coluibus Camp, 2795 Riteon Rd. N., Oshawa. Bring a lawn chair, bathing suit and towel, gaines or sports equipinent. Admission is fr-ee. For assistance with transportation, cail the office at 723-2732. ONE PARENT FMLE One Parent Families Association - Oshawa Chapter, will hold a dance onSaray July 15, 8 pM. te 1 a.m., a Woodview Cmmunity Centre, 151 Cadillac Ave. N., Oshawa. For more information, cail Diane Legere at 434-1954. GARAGE SALE Scouts Canada will hold a giant garage sale on Saturday, July 8, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Sunoco Gas Bar, 509 Dundas St. W., Whitby. Ail proceeds go te support scouting in Whitby. Sponsored by the second Whitby Pire Venturers. DENTAL FACTS TIPS FOR TOOTH TROUBLES 4 Some of the mosi common dental emergencies and how.to handie them. TOOTHACHE Rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water. Remove any bits of food wedged between- your teeth with dental floss. If your mouth is swollen, apply a cold compress on the outside of your cheek. NEVER PUT ASPIRIN ON THE IMFLAMED AREA. See a dentist as soon as possible. CHIPPED OR BROKEN TOOTH Using warm water, try to rinse out as much dirt as possible. Use a cold compress on the outside of your mouth to keep the swelling down. See a dentist immediately.

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