Whitby Free Prou, Weckoody, Juno 28, 1995 , Page 15 Outhouse ch allenge "ot for f aint-hearted." By Mark Reesor Ail those who dare are being chalIeng to an 'outhouse race by the Twn of Whitby parks and recreation departmnent. It's "a challenge not for the weak or faint-hearted,» according to a flyer distributed by the department to promote the con- test that will begin at 1 p.m. Saturday during the County Town'Cazrnival. The starting lime will b. at the four corners and contestants will race south on Brock Street. The idea camne from centre ward councillor Shirley Scott, says department, director Larry Morrow. «It kinda just laid there; not a lot was happenmg... so we've gone out and built the winning machine already.» Challengers should "basically think about what an old out- house. 8 like, cut it in half 50 you can se. who the person is that's riding in it, and then you have foure .Pasically are no rules so'far -- rve appoited myself as rules chairman " says Morrow. «You can have itti. wheels, big wheels ... (and) whatever else you think an outhouse should have... it's got te look 1k. an outhouse, that's the one requirement? But Morrow suggests entries bo built from- scratch, rather than. stealing or borrowing the genuino article and cutting it in half -- and the hole is optional, hie adds. The winner will be presented with a "true trophy -- it's got an outhouse on top," ho notes. An on who wantu te register for the event should caîl 668- 5803, ext. 217. A bed race lu scheduled te follow the outhousers. Four teains have registered so far. Teains will use regular hospi- tal beds, complote with a «patient » with peple pushing it toward l~e finish linoe. There wvill ho prizos for the best decorathed as well as for the race winner. Other events taking p lace in the downtown Saturdayhoetween noon and 1 a.m. include musical ontertainment - there will bo a differont band evory hour bet- ween noon and 7 p.m. -- a pedes- trian' mail complèe with side- sak ales, open air restaurants and<pubse a voîcro wall, kids fish pon, jester hounce sidewalk art, dunk tank, firo à epartmoent open house, adopt-a-get prograin, bingo, 'Art on theGreen,' Care Bear mascots and purple dino- saur. --à ue. Dire etor ERT ,SQUE St. E., Whtby .3410 ï 605 BROOK ST. N. WHITBY (68-5162) BROCK PHARMACY LTD. Haeasafesummr.. I SHODPR "Proudly Canadian' 701 Rossland Rd.E. (at Garden) Funerali ROB] LEVE.1 110 DundasE 6 6 8 - Ope ti Mednge 7 as.a .e- BECKFORD'S SERVICE CENTRE LTD. ],