Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1995, p. 6

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The only Newspaper owned and operated b>' Whitby resîdents for Whîtby resîdents! MEMBER 0F: CANADIANONTARIO COMMUNITY CMUNT NEWS9PAPER NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ASSOCIATION, ISSN#0844-398X The Whitby Free Press is distributed free to 990/ of the homes in Whitby, Brooklin, Ashbumn & Myrtle as welI as numerous public and commercial outiets in Whitby, Oshawa, Ajax, Pickering & Port Perry. 27,500 COPIES DELIVERED WEEKLY__ MAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLE Canada $34 + GST - Outside Canada $80 + GSI Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario Inc. Box 206, 131 Brock St. N., Whitby, Ontario Li N 5S1 Phone: 668-6111 Out of town: 1-800-668-0322 Fax: 668-0594 Doug Anderson - Pubisher Maurice Pifher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager Printed on newsprint with minimum 20% 41 recycled content using vegetable based inks. *AIl wrtten material, illustrations and advertising contained herein is protected by copyright. Any reproduction by any means for commercial purposes without the express permission of the newspaper is prohibited and is a violation of Canadian copyright law. Reproduction for non-commercial distribution should bear a credit fine to the Whitby Free Press. Tacky To the dltor: 'The UgIfficatuan ai Whtby, Pragram' Where Dundas and Gardon streets itersoct, I'm sure yau must have seen How a harmkes tree-blessed aiea lias been recentl besieged. Surraunded by a rogiment af mansters broad and high That scream their raucous N'e noticed ather parts ai tawn Are suffening this invasion, As tacky signe for 'Viokyville' Sprlng up lIko a contagion. Offensive ta. aur sight, these roxious Signearae sent ta lrk us. Efther the circus has came ta tawn Or t he town's became a circus. FroeaJe eon Seniors Iucky To the edfor: June le Seniors' Month. 1 feel f.yortunate to b. a senior living Again thls ara we have been Optimist support appreciated To thue ditor: Whitby Generai Hospital Auxiliary Volunteens were honoured by the Whitby Optimist Club at a dinner May 24 ad Bellarnys Restaurant. Britt Hayne of the Opt imist presented a choque ta valunte.r co-ordinatar Eiloen Fairweather ta be usedl for bursary education and awards. The Auxlliary la very grateful for the sw>aort the Optimist -Club has given ta the Volunteen program over the. years. Whltby Gen.raî Hosphlt uetsfapeaple in 1h. community. Whtby insmen hasted the annual binga and provilded prizes and donuts and cafte.. BaiI.y Big V hosted a splendid evenmng with wanderful goodies and super entertalnment. Kinsmen aie- praviding twa buses ta talce seniors ta Fiesta, always a greog evening. The WhtyLegion le hastung an open house for senors. I wlsh ta thankç ail these people for again making seniors baI specil At this lime, expansion of aur centre la in progress. Maybe some Iriconveniences are experienced, but let's be gratefti i's happening. Elsie Miette Scabs To the edltar: Ta the union peaple who vated far 1.k. Harris: Harris says scab labour could b. braught In when a strike is cailed. Dan't you feel stupid now? Allen L Labratt Oshawa so theedtor,. Not an 11lth-hour bld To the edîtor: Concerned Citizens for Lynde Marsh (CCLM) wauld like ta set the record straight conceming my application ta the9 Lynde Shores monitoring committe None ai the members af Save Lynde Marsh (SLMA) or CCLIM f ighting ta preserve the marsh had submitted their names for the Lynde Shores monitoring committe. because we feIt that doln s wuld be canstrued as condoningw the proposed development. Furthermare, weýfelt aisa that the monitoring committee would not be able ta f ulfil its funiction without baseline data ta compare pre-develapment conditions ta post-develapment conditions af the marsh.' We entered the 0MB as the referring party with the ai-m of negatiating added protection for the marsh. In this light, councillor Langfield's parallel between Ms. Eggert, who applied ta the monitoring cammittee within the imposed deadline, and myseff is llawed. It is flawed because while Ms. Eggert had party status at the 0MB she did nat have ref erraI status. Hence she was not working under the same conditions as myseli lLe., ultimately only referrlng parties have negotiating power. MY aplication ta the monitoring comittee on May il was not some televenth-hour bid' coincldlng with a withdrawal from the 0MB, as stated in the Whitby Free Press. Rather, mny application ta the Lynde Shores monitoring committee constituted part of the negotiatians at the 0MB with two of the land owners, the provincial overniment through' Ontario Reality Corp., and the Region of Durham. Through these negotiations, the regional governiment, acting responsibly and amiably, agreed ta collect baseline information on the Region's portion ai the land for use by the Lynde Shores monitoring committee. When 1 expressed CCL-M's desire ta have some accessta this process, the Region's solicitor, Kate MacGregor, kindly suggested that this could be addressed by a member ai the Lynde. Shores monitoring committee, as a representative ai CCLM. Bath she and the solicitor for the province, Mr. Harbell, said they understo*ad why we had not previously applîed ta the monitoring committee and bath said they would recommend ta Whitby planning department that I be made a member ai that committe. Mr. Harbell made the recammendation in'a letter, while Ms. MacGregor did so verbalîy. In short, twa of the three land owners recammended that I b. made a member of the Lynde Shores monitoring cammittee. Whitby counicillors were ultimateîy responsible for the selection of the members ai the monitoring committee. We thank bath cauncillor Emm for putting forth the motion that I b. made a seventh member of the public ta sit on the molRftoring committee, and counicillors Mitchell and Brunelle- for supparting that motion. However, from rny conversation with variaus caunicillors, It: becarne clear that the Whitby planning departmnent had flot relayed the recommendatiains made by Mr. Harbeli and Ms. MacGregor ta members af Whitby council. The obviaus question springs to mid: why flot? As to councillor Fax's suggestion that I have a 'polticaî agna and intend to use the miorng committes as a 'poîitical vehicle,' nothing couîd b. further from, the truth. -I1amn gratefui 10 counclîbr Mftcneîî tar speaking ln m defence qaainst these CMcurrently awalting the 0MB chaIrs Written ruling on the OMB hearing, continues to seek avenuos to pmotect the Lynde Marsh, as no doubt SLM is ding. aiso. Concerned Johanna Tito Cftzns foqjnds BPalPagnuelo Onterlo 4axpaysrs Federation The hard part ai the job naw begmns for Mike Harris and his 81 members of the PC caucus. Excuses wan't cut it with vaters if ho daesn't deliver on his promises of f iscal reform. This election marks a stunning ahievement for taxpayers. nat because af who wan the election but because of what it was won an. Aftt. a concerted effort aver the past two years ta drive home the. message aif'no more taxes' and the need for balanced budget legislaion, taxpayers finally found a politicien wha was willing ta take iR seriausly. Marris was the only leader ai the three major parties ta sign aur Taxpayers Protection* Pledge, *a pledge which commits him n writing ta passing th. toughest, no-nonsense, pra-taxpayer leg lislation in the country. This s what vaters wanted after coming ta the difficuit realizatian aif the devastating elfects which a decade ai tax and spend gavernments has had an the average Ontarian's standard ai living. Former Premier Bob Rae was rebuked byvaters becaus. of the shacking f inancial performance of his gaverniment while the NDP held office. Recession or no recession, voters- clearly were incensed that aver the Iast four and a haif years, the Ra. goverrnment not only lncreased taxes by some* $4 billion, Rt also drove the provincial debt inta the stratasphere, from $42 billion toaa prajected $98 billion by the end ai this current fiscal year. l's alsa obviaus that Lyn McLeod and the Liberals were not even close ta picking up the pulse beat ai an avertaxed public. If they had, they would have jumped at the chance ta close the credibility gap by- signing an, ta the Taxpayers Pledge as 129 PC candidates did. As Rt was, anly four ai McLeod's teamn gat the taxpayers' message. By refusinq ta put her pay and that oïher cabinet ministers an the lin. if she didn't balance the budget as she said she wauld, vaters saw it as a signal" that she lacked confidence in the ability ai her party ta deliver on a key promise. And for sameane that was promising a five per cent tax cut, cynicai vaters were left questioning why she so strongly objected ta taxpayer protection legislation which wauld require the pubimcs approval befor. -a pravincial gavernment could ever again rais. taxes. This was an election that was won an the issues af credibility and putting 'taxpayers back in the drivers seat.» It was McLeod's ta, las. only because she couldn't quit. make the paradigm shift tram the aId way of doing politics ta, that af the nèw. lt's a lesson that politicians aÈail levels af government would b. wîse to leaîn. Viwon Taxpayers' agenda L ff--,% q-.Li cn EB ra-il c:r+CNA

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