Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1995, p. 33

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Whitby Free Press 668-611il Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 arn to 5:00 pm * Fax 668-0594 DOUG & JEAN BRYANT will be celebrating, their 60th Wedding Anniversary. They would like te invite aIl their friends te an Open House on Thursday, Juiy 6 fremn 4 - 6pmn at the Saivation Army Temple, 570 Themnton Read N., Oshawa. Best wishes only please. THE NEWEST WILCOX HAS LANDEDI Flightdeparted lreland September 1994 and arrived Orillia June 5, 1995, 8:28am. Take-off and Ianding were to perfection Mliht conditions ideal. Piloting for the f1first time was Mary Donovan-Wilcox magnificently instructed andi co-piloted by Stephen Wilcox. Happy and helpful flight attendants were Jenna and Summer Wilcox with in-flight weather and air-traffic contrai by Darne Wilcox. Ground support by proud grandparents Jim Donovan, Dorothy Wilcox & brad Thornpson, and Great Gramma Deolly Roberson. Greatly missed but viewving from the heavens was Gramma Manian Donovan. Mary Stephen, Jenna and Summer, of Haliburtoin, thank God for the safe arrivai cf their 81b.,Soz auburn haired littie 'boy, LIANI BABE WILCOX.- OBITUARY- CLIFFORD EARL MURRAY, a resident cf Vvhitby for the ast thirty nine Bars died at Whitby enral Hospial onMay 22, 1995 in his 73rd year. He had been in failing health for a number cf years. Bom in New Brunswick on May 15, 1923, camre to Ontario in 1953 and worked at the Whitby Dunlop and Firestone Co. for 27 years. A veteran of the second World War servigin the U.K, ltaly and Eurpe. He was a member of the Roya Canadian Legion Branch #1 12, VvhEtb for 17yer.-MAr. Murra is survived by his ,eyrtietosnDnna home, .Aaor William, and his wie Janioe. Grandchildren Trevor and Tracy of Amonte, slsters Mabeî, & Inez Ileye, NB. Mr. Mu- was at W.C. Tmne Funerà Ohapel, VVhitby. A Legion serice was heWednesday evening in his honour. The funerial service was hetd May 25, 1995 followed by interment in Groveside Cemetary, Broolîn. WICK, MARGARET ANN at the Oshawa General Hospital an Tuesday,, June l3th, 1995. Margaret Wick, beleved wife cf the late Cyi Geoffrey Wick. Dear mother of Donald and Aldine Wick cf Brooklin, Daphne Mossman and Des McNamee cf Scarbareughf Marshall and Linda Wicko Washington D.C., Fem and Ted Munns cf Whitby, Frank Wick and June Bailey cof Ajax and Gordan and Anne Wick cf Oshaw a. She is aiseo survived by 17 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. 'Margaret came ta Canada et the age cf 10. She pursued a career as a registered nurse before having her family. Margaret and Cynil were life members 'cf the Brooklin Horticulturai Society. A Memoniai Service was held at St. Thomas' Anglican Church, Winchester Road East, Broeklin, on Saturdey, June llth. Memorial Donations ta St. Thomas' Anglican Church or the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation wouid be appreciated, arrangement b y the ARMSTRONG FUN ERAL HOM E 433-4711. jA reduction of Up to 124 per cent of Municipal solid 1 wa ste can be achievedj Ithrough recycling I iwspapers ylss jcans and plastic *soft drink containers.1 AUCTION SALE SUNDAY, -JUNE 25 11 OOam (viewing 10:60)" Agriculture Building, Orone Fairgrcunds Take 115135 Hwy. To Main St., Orono, & follow signs This Sunday's auction features a large selection of smaller rare & unique collectable from the past inciuding aq uality selectien of antique fumishings, heusehold & kitchen collectables, glass & china, linens, clathing, quilts,. bocks, pictures, ceins,et.Ti is a must attend évent for one & ail an oppcrtunity ta purchese a treasure from days gene by. Cail fer ail y aur auctien needs MacGREGOIR & WEST AUCTIONS 1 Mike Macregor 905-987-5402 Junior West 905-983-5556« CORNEILS AUCTION BARN TUESDAY, JUNE 270 6:OOPMY 3 miles east cf Little Britain on County Road 4 Antique settee 2 door modem wardrobe, Frenchi Prov. chesterfield & matching chair, modem buffet reclining chairs, 2 deer frdge, 24ý' el. steve, 3p c. pine living room suite, chrome kitchen suite, electric ergan, modem dressers & chest of drawers, coffee & end tables, double box spring & mattress walnut fireplace mandle, odd wooden kitchen chairs, 3 Pc. modem bedroom suite, qty. hand & power tools, smail electrical appl. & househoditems. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1 Little Bnitain 1-705-786-2183 'CONEI'SAUCTION BARN FRIDAY, JUNE 23@ 5:30pm 3 miles east of Littleritain on Ccunty Road 4 Port Perry Estate plus others. Duncan Phyfe dining ext. table, parleur chairs> balloon back chairs F-;rnch Provincial coffee & endi tables, oval top trunks, parleur tables, 5 matchinq press back chairs, brown sect. chesterfield, antique dressers, eak rocki*ng chairs, walnut buffet, oak dinin9 q table, creut set, wicker chairs, 2 door almond fridge, antique settee, Cloverteaf parleur table, oak dressers, modem dresser & chest of drawers, 4 ladderback chairs, round oak dining table, fibreglass canoe, 14' alum. boat with l2hp Elto Gioter & trailer, 12' Sterling alum. boat, 4Ohp Evinrude outbaar meftor, Yamaha 175 Endure motorcycle, plus qty. of china, glass &collectable items.. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS RR#1 Little Britain 1-705-786-2183 TOOL AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, JUNE 24th at lOam 870 Taunton Rd. E., Whitby Having received instructions from the Durham Board cf Educatien, we are clearing the shops frem -3 schoels plus others. lncluding: 2 Busy Bee 15" planers, Wadkins 18" plner, woed lathes, table saws General 6 & 8" jointers, double dusl collecter, work tables, screll saws, fleer drill presses, Lincoln arc welder, small electrical hand tois Makita etc, small hand tools, smail kitchen appliances, approx. 20 Husquama sèwing machines, sewing tables, weod vices, gninders, torches, p lus many ether articles, Perable boat, 21 ft. '85 Fleetwood. Cadiliac, '87 Mente Carie, '87 Tempe, '87 Firebird, nîding lawn mower, lawn mowers, '90 Chev Suburban. Note time: lOam. Excellent sale cf teels, machines, sewing machines, etc. Viewing Friday frem I pm te 6pm. Terms: cash, VISA, M/C, debit card. McLEAN AUCTION& LIQUIDATIONS 905-686-3291 or 905-432-2836 FAX VOUR AD! ý"eby frWpPro"sp Wdrmdfl-unti21 19M PaW, 33 Hospice volunteers learn how to listen 'Story Listoning' was discussed by Richard Newlend at the Hospice Durham annual general meeting on June 7. It was a lesson on how te better liston when someoe touse a story. Forty voluntoers, board members and agency representatives attonded the event held at the. Whitby Free, Methodist Ciiurch. Hospice Durham volunteers provide hoistic, compa"onate in-home car. for people with a life-threatening iilness and their familles. Volunteers take a 24-heur training progrem hofore they become eligible te serve clients. For more information about the. Hospice Durham prograni, or te, become a volunteer, cei 435-5242. By Sgt. Kevin Slaney Durham Regional Polie Crime Stoppers and Durham Regional Police are ealnng fier the. ublic'. holp to solvo an ermoed rcbbery that ocro inWhitby en MnvApi«J10. At 2 pa.the National Trust Bank at 352 Brock St. S. was robod. Tii. suspect entered the benk and stood in the. lno- up waiting for a toiler. Wiion it was his turn, ho approached the. toiler and placod a whitoeplastic bag on the. countor. SThe. robbor thon said, "RFuit Up,," as, ho pufled his jacket back to. how thiebutt of ahann tuckedminthe waistband of hi. ponts. When money ws paoed in tho bag, the. suspect gralboèd it from the countor end Ieft the. bank. The roJbor ren up the steirs to the. north of --the bank and thon ren wiestbound towards Byrn Stroet. The. suspect was, do.cribed as maies, whitoeg>d 40, five fetl0 inches to, sxfeet, thin build, with a Jay's gwth of beerd. H. was wearing a rose- to, purple-coiouîred bal capp blue jean jacket, faded blue jeans, fight-oloured shirt, dark suniasesand white running shoos. A re.enactmont of the. crime will b. shown on CITY-TV (èhannel 67, cabie 7) on Thureday, June 22 during the. 6 and 'l1p m. news. It wi1 le io ho shown on CKVR-TÇV in Barrie anCHEX.TV in Petorborough on Friiday, June 23agn during the news. If you have eny information on Who is responsibie for tii robb.ry or any other sous offonco, «Mi Crime Stoppers. If your tip liads to an errost you couid oarn a cash reward of up to $1,000. You nover have te pive your name or go te court. Crime Stoppera do.. not subocrbe to celi diiay. The. Dunham Regionai Crime Stopper.ph one, number in 436-8477 iocally and l-80-97-877 long distance. BABY BLUE MAKES APARTMENT DEBUT Tiie iong-awaitod apartmient and tewnhouse ýrecydi*ng collection has arrived in Durham Region. More than 19,000 muiti-reoidontial unita throughout Durham Region are able te recycle for the. firet time, provided that thoir biuilding receives Muncipa garbage collection service. Reidents recentiy reoeived a multi-residential blue biox, %how tV information card, a reminder sticker and a fridg moignet. Recyclable matorials con now ho teken to contraiy iocated container. outside the. building. Tii. information card provides 'a list of ail tii. materiaes that apartment and townhouse dwellers cen recycle. Tbhroe large blue ýrecyc1ing containers clearly identi rthe. foilowing matoriels: Papear oena eo r newspapers (including inserts), magazines, catalogues, khon. books, ~Junk mail', o0fce pape r., colouredpapr,,eand envo1lopes witii windows. MaI plastc containem for green and clear plastic pop bottles orly,' metal beverage and food cens, and aluminum foil Glmcnido o food glass botties and jars. One side je for clear glass and on. for coloured. For furtiier information apartment and townhouse residents are encouraged te contact their building superintendents or their local Mmncipelty To tae recycling enother stop, apertment end hoineowner friends cen exchenge matorials te, divert even more wasto from landffill. Homeowner. can gather their magazines, junk mail, catelopus, mixed paper and alurninum pie plates and tae.tiiem te thoîr friend's apertment reccing program. In exchenge, the. apartment dwollers cen save thoir orgenic food wasto for their. friend's compost unit. Attontion, high sciiooi teachers. This suxnmer the Recycing Council of Ontaro is putting togetiier an Environmental Theatre Worksiiop Manual aimed at higii sciiool students and teaciiers. Tii. manual will provide workshop ideas, sample scripte, bibliographic information and a directery of youth-oriented theatre and environmental groupe. If you have eny sugestions for tiie manuel or if you wouldbUke te have your theatre or environmointel group included in the. directery, contact Jennifer Hobbs, 3Rs Theatre Outreach at 1-800-263-2849. GREEN TIP: If you have eny leftover paint that you do not wish te store, offer it te your nearest thoatre group for painting background props. PAINTING CONTRACT Bids are invited for painting the iron fence and gates at the north and west boundaries of St. Pau's cemetery, Columbus (S.E. corner of Columbus Rd. & Thornton). Work includes removal of rust, preparation of surface, and re-painting complete fence and gates. The bld should include 2 quotes: - 1 quote, for labour and tools alone; - 1 quote to include labour, tools & paint; Bids to be submitted by June 30, 1995 to: B. Cincurak, 502 Townline Road, Ashbum, Ontario, LOB 100O Competion by August 31, 1995. Enquiries to: B. Cincurak (905) 655-3187,

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