Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1995, p. 31

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WNWy Frm Prou,4 WockiosY, JUm ý21,s 49M PO& 8 l'--M-M £NL - - 3 U m Specializing i n Eariy Childhood - Education. For Peaoe of Mi. Pernj House Child Caoe Servies- 129 Perry St., WhltIby 668-9476 BIUINGUAL CHILDCARE providod, non-smoker, orgalnized outdoor & indoorpiay, music, books, lots of toys & daity crafts, smites & hugs& much more. I yr. & up. DrydenlSteeie Valtey Cii. Atmosphere like daycare. 576-9353. PARENTS PLAN ahead for September preschool. ECE rnom offers a homne-based educationai pre-school pro gram for 3 & 4 year oids, MondaylWednesday/Fniday 9:15-11:15am $30lweek. Cati Cheryl 668-84ý3 for details. EXPERIENCED DAYCARE avaitable in rny home inciudés daiiy outings to Pleanut Club, Pam's Backyard, Y-Pace, library, crafts, park etc. Also inciuded are breakfast, *lunch & snacks. Reasonabie rate. Cati 666-5452 before 9amn or after Spm. BROOKLIN MOM W1TH YEARS of expenience has a spot avaitabte for your littie one. Non-smoker. Eclient referonces. Great equipment and programs. Receipts given' 655-8600 MOMIS DAY OUT. Homo day care, half 'or fuît day openings, many activities, indoor/outdoor play, nutnitious snacks, Garden/Manning area. Cati Wendy 668-7644. EXCELLENT DAYCARE in Chnîstian home: expenienced mothor uses fenced yard, crafts, books, videa and audio cassettes ta nurture children. Ai ages weicome. Cati Kathy et 666-8456. WANTED: A ioving nanny, part-time, ta care for our 4 year old and 12 yoar- oid (beforo and after schoot) in our home. Re quirod: first aid, references, car.. M~ust be a non-smoker a nd onjoy roading, doing arts and crafts andwaiking in the park behind our Whitby home. Ploaso cati after 6:OOpm 666-3180. WANTED: BABYSITTER ta came to my home to care for boy-8, W irl-1ý beteen 8:3Oam-5:3Opm. osstand and Garden area. Cati after 8:OOpm, Wade 430-6890. We Watch DAYCARE AVAILABLE fult or part- time in my home, dlose to Leslie McFarlane & Pnngie Creek schoots & tocated at bus stop to St. Theres school. Garden & Manning area. Cati LOOKING FOR reliabie and affordabte summer* chitd caro? Expenienced caregiver-avaitabie fuit or part-time. Rossiand and Brock area. Referenoes and receipts. Cal Michelle 666-5039. AVAILABLE DAYCARE in my home, fenoed yard, lots of activities. Lunch & snack~ provided. Any age. Smoke-free. Part-time fut1-time or summer hoiidays. h~ease cati 666-9312. ]Babysitters- You need to W- know more than what time they' lmhome. Learn the basics of babysitting from the pros. *'What Every Babysitter Shoutd Know" teaches you child care, basic first aid and to.how handie an emnergency. You'll get a neat certificate too. Cail St. John Ambulance for de.lqils, or ask about the course ut your schoo!. S 668-9006 SSt. John Ambulance ROOMMATE WANTED ta, share 4 bedroom home. Parking & taundry facitities availqble. $350/mo. + utilities. Cati- 666-3550, leevo message. ROOM TO rent, share 3 bedroom house wvith 1 other, quiet area. Parking, taundry avaitabte. Please cati 666-9620 or leave message. WeDeivr - y- 68-11 LARGE, FURNISHED room for rent in Whitbycose to downtown & buses. TV & cabte included. $90/week. Cali 666-4279 or 668-8375 and leave message. NE WHITBY - bnight, fumished or, unfumished room, shared bathroom. Close to public transportation. Cabte inciuded $85lw»eek. Student or working FULLY FURNISHDroom "in dan, FOR RENT - 1 bedroom basement apt., pnivate entrance heat & hydro gaknfirstilist. t550Imo. Cati DOWNTOWN OSHAWA, quiet main floor, private house, easy pedestnian access to ail downtown amenîtues. Laundry privteges, Carnets & drapes. $520/mo. + hydro. Firstllast, no pets. 436-7442. HUGE 3 BEDROOM In immaculate shape, close ta downtown Whitby, no pets. Available August I st. Cai Tor. 416-491-3714 or 430-5982. NEW BUILDING IN OSHAWA, two bedroom modem large apertment unit $725/mo. inclusive. Availabte August 1/95. Ask for Tom 905-428-7677. WHITBY 2 BEDROOM APT. for relt, $635/mo. first & lest required. Phono days 725-8911, evenings & weekonds 668-4016. BROOKLIN BACHELOR epartment, can be furnished: Close to sho ping. Availabie now. Cai BRIGHT, CLEAN one bedroom basement apt., carpet, kitchen, stove, fridge, shower, share laundry. Rossiand/Thomton area. $5751mo. includes utiities. First & last. Non-smoker. 725-7474. TWO BEDROOM bsmt. apt. in q uiet nei ghborhood. Avaitable August 1/95. $725/mo. inclusive. Phono, 576-1568 evenings or weekends. MARYIADELAIDE OSHAWA Generat Hospital area 2 -1 bedroom apts. availeble Ï575/mio. & $650/mo. Bachetor apt. avaitabie irnmediately $375 inctudes utilities, cable & parking. Suit responsibie working person. 668-3640. NE OSHAWA BRAND NEW 1 bedroom a pt. suitable for singte professional. lReferences required. Avaitabie Au9. I or 'Sept. 1. First/last. Cal 25-3330. Please Recycle Thîsý'Newspaper! I 668-1389 I I K.C. McCall Property IManagementI j 666-5794 a 924-1100 j WHITBY 3 BEDROOMI 11h baths, eat-un kitchen, comb. living-dinîng room with waik-out ta dock and. fencod yard, roc room end garage. Close ta schoot parks and stores. $134 900. Ask Ior Liian North res. 668-Y479 or 668-3800 RefMax Summit Roaity. MORTGAG ES & LOANS [$I1* st &2nd e Lines of Credit e BESI RATES Frank Cailahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Fundhnglnc U.S. GOVT FORECLOSED homes from 5%. Deinquent Tex Ropo's. REO's. Toli Free 1-800-ë98-9778 Ext. H-5365 V~ current listings. BROOKLIN 1500 sq. fi. neWly renovated retail/offico space. Law runnncost ample parking. Phono DObWNTOWN WHîTBY - Brock St. frontago. approx. 2,000 sq.ft. Long terni lase. 668-1468, 9am to Spm. MASONIC HALL, 203 Cochrane St., avaitabie for banquets,* weddings and other occasions. Catoring avaitabto'. For, more information beave message at 668-0776, ý4 hrs. CLASSIFID ADSh Whether you're uing or setllng,M put th dsfieds to work forS yout To place your ad, oel I SAVE LYNDE MARSH gara ge sale wiit be hetd et 181 Michael BIvd. Wide selection of items. Saturday, June 24, 8am-3pm.. LARGE GARAGE SALE craft supplies, -baskets gelore, linon, fumniture, etc. Somethîng for everyone. Rock bottom .pres. 7 Woodtawn Crt., Whitby (Tlhickson Rd. S., off BeItwood). June-24 & 25, 9am-3pm. YARD SALE. Antiques & caltectabtos from aur traveis. Aiso misc. fridg o, stovo, dryor. Frnday, June 23 1-lpm Saturday & Sunday 9am-5pm. 15d Winchester Road, Brookiun. (west of Thlckson). GARAGE SALEICRAFTS. Saturday, June 24, 8am et 46 Evorgroen Drive, Whitby. Gotf ctubs, hockey equipment, books, ctothing, wood crafis & more. GARAGE SALE Books! Bikos, dishes, more! 54 Catherine Drive, Whty Saturday, June 24, GOAL EQUIPMENT, black 25"& 28 ads, junior catcher pads, Iprepaid, includes tax,l exce lnt condition. Cati 655-4084, for 25 wvords or Iess _______________ ............N. LAWN MAINTENANCE, prunung, grass seeding, sodding.Sp ring clean-ups. Renovations of gardons, rock gardons, piantinq, firewood. Dutchwa, Lendscapung. (905> TREE CUTTING IL TRIMMING, pruning, shaping, selective branch cutting, tree removat. Free estimates futi insured. 433-7140 or 430-46ý2. Pager 721-7304. INTERLOCKING BRICK driveways, walkways, patios, retaininig wails, stops, repaîrs & sealIin. Cati Bricksca pe lnc. for a free es imate (905) 668-2742. Best price around! SPANKY'S PROPERTY Maintenance. Residential and commercial lawn maintenance, aerations, 4ett1atching sodding, tapsoil deliV(ery, rubbish removat, treo & brush removai. Ceit Jim et 905-668-6803. Please beave message. ANTIQUES FOR SALE aId dining set & six chairs, drop leaf table, h ai table, washstand, tibrary table, oak bow front dresser & mirror, slver', toys, tetephone table & chair, piano bonch. 683-6638. DESKS FROM $10, CHAIRS, file cabinets from $5, work tables from $10 plus more. Phono 668-4952. TABLES - ANTIQUE BRASS with g tass topand oak with caning, on ottom.One rectanguier shapod end table and matching pair of smalîer tables. Good condition. $175. (905) 655-8242. - FOR SALE: tKEA PINE dining table $250, matching 6 chairs $35 each; microwave stand $40; Lazy Boy recliners, 1 year old1paid $1700 a pair, askin.%g110;, ee sofa chair $150. 432-3017. BEDROOM SET 6 pieces ike new, black, very modem. t5'aiî after 6:45pm 666-8153. COFFEE TABLE 2 end tables, watt unit & a mirror $M00; 2 table temps $40; 4' double hanging fluorescent fixtures, $15 each; 4 - 50' rolis orange construction fonce $20 each. 655-4919.

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