Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 21 Jun 1995, p. 24

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Page 24, Wiby Free Pree, W eîoday, June 21, 1»95 Camachodoes the trick foirTeirriers i The. Whitby Tormmna Terriers ail fell a*nrt for North Scarbor- Chris Camiacho thon ocored coetinue to b.d the. boye~ ough wln Terrers, despithrOnee coneecutive goals. under-15 Central Soccer League hltting throe goulposts and two. The. Terrier defenco corps of rep A division foilowing a 4-2 rssas-opbddgo ogalns Jim Roufos, Mark Plniuk, Rabbie. victoy over North Scarboeough in a 15-minute p.riod. Adams Cressweil Nyack and lastThureday. Tying the. pin was Adamn MaItBrd continued its* soid MoInar, who chipped the. bail over play. Ryan O'Hearn played steady The WhitbY team, sponsored by a rushing gosikeeper after migal Tormina Honmes, was down 1-O receiving a beautifully weighed _________ oarly despite constant pressuto. It pass from John Gifingham. June 2 Mwm Snanfaihaarr BluhalT@YWe GyLoldnof Me l"16ts r KiieWdui 2 Phadonîs 0 EtMw 3yà F.r.dm2 i WMX Bu SoC"k Cai l Tahn Wbitby men' elo- pitch Obsue ms of Juis1W MLUE DIVISION w wrton Group 7 HWn P"e 0 0. rw O Matlolduars e Munter Bedroam 4 AuooiHsdilm à Air 5 Adviqe Taoni ô BLUE UGHTIVIUON CIrlTi S 1 1I13 S4 5 on' MaAlIPapart 3 6 1 86 1odnl 3 7 0 75 lm Bwr nUoar 3 7 0 19 Scosie.a&VPe Jusli MMMU Aekl mmui 1 Whitby softball JumsIl BomkoaBeffl il Buk t oMorwi; EwaMOrd Oca0 SWhltby OptWdi Spir8 -prie mvs.WGSA BrmumsoeNA BrnkBsoesms.Whkby Opdlnm - smoreNA Ju»sIM Fhhée sFilera LoMe Dwg FiumasFiler KWeilCkb NOVICE JuwsIl Van Hemmeias 9 Whid Acris Mobile ln Sigui Butaet Motrd 14 New Cetrry2i 13 M"I Whtby KhWnan 18WGI KnghsaofCobaus 2 Josi w Sait ai Marireal a Nwia usPoale 4 Ceri.ay 21 -RFLBrn 4 Jooth@Purr&er 4 WUAPiae 3 Van H.nlmO Tise 3 Muter Print 2 KnliosaiCakmihI 2 Acms Mbie 2 WhNOv Kkiaun 1 sian blemuMoiaudty 1 Whtbvos Chib 1 -yff Tbmsdwdha MimhunaAshley Tlm Mary Caruhli Chutei Snlth IIghl" dVan 0 Energieuu The Fs Fies Energhmir CarleCohrans2 siephazu rtt Sy"FU be S" uCanruan2 2 Ailem V~rkW2 Namd Bwroiarra Maraudees 2JomanOlkenen2 2 LkdsW 0ORowk Llghtnki Margold Cougue 4 an Barron Motore 6 aHa ePutics il Cirde Taxi 7 M"terBedroom 15 M.Iarub Pringlee 9 Sttton Group 1# Golden MlI 7 C. Davldru 3 Hughes Hmke la Aucoi olnI4inu aAir 10 Apolo Spoulsirsar13 Advatage Teleoci 14 Stjtton Group 14 MaAskifrRppocot 2 C. Dawirdr 14 kMenlringles 9 June n3 Marigoki Caoga 9 9: esHuoka B Cr Glane Danoms DlnUm 3 Sauemhine RweI Spearo Il Pridore 1 Fighhnd Van 3 LyLOrderi oloes3 Kuijen Cavanh 2 MicheS.Englh 0 Binoe SmmWiha Brna Mike Smidth Dive Se" îJohn Yetman Ed Dunn Gary Ruck 1RosmW wnsmon Pionurit Ken L». Brad WyI;e Greg Bell Haretplastics 8 Goldenmi 9 Jure 1x Mater Bedrocin 9 Dave Hendeson han Baron Moore 17 Wayne Johnson Aaffitqe Telecom 8 Circle Taxi 9 Jerry Cluguton June iM Ryl.CUn. Legion Cuan Tire Broakin Kirefmn Merwy Auto Body, Ka"eit 5 Broocn Concets 12 JnSen Auto Body 10 Vain Hemmen Tir«s15 Stwumeig Karbl Brokn onrts RowaICanufl iLoiln Van Hu. m.nenTires Broolin Kirem JensenAto Body CanadienTire Msraury Auto Body WL T 4 i O 4 i O 4 1 O 2 2 i 2 3 O 2 3 O i 4 O O 4 i Uàgmhlm a eviel WhmbyOptnTuie DOS Mukding 13 Plai Store Plru 20 FP01 14 Fkddy Electria 12 Estern arpet StumaNge BealeS Idmft 4 i PirioSoPlus 3 i Ruddy Eleciric 3 2 Whb Otnàs 2 2 Rp iii2 3 E-soteun CareSCla. 2 3 DDSMrkihing 1 3 LoveDige 1 3 SEMOR MUTES Jug 1 Rlyl Ode. Legion n3 Wed Lynde Opt. 10 n3 Bar*cfMotred l i 12 WGSA Jaye il Sludne Dom & Sauter Westc Lynd ortr B% V Ehagi WGSA Jay Royal Caalan Logion Whitby Kiuites Whitby JUVEULE Juns Il Bsecad Service 8 Cly Centre Ato 6 John G. PtasCA. 12 WhitbyOptlnuis 8 Juns1# Cky Centre Aria 10 John G. PÊte.CA. 4 w BeolfdrdSevio Cen. 3 WhMwtby Optmle 2 JohnG&.PitsC.A. 2 Cky Cenre AttoRepi. 2 *DGET Juns 2 SailMh utinan 4 Forr Romorshis 3 Raye Wh t. Fris Prie 9 Butc w Swish Mekitnmias 3 Forans Roollrg 3 Whitby FrisPrise 3 BWt Co Montrel Ray nteoprIisse O T o 1 i o Daurfn Pos Am=~ Acm in Mame Brooatn Kirm auy Olth MIierrnurâsbon DwrhwnCmh¶iqkee Broor.LulleAuxiwey w 4 3 3 Whitby Iroquois socoer HOUSE LEAGUE PEEWEEBANTAM BOYS 8ky B" 0 panmvd 2 MW"heswhbley Juns ô AquaS Nai Mmdm lDwWFarinai Fori Tp--iyAi? hm14 NihmWULuss M" kMWiohimry ô Cor.y RMse9 Andrew St. John 3 Mwk marwuts Rst-A-Tiut 4 Scot Poqugni4 Aqua Peu Maiuaiel2 UiM" Couns Joshua onnor D" MFomme TIm Mordgonuy Fand MW" Pd"Reb WhIt. Pro. Flreflgh. 2 Milofl McFaven 2 Arr' Loern, pply 4 EdkaLouissChew2 Co»eFinanlel 1 Corey Agnsw Jordan Hoddsr Tecri 28 2 Cueddy Reid 2 AionioGchuzo4 Jordan Mercier 2 il Hahan 2 KylesNorth 2 Grady Mardid2 The Euion roup1 TOMOO 2 Cruplza Nihan Boulon Stiphon BO<c*hI 9 Thon»sCudIl Cody MacQcarie Arton PRmir Temnif2i TimfQ27 TYIerlbir BrooluLaiuuAux. 0 Purpis 2, Tesm43l DarylCuin Tyler Brown MoenS"ui Ena Brown IL Thorpmo 8W ky 0kis O <hereoorii noS givin Whitby dub iS/UNDER GIRLS Kelsy Nensh :îh- buk (lai7g) 1IUNDER BOUS Rt Cotero:O d- 5 ie 31:11 £h.1in Mbr=tUh-W1 Chili Klanu: Oh - 50 bcK, W0 Ire Caên Jomes: lih - 10no re.(MMS- be thym>, Oh -W00bck CadeCebergen :Oh - 1nO re. t1614) 200 fros reI«: 1h (Nemuh. 8t, Jane.. il leBOUS T"a eGuils(1) :ellve - 60 fl. Mh- 50 brou, Oh - 10'ee 1/OVER GIRLS JenMer MocunlW (3):Oh - W fres I/OVER BOU G ig(1) : lt - 1D0 brou. 2nd - W %routh- Sfres@,71h- 200brusI Justin GulMs(13):lh - Wobru; 71h - W. 200 bu*lq8h - 200' -. 200 fris rolcy: 6th (Ig, Co.dy, J. Guïb., T. Quis) BearerLvw 0 OTan 85 Jay PoIeCkt!3 Nichais Ro.ah MAJOR PEEWEE June 2e M4otorcity Saiwn Butaci Mouroal Co-siedl Lco Memat&SÉixn Co-Steel 1 Whkby Rotary Motorciy Soi gn Co-Stsal Luco Srrilng Dile Bai iMotreul Whtby Roary Cub Whftby Cleanere MacMilln Orcharde 7 Dynes& Lloyd 5 Snfiling Dribus p Dwharn Dod. n0 -Bank of Monted 20 Durimm Dodgs 8- Whitby Claner 5 Dynes&SLloyd oftJumngs W L 4 i 4 2 3 i 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 4 i 3 o 4 MNOR PEEWEE 's Roollng 4 aErierpriies 3 ci Mordroil 3 L O MAJOR BANTAN June 2 The Brok TrilgonCoripuor Jureix The Brick Toigon Corrputor 9 Bankfa«rr 13 Rctuy Cit e. of Jeai 14 Trigo Coriputor But ai Montreel The Brik Whtby Rlotosy Cùb Brut" ayHing MINOR DANTAM May 30h4&fb~mi Pr Eeso 0 Wkb9tif Blue Jay Saurnd 1 Criais Cycle Junsi1 Butaof Montreil 1M Pr Eeso Kentucky Frled C. 7 Sutton Group Jure 2 CreodaCycle 5 Pr Eseo JunaS6 Kntuky Fid C.1n BkueJoy So".o Bankcf onted 2 WhitbyOptimis June 8 Kentucky Frled C. 7 Pr Eeso WWuby Optimiste 3 Onedes Cycle Juns 13 Blus Jay Soruo 5 Sulton Group Kentucky Filai C. a Whity Optimie Knt Cied C. 7 Banuof Mrree Bai fMLonriu 7 Criais Cycle Studus M. of Jai M Kuucy W aChiaUO Nus Jay Sc"a k=i8 WtbOptiis Whitby Optirnlus BDO M&M Moi Shape Mamin Ertsaprio rierniloaMOII riernitenlMOII 8 irniriona isi 13 Leruiox Drum il Jenson Auto Body 4 Roye Enterprise a Whitby Toyota il Gien Graphie 12 Mrlgold Lincoln »Of Jungerm1 W l t b P o F r e h t e r s 5 2 MaMMu hp 5 2 BDO 4 2 Glen Graphice 4 3 Marvin Erdiprisi 3 2 Marlgold Uncoin Mercury 3 4 Roy& Etieuprises 3 2 Jeneon Ato Bcdy 3 4 rotrnional levices 3 4 Whrtby Toyota 1 e Lermox Druin O 7 MAJOR soWnRT June n3 Whitby Kume Dr. Daners DyrL Leacon Coneulting Jure 15 AlcndolG»sSer. Whutby Lions kib Gokien Hwao Co.Steel .1o Co- Steel Lieco Jensen Ato Body Bank of Montrea Golden Hawks Toroto Doinion A-Uffle.Extra'Heb Dunds St. Dental Dunds C. Guardian Stasnw m o aJune 17 Golden HiAulc 8 1 Leacoin CSutin 6 2 W..TounchapeSe. 4 1 Jeneen Ato Body 4 2 Torono Dorfinlon Bak 4 2 Mfavin Erip"i.. 4 2 Dund St. Denta l iho4 3 Co-stew Laso 4 4 A.Lktbl-Extra-HeIp3 Whitby Lons CkM> 2 3 Butaet Moriromi 2 4 Dx"dC.GuardiDrug 25 Whitby Kmuieen 2 4 Alidnd o Gas Service 2 5 Dr. DanWes Dynanias 0O MINOR SOWIRT June 2 KSC Semuky Brookin Kinsme Rai-A-Ter W. Fruit Juras It Ouity Dim o oke Pi mumodCodre 11 Pilng. C& .Guardian i lu Weedmau a 10 Exectiive Clemnera 8 I1 DI euranos 9 17 TO-Green Mchie 5 10 Patylmi 10 0 Tewn 922 BorinBerm" 5~ 1 Ton 29 ICelh Hsad 7 MithewJenir LangeyPl Ug22 Teun M36 3 De" iO'H.re3 Tmu rVandsboek 3 Sànon Beitis MOSQUITO BOYS i Jun.14 Tond Kokologos2 0 Ja, eElhmm Pd Benvnut o Demîy Whrile Rend pool 0 Tewn 07 MW"banAhin Dale Bul OrnerDemsuki Tm Grharn Mgthew Hurst Robsd Shesha 0 Dqmtor*Canada Rose Rs&ern3 NlehlsMancuso 5 Coin Slaar Croamer Cuttlng Pilng.CrkGuaidlan 3 Whkby Optirnlsts June le Whâby Optirnits BroaldanKIGnsmen Weedman Ouelky Duso Jockey W. Frank TD-Greon Machine Pinewood Centre Bankocf Mordreel 5 Sîver Bulles Lue tette 2 Brendan Peel Greg Johneton Brandon Jullan David Crabbe KSO Sscurty , 7 Whitgrmen 6 Execuive Cleanrs 4 DIS Ineuranos 4 Rent-A-Tet 5 Paty Ga* Pring. Cdc. Guardian 4 KSC Security V> CrearneCuttbng 1V me of Jung.la Oualky Diso Jockey 9 0 Broodk.ln smn 7 1 Bank ofMordieal S 1 W.edmnan 5 4 W. Fra*k 5 4 Exective Cleaners 4 5 Whtby Opth7ggts $ 5 WhkbyKinsrnen 4 4 Crearne Cutting a&Codng 3 4. TD-Green Machine 3 5 KSC Security 3 a DIS Insurance 3 .8 Pinewood Contre 2 6 Party Gant 1 6 Prmg. Crk. Guardêan Druge 1 8 MAJOR MOSOWUTO J une 13 Waren's Prlnting Swss Chlt Canadien Tie Whkby Kiwanls June 15 Dundas Guardian WarrenÉs Printing ChurcheeAuto. SwlesChalet Canadian Tire Lennox Druin Whltby Audio KP Cbpy Churohees Auito. PhuAttack Lonnox Druin stif KPCopy Standing ms of Juns 16 Dur.as Guardan Drugs 7 O Churcher's Automotive 7 1 Whtby Kiwanis 5 '2 stuif 4 3 SielsseChalet 4 3 Whltby Audio 3 3 lghland Van à, Storage 3 3 Canaduan Tire 2 6 KP Copy 2 6 Warren'. Prlntlng 2 4 Lennox Druin i 6 Plaque Attack 1 6 MINOR MOSQUITO June12 Whitby Kiname Vlok Insurance Doug Turne Cap. Dinh01iMonrri Stanr Burger J une 14 Markeing Resource June 1 Legal Beagles Dodd & S#aer Whitby Kinsmen GrooklinKInsmen Mkchel Insurance 17 LegaI Bmçles 9 17 Dodd àsoter 2 n0 Brookïn>Kinsrnen 5 12 Jerrys Drug Ware. 7 12 MitchIl Insurance 4 4 Qually Disc Jodoey 3 4 Suries Farms 3 8 Optin*tClu.b 3 14 Yack Insurarce 14 9 Jerrys Drug Ware. 5 14 Doug Twner Carp. 13 Standing. of aiJune.l w Stani Bure6 Mkchel InsuraruS 5 Bano ortreil 5 Vick Insurance 4 Sunlea Farie 4 Markei PResorGroa.p 4 QuiWy'= Skey 4 Jerrys Drug Warehooee 4 Doug Turner Carpontiy 4 LgIr B gle s 3 wh-kbyKlG=nen 2 (hg' etCM> Dodd & sol.*r 1 Brolrm in men1 NI-$ OMRT GIRLS Gumdian Drugs Brailey Fishe DrivensTrame Tean 437 RF lit 87 go lis m> .88 111 97 10 .28 8 123 8 lis 8 92 7 go e 18 e Whfty -k Eum ord Oahr Bai dMarreal emiame ~nmSa t1e WGarOzse w 5 4 3 2 i i LT o o 2 O 2 O s o s o 4 O SOPHMORE DOS Mukathg Rby Lions CkM um bRuu vWme.Poo" SA Pluis the pto.ir Jue 1 rtwan Polos i Acffns Mobile c

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