Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Jun 1995, p. 3

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Whllby Fm Pros, WmMhiosy. June 14,199. Page 3 Tito denied place oncommittee Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Monday? June 129,1995 Recommenda- tions'from the Planning and Development Committee That a site plan application f rom Whtby Cogeneration Ltd. for a 50-megaapoe plant on the northwest pornmwer of Thlcson Road and Wentworth Street bel aprved. WscatPower lnc. and Atlantlc Pa ckaging are partnem Irn the project., The plant wlll conslst of a 50-moigawattgas turbne, genratrfuledby naturel gas. htwlllbe deslgned to sell electulclty ta Ontario Hydro, and produce steam used ln Mtantdes paper recycllng =rces. The applicant has cdtonai approval tram the province and an agreement wlth Hydro ta, stafl supplylng power ln Decerrter 1996. Carri.d Recommenda- tions from the Operations Committee That Durham Reglonal Police be requesteci to montor and, enforce the speeci limit on Lofthouse Drive and that Town staff look Into provldlnig a terrporary ftIre break to Lofthouse pendlng construc- tion of the extension of Dryden Boulevard ta Deveml Street. A potltion ilrom resIdents on Lofthouse between Braebraok Drive and the Onta"l Hydro corridor had asked for stop slgns et- the future Intersection of Lofthouse and a proposed road runnlng north between 30 and 34 Lofthouse in order ta contraI speeding. But staff opposed this request sînce Rt ls a mid-block situation and Board (0MB) objection ta Inclusion cf the proposed freeway link ln west Whtby ln Durham Region's officiai plan. Council opposes plans by the province for a connecting link between Hlghway 401 and the future Highway 407 ln Whitby. The mlnistry wants the link ta run between Halls and Corona- tion roads. The Town prefers that Rt follow Lakerldge Raad ifR It t be built et ail. A pme-hearlng conference ta settle proceduralissues ln the matter will be held June 28. Carred By Mke Kowalak An outapokren fo. of the pro- poeed Lynde Shores housing d.velopment han been ,xcluded from mnembershipi on a public body charged =it protocin the Town council Monday refused to include Whitby resident Johanna Tito on the I4rnde Shores open spaco monitoring comittee.' Council rejlected an attempt by councillor CGerryEmm te hbave Ito, a former ofciaI of the av I.àrnde Mar.h f(SLàM) ci=a gruadded te the 17-mèmbe2 comnuttee responsibie for momi- toring the dev.lopment's impact on the wetland. The majority ofoeunil feit that to addTItat this otageof the procesa would be unfair te, people Who applied for the six pub îlc spots on the committe and were turned down. "W.' not bocause of the. indivi- dual but the way it was hardled,' mmid couiciilor Judi Longfield of Tltit's leventh-hour bid te oit on the comittee. «If we. go beyond what, was original!y réquested, we're waik- ma¶on dBflgrus ground,7 Long- .. Although council advertisid for applicants last y.ar, Ilte did not aubmit her namey until lest month. Tit' application coincided with her dision te, withdraw an Ontario Municipal Board (0MBl) appeai cf council's approval of the Lynde Shores project. Her withdrawalof the 0MB appeal and subsequent settie- ment with the three parties i- volved in the joint public-private sector deéoment led te a split in SL 's ran Tito and others formed a separategru- Concerned Citi- zen. for Lyne Marsh (CCLM) -- te pursus their own goals for preservingthe marsh. In opos' Emm's amend- ment t terecommendation appointig the six citizen mem- berscf the committee, Longfieid stressed that ouncil went te great iengths te ensure an open. selection proceés.. "It wes edvsrtised on several occasions and we extended the. d.adline,» she smmd. «My problem is that this (application) came ini late and it. wasnt missin by a day or two., This came i as -ate as May 11., and the others had been i for several month.. Councillor Dennis Fox concur- red with Longfield's observation, and added a few of hie own. "W. have to keejp in mmmd the working relationship of ail part- ners ini the monitoring comxittee' and that this is not to be used for political ampse," said Fox. (Includdon the comnittee are rersntatives of the Rose Cor- poration, Ontario Realt Cor- pration and DurhamRgon, tethree prncipal. h the deve- Ioprnent scheme.) 'I want to see people who have no poltical agenda and I don't tluùk Dr. Ito cari fil that roi. for me," Fox added. Councillor Don Mitchell was surprised by hie colleague'. remarks. «Even though SLM deait with this in a political forum (OMB)...as far as ]Pm concerned she has no- personal political aed a,»id Mitchell. "Hronly focus han been pro- tection and preservation of the maréh.» Mitchell said council had to - nSptGem TM Gm irds " Repairs - 3 Days Birds © Get 3rd a " Remodelling Original Handcrafted 1/3.OFF 211 Brook St. S., Wh itby 666-4612 Mention this ad L--Max-accessories reach eut to those who strongly. opposd the development. Se was the oniy oeste àub- mit an application and I think aih. will -iend a great deal cf credibility to the committee,» he said. However, ILongfield pinted out that Suse Eggert, Who wit husband Frank, aiso filed an 0MB objection, submitted an application within the imposed deàdline. Eggert, a Dunlop Street home- owner and Fern 1Mupns of Wor- folk Ptlace were s~beuently appointdteoye irterme on the. committee atlercouncil defeated Emm's amendment. Appomnted te two-year terme were Lewis Williams cf Wynfield Crescent end Steven Marchi cf Hickory. Street. Servring for three y esare Gils Fournier cf Btonemanor Avenue- and GALL: Deborah Gorman-Smith of Trinity Crescent. Councilior. Marcel Brunelie, chair cf the planning end deve- lopment committes, was chieIly responsile for reviewing tii. 28 applications and submitting the names for consideraion. Brunelle teld reporters the succeseful applicents include people with both a general and scientific interest in the marsh. Formation cf the monitoring committee wes a key recommen- dation cf the Open rpece Master Plan approved by council. lest year. The. plan provides for -a detai- led deslign for the open space lande between the marsh and development and includes such items as plantings, pedestrian SU~ PAGE 10 1# Unique Designs *Epeence an f# Quality Nursery Stock ~ uainsne1~ (905) 649-5247 GroW :wit ie fé2 las' Dentues 50nuturl. f fre you1Iitever know.. e Precision particil'denture FREE CONSULTATION Jly 1992 -Walter Wimme'ir, DD. "Denture éClinïc' PICKERNNG ýTOWN CENTRE (LOWER LEVEL) 420n5o00 *Til. 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