Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Jun 1995, p. 35

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Whitby Free Press, Wockesday, June 14, 199M , Page 35 CHILD C RE .......... ___ __ __ _ __ ___ __._ __ __ ___ I AR.S.E ..ERV....E.. ___ __ ___.FR.E...ME....E & ACCOM ODATIN ___ _____ __ FO. .LE......___. Specializing in Eariy Childhood Education. For Peace of Mnd.> î Perry Ho use Child Care Servces 129 Perry St., Whitby 668-947 MOM'S DAY OUT. Homie day care, haîf or fuit day openings, many activities, indoor/outdoor play, nutnitious snacks, Garden/Manning area. Cati Wendy 668..7644. JACK AND JtLL NURSERY SCHOOL tocated at Ail Saints Anglican- Church, 300 Dundas St. W., Whitby; Somne space availabie for September 1995. Pre-schoot and junior kindergarten programs, mornings oniy 9:OOam- 1 1:3Oam, Sept. -J une. For further information vîit the schooi or cati Mrs. Scott 668-4966. Attention parents: is your house safe?. New B5 b)< proofin9 serviceI Cali Chris or Susan WANTED: LOVING person to care for our toddier fut-time in our home. We wouid weicome a mother of 1 or 2 to corne here with chiidren. Receipts reequired. Thickson& Rosstand area. Cati 404-8823. EXPERIENCED CAREGI VER availabte to provide quatity homecare for your infant/toddier. Otean, safe, [oving, smoke-free environment. Daiiy outing s, toys, music, crafts. Cati Chariene 430-6309. LOOKING FOR reliable and affordabie sumnmer chiid care? Expenenoed caregiver avaitabte fuît or part-time. Rosstand and Brock area. References and receipts. Cali Michelle 666-5039. T1ME OUT for busy momns. CatI 666- 5452 ta book daiiy, weekiy or manthly, Mon. - Fni., gam-l2noon aniy, availabie for ages 1 & up. Indluded are nutirlous snacks & lunch & outings ta Y-Pace, Pamn's Piayroomn, Peanut Club, Rotary Park by the lake, crafls & songs, etc. Reasanabie -rates. DAYCARE AVAILABLE fuit or part- time in my home, close ta, Leslie McFarlane & Pningle Creek schools & located at bus stop ta St. Theres school. Garden & Manning area. Cal 666-8295. ROOMMATEWANTED ta share 4 bedroomn home. Parking & iaundry facilities avaitabie. $3501mo. + utilities. Cati 666-3550, leave message. ROOMMATE - FOR LARGE master bedroom with prvte bath in a new 3 bedroom houe ocated in a subdivision near Rossland & Thickson Road. Avaitable in June. $625/mo. Cati 725-3790. ROOMMATE WANTED to share 3 bedroomn house, quiet area. Parking, iaundry avaitabte. Please cali 666-9620 or leave message. WHîTBY LARGE BEDROOM, use of facitities, kitchen, deck, 131Q, taundry. Maie or femate non-smuoker. Lots of parking, close ta transit. Cati 666-8388, leave message. RO....... FOR ....E.T QUIET PLACE FOR MATURE aduit. NO DRUGS/NO PETS. Kitchen & laundry facilities, private éntrance, cabte, air, near al amenities, parking. Firstilast week. 430-0404. LARGE, FURNISHED room for rent in Whitb,ctose to downtown &' buses. & cable included. $90lweek. Cait 666-4279 or 668-8375 and teave message. ROOM FOR RENT IN larg e executive home shared bath, kitchen & iaundry facitities, parking and cabie inciuded. $1 00/week. First and last week. Cati 666-0200. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/week. Share bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker p referred. Watk toaial amenities. ilease cait 666-3617 AFTER 6PM. JULY IST - 2 bedroom basement apt. with waikout on Harris Crt. $650/mo. including utiities & appliances. Ron Barsi 436-0990. NEW BUILDING IN OSHAWA, one bedroom modemn large apartment unit $625 inclusive. Ask for Tom 905-428-7677. TWO BEDROOM bsmt. apt., $5251mo. + heat & hydro. First and iast, no pets. Cati 668-2445. FOR RIENT - 1 bedroom basement apt. pnivate entranoe heat & hydro Êa first/last. $550/mo. Cali WHITBY 2 bedroom basement apt. newiy renovated, iocated in quiet neighborhood,' close tf0 al amenities.* Askinq $650/mo., first/iast, ail inclusive. Separate entrance. For appointment cati 668-0994. BRIGHT, CLEAN one bedroom basement apt., carpet, kitchen, stove, fnidge, shower, share laundry. Rossiand/Thornton area. $575/mo. inctudes utilities. First & iast. 725-7474. BROOKLIN 1 BEDROOM APT. Aiso 1 bachetor apt. Close to shopgping, utitities inctuded. $495/each. Availabie now. Cait 655-5539. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA, quiet main floor, private house, easy pedestrian access to ait downtown amenities. Laundry priviieges, carpets & drapes. $520/mo. + hydro. First/iast, n o pets. 436-7442. CHECK THIS OUT. 46X130 lot, 8 appliances , 4 rooms of furniture comes wîth this 3 bedroom bungalow, whiripoot tub, 2nd kitchen rec room and bedroomn down. âuper deep garage, $5,000 bonus ta purchaser on ciosing, asking $129,900. Cai me quick - askf or Liia n North, 665-3800 Re/Max Summit Reatty. LOOKING FOR a- good deal? $7,000 down,, immacutate 3 bedroom, 11/2 bpths, super rec roomr, eat-in kitch én, garage. Close to everything, askihg?141,500. Caît â uickty - ask for Liian North, 68-3800 Re/Max Summit Reaity. I AvatisngWok. MORTGAGE$ & LOANS [$[ isi & 2nd eLines of credit e BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding Ine.1 MULTI-HOME GARAGE SALE on Perkinsfietd Stdy Whitby (near Anderson). Saturay June 17, 9am - 4pm. Night tables, desk, exercise equipment & much more. MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Gardenwood Estates 301-311 Garden St. in Whîtby. Saturday, June 17, 9am-2pm. Something for everyone. GIANT MULTI-FAMILY yard sale, Saturday & Sunday, June 17 & 18 9am. Antiques & lots of other great items. Just west of Brooklin - 980 Winchester Road (Hwy. 7, first driveway west of. Coronation on north side). APT. YARD- SALE SATURDAY, June l7th, 9am-lpm, 250 Hickory st. S., (& IDunto St.), Whitby. Toys, clothes, household items, etc. CALL A PRO! %" FOR WIIEN LIFE BRINGS YOU ASHOCK OR TWO! Just checkithe CALL A PRO section. and let the pros do the job! You can compare and choose froni the serices you'lI find there! SWIMMING POOL for sale, 24 foot above ground wîth liner (new), pump, motor, sandfitter, winter cover (used), accessories included. Phone 668-6144 after 8pm. HUGE 3 BEDROOM In immaculate V l ID A li shape, close to downtown Whitby, M *U NUW@ USED DESKS from $10, chairs,-file no pets. Availabte August lst. Cali cabinets & *much more. Phone Tor. 416-491-3714 or 430-5982. 668-4952. REA .6680more LAND$CIPING McKEEN FURNITURE U.S. GOV FORECLOSED homes S R Ii 2 iceS.SOhw from 5%. Detînquent Tax, Repo' s __24_______St.__S.,_Oshawa REO's. Toit Free 1-8()0-893-&77â 2 -5 8 P t for rurrent istinna__________ prepaidI, incluades tax, fo>r 25 vwordls or Iess IQà -d F * T R.n u u.jqiUlw l leli p WANTED: BUNGALOW. Two year tease from Juiy or August lst. Close ta pubFic transportation. Retired couple. Cali coliect 613-345-6583. BRADLEY'ESTATES ÏWhitby Townhouses 10 Basset Bivd. (Brock St./Manning Rd.) * 3 Bedroornis * 11/2 Baths * 5 Appliances * Centrai Air * Garage * Paved Driveway *3 Modeis *On Site Management *Easy Access ta "Go" *Rents Start at $1 ,041 per month 668-1389 K.C. McCati Property Management 666-5794 d- 924-1100 DOWNTOWN WHtTBY - Brock St. frontage. approx. 2,000 sq.ft. Long terni tease. 668-1468, 9am to Spm. A reduction of up to 24 per cent of a Municipal solld 1 Iwaste can be achievedj Ithrougti recycling Inewspapers, glass., jcans and plastic soit drink containers.! .. . .. . .. . MASONIC HALL, 203 Cochrane St., availabie for banquets, weddings and other occasions. Caterng avaitabie. For more informa tion leave message at 668-0776, ý4 hrs. CLASStC LANDSCAPE DESIGN. Speciatize in design onty. Garden designs - alit pes, ponds, interiocing, decks. ko obligation f0 gurchase matenial. CaUI (905) TREE CUTTING & TRIMMING, pruning, shaping, seiective branch cutting, tree removal. Free estimates fuliy insured. 433-7140 or 430-46ý2. Pager 721-7304. LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seeding, soddin. Sprng clean-ups. Renovations of gard ens, rock gardens, pianting, firewood. Dutchway Landscapîng. (905> 649-3183. SPANKY'S PROPERTY Maintenance. Residential and commercial lawn maintenance, aerations, dethatching sodding, topsoil delivery, rubbish removai, tree & brush removat. Cati Jini at 905-668-6803. Please leave message. INTERLOCKtNG BRICK - driveways, waikways, patios, retaining watts, steps, repairs & seaiing. Cati Brcksca pe Imc. for a free estimate (905) 668-2742. Best prce around! JUDY'S BRIDAL RENTAL - affordable wedding gowns to buy or rent. Large selection of sizes aý-nd styles. For app ointment caît Judy at 905- 579-4782. DOWNRIGGERS 2 Cannon mini-mag electric 36" boom, t ike new, $450 firm/pair. Cati tBill 430-6370. FOR SALE - 3 almond appliances; Kenmore fnidge & stove, Betaumark dishwasher $700, electnîc lawnmower $100. Cati 668-3218 after Gpm. BABY EQUIPMENT inciuding Fisher Price high chair and portable flaypen, infant car seat, change table, nurser monitor and more. Cati 668-6065. NEW DROP LEAF TABLE foided 21/2'X2', apened 6', 4 chairs, soiid wood, suitabte dinette or porch. Bargain $225. Cati 668-2577. TWO SINGL E BED FGAM mattresses (39'" new); 1 - 1lIC '.oit d er, Whirlpooi (compact); i Kodak S9OO stideprojector and accessories (iike new); I 24" GE Coppertone 2"range. 905-434-7874. Wee The systemr that provîdes.. *Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your chiid " Fuiiy trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliabie local back-up cavers Pravider itness or hoiidays " Campiete insurance caverage " Incarne tax recei pts "ChiJdren six weeks and up " Fuit or part-time For more Information cati: 686-3995 a icensed Agency

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