Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 14 Jun 1995, p. 28

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Page 28, Whitby Free Press, Weckiesday, June 14, 1996 Juniorssuifer first oss, utalso wn3more The Whitbhr junior basebafl am pnoed by the Brooklin Legion, won three of four garnes lastwok.A SWhitby beat the PickeringA and B teams in their own parks on Monday and Tuesday before losing to Orllia at home on Thursday. They regained the wnigtouch on the weekend by dowing Peterborough on Saturday at Murkar field in Whitby. Ini thefirst game of the week, Whitby pounded out 10 bits in a 10-3 rout of Pickering juveniles. Josh MUer led the offence with two bits including a tri le and two RETs. Brad Nepohtd two bits, Keith Mille nothd the win, pitching seven innings and allowing only four its. The- followmng night Tii,, Puddister and Steve Horsley, limited the Pickering junior teani ,to only five bits on route te a 7-2 victory. Tlm Curran had three bits while Ken Galway had a double and a single scored two runs and drove in two i the lopsided win. The next game saw Whitby corne up fiat agamest a young Orillia teamn at home on Thursday, loirig 6-5. Jeremy Schott and Jeff Bremner pitched well enough to win but neither the defenoe or offence could ~ner much action as Whitby ppdtheir first game of the seaeon. Blair Hardy, Whitby's leadof bitter, carried the hottest bat, driving i a mun, scoring two and getting three hits. The weekend ganie was a classic pitchers' duel as VWtby faced Peterborough and David Steffier, the young hurler drafted by the Blue Jays i 1994. While Steffler pitched well, Puddister was better as he allowed only one bit over six and RENE Celebrate Faiher's Day with a Frozen Dairy Queen Cake. Cool, coeamny chocolate and vanila Daiîy Qucen soft serve. Crisp chocolate cookie crunch. Rich, cold fudge and icing, packéd for easy take home. You can even have your Cake designed with a personalized message on it. It's a great idea' Just give us a cail today. Avalable at: wHIgTB3Y DAIRY QUEEN IFIREBox of 12 DQ Sandwiches With pure-hase of any 8", 10" or sheet cake, i Not redtcnible illi in l voer coupon or Spel:il offer One CouçxnprLsoe Y smt. Sales tix. if any is exra. -~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~wib location ------ --- ------- -- - -- - -- - -- - ~Brw W We brew for you - no extra cl (you just add the yeast) Breqv beer for as low as $11.50 per case of 24 reg. botties. S & oyourl11th isFREE )IkS INC. large E!1 I~ r - - Introducing...wifle coolers and sparkling wînes. Make them now in time for the warmer weather! AUO RY OR týW WHA-r EER ECIP I e In L. DA ST HM - - - -2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - two-tbirds innings. Horsley came on to pitch in the seventh and hold Peterborough to, only one bit and one run as Chiefs woni 3-. AdamnIlTompson got two bits inclucling the key RBI double in Durham LINGER 17 - BANTAU May 25 Whitb RbsGu 3 WitSchoons<s Jtii. éta ChrlBites 2 Er"o Lange Whitby Clpsu 3 WhitbyCruiur KritinJohnson Cii Chdonsr sua Wda SINGER St - PEEWEE 1 Whit. FamseFlnmm 1 stqihutiMoigai Bawnmwwlls 10 whitby Rod D" sBnsme Haud.-mn, MourltR I Vitoria 9i Aies Home Hu&. Jules5 WWy Rosis 7 Aies Optirnias Oins Bruri 4 Mandy CCs Nioole Deviso JenrdferMoCool PSC Sottine 1 H omn. Mouit. R. 2 Vdoia Spalo 2 PSC Bayer Pontiso O ViSage ChrysoW O Whit. Vihge Chrys. 2 Aies K.tucy FC. O Whkby azzbr Melsghm hoisn Whitby a basebal JUVESILE 7 Whitby PIifii 12 Cy Cetre Auto 6 John Pdte CA. 8 Cky CentreAuto » ef Jue 4 W L T p Beclfotd Survi»eCam.2 1 O 4 Wh% bOptirTds 2 1 1 5 John G. FWte CA. 1 2 1 3 Cly Cetre AuoRsapkri 2 O 2 MDCET SwhMeitemmos9 Roys ErterprWuee3 Whitby F»eePr 5 Roguers Caàl@ s 2 FrW m Aaln 4 "Bio Mael 3 June 4 Bmnk af Montai S6 Roys Erieoprlsee4 June 5 Swish Maittnonc 5 Whitby FrcesMees4 Foras Roofing 5 Acysrepnse 4 ROges C"hi a SBank of MOntrOBI 1 »Of Jus 9*bhMWenena Whitby Fie reo Raye Enteupiss WL 3 O 3 O 2 1 i 2 1. 3 O 4 Trigon Coaputer 4 1 Bank cfMontreul 4 O Whitby Rtaay Club 2 2 TheBrick 2 3 Bra*twy Hsiang 1 4 MAJOR PEEWEE 6 Dutun Dodge 5 6 Co-steelL1co 3 1D MacMibn Orch. 2 5 kbMan Oich. 2 @ WhityRtiuy Oui>2 w MotrityMdurn 2 Whitby Rotwy Ch*s2 Co-9tusI LM=os 2 Wh la hnste 2 Dynes& Lloyd .lrbt. 2 the seventh to put Whitby ahead. Excellent defence played a major role in the victory as Steve Wood, Bremner and Hardy played fiawlessly in the outfield while rnaking several spakling catches. Aies Optimiets 3 WhIt. Fortune Firiari 6 2 Whit. Rogers Cuti. O Hudmn% Mount, R. Sarah Mon 2 Jaquelins FiW*wsilng VktoriaSpo ay MeSse MoCary 3 Siephartie Morgan 2 Tara Speer 4 Sm"gogPtyslo. 1 1 Hariman, Mount. R. 1 Vlaoda Spa*k 3UvaN n. 'MAJOR ATON May 30 *WhKtt WmngIon 4 Aax - The Bizrd O 0 KeIy LaIOetùUn Sarnantha er« JssamKnIss UNDER 10 - MNOR ATON JureS5 Whitby Storm Laie Clark 1 Ajm Diksaon WhltbyThundor 0 Ajax Hydro Ambiy Buchananl Whutby Llghtning a Ajax Ray's Traphý A. Ward elingham 4 Ashley Brairmre 2 Llndaw H" May 31 WhRby Thunder 1 Ajax Didwon EriTUy A. Wood WhItkw Lightrngn 4 Ajax Optimists Aicia Jukai2 Morica Forbee Alox Shm Whk. RoW.s C"e 1 Ajax Hydro WhatyLightriing 5 Whutby Tenftos Mona Forttes3 A.WardBolinghaml Urdsay lute WhitltyThunder O Ajax Optimales - i i i 3 Asti-A-Tari Brooluin Kinsmon Me"aln Orcharda O 4 *NOR PEEWEE May 30 Roye Eroqrse 13 900 Jus 5 Jonson Ato Body 17 lite. Mil Jue 6 Iite. Mil Services ID WhRWTb Jonson AAoBody 19 Lonoxi0 Whit. Pro. Firehight. #4 Acs Eri Gion Graphies 12 Maigold1 MauMoede 7 B00 Juno 9 Whit. Pro. Firight., G Mainold1 JonsonAtto Body il MarvwEt Whitty Toyota la Lux a m of Jmo 0 Iv0s' 3 cohesive unit and the yonger players are fittin in weil,"Baye manager Jim Andrw. Whitby 15 at home again at Murkar field on Thursday against Newrnarket. Sharýtym Foretoter Ameanda Gonneau May 24 Whitby StormT D"ldeSmith 2 DoatnnaSmagWh LucyRoti DianaParker Whltby Thunder 5 Whtbv TuTpst 0 Whty Lghtrng 7 Brittany Iothad A. Ward-BeEngharn Aliaauian Monica Foibo AshIêy Bradmore HetherSIoeKon UNDER 13 - MOSQUITO Whltby LghtningI Rah" Stewart 1Whit. Dodd & Souter 4 Joanna Whtney Aiexandra0suszek 1Adriemne CoughlIn .Tilfany Jinglo JeasinCaBonrid 1 aiaBonig May 29 Whitby Hamdon King Soiya Mangan 3 RorsesPerreault Maria Connotla Rachel Bowon 3 DMordra Lowo O May 25 Brooklin Concret. Jessica Brownidge K. Cockburni-Caunce Whit. Dodd à Soutor JoanruaWhitney 2. Norah Foy O Tiffany Jinglo Whit. Hoe Plastics 1 1 W3FR«A-nk TW.main DS lnac" DMnummyDu o WhelbvOtDis oce 4 WhIbyKlGnwm miprse JLincoin .ntfflp<SO D>wn WhRW Pr.Fmr t 5 2 O 1) WhW ptmstCkb 4 1 O a M&M M" utShape 4 2 o e Glon Gaphice .4 2 O a 800 3 2 1 7 MaiolLnclMecry 3 3 O 6 Raye Eltirg e 3 i O e Je.nAtBoy 3 3 O 8 LMn Etepriso 2 2 1 5 iterniinilService@ 1 4 O 2 Whitby Toyota 1 5 O 2 LennoxDnmn O 6 O O UMOR SOWIRT June 6 Oundea SR. Dental 1D WhR1itInsmeri 9 WhtbyULons 15 BakaofMonted 8 Golden HAs - 14 Alkn taGoe 9 Co-steaiLsc 13 Toronto Doninon 9 Jue 7 Dr. Don" Dyn. vs. JoneanAto Body (rainot> Aridoron Veter. vu. Dw" iS. Detalrinout> W.C. Town Chapel va. Whâbv Lo. ns(anout A.Uttb-Extra-Hsp 23 OunwC. Guwd.n 14 Jute 9 Dundw St. Dental 13 ALUttlo&Extre-Holp 8 WhitbyUons 12 Dwdn C. Guu'dmn 12 W.C. Town Chapel12 CoSeW Luao 9 Jonsn Ato Body la Lmmtomaonnw' 9 LMvn Eterprio 7 Dr. Danirs DyrL 3 Bank o MotreW 15 Allkid of Gm M e ofJugil Golden Halta 5 W.C. Town Chtipel 4 1 Jeneon Ato Body 4 Toronto DoTmon Bank 4 Dm" oS. Dental Cirie 4 2 LeacarnCanmAiing 4 2 Marvin Eriorpnises 3 2 Co-SesilMW o 3 4 A-Littb-Extra-Hep 2 1 DiadmC. Guardian Drug 2 4 Anderson Vaeon. CiC 2 1 B"no orirsal 2 4 WhabyLions 1 1 WhRtbyKingiien CIL> 1 i Allind ciGas Service 1 5 Or. Deniers Dynams O MOR SQUIRT Jue S Oedty Dic Jockey 7 Brocinlsinon 9 Rs9rd-A-Teri V Weedmn i i JuteS8 ExecuihmsCatr DIS kisurae 1V Ouaky DiwcJockey 7 Patyler.i 13 Jume 10 . B" et matirel 13 TD-GrenM)Awhune Pkiaood Cmtir Whkby ctttnn Bu* etMon KSC swcty 1 Uxbrtdge Renies O Ajax Shadkey'mBDuy O 1 Ajax Bookees 7 Ajax Bockeres soorersnafmu NIA> 2 WhitbThund SaraliJeffory MoUssa Dniher MichoDo Lord 4 Uxbrldge Rornax 0 Whitbr Lightning MeWaniVolpo 2 RachelStmwat2 Stophanie Chepman ExocuirvoCloais Puteiood Contre Creaw Cu*tbig Party Giari PalngWeC. Guardia Stuaing as of Jungeil Lualy DiseoJockey 7 O Rnti-A-Tmnt 5 O Brooldil Gnsrnsn Chjb 5 1 Barîocireal 5 1 Exectiive Chis 4 3 Weedrnan 4 3 Whitby KIGNsmu k 4 3 W. Fr"i 3 4 Cremmur Cutting & Codng 2 3 DIS Imuance 3 4 TD-Greon Machine 2 4 Whitby Op*kriM Cli> 2 5 KSeC urity 2 4 Fringle Creek uardian 1 5 Plwvnd Centre 1 e MAJOR MOSOWITO DundeGurdman Whâby Waw" Whàtty Auio stuf Choners Auto Jute 9 Whkby Kisuti OindsGuardan PlaqueAttack ChurcheraAuto 17 CutadlutTire 21 Plaque Attack * IaVan 16 awus Chalet 3 Cueshan Tire 6 Whitbv Audio il KPCcpy 12 Ilghland Van steninge se of Jum 9 DundeGuardoan Druge 6 O ChurchesAutamotive 6 O stuif 4 1 Whlby Km"ni 4 2 Whâby Auio 3 3 IIghtud Van a Storage 3 3 Chietalt 2 3 CanumanTv. 1 3 Plaque Attack 1 5 WarreWs Prfrting 0O,4 WNOR MOSQUITO JerrYS Druig Ware. ldkchoiI nuxai Mrketiing Rseooee LegalBeagio JuteS8 BartItci Morra staff Burger JorysDig Ware. Marketing Rosooee Optirnist Club Whitty Kiraman Dodd &Souisr Brookîn Kirnmen DugTurnerCap Suriea Furm OptirrSst Club se of Jus il Staff Burgs Suilea Farrm Ouaiiy Diso Jockey Jerry. Duig Wasehoue 'fiaI kessanoe Markeing Reoce Group Doug Tuner Caepeuiy Log egagles WhibyKIGnumen OpIfroliCkib Dodd à Sauter BrSmkiKwnmen P 10 9 9 s s B 7 7 6 4 2 2 O O Jusis 8 Uxbrdge BoeSIng John Pote CA. MWy 31 Whitby Opkns oldord Service - -b ptm me Make wine for as low as $275 De~r 750ml. bottie. MAJOR BMNTAM Jun05 Sradbury Heiirç Bruxy Hsding The Br"aI 7 Whitby Rotary 3 3 Bu*kci MotUsai -3 16 TigmnConpiier 10 ma o t Js7 Juins 3 Bartkci Monres' Dynes à Lloyd Whitby Chets Mkorcy Stum m 09 Jueu9 M ýAl - -ý 'fi vvhk. Rogoes cabie o riý

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