Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1995, p. 34

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Page 34, Whhby Free Prou, Weckiesday, June 7. 1M9 CWri bsotIos jIrious ast Massey donation made possible Trafalgar addition By Bria Winter, Towa of Whltby Archivist One hundred years ago, a generous gift from Toonto's Mlasayfamily made possible the constrution of Frances Hal at the Ontario Ladies' College (now Trafalgar Castle School). The construction of Frances Hall, which was named - after Hart Mass.ys daughter, iàllian Frances Masey, was part of a plan by the principal Rev. Dr. John JmeY a re, te turn the ichool inte a female univeruity affiliated with the University of Toronto. In 1893, the principal found that lho had te reject applications from American students because there was net enough room at Trafalgar Castle. The board of directors set out te rais. $50,000 but by the end of 1894 subecriptions amounted te only $36,000 te build a new wing that would link the original castle with the prmnipal's residence te the south, nOMw as « The Cottage.' With prospects for continuing the fumd-raising drive uncertain, a surpris donation from a wealthy Toronto industrialist saved the prcdject and assured copetian of the addition i less thna year. On March 7, 1895, Hart A. Masay, president of the Massey Manufacturing -Company, the largeat maker of farm machinery in the world, prmsed a gift of *10,000 once the college had raised *40,000. The grateful directors unani- mnously elected Massey te the board of ODntario Ladies' College and announced that the addition would be narned the 'Lillian Masy EHall' after Massy's only daughter. LILLIAN FRANCES MASSEY «TREBLE Whitby Archives photo As a member and supporter of the Methodist Church, Massey' would not aliow card-playig, dancing, alcohol or tobacco in bhis home, and restricted bis daughter's social life se, muchi that she did not maMr until after ho died. , However, ho alo omm a characteristic of many wealthly Méthodiste -- a sense of obligation te, use bis money for' the betterment of bis fellow men and women. Massey bad already prvded Toronto with Massey hal andý the Fred Victoi Misson, and with bis special interest in education, had made generous gifla te Victoria College; Albert College, iately on a 'three-sýtory wing which was to include a dfining room, concert hall to seat 400 people, a itchen, and dormatories and baths on the upper floor. On June 19, 1895, special trains brought a hoet of ,dignitaries from Toronto to attend the layng of the corner atone for Franicesal. Geor-ge A. Cox, president of the Ontario Ladies' College board of directors,, presented a silver trowel te Iàllian Frances Masey, who asaisted mi prading the mortar. Hart Massey, although aged and feeble, delivered an address to the large crowd. He compared the modemh facilities of the college with what female students had te contend with 50Oyeas before, and statedh "What a magnrnicent homne these young lady students have." Frances Hall, as the new bilding was eventually called, was completed during the summer and fali of 1895. Franis Hall, construction. On Sept. 19 19023, as provided The cornematene ahe laid in the necessamy equipment to atart 1895 can still be seen at the south a domestic science depatment at end of the Logga. the college and sent a teacher ____________ every Saturday from hem own dorneatie science training'achool DDYU I<NOW 1 .The department at Whitby was later affiliated with the Lillian Masaey Normal Training Scliool of Household Science and Arts. iàllian Massey, after hem father's death in 1896, married John Treble and died i 1915. Hem portrait sitill hangs in Frances Hall 10years aftem her father's money provided for its On Dec. 19, 1895, six montha te the day after the cornerstone was laid, Lillian Massy was again present for the officiai opening of Frances Hall. Frances Hall romains today much as it did when opened. The ipe organ which once atood by j the stage in the concert hall, was dismantled in 1956 te provide an organ for Grace Chapel. Belleville; Alima Collage, St, The Loggfia, an open arched Thomas and Methodist colleges in passageway along the front, bas Winnipeg and British Columbia. been provided with storm windows so it can lie used all Since the Ontario Ladies' year. Otherwise, littie bas College was a Methodist achool, it cbanged. was more than eligible for a Lillian Masseys connection A TENNIS tournament In front of Frances Hall, 1906. Massy donation. with the Ontario Ladies' College Whltb <y Archive Construction began inuned- did not stop with the building of es Photo (CALL 1-800-853-6445 Ex£ 4 7 ' STILL SEARCHING SWF, 32, enjoys dancing, going ut A L E S r6->o, t shre inleresta. Oshawa ares, Adi 1800 _________________HEY LADIES j SHE LIFS WEUQHTS GBF, 27, stpontaneous, seeka GF, 18- SWF, 38, 56', 11lSîba., no children, 31, for friondahlp, going out, maybe enjoya runnîng races, canoeing, more. Whitby ares. Adi 3903 mounitain biking. movios, dinng oui, SpICY ITAUIAN seelong SWM, 35-39, for long tons SWF, 29, 5'3,, lO8lba., N/S, long curly reiatianshp. Whitby ares. Adi 9150 dsrk hair, brawn ey os, attractive, TAKE A CHANCE sahdnilattractive, SWM, 5l0'-6', 27- SWF, 20, mom of one, onlaya danc- 33, NI for frindshçp possible rota- ing, walking, famlly Idfe, home Ife, ionship. Toronto ares. Adi 3290 seeking down ta earth, employed CALL ME PLEASE SWM, 2-32, muet lîke ido, or hn- SWF, 45,52', l80lbs., en oys cytng, Adi 9719 card gamea, seeka SWM, 45-50, HAPPY ERSON21Olba., muat bo big bulit, same Inter- SWFý2,NS o-dikr e ar esta. Toronto ares. Adi 7389 bron ees ne toOsawa sek-SEEKS FRIENDSHUP ing WM,25-5, /Sto et ogeherSWF, 39, mna dependents, vogetarian. with. Oshawa ra Adi 1433 onjoyas Woring out, swmminq. skiing, GREEN EYE running,'cycling, travol, envirorimen- B-SWF, 30, 5" sllghtly full-fgurod, taliSt, seeka SWM, 33-42, for possible long dark hair, soeking SF, 23+, ta talk long term relationship. Oshawa ares. ta, go ta lb ih for friendahip anîy Adi 9248 10 starLOahawa ares. Adi 8092 POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP LET~S TL SWF, 34, 5'4%, l2Olba., blonde hair, SBE19,W, 14ls.,attactveintl-hazelaes 4 childron, nover mamred, lignt mtue, a 5ng rmnt~ic ee Seek CM, 5-45,possible Jamaî. par, lvesregaedining, dancing, eithy ares. AAdi87166 STOPREAINGHERESWE25,twchildren, many intereats, S W E 2 0 , m o r o o n , e j o s h v i n "es a p i n g , d o w n o e a r t h , e m p lo y e d , oui, time, oldoos, aelogSW ,38-40, similar qualitiea, dnig eligSWM , mia heavy Mississauga ares. Adi 7838 drinerssmokrsmuat love children. Whitby area. Adi 7884 SEEKUNG FRIENDSHIP SWF, 19, 5'4«, ll2lbs., enjoyalîterma- GENTLEMAN WANTED ive music, seeking ei.-sygoing, hon- SWVF, 33, ek down ta earth, han- est. SWM. nathing serious, juai hang- est, SwMy, 29-41, for lssting relation- ing out, concerts, more. Oshawa ship, possible romance. Oshawa ares. Adi 86362 ara ________2390 _____POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP WELL EDUCATED SWF, 47, 57'. slmm, loaing for tll, SWF, 39, 5'6, no cildron, vegetanian, SWM. 40-50, amincere, honoat, inlti- onvironmêiitalist, enjays running, gentl. Whitby ares. Adi 4242 * mounlain blking, slci, kayaking, travel, CALL ME reading, seking SWM, 10 share inter- SWF 38, love arnd inloreat for Ie, hon- ests. Oshawa ares. Adi 9148 est. affectionale, strongflammlyan oUTDOOIt NUT social values, seeka SWM, 35-45. * SWF, 40, 1481bs., loves Ie, horses, Whitby ares. Adi 7892 holding banda, theatre, dining out, SWF, 33, seoka sincere, honeat, seeks SWM, 4)-55, with common n- SWM, 3041, for friendship, long tons teresta. Whitby ares. Adi 5122 reîaionship. Oshawa ares. Adi 2360 GOOD MAN WANTED LOVELY LADY -SWF, 47. enjoys Ite. fun. laughler. ro- SBF, 55, 55». 1 30lbs., professional, rmnce, camping. childIren, dancing. seeks young ai heart, SM, 45-50, any seeka special SWM, ta share good race. God feaning. for possible rate- tres.Troronto ares. Adi 1788 tionstip. Toronto ares. Adi 6272 The Whitby Free Press is introducing an ail NEW dating column! CALL 1-900-451-4882 Ext. 47 SEEKS FRIEND STILL SEARCHINO VERY ACTIVE SWF, 49, seeks SWM, 45-60, for te10- SWM, 21, 510, 1lSbs., brown hair, SWM, 25, 511 *, 1l8Obs., brown curly pliond talks.Toronto ares. Ad# 7783 /jL .-.. blue eyes, enjoys quiet times, movies, hair, blue. eyes, enjoys outdoors, col- M A L E S-"- dining out, seeks SWF, 18-22, honest, tages, camping, fishing, scuba diving, TALL BEAUTY sincere, funny, with similar interests, seeking SWF, 19-28, with lots of en- SWVFý 18, 51', model, enjoys movies, Whitby ares. Ad# 3480 ergy. Whtby ares. Ad# 3526 seeklng SWM, 18-25, 66+, for friend- U HSYU IS iEA TL ERHN shî, osibe eAtdn#ip W6ty70 SM, 18, short wav hair, clear com- SWM, 24, new ta ares, lives atone, SWM, 29, black hair, brown eyes, on- plexion, seekinp Italien, N/S, SWF, for enjays cycling. aports, motorcycling, joys outdoors, seeks oLtgoing, SWVF, DARK MAN WANTEDÎ clubbing, movies, going out, more. seeks SF, for friendship, possible re 18-35. Oshawa ares. Ad# 3669 SWF, 24, 57% , lObs., brown hair, Whitby ares. Ad# 1205 tationshlp. Whitby area. Ad# 9446 VEYRENL blue eyes, seeking Jamaican, EYFINL Tninadsd SM. enjoya reading, dining, VEAY ACTIVE ARE YOU IN SHAPE? SWM, 42, fattier of one girl, 11,.enjos swimming, movies. Toronto ares. ~ SWM, 57, 6'l 65ibs., N/S, protes- SWM, 27,59', 180Obs., muscular, dark lon g walks, dinlng, home life, sees Ad# 8645 * sionalfIt. daughter 14, enJoysjoaoing, blonde haîr, blue eyes, clean cut, good SWF, 18-45, for frlendship, relation- "sports, movies, dining out, intellcin looking, honeat, romantic, enjosoi hp saaae.Ai96 IS THIS YOU? conversation, seeks SWF, under 57, doors, going out, seeks SWF, 19-30. PLEASE CALL ME SWF, 29, 52', dark blonde hair, green - for possible relationshlp. Oshawa similar interests, positive< atitude, 2.T,15bsarhirbu eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets, shooling - .- ares. Ad# 7145 friends firat. Whltby ares. Aconstruction57« w3lbs. arkhr, ey eyes,cosrcinwreejy pool, outdoors, horses, Harleys, - CASUAL RELATIONSHi7P STILL SEARCHING dancing, shooting pool, loves ro- seelis ruggedly handsome, SWM, 33- SWVM, 23,6', i 7Ols.. brown hair/eyes, SWM, 40, 6', 2001bs:, good shape, mance, seeking SWF, 18-35, for pos- 36, facial hair a plus, 584, for pos- 1 Oshawa ares, easygoing, enjoys out- dark haîr, blue eyes, smoker, social sible relationship. Whitby ares. sible relationship. Oshawa ares. door and indoor, activities, seekina drinker, enjoys outdoors, camping, Ad# 3934 Ad# 9495______________ SWF, 19-25, for good times. Ad# 4582 fishing, hunting, wstks, nature, ani- L~TU COMMTESO TRONO !IENSHIPF1RT DWN O ERTHmals, dancing. country music, movies, ErS30, K Ouîii COMUTS TROTO IFIEDSHP RS DWNTOEATHseoks SF, 18-40, for frin' 30 edshys omsybe , havngfn DWF, 29, 56, 125lbs., brown hair, 'WF, young 41, 5'l", fuît flgured, av- SWM, 33, enjoys fun times, conver- rre. Whitby ares. Ad# 5407 seelca apecial SWF, 18-30, for good blue oyes, ed ted, fit, tanned,rmom, rage, mom, amokerno bars/drugs/ sations. walking. seeking friand, pst, times. Whitby ares. Ad# 3741 romsntic, see4ing SWM, late 20s-39, Uames, enjoys country music, fies buddy, lover in SWF, 18-30, possible MEw TO AREA long hair a must, for rlationship. lnarkets, family times, seeks young, retationship. Whitby area. Ad# 3641 SvvM, 48510», brown hair, blue eyes, LEAVE VOUA MESSAGE Toronto___ores._Ad# __2403 funny, sincere, SWM, 35-41. blue M OE N/S, professional, funny enjoys ton: SWM, 19, brown hair, blue eyes, me- Tornloare. Ai 203jeans guy, dads weîcome, serious - nia, cyclîng, ging out, leaming, ctil du ulojyssotdnig LET'S DANCE ol.Trnoae.A#63 SAMl 32, 6'. l8Otbs., seeks intereat- dren, seekas WF, 32-47, lively, ener- working out, seeking SWF, 18-24. SWF, Engtish lady, petite, 64, 5'3«, red ol.Trnoae.Ai63 ing, adventurous, stpontaneous, cre- gfic professional, for meaningful re- Oshawa ares. Adi 7512 hair, blue eyes, enjoys intermediate THIS CAN WORK atrve, SWF, 22-38, fniendship, possible lationship. Whllby ares, Adi 5679 UEWA O ER ballroom dancing, loves doge, walks SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, mnovies, reiationship. Oshawaores. Adi 2339 NOSSMUEWA O ER Iln he beach seeks 10 meet SWM, animais, sports, outdoors, leaming, GODCTHEJY UMERTIME SWM, 21,510'. iSOîbs., good listener, alongATC SWM, 24, 57', 1401bs., excellent easygaing, enjoys country music, 50-5. Whitby ares. Adi 3033 seelcing SGF, any aga, wilh similar in- SWM, 40, 58', 155lbs., fuît head of shape, enjoys outdoors, seeks SWF, quiet limes, movies, seeking honest, W~ AL AKteresta, friends firsl, maybe more. hair, good looking, N/S, moderato 18-40, 10 share interests and ideas. sincere, SWF, 19-25, sense of humor SWVF, 41, N/S, active, optimistic. en- Whtyae.Ai11 rnesuadvr nosoloors, Whitby ares. Adi 3256 a plus, for friendship maybe relation- joys quiet evenings, movies, music, WILL CALL BACK canoeing, hiking, biking, golrfat, n LOESTOSK ship. Whitby area. Adi 9528 dancing, seeking N/S, SWM, 4555' SWF, 26, 5W~, lSlbs., long brown SWF, under 39, for possible rlto-LVST K friends f irat, good converaîonalist ý hair, blue eyes, no kids, employed, ship. Whilby res.Adi 6875 SWM, 45, 6'".1 901,a., blond, N/S, SHARIE WUTH MIE casuel dninker, enjoya oudors, boat- SWM, 30,6', brown hair/eyes, protes- must. Toronto ares. Adi 9826 enjoya canoeirig, acuba diving, mov- LOVE ME TENDER. ing, golf, travel, dining oui, dancing, sional, enjoya outntoors, travel, moun- DOWN TO EARTH ~iaa, fine wine, dining out, seeking SWM, 24, Sicilian, enjoys movies, Seelong N/S, SF, 22-45. nol afraid ta tain bknseighnadfeet DOWNTO ERTHSWM. 28-40. to enjoy summertime bars, banda, good limes, soeking try Ihinga. Whilby ares. Adi# 2589 ind, enF,2-3on.dferetc SW,3.5'5', brown hair, blue oyes, wilh. Toronto ares. Adi 5430 SWF, undor 27, for posaile neecetSE 63,eegtc onpoys country muaic, talking, danc- CRLTI Dreiationahip.Whitby ares. Adi 8270 ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE op>en. Oshawa ares. Adi 5932 ing, camping, much more, seeking SWF27,brown hair/eyea, enjoya GOT VOUA ATTENTION! SWM, 23eey, 6, lolsba. cairtlnd, STOP READING HERE SWM, 32-45, muai like childrensmpot, hockey, movies, dining oui, SWM, 45, aeeking down ta earth, lO oycaikbleye,enJoabas cminSWM, 55, 58W, gray board, diatin- iar sports,. OhahockeyA# 2Dd nmrovies, sports, quiet intrets Ohaa re. di siaying in. cooiing, seelong conver- ing, sincere, quein aize, SWF, for limes, sooks SWF, 19-23. Oshawa gulahed, sîncere, hsndsamo, enjoys I'LL GET 5ACK TO YOUj sationatiat, quick wtiod, funny, SWM. spoiling, pampering, fine dinimg, more. ares. Adi# 3489 walks, cycling, goad food, seeka SWF, SWF,30,p__________attactie,_ing_7-3,_frdep_____ 45-55,si claasyyareaAd#intelligentss, ite sincereicer, I 30 pofssonl atrctve o e7-3,Torndoep friond#hm1, osaby htb-reA 06ROBIN HOOO ahare lifo, laughs and love. Whiby blonde hair, green eyes, enjoysmoeTrnoaesAd SENSE 0F HUMOR SWM, 40, 6'. 200lbs., goad shape, ares. Adi 9217 t .nds,, basebaîl, camping, working ST1LL SEARCHING SWM, 25, 56'. 1 37lbs., blacki hair, employed, home owner, onjy hunt- oui, auldoors, seeks SWM, profea- SWF, 35, N/S, enjoya sports, auldoors, preon eyea, enjoys woight training, ing, fishing, camping, dancing, coun- MANY INTERESTS sional, smmilar inleresta for friendship, dancing, seeking SWM, 34-40, oang walks, travail, seeking SWF, 20- lry music, seeking id Marion, SWVF, SWM, 31, enjoya flahing. canaeing, possible relalionship. Whitby ares. companionship, friendship, relation- 30, for possibxle relationsip. Whitby 18-40, 10 shareginteroats. Oshawa golfing, very good cook. seeks SF, 18- Adi 2324 ahip. Toronto ares. Adi 8889 ares. Adi 8460. ares. Adi 5507 40, for passible relationshp. Whitby Wilh AutoAdtaking, just use your touchtone phono to answer some questions about youraolf and the type of persan yau would liko ta meet. ae.A#9 Than record your voice grooting, and we'll transcribe il mb s print ad that will appear in the WNhy Free Press. Whitby Free Press' Persan CIRCLE THIS AD to Persan is available for single people seoking reltianships. Aýda containing explicitsexuat or anatamical language will not bopublishad. SWM, 27, 51l', brown hair, green We reserve the right tao dit or refuse any ad. Cusiamor service 1-800-273-5877. oves. enjays dining, movies, casuat drinking, long walks/drives, seeka M MaIe W White H Hispaniic NC Nativ Canadian S Single WW Widowed SwF, 25-28, la share interasta. F Femnale B Black A Asian C Christian D Divorcod N/S Nan-amokor Oshawa ares. Adi 1060 SHOW defo itaiitsd? AYou.am olli tab. rpomsm eSpeakita ihe ilatener, iloscribe loursf n soitv e honet'pceotvssn:é cfr lion 1, hou wff lbopropîptetff.an- awer SOMquealmoemabotimyourf- wsnt fa meet effectvep ad. wlll ho transcribod tram your volcogreot in, d- in wlappoar- i tepaper i -Oas .Wfat nenad numb.r? A: Thie4 digit nurnber aldhend of yaczprlnt adithat slows singles ta ca nd respond Io your nait- box. 0: Whatlseamemd? A: A oanfldential 4 digit code that only yau kmiaw, tdat Mmhows my yau acoffa tg your mallbx. 0: Wliat are messages A: Valce greetinga traim other aigles who respandod toyour ad n ihnewspaper or thmoughthe browse. To lfisten ta rour mes- sasfor FREE, catI -0453-L 645 Ext. 47 once aeoy 7 daya or 1-900451-4882 Ext. 47 any- time, al a charge of $1.99 por minuta. 0: What are syster matches? A: Valco greelings tram other adt- vertisors whose ratching cilte- ris me the sae or simuler ta yours, You cen liaien ta y aur system matches istan~ by callmng 1- 900-451-4882 Ex. 47, et a charge of $1.99 par minute. 0: what lesSmért Browse? A. A apacisi fMature thai slows you ta isten amnd rospomnt taoattior voice greolimiga Ihat match 1h. cri- tonsa you select. Caîl 1-900451- 4882 Ext. 47, option 2, ai a charge ait SI.99 per minuta. 0: How dol1 respond ta cun ad? A. Cal 14900-786-0606Ext 47, o=io 1al acharge of$1.99 par miut, the ayslem wiii ask you. to enter thea4digit ad njmbr al th. end ait the print ad. Pressi1 ta roapond, press 2 ta go on ta the nexaBd. 0: How de 1camcel or rew an ad? k. Cal cusiomer service ai 1. 800-273-5877, Tflat Gilbert and Reynolds streets which join in front of Trafalgar Castie School are named after Nelson Giibert Reynolds (1814-1881).. Sher- iff of Ontario County from 1854 to 1881, he built Trafalgar Castie as bis home and lived there from 1862 to 1874, when the building became a girls' private sehool.

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