Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 7 Jun 1995, p. 28

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~..-. :>>ei i~?d S ~ ~ ~ 4r1i Page 28, Whltby Fiee Proa, Wedesday, June 7, 19M Tra ffic concerns on Lofthouse Drive Loftiiouse Drive residents have petitioned tihe Town to to corne up with solutions ta the trafflc problems that have been taking place on their street. "Do we need ta wait for accidents ta occur (before something is don.)," said Dick Kauling, a resident who spoke ta operations comiitte. during theifr meeting June 5. In the paat, residents have expressed concerne regarding trafflc contrai and emergency routes. A safety audit report was recently completed by the public worka department.. However, some residents disaLgreed with the. findings of the. report. "One needa ta look a t the entire data," Kauling "ad. H. indicated that the. report did not fully mention ail of the. incidents, such as' near misses, which has an impact on the. overal safety issule. Their main concern, according ta Kauling, was speeding vehicles. Hiowever,, west ward councillor Judi Longfield suggested that erecting new etof miLna and speed limita have lte tect. What is needed,,siie eaid, is a public awareness campaign' ta encourage residents ta stop speeding. I think you're gain g ta, have ta, b. very pro-active," se said. East ward councillor Dennis Fox eciioed Lâongfield'e concerne. He suggested that beceuse the street je not a through street, ltes the residenta who are speeding. "The. people in that cammunity have got ta b. aware that tiiey've.got ta slow down." The. residentsalaieahad concerna about emergency routes. A brusii fire happ.ned in tii. spring ai 1994 which caused seriaus accees probleme ta, some residenta. Because ail the. fire trucks were blocldng the etreet vehicles furtiier down the road could not leave as it is the. only way out oai tii.development, which is located just north ai Roseland Road Off Anderson Street. Tii. report suggested break b. cut ta elimin s3pread af fire ta tii. res areas. Committee passed a d a lire nate tii. sidential Sthree- pronged recommondation that a public meeting b. called ta dicus the community'! overal eafety issues, that iire and emergency routes b. implmenedand a greater police pr.sence b. requested ta quell potential speeders. New entrereneurs FROMPAGE1 i Atlantic president Robert Nel- son saye tthe material "hian ta be free of contaminants sucii as plastic bagea, pop cana, etc.» AtlantidsW'hitb 'plant has taken ah aioftiie old newspper collected ini Durhiamn Reion since its start-up four y.ars ago, Nel- son notes. «We have corne from a. point wiier. waste,ýaPer was juat a step above beingsrbage té wiiat now is a vai7aIe commodity. As a consequence, entrepreneurs have em.rged ta' cayiaieo this new opportunity.piazeo Rising prices means recovery of waste paper «lias almost rea- ched practical limita,' h. says. «ii. negative side is that less material is going ta, the blue box collection because it in being cap- tured bx the, «new» entre- preneurs. CAIRD SHOW Tii. Durham On-the-Lake Summer Spectacular Card and Comic Show 195, arganized by 16-year-old lan Maxwell ai Why, wiil b. held on Sunday, June 11, 8 a.m. ta 3 p.m., at t Je Jubile. Pavillon in Lakeview Park, Oshawa. There will b. fire. prSoo carda (Hershey, Pepsi, Hildebrandt Chronium Carda) given out ta tiie firat 1,000 people attending, and former CFL great Terry vanhen, a Brooklin reident, will sign autographs from 1 ta, 2 p.m., witii proceeda ta the. Head INuiy Association. Admission is $5 for adulta, $3, for seniors, $2 for those aged 6 ta 12, fre. for those under age 6. For more information, oeil 436-6922. YARD SALE Marigold Co-Op Housing will iiold their annual yard sale on Saturday, June 10, 9 a.m. ta 3 p.m., at 121 Asii St., Whitby. YARD SALE East Whitby's Co-Operative Housing will iold ita annual yard sale on Saturday, June 10 (rain date June 11), 9 a.m. ta 3 p.m., at 101 Rtibblesdale Dr., Wlitby. FAbMY NIGHT Epllepey Durham Region will hold the. annual Family Nigiit, Tuesday, June 13, 6:30 p.m., at the. Kinsmnen Community Centre, 109 Coib>orne St. W., Oshawa. Jaen us for ent.rtainment, games, door prizes and food. For more information, oeil 666-9926. THEOS Tiie local chapter of THEOS will meet on Sunday, June 11, 1 p.," at St. Andrew's Preêbyterian Church, Cochrane Street, Whitby. THEOS is a support group for tii. widowed. For more information, call 668-2648. SELF-HKLP A self-ii.lp support group for people experiencing lasses (relationship, job, iiealth, etc). is beig forméd& Tii group wiil b. ii.ld Thursdays fi-cm 7 ta, 9 p.m. For mare information, cail Sharon Cochrane, Oshawa/Wiiitby COPE mental iiealtii program, at 434-1693. WRMTR*S CLUB Tii. Durham Writ.re & Editars Breakfas Club wiliiold tii. regular monthly 'meeting Saturday, June 10, 8 ta, 10 a.m., at SwanPo Marina, Liverpool Road and Lake Ontario Pickering. C" $8 for members; $10 for non- members, reservations neoessary. <.Fur more information, cal Margarie Green at (905) 686-2085. BLUEGRASS The Durhiam Arthritis ibrmali group wiil meet jun: 14,730pm., at Faitii Place, 44 William St., Oshawa, for networking on chronic pain, and a Mim on a meeting witii niieumatalogfist Dr. Hugii Smytiie. For more.information, cail Bruce Wood at 434-6177. EAKTAND STROKE The board ai directors ai the, Whitby Chapter ai tii. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario is holding its annual general meeting on June 13, 7 p.m., at tiie Whitby PubliceLibrary, program room. Cae Marianne Gibson at 686-1521 ta register as space is limited ta,30. YARD SALE The Wiiitby under-12 boyds rep soccer- teain will iiold a multi-family yard sale on Saturday, June 17, 9 a.m. ta 1 p.m., at 101 Robinson Ores., Witby. Crafts, books, furniture, toys, iiauseiiold items, sparts equipment, clothing and more will b. offered. Ail praceeds support tii. teamn. GIANT FLEA MARKET General Motors will hast their faurtii annual Spectacular On. Day Giant Flea Market (proceeds ta, tiie United Way), an Saturday, June 10, 8 a.m. ta, 3 p.m., at General Motars parking lot, nortiiwest corner ai Bond and Ritson streets, Oshawa. For donations, ta register or ta, rent a table, cae Pat Klely at 644-7829 (work) or 576-0183 (home), by noon, June 8 and for pick-up af bulky items. POT LUCK DINNER lii. Oehawa/Wiiitby Newcomenr Club is hosting a potluck dinner for their y.ar-clooeng meeting on Tuesday, June 13, 7 p.m., at the. Oshawa Arts Resource Centre, Green Roon. Ail women in the area are welcome." Admission is $1 for members, guests ire.. For more information, cai Information Whitby at 668-0552 or Ifdormation Oshawa at 43q4-4636. CIVIAN CLUB The. neit meeting for the, Whitby Civitan Club wiil b. iield on Tiiursday, June 8, 8 p.m., at the. Earl oi Durham (Maggiee). Ilie executive for the new club wiil b.e lected Seniors are p.rticularly welcome. For details, cail DManne Gilbert at 666-3223. A legal aid advice dlinic will b. iield on Tuesday,' June 13, 7 p.m., at the, Whitby Public Library. Appointments must b. made at tiie Whitby Information Centre, 900 Brock St. S. Clients receive a confidential 15-minute appoint- ment witi a lawyer, at no charge. For more information, cal 668-0552. RED CROSS VOLUNTEERS Tii. Canadian R.d Cross Society, Region ai Durham brancii needs volunteers for a wid. variety ai services, including d.livery of meals on wheels, telepiioning blood donors, iielping witii- bingo, and the, new Clarington medical Equiîpment recycling project. Vounter information sessions will b. ield Tuesday, June 13, 7 p.m. and Tiiursday, June 15, 2 p.m., at tii. B.d Cross office, Oshawa Centre. For more information or ta regieter, cail Fran Harseil at 723-2933. BONSAI. The. Matsuyamna Bonsai Society wil meet at Faith Place, 44 Williams St. W., Oshiawa, on Tueday, June 13 starting at 7 pa. for beginners and 7:30 p.m. for the. general meeting. It is open ta, ail thas. inter.sted in tiie art af bonsai. Cail (905) 432-3613 or (905) 683-2568 for more infrmation. PUB NIGHT Durham Celtic wiil iist a pub night in tii. Regal Boofaithe, Wiiitby Centennial Building on Friday, June 9, 6 p.m. ta 1 a.m., for darts, dominoes, card games, videas and hot food. For mare information, call Mike Morrison at 668-9217 or George McGiiee at 430-1822. WALK FOR A CUBRE On June 11, tiie United Food and Commercial Workers wil iiold the. sixtii annual Leukemia Walk for a Cure, at the, Southi Oshiawa Central Lake Ontario Conservation Area, 100 Whiting Ave., south Oshawa. For mare information, oeil Sue at 906-263-2732. AQUARIUM SOCIETY Tii. Durham Region Aquarium Society will meet on Tusav June 13, 7:30 p.m., in the. cafe- teria of R.S. McLaglin CVI, 570 Stevenson Rd. N. jut nortii ai Rossland Road), Osiiawa. Thie subject will b. 'Keeping Reptiles.' For more information, caî1 Jim Brown at 905-987-3412. COIN CLUB The Oshiawa & District Coin Club wMi meet at the. Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa City Hall on Sunday, June 11, 12:30 p.m. For more information, call 728-1352. CYSTIC FYBROSIS On Saturday, Jun, 10, 8 a.m. ta 6 p.m.-, 803 Dundas St. W., Wiitby, there will b. a yard sale and barbecue. Ail proceeds ta cystic fybrosis. To donate items, cail 668-2767 or 668-4659. FUNDRAISR A spring %lig fundraiser will b. iield by tie Whitby Mental Healtii Centre on June 8, noon ta 5 p.m., at Cottage 13. Tiiere'will b. a craft sale, car waaii; bake sale, mini putt, 50/50 draw, tarot readings, hot dogs, pop. etc. Proceeda will go ta the psychotherapy unit. Bain date June 8 (same hours). 80GB Save Our General Hospital will meet on Tuesday, June 13, 7:30 p.m., i committe. raam 1 at tiie Whitby munici pal building. WOMEN'S AGLOW Tii. Women's Aglow Fellowship of Canada, Oshawa-Whitby chapter will meet Tiiursday, June 8o 7 p.m., at King St. Pentecostal Ciiurcii, 611 King St. W., Oshawa. For furtiier information,- cali 723-9458. Winning smile PAUL KARKKAINEN of Toronto is one happy customer - he entered the Monopoly contest at the McDonald's on Brock Street South in Whby and became Canada's first $100,00 wine.Phtio> by Peter Mas, VWhilby Free Press

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