Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 May 1995, p. 3

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WhiIby Free ProU. Weckesday, AMY 31, 1M9, Pages3 Parkinýgban, barrierproposedon Vctori By Mark Reesor The Region la considoring. a ban on roadaide parking and the installation of a barrier along Victoria Street tbrough Lynde Marsh. The recommendation, which was still boing considered by Region works committee at prous time on Tuesday cornes after nn- oar-old Laura Ann, elee-of Whitby waa struck by a car and killed while crossing the street near the conservation area April 4. A prooed bylaw would pgro- hi*bit parking on the south sid of Victoria fromn 600 metres east of Halls Road te 300 metres west of Jeffrey Street, and on the north aide of Victoria from 450 metros east of Halls to 300 metres west of Jefie. The deprtent also recom- monda installing about 450 motros of a three-céable guiderail, at acost of $40,000 on'both the north and soutl aile of Victoria through the marsb area.' The rail would bo Iocated such that a disabled vehicle could pull off but it would appear diff»icult for a moterist te park on the roadaide... (and it would) dis- courage pedeatrians from cross- ingthe roadway.» he report, si dby works commssonerikSilalis, rejects lowering the sedUýt- Noltawasaga seminar defended a move requesid by many. 'Speod studios uaing radar e9uipmont during free flow con- ditions indicato that 85 per cent of aIl vehicles are travelling at or bolow 88 kilometres per hour, with an average speod of 82 kilometres per hour,» Silgailis points out. There have been only two acci- dents on the road over the pust three years -- the fatal collision and a single vehicle ending up i the marsh -- according te the report, wbich notes some 11.000 vehicles use the stretch of road every daj. den'.av h Tho flo on*;hv h right te rohibit roadaide flsbing tîrouqh teaea iWlis notes, and the CetralLknai Conservation Authority (CLICA) and Ministry of Natural Rosources don't want the road- aide fenced because it would interfère with wildlife. The' departnient lant.ginE te la ameeting wih LCA,ý a .of Natural Resources and the Town of Whitby te look at othor safety problma and issues aasociated wtthe mareh area. Silgaihia promises te report back te, works committee with the results of that meeting., FR OM PAGE 1 from staff on a number of mat- tors and thus are btter informod when these items corne forward for a decision on the council floor, «heaned. t aicture that looks down the roa a yoar, a year and a hall'. I think that's the bost way to do long-rne plan- ghlewith Drumm on the ne frthe seminar councillor Marcel Brunello, saiâ holding it i Durham would be a mistake. "W. had one at the Oshawa -Gof Club a few years ago and it waa an absolute waste of tixne," ho said. - 'Mhe phonos wero 'ringing people were running i and out ... it was difficult to stay focused.» Brunelle, however, rejected a sugostion that thismic=aa lac of self-discipline among local pliticians by not tending te the matters at hand. Ho said corporations and senior levels of government regu- larly hold functionis away from the office environmoent so that lýarticipants can "lot thoir hair iown m i a relaxed atmosphere. "Are GM executives undisci- plined? Are Bell Canada execu- tives undisciplined? "M'e prime minister takes bis cbntaway to a retreat, the premier of Ontario takes his cabinet away. I don't think that's a fair comment.» Brunelle said the seminar allows regional councillors, espe- cially those elected for the first time last Novmer ediscus issues in bth afra n informal setting. «W. represont hall' a million people and are responsible for thousanda of 'miles of roads, thousanda of miles of sewer pipes, nursing homos... kYom tie te time we need te take a broad look at what wvere doing. We need te get a sense.of direction and how we can work togther. Cuncillors gfet a botter under- standing of how the Region works from both staff presen- tations ad juat takg amongst themselvýes, Bru1nolo ,said. Ho referred ta his own experience'as a veteran member of the public works committee te, illustrate bis point. >«I ait on the works committee and if you ask me anything about that I can tell you,» ho said. "«But ask me about a nursing home in Beaverton and Fim not Up te date.» Concedinjr that critics will dlaim this ls a self-serving boon- doggle,» Brunelle said the n'ajorityo taxpayers understand the valueo thèse meetings. «I hope that people wo want government te work well will 0nW that we have te, invest a few dollars. ]Relative .te, the reginal budget it's not that mucb. Although ho will attend, coun- cillor Gerry Emm would prefer that it ho beld locally. "There probably are important things that have te b.e discussed but whyw. gm'ouot of the region don't k Twe said. Toavid the problem of coun- cillors leavinig a meetinýg held close te home, Emm offered a solution. "They sbould ask everybody te give $100. If you don't stay, you forfeit it. If you do stay, you get it back." Emm had no problem with Town council's meeting boing held in Whitby and foît the samne about thus on.. "We had it in Whitby this er we didn't go te, Belleville. I tifl that's the way it sbould be.» While Whitby's representatives May Cuae b the monits of holding thsmia in Allisten, if not or a roolcie Oshawa coun- cillor, the public may stilI not knwthe event is planned. During a council meeting ear- lier this month, there was a discussion about a pbotegraph of a highway overpass mn west Tarante bain g on the caver of a promotianal brochure produced byDurharns economic develop- ment department, councillor Robert Lutczyk teld The Free Pross. «I jokigly asked if it was near the -Nottawasaga» ho said. "I didWnet expect it (oment) to, get tbis much attention.» Although b. will attend -- "Fm not gomng to thunib my nase at the procesa -- Lutczyk wisbes the voia as in DuriLam. "Personally, I feel that if 'w. are going te, expend money from the taxpayers of the regiïon, we should spend it in the region,» h. said. "When we spend money, we stimulate the economy. W. ahould do it bore ahd give it back te, the taxpayers. Lutezyk dos not accept rea- sons given for, not holding it bore. «I feel that if regional council- lors set aside a daày or a day and a hall', thon it ahould be pretty important for them te bo called away. "I don't seei that as a big enough reason not te, have it in Durham Region.» Lutczyk believes tbat suitable facilitios are available in Dur- ham and said meetings could ho rotated among the municipali- tios. "W. can go te different parts the region and get a botter idea of what it's 11k.im other areas.»" Ken Cavanagb, president of the Touriat Association of Dur- hem Région, was not 1'amiliar with the issue and preferred not te comment directly. «I believe there are facilities that ôould -accommodate that type'of mieeting, but'd have ta kniow a little-moreý about it. ]Pm not aware of the specific details,» ho said. "But as president of the teurist association, I would naturally 11k. te see anything of tbis nature held in Oshawa or Dur- ham Region.» "A- TLE-EXTRA-HELP"I TUTORING SERVICE *we use only Certified Ontario Teachers - *we tutor in YOUR home, and *we teach the classroom curriculum r --s please call 668-7841 for a brochture! ArIsaso ptBuy i ~ppaiss SotTM GemBird *Repairs- 3 Days Birds © Get 2nd-at' *Remodelling Original Handc Hait Price 21.1 Brook St. S., Whitby 666-4612. COUNTRY BARN AND GREENHOUSE 'We sel what we grow- Norcom Cellular Bell Mobility Centre 595 King St. East, Oshawa Gust East of Wilson) 432-0088 THE ONLY WAY To GO.' 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