Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 May 1995, p. 34

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page 34, Whltby Free Press, Woôiesday, May 31, 1995 y . s,în Members (lack of) IntegrityAct, 1994 By Michael J. Smither Editor/Publisber Municipal World, Union, Ont. On Dec. 9, 1994, less than twe weeks after the enaetment cf the Local Gevernment Disclosure cf Interest Act, 1994, itself the product cf years cf debate and public consultation, the Ontario Legislature, in one day, gave firot, second and third reading te the Members' Integrity Act, 1994, applicable te members c f the Ontarie Liegilative Assembly. During the pretracted debate and public consultation leading te the enactment cf the Local GOvernment Disclosure cf Interest Act, 1994, it was argued that., for censtitutional reasons, the standards required cf local geverninent members (LGMse) should be closely aligned with the standards required cf members cf the Legilative Assembly (MLfAs)i This peint was alse raised in the case cf Smith v. Adamn, where it was further argued: ..that Society has a similar, .if not an identicaý interest in preuenting conflicta of imterest wheneuer they subvert thte democratic proeess. That &S either provincialyor munwcipaly. The proces of objective decision-making must be aupported and made as effective as pSsible. Keeping the principles of Th'iterity"' and "impartialitye in mind, reporters may wish toee the followi*ng questions toei local MLfAs and to the provincial ministers. In the instances cited below,, a censtraint is imposed on the LGM that is net applicable te the MLM or, conversely, a saving provision is granted te the MLA that is net, conferred on the LGM. Equality before the. . law - Why, when the Canadian Charter cf ights and Freedoms 'sttes "Every individual is equal before and under the law ..." are the standards established for MA se much lower than those imposed en LGMs? Public consultation - Why, when Bull 163, leading te, the enactment cf the Local Gevernment Disclosure cf Interest Act, 1994 was subjected te extensive public hearinge and debate, was Bill 209, the Membersi Integrite Act, 1994 net given the saine public scrutiny? Written dieclosure - Why are MILAs, unlike LGMs, net reqùired te make a written discloeu*"e cf pecuniay interest? Influence - Why are MLAs net subjected te, the punitive, petentially unconstitutional, constraints on the exercise cf influence "...by or through another persen," which effectively preclude any representatien for a LGM? Absent froni a meeting - Whyare MLfAs, unlike LGMs, given the right te make'a private disclosure statement (not accessible te the public), from which the Comnixsiener will prepare an edited version as a public statemnent? No local disclosure - Why, unlike LGMs, is the edited pubic statement cf the MLA only available frem the Clerk cf the Assembly at Queen's Park in Toronto, and net at each local censtituency office? Insider information - Whys, unlike LGMls,- is an issue concerning the misuse of insider information by an -MAte be deait with by the Commissioner and not treated as an offence under the Provincial Offences Act, subject te a maimum fine cf $5,00. Enforcement - Why is the Cemmissioner entitled te enferce the Act applicable te MLIAs, when the Act applicable te, LGMs is te, be ultimately enforced by the ceurts? Assembly override - Why is the Assembly given the pewer te override the decision cf the Commissioner cencerning an MM? Restitution - Why are MLfAs net subjdect te the imposition cf a requirement for restitution in the sanie manner as LGMsé? No penalty imposedl - Why, unlike LGMs, even though the Commissioner has determined that a contravention has taken place, can a recomniendation be made that ne penalty be iniposed? Rernnd? Why, even though a MLM has contravened the Act, may the penalty be limited te a reprimand? Inadvertence - Why was the saving provision cf inadvertence added te the Act applicable te MIAsM, when this provision was deleted from the Act applicable te LGMs? Error of judgment made in -geod faith - Why was the saving provision of error cf judgment mnade in good faith added te the Act applicable te, MLAs, when this mitigatingY circumestance was deleted fromthe Act applicable te Suspension - Why de MELAs, unlike LGMs, not lose pay and benefits when suspended? Trivial contravention - Why are MLAs, unlike LGMls, excused for a trivial contravention? Rteasonable measures taken by the imember - Why are MLAs, unlike LGMs, te be excused, even though a contravention has takeni place, provided they ~have taken reasonable means te prevent the contravention that eccurred? Court costs -ý Why are MLAs protected frem ~e cost cf court action while LMS, who are denied the ri fit te, obtain insurance where the Act has been contravened, 1 as a result cf the deletion of the saving provisions. cf ina4vertence and errer cf judgment, will still be subject te this signficant liability? Project recommendations The above multiple ciscrepancies between the Local Geverniment disclosure of Interest Act, 1994 and 'the. Members' Integriy Act., 1994 should not be viewed as a criticism cf the recommçndatiens nmade by Judge Evans "... who led a project te develop this legislation ..whiàch involved alI three caucuses." On the contrary, the standards established by the Members' Integrity Act, 1994 represent a balanced point cf view between the. public interest and the protection ef individual pr'ivacy. The question is: Why do such criteria only apply toMA and net te LGMs? The law is abundantly clear on one point. Where the legislation has explicitly spoken on a Bubject in one place and is silent in another, there ie an inherent presumption that there was an intention te, be sulent where the issue was net raised. This issue ie further reinferced where the legislature has repealed a former provision. The effect cf the emission cf -the savng Provisions cf '!nadvertence" and "errer cf judgment" (made -in good faith) froni the Local Government Disclosure of Intereet Act, 1994 will be far-reaching. Se, toc, will be the exclusion cf a reference te a "trivial contravention. " Net only' is perfection clearly expected cf LOMes, but alse, the hands cof the commissioner appointed under the Act will be effectively tied. It is e ne thing te place local government 'on a pedestal with the exception -of perfection; it is another to immediately afterwards undermine that structure. The projected April 15 proclamation cf the Local Gevernment Disclosure cf. Intereet Act,ý 1994 should be postponed. Tlhe Act should not be brought into *ferce until amendments have been made te correct the critical injustices cited abeve. CALL 1-800-853-6445 Ext 4 7 to pace your.FE voice ~d STILL SEARCHING 1 1 r iv"SWF, 32, enjoys dancing, goingï out, "Ir V»9 S iQ ood timas. seeka outg-in, WM,1 IT.M A, I ,L&40,iiJ share Interests. Oshawa ____________________HEY LADIES HAPPY PERSON GBF, 27, spontaneous, seeka GF, 18- SWF, 25, N/S, non-drinker. red h air, 31, for f riendship. gingouI, msybe brown aez'e, new 10 Oshawa, seek- more. Wfrtby areas.gAdi903 lnp SWM, 25-35, N/S. to gel togethar SPICY ITAUIAN wth. must be In Oshawsa ares. SWF 29, 5'3, lO8ibs., N/S, long curly Adi 1433 dark flair, brown ey as, attractive, GREEN EYES seekin attractive, SWM, 5'10*-6', 27- Bi-SWF, 30, 5'4, sfighfy full-figured, 33. N/S, for friendshup possible tes- long dsrk flai, seeking SF, 23+, 10 talk tionship. Toronto ares. Adi 3290 to. go to clubs wil, for frandshlp onfy CAU. ME PLEASE to start.Oshawa rs. Adi8092 SWF. 45, 5'2", 1 8lbs., anjoys cycling, LET"s TALK dancing, taika, waika, holding hands, SOF, 19, 5', l4lbs, attractive, Intel- card games, seaka SWM, 45-50,1 fgent, mature, cering. romantic, seek- 21 Obs., muaI ha big buif t. same inter- ing SWM. 30s-40s, no head gamnes. esta. Toronto ares. Adi 7389 Whitby are. Ad# 8232 SEEICS FRIENDSHIP SHE LIFTS WEIGiH-S SWF. 39, no dapendants, vegetarian, SWF, +38. 5'6', 11 5îba., no chifdran, enjoys Woridflg out, swimminq. skling, enjoys runnlng races, canoelng, nJnnin, cycing travel, anvironmen- mounitain biking. movies, dinlng out, 15h5, seeka SW. 33-42, for possible seeking SWM, 35-39, for long termton~ term relelionship. Oshawa ares. rlationship. Whity ares. Ad 9150 Ad.l 9248 TrAKE A CHANCE POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP SWVF. 20. mom of ona, engos danc- SWF,34, 5'4', 120lbs., blonde flair, ing, walking. fsmily Ie, homneIte, hazel ee,4 afilîdren, neyer maried, seeking down to earth, i loyed seeka SBM, 35-45, possible Jamai- SWM ?22-32, must fike kida, oc.r on: can, loves reggae, dining, dancing, est relatîonship. Whitb'y aires, friands firt. Toronto ara. Adi 7166 Adi 9719 SINGLE PARENY STOP READING HERE SWF.ý 25, two chidren, many interets, SWF, 20. mom of one, enjoys hsving sasyping.down 10 earth, employed, fun, qoing out, family imes, outdoors, seskîng SWM, 38-40, simler qualities. dancing. seeleng SWM, 22+. no fleavy Mississauga rs. Adi 7838 drinkers/amokers. must love chifdren. SEEKING FRIENDSHI P Whilby ars. -Adi 784 SWF, 19, 5'4, i lbs., enjoys alterna- GENTLEMAN WANTED ive music, seeling aasygoing, hon- SWF, 33, seelca down t0 aarth. hon- est, SWM. nothing serious. juat hang- est. SWM, 29-41. for lssting relation- ing out, concerts, more. Oshawa ship, possible romance. Oshlawa ares. Adi 6362 ares. Adi 2390 POSSIBLE RELATIONSHIP WELL EDUCATED SWF. 47, 57% slim, looking for tell, SVfý 39, 56V. no children, vegetanian, SWM. 40-50, sincere, honeat. intelli- environmentaiust. enjoys running. gent. Whtby 'ares. Adi 4242 mounitain biking, ski. ksyaldng, travel,CALM reading. seeking SWM, to share inter- V/. 8.lovIEanineelfrith- ests. Oshawa ares. Adi 9148 est. attectionate. strong fsmily and ouTDOOR NUT social values. seeka 5V/M. 35-45. 5V/F. 40, 148lbs., lovas lite, horses. Whftby are. Adi 7892 golfing. boaling. beaches, basebîl, ENJOYS FUN holding handa, theatre. dîning out. SWF, 33. seekasncere. honeat. seeka SWM, 40-55, wth commnon n. SWM. 3041, for fnendship, long taorn teresas. Whitby arasi. Ad 5122 relsionship. Oshawa aras. Ad 2360 GOOD MAN WANTED LOVELY LADY 5V/F. 47. enîoys Ie. fun, laughter, ro- 58F, 55. 55V. l30lbs.. professional, mane. camping. childran. dancing. seeka voung at heart. SM, 45-50, any seeka special 5V/M. to shara good race, God feaning. for possible rais- times.Toronto arma. Ad# 1768 tionship. Troronto ares. Adi 6272 The Whitby Free Press is introducing an ail NEW dating column! P ençaî jýf»sou0f CALL 1-900-451-4882-Ext. 47 Ifs only $1.99 per minute. You must be 18 years or eider and have a teuchten.e phone to use this service. TO respondor browse.ads. SEEKS FRIEND ARE YOU IN SHAPE? VERY FRIENDLY SWF, 49, seeks SWM, 45-60, for tels- ~A " SWM, 27,59', l80ibs., muscular, darti SWM, 42, father of 0one girl, 11, enjoys phone taks.Torono area. Ad# 7783 M L S bionde hlair. blue eyes, cie an cul, good long waIks, dining, home lite, seek ______________________ .ViiL.v.L.~ ooking, honest, romsntic, enjoys out- SWF, 18-45, for friendship, relation- TALL BEAUTY doors, going out, seeks SWF, 19-30, ship. Oshawa area. Adf 9467 SWF 18,511",» mode, enjoys movias, similar interests, positive attitude,- seeking SWM, 18-25,66+, for friend- friands f irsl. Whtby area. Ad# 9368' PtEASE CAUL ME shlp, possible relationship. Whitby CASUAL RELATIONSHIP SWM, 24,57", 1 3lbs., dark flair, blue area. Ad# 6970 SWMI, 23,6, 1701bs., brown hairleyes. STILL SEARCHING eyes, construction workar, enjoys _____________________ - Oshawa area, easygoing, enjoys out- SWM, 40, 6', 200ibs., igood shape, dancing, shootlng pool, loves ro- DARK MAN WANTED ~~~door and indoor, activities, seeking dark flair, blue eyes, amkr oilmne akn W,1-35, for pos- SWF, 24, 57*, l20lbs., brown hair, SWFE 19-25, for good times.Ad# 4582 drinker, enjoys outdoors, camping, sibl e relationshlp. Whltby area. blue eyes, seeking Jamaican, ONOER. fishing, hunting. walks, nature, ani- Ad# 3934 Trinadad SM, enjoys reading, diningfun time, conver-mas dancing, country music, movies, LTTLSO swimming, movies. Toronto area , SWM, 33, enjoys fntms ovr seeks SF. 18-40, for findship mayba L 3T , enjoS ouloorhvnfn Ad 65,salions, watking, saeking friand, pal. more. Whby artes. Ad# 5407 sees pcil W 830, ejy uorshagfor no _______________buddy, lover in SWF. 18-30, possible sesseilSF 83.frgo lis TIS YOU? . relationship. Whilby ares. Ad# 3641 NEW TO AREA timas. Whby ares. Ad# 3741 SWF, 29, 5'2', dark blonde hair, greenMRRME SWM,48 510". brown hair, blue eyes ' LEAVE VOUR MESSAGE eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets, shootin cng clin, on ar, ue1NS, proessiona.tunny enjoystan-eS SAM, 32, 6'.180ibs.,bld haibi Onis, cciggigout, îeaming, chil- M.9,bonhrbueysm- pool, ouldoors, horses, Harîsys, eyes. saekinig interesting, adventur- dren, seekaSWP 32-47, iveîy, anar- dium buitd, enjoys sports, dancing, seeka ruggedly handsomne, SWM, 33- oua, spontaneous. creative, SW,2- gatic, professional. for meaningfui re- woking out, seeking SWF, 18-24. 36, facial hlair a plus, 58"+, for pos- 38, for friendship, possible relation- lationsfiip. Whilby are. Ad 5679 Oshawa are. Ad 7512 sible relationship. Oshawa ares. ship. Osawa are. Ad 2339 Ad# 9495 ____________ ENJOYS SUMMERTIME UKE WHAT YOU HEAR? _________________ OD CATCH SWM, 24, 57%,l4Olbs., excellent SWM 21. 5-1O-,lSOis., goodilislaner, COMMUTES TO TORONTO FRIENDSHIP FIRST SWM, 40, 58'. 155lbs., full head of shape, enjoys ouldoors, seeks SWF, easygolng, enjoys country music, DWF, 29, 56«. l25ibs., brown flair, SWF, young 41, 5'l", fult figured, av- flair, good tooking, N/S, moderate 18-40, to share interests and ides.quiet limas, movies, seaking floneal, blue eyas, educsled, fit, tsnned, mom, erage, mom, smoker, no bars/drugs/ drinker, scuba divar, anjoys outldoors, ae.An35 sincare, SWF, 19-25, sansa of humor romantic, saking SWM, laIe 20s-39, games, enjoys country music, fies canoaing, hiking, biking, golf, seeka Whitby ae.A#35 a plus, for friendship mayba relation- long flair'a must, for reationship. markets, famity limes, seeks young, SWF, undar 39, for possible relation- LOVES TO SKI ship. Wlitby are. Ad# 9528 Toronto are. Adn 2403 funny. sincera, SWM, 35-41, blue ship. Whity area.Ad# 6875 SWM. 45. 61 ", igOlbs., blond, N/S, SAE~ M LET'S DANCE jeans guy, dsds wetcome, serious LV ETNE casuat drinker, enjoys outdoors, bal-SWM,306' bow hsr/ya, rMas only. Torono ara. Ad 6937 SW,2,Sctaejy o iesng, golf, frayai. dining out, dancing, sional, enty udos rvl on SWFars.ngndi, goladyespetiteg 54553". aredi seatinnbiking, s * nqhonast, different, hlair, blue eyas, enjoys inlermediate TIHIS CAN WORK brs bnagodtiassekng iNS. SF, 22-45, noAfr d10tan5e8in baliroom dancing, loves doga, walks SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, SWF, under 27, for possible tyhna hty rs d 59 indapendant, SWF, 26-30. enargatic, along thle beach saaks t0 meel SM. animais, sports, ouldoors, îaamîng, refalionship.Whitby are. A 8270 ANYTHING'S POSSIB3LE open. sflws are. Ad 5932 50-65. Whiby ares. Ad 3033 saeking SGF, any age, wilh similar in- GOT VOUR ATTENTION! SWvM, 23, 9', l3Obs., dirty blond STOP READING HERE taresîs, friends firat, maybe more. SWM, 45, seeng down to eartfl, loy- flair, blue eyes. enjoys bars, camping, SWM, 55, 58«, gray beard, distin- WIILL CALL BACK Whitby are. Ad 1819 ig icrqensz W o hockey, dancing, movies. sports, quietguhdsneefadomni SWF. 41, N/Sen activafo .oplimisliccrehansom, en-y oys qu, iet atve.gs ovtismusic n-WlLL CALL BACK spoiling, pempenng. fine dining, nore. imes, seeka SWF, 19-23. Oshawa walks, cycling, good food. seeka SWF jos ueteenns.moismsiarea. dn 3489 45-55, ctassy. intelligent. sincare, t dancing, seeking N/S, SWM, 5, SWF, 26, 5'8", iSOîba., long brown Wflitby araAdi 9016 RBNHO share flie, laughs and lova. Whilby friands first, good convarsationalist a flair. blue eyas, no kids, employad, SENSE OF HUMOR RBN ODares. Ad 921 7 must. Torono ares. Ad# 9826 enjoys canoaing. scuba dîving, mov- SWM, 25, 56', 137ibs., black flair. SWM. 40, 6', 200ibs., good shape, ______________________ s, fine wina. dining out, seeking green eyes, enjoys weigflt training: employed, home owner, anjoys hunt- MANY INTERESTS DOWN TO EART SWM. 28-40. to enjoy sumrmertîme long wsiks, travel. saeking SWF, 20. îng, fishing, camping, dancing, coun- SWM, 31. enjoya ishing, canoeing, SWF, 34. 5'5, brown flair, blue ayes, wilfl. Toronto ara. Ad 5430 30, for possible reiatîonsflip. Whitby try music, saeking Maid Marion, SWF, golfing, very good cook, seeks SF, 18- anjoys country music, lalking, danc- C -CE HS Dares. Adn 8460 18-40, 10 share inlerests. Oshawa 40, for possible relalonship. Wflitby îng, camping, mucfl more, seaking SWF. 27., brown flair/eyes, enjoys STILL SEARCHING aresAd 507a. Ad# 9088 SWM, 32-45, must like chifdren, SirTii sports, hockey, movias, dîning out. SWM, 21, 5'10, lSOibs., brown flair, VERY ACTIVE CIRCLE THIS AD lar inereas. Ohawa area. Ad#i2208 staying in, cooking, aeaking conver- blue eyes, enjoys quietinme, movies, SWM, 25, 5l1 ", 80lbs.. brown curfy SWM, 27, 511V, brown flair, green ILL GET BACK TO YOU sationalist, quick wtted. funny, SWM. dinîng out, seeka SWF, 18-22, honeat. flair, blua eyea, enpoys outdoors, col- eyes, enjoys dînîng, movies, easa SWF, 30, professional. attactive, long 27-33, for deep friendaflip, possibly aincara, funny. with aimilar intereats. tagea. camping, fishing, scuba divîng. drinking, long wstks/drives, seeka blonde flair. green eyaa. anîoya more. Torono area. Ad 1080 Wfluly ara. Ad# 3480 seeking SWF, 19-28, Minf lots orf an- SWF, 25-28. to share întereats. bands, basebail. camping, working STILL SEARCHING FIRST TIME AD ergy. Wity ares. Adn 3526 - Oshlawa area. Ad 1060 out, oudoors. aaeks SWVM, protes- SWF, 35, N/S, enjoys sports, oudoors. SWM, 24, new 10 ares, lives alona, STILL SEARCHING CAU. ME sional, simlr inlreats for friendshp. dancing. saeking SWM. 34-40, for anjoys cycling. sports. motorcycling. SWM, 29, blsck flair, brown ayes, an- SI-W, 21, easy going, fun loving, aeak- poasible relationsflip. Wflitby ares.- companionahip. frendship, relation- seeka SF, for friendship, possible re- joys outdoors, seeka oulgoing, SWF.Eig SF, any aga. fun and exciting, for Adn# 2324 ahip. Toronto ara. Ad# 8889 lationship. Wflitby ares. Adi 9446 18-35. Oshawa ares. Adn 3669 fun relalîonshîp. Whitby ares. WitIi AutoAdtaking, juat use your louchlone phone 10 answer somne questions about yoursetf and the type of person you would like to meet. A#33 Than record your voie greeting, and we'll transcnibe il intos print ad thal witt appear in the Wflîlby Free Press. Wfitby Free Press' Person DOW'T BE SHY 10 Person la available for single people seeking ralationships. Ada containing axplicit sexual or anatomicaf larîguage will nol be pubished. SWM. 29. 6l', reddahiblond hlair, blue We reserve the right bo edit or refuse sny ad. Custorner servie 1-800-273-5877. eyas. anjoys bowling. basaball, jelsaid- ing. dining. quiet nights, seaka SWF, M Male W White H Hispanic NC Native Canadian S Single WVW Wkdowad 24-35, for frendshp tiraI.posibie re- F- Female B Back A Assin C Christian D Divorced N/S Non-smoker latio.lshp. Oshawa area. Adi 9212 0: Howdot ast staî'tsd? r A: Yuar g1ri baracode spa t1a itnr-descrîbo honeat,,créalive sndf s p edf l aboutat u are looing for.ý Cali 1 EL47 -op-: tuon 1, you willIbe prompted o an-: mwer morn questions about your-..* self end the typfa person lyou viantto0meet. neffectiveprint ad. will be transcrlbed from your voice .greatirg afiofi wil appear ln the paper n7-lDdays. . Wla usn ad nurnber? 0: What leaunaccues code? A.' AconfidentIel 4 digit code that. onfy you know, thal ellows only you accsata your makbox. 0: Wfîtaru om ebl A: Voice greetinga fom other sinles who raspondad to your ad nrgfe newspsper or through the browse. To liten to your mas- sages for FREE, cail 1400-853- 6445 Ext. 47 once evary 7 days or 11-900-4514882 Ext. 47 any- lime, at a charge of $1.99 par minute. 0: What are syatsm matches? A: Voice gretiga f rorrr ther ad- vertisers whose atching crite- ris is the sae or simuler 10 youra.. You can listen to your s)rstem matches'instantIy by calling- 1- 900-451-4882 Ext. 47, at s charge of Si.99 par minuta. 0: What la Smart Browee? A.' A special feature thaf alfows you to lsten sndf respond 10 other voice greetings that match the cri- leria you select. Cali 1-900-451- 4882 Ext. 47, option 2, ai a charge of Si1.99 par minute. 0: How dol1 respond 10 Can ad? A. Cal 14900-706-0606 Ext.47, option 1, ai a charge of Si1.99 par minute, the system wili ask you to enter the 4 digit adf number et the end of the prinl ad. Presalto, respond, press 2 10 go on tc0 the naxl acf. 0: How do 1 cancal or ranew an ad? A. Cal customer service at 1- 800-273-5m7.

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