Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 May 1995, p. 24

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Page 24, Whitby Free Press, Wednosday, May 31, 1995 Swing ime THE MOST recent AMA gof tour event was at Lakeridge Links in Whitby on May ro. The tour, organized by Bob Mauro Of Whitby, includes six events (the next at Chestnut Hill on June 25Z three special events and three long drive competituons. For more information, cati 666-3425. Photo by Peter Nilas. Whltby Free Press Slo strt or bantamý ls The Whitby minor bantarn rep basebei team bas begun the season with two wmns and four Whitby slo- pitch -=cfM0y28 BLUE DIVISION C. Dewldne 3 2 ô 42 AucoiMaatîng&àAlr 2 1 0 20 MuigoldCougars 2 1 0 17 AdvauaeTelecni 2 2 0 46 Stton GmWL 2 2 O 39 MvmtImlas 1 2 1 21 MSte r eicen 1 2 1 39 BLUE UCHT DIVISION 50 21 12 12 12 12 13 SC«« à MVP* May 22 Minet PIlasic 6 Brai Bakier Wston Gzop 2 Pa&i Bird CiraIsTmed 1B ichard Martin Ron Reiger Golden Mi 8 Scott Stiton May 23 Apolo Spodeuww 11 Ion Bauron Motors 5 AucoiMeeti=gAAir 8 Jonalhan eFrmnis AdvnmeTeof 6 Mark Ldoese M y24 C. aiis 5 Mark VwxW rMoin Mufigold Cougrs e John IFUI Meluiies 5 UacAoklYiRpOpt 20 ù1z: P*QW 7 Bian Abique CiraI. Ted 18 Richard Mutin CiraIsTed Ao -tm Golden Mil MahM1 km lmn Baron Matos MecAkIVRa--p-r& MeleniePringles lasses. On May 13, Whitby hosted Ajax at Pringle Creek and poeted a 6-5 win. Adamn Bickie, starting pitcher, led Witby through the frot six innings. Alex Nimigon took over pitcbing duties for the last tbree innings. On May 19, Whitby defeated Osbawa 6-4. Mike Zyhar went the distance oni the mound striking out nine batters and allowing nine bits. He aiso had five bits, including two doubles, and scored four runs. Cordon Poniroy had a triple, three doubles and five RBIs. On May 26 and 27, Whitby iost two gaines ta Pickering. Ryan Wiswell bit a single and triple, Steve Donnelly bit three singles, Rtoemie Fornarolo bit a double. Coacbing this year's teain is Pbil Diamond, manager is Rich Winkiey. Mosquitoes squashed The Whitby minor mosquito basebali team,' sponsored by Mine Quip, opened the season with a 9-4 loss te Ajax in an error-filied game. Chris Bowler and Andy Braith- waite bad the onIy bits for Whitby, but DerekJunkin had three waiks and three stolen bases whiie Jeif Freeman, Scott Bird, Jason Gordon and Mike Melissis each stele two bases. Whitby bad defeated Ajax in the Mayors' Cup teurnament. AMA tour golf series LAKEIUDOE, MAY 20 second @event A FMORT 1) John Caetano 2) AI Michell 3> Jack Brownqee 8 FUONT 1)Rob McI4ady 2) John Day 3) Big Melychuk C FUGHT 1) Andrew Case 2) G ~BaiWn DFUGHT 1) Tery MacDonald 2) Dave Tan 3) Dav. Hammond U Poit Suimm AIlMitchel 13 Jack Brownle 13 &eve Harris t)6 RayWmils12 Mark Richwéon 130 Mika Boyer go ChrisTortorice 90 Pe .Mitchelon 78 BIirtzu Sleads WVhitby The Whiitbày Hawks squirt rep softball team pounded Cobourg 21-O in a shortened three-inning gamne on May 23. Becky Birtzu led the attack with a bases-loaded home run, while Ashley MacCari, Lndsay Freeman and Krista Mueiler each had two runs-batted-in. Pitching no-hit bail for Hawks were Mueller and Maria Tennant. Other members are Amanda Lawson, Colleen Homen, Kari Van Rossum, Shannon Konoby, Jennifer Scott, Erin Fraser and Lyndsey Matsumura. Whiitby basebal JUVENILE May 21 Bewword Servie C « enre Atto Ma24 Whitby Optimist 7 Whitby Optirrist 10 Bacidord Service ROGET SehMaintenie e0gBu*kof Morreai FoUraneRaoing 8 Rogers Cable Whitby Free Preas12 Raye Erterprise MAJOR BANTAM MLw 15 Bar*kof ontreal 9 The. Brick Whhby Putasy Club 1V TnigonCoWpter Trigon CorfpAte 8 Bank af Mortreal The. Brick 8 Bradbury Meeting Steninge m of May 25 TrogonConp~uterSol. Bank cf Montreul Whitby Rtaay Club The. Brick Bradbury Meeing o i o i i o 2 O o o MINOR BANTAM May 18 Kentucky Fried C. May Em Whitby Optimie Par Eue Kentucky Frled C. Bankof Montiesl MWy23 Bank cf Montromi BleJay Sound MW 26 Creede Cycle il Whitby Optirrist 6 Stton Group 9 Sutton Group 17 Blue Jay Sound 8 Bu* fkooreai 12 Creode Cycle 20 Stton Group 9 Whutby Opimist 5 Creedscycle 6 Bhe Jay sotnd 8 StAton Group m cf May 29 Kentucky FrW Chlelef Par Eeo Creede Cycle Blue Jay Soud WhitbyOptitrle Sitton Gaoup Staitue MAJOR PEEWEE LW 22 CO-Sied LUMc Whitby Ra taa Ca kWy24 Whitby ataiy CILb Mtarcty Sotuin Dynes à Ucyd Jee. Matorcit Sigurn ilWhitbyCleaner 6Co-SteelLawc il Snfilng Drlbre 0 DuhrnDd Durham und.er- 16s fadeï inia The Oshawa Turul regional soccer teami faded in the dying minutes te lose the final of th e East York international tourna- ment May 20-22. Turul and rival North Scar- borough were tied 1-1 when Turul gave up three gais in the last five minutes. Shane Sawa had the Turul goal and Robbie Dewar was player of the game for Turul. Turul, Durham's rep team in the Ontario Youth Soccer League under-16 division, had opened the tournament with a scoreiess tie against Dixie, 1993 Ontario champions. Adam Parr, one of five Whitby players on the team, got the shutout, with heip from the The over-30 Whitby United Soccer Club, sponsored by The Lion & The Unicorn, recently won two exhibition games in Andover, Maso. In the flrot gaie VWhitby won 3-2 with goalsby Nick Trernarco and Andrew Wedge. MoSt valuable player was George *NOR PEEWEE W. Frardi i 2 O May IB Wht. Pro Fietight. MAM Meete Marvn Er*epriues Whitby 0ptiml B00 May 19 Mhi. Pro Fwollght. Whitby Optirie Glen Grîqph"c May 23 Roy's Erterprise Gien Graphice B00 Whit. Pro FkWelght. Marigold Unn WhtyOptircli Raye Erterprise MaM Moe Whitby Toyota Moen Graphoce LeruoDrum Jeneen Ato Body Inter. Mil Services Marvin Enterpilie Whitby Toyota Jepeon Ato B00* LeruioxDrurn Irier. Mil Servie« Whitby Toyota Marvin Enterprose Gln Graphlce Jeeen Ato Body Whit. Pro Firefight. LervmoxDrumT bter. Mil Services defensive efforts of Dewar Ryan Dunn, Michael Harris anc1 Paul Caley. Turul then crushed Vaughan 7-1. Sawa scored twice, with sin- C1sby Herman Johnson, Gino Marca, Luke Stocking, Jason Schleiffer and David Keen. Turul defeated Olympie Flame 11 4-2 to reach the semi-finais. Tim Grieder scored tbree goals and Keen had the other. Grieder also had a big role in Turul's dramatic 2-1 win over Scarborough Blues in the semi- final. With the teams tied 1-1 and one minute remaining, Grieder sent an accuratepassing shot te, Dewar who scorecithe winner. McGbee. Whitby won the second gaine 4-1 with goals from McGbee (two), Tremarco and Tony RaIston. MVP was Paul Murtagb. The Andover team illn malce the return journey to Whitby in September. Pinsod Centre Whitby OptkWst Party Glan May 16 Swse Chalet Stufi odVan & S. Chwrcher'e Auto Whithy Audio stuff lghland Van & S. Lennox Drum Dundas Guardian May 24 Dundas uardian May 26 Churchere Auto KP C & stuff DundasGuadian ne of Mey 21 Wbit. Pro Fwrelightere 3 c Wbt pirriit 3 1 Migodncoln Mercury 2c Roys Ertee i» 2 c M&M Meets 2 1 Gien Graphicse 2 Maivin Ererprie 1 Whitby Toyota 0 Lennox Drum 0 International MII Services 0O 1 Jensen At*oBody 0 WNOR 8OW.RT May E5 Brookïn Kimsmen 17 Whithyl Creuuier Ctting 7 KSCSU Banklorinreai 10 Whitby( Pdng le Cr. Guardian 1 Pneo May 17 TD Green Machine 6 Party G Exactie Cleaner 13 Weedm Ouaty DisecJockey 6 W. Franl DIS hsumrnoevs.Ren-ATet: rair May 19 Broolin Kinsman 7 Whitby9 Whitby Kirmen 15 Crmm Bank of Montreul 14 Pinwo KSC Securiy 7 TD Gi. W. Frank 4 Pringle( Rent-A-Teri 7 Party Gi Ouaty Dlac Jockey il Weedm Exectuvo Chinera1E DS Irm May 23 Brookin Kirernen 13 C.Sanr Pinetinod Centre 3 Whhtty1 Whitby Krnen 10 TD Gre Bank of Montreal il W. Franl May 25 Weodrrian G Pringlo Exectve Ceanr 10 Purt Gi Oàuakly DieJockoey 10 DI , s cd&My 2 Execiiwe Cleanrm 3 1 Oualty DiscJockey 3 1 Ban1k of Mortreal 3 1 Brookin Kirnen 2 Rer*-A-Teui 2 1 Whitby KuuUm.n& C 2n TD Green Machine 1 Pd nle Cr. GuardanDrg1s i KSGSeasty 1 Weedmon1 ,Kiruernan 1 ocurity 6 ,Optimiet 8 od ce« re 2 nan 10 nk 0 rCttug * od Certre 13 mn Machkm e5 iCr. Guardnn 1 lard 3 an 5 Panae 4 orCttig 13 SOptimfiet 2 »n Machkm3 nk 5 oCr. Guardnn 4 .1r 2 uanoe 1 1 2 O 0 3.1 0 3 0 0 2 0 LJOR MOSQUITO 14 Canian Tire 9 Lennox Drum 12 Warren's Pinting 23 Plaque Attack 18 C:e an r 4 Swies Chalet 16 Plaque Attack 8 KP Copy 4 WaraenWePiinfg 4 Whltby Kwanbs il Whltby Audio 10 Canadian Tire 14 Plaque Attack 20 SolsChalet: Stanigs as of May 26 Stuff ï à Ilghlad Van &Storage 3 0 Durdas uardian Druga 3 O Churchw's Automative 2 0 WhkMt Auio 1 1 SolesChalet1i 2 Lenniox Dnum 1 1 KP Coçy 1 1 Canalian TWe 0 3 Warrens Printing 0 2 Plaque Attack 0 2 Whkby K""ans 0O 2 MINOR MOSQUITO Whkby Kinsman Vick Insurana., Sunlea Fafm Qualky Disc Jockey Marketing Resource May la Doug Turner Carpon. Optirnist Club~ Sunlea Farr Vrick Ineuvanne Staff Burge May 20 Bank et Monreda May 23 Bank of Mortreal Marichelmnure Sun"eaFan May 25 Que iDsc Jockey Starn LWge Joug Turner Carpon. Jerrys Drug Ware. Brooklln Kinnmn12 Optimiat CItb 6 DoddaSotar 12 Legal Beagles 5 Starr urgar 10 Jeirys Drug Ware. 2 Brookfin Kiremen 9 Whithy insnen 2 Ouallty Disc Jockey il Dodd&àSotier 6 Mitchell Insurance 10 Loga Beagles 6 Doug Turner il Jeiiys Drug Ware. 6 Brooklln Kinsinen 1 Optirnist Club> 7 WhâbyKIGrimen O BakofMontreal9 Dodd &Soter 3 Legal egle il Stanionge ns cf May 28 Yack Ineuraroe SuwIla Famis Markeing esorce GroW. Stan Bu Whitby KInenen Optur ietC BrookIW in 0un Dadd à Sauter Lee lBeagle United winstw in Massachussetts UNOR PEEWEE

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