Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 31 May 1995, p. 16

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Page 16, Vhlby Free Press. Weckiosciay, May 31,1995 Toddler walkathon ABOUT 11 5 YOUNGSTERS took part in the seventh annual walkathon heki by Perry House Day Care on May 23. Funds raised go to Sick Kids Hospital. Photo by Peter Niles, Whltby Free Press AL-ANON The Whitby Friendly AI-Anon will hold their 24th anniversary on Tuesday, June 6, 8 p.=., at St. Marks United Church Hall (in church building), 201 Centre St. S., Whitby. Speakers will be Micheile B. from Campbellford (Al-Anon), Alateen (te be announced), Lloyd S. from Whitby (AA). GENEALOGICAL The Whitby-Oshawa Branch of the Ontario enealogical Society will meet -on Tuesday, June 6, 7:30 p.m., at Henry Street High School (cafeteria). Genealogiat Brian Gilchrist will-discuss &Mis- singr Miscreant Murderer - Fam- ilyl3lack Sheep Searching.' Al welcome. For more information, eall Marion at 683-2476 or Bes- ANNUAL BBQ The Durham Association for Family Bespfite Services will hold their fourth, annual barbecue, featuring a petting moo, hayrides and swings (wheelchair accessible), gaines, nature trail and boerdwalk, and a sing-a-long with Uncle Moe, on June 6, 5:30 te 9 p.m., at Windreach Farm, Ashburn. For more information, caU 905-427-3541. FUNDRAISR A spring fling fundraiser will be held by the Whitby Mental Health Centre on June 8, noon te 5 p.m.,e at Cottage 13. There wil be a craft sale, car wash, bake sale, mini putt, 50/50 draw., tarot readings, hot dogs, pop. etc. Proceeds will go te the ~ yhotherapy unit. Bain date une 8 (sameyhours). GENERLAL MTING Hospice Durham will hold their - sixth annual general meeting on Wednesday, June 7, noon te 1:30 p.m., at Whitby Free Methodiat Church, 1916 Rosland Bd. E., Whitby. Speaker will b. Richard Newland of the Church of the Holy Trinity, ANax. Lunch is availale at $5 per person. To reserve, cail the office at (905) 435-5242 by June 1. WALK FOR A CUE On June 11, the United Food and Commercial Workers wil hold the sixth annual Leukemia Walk for a Cure, at the South Oshawa Central Lake Ontario Conservation Area, 100 Whiting Ave., south Oshawa. For more information, eall Sue at 905-263-2732. CESAREAN The Cesarean Prevention, Supor and Education Group of Beha Rgion will meet on Monday, June 5, -7:30 pm.p at 97 Brunswick St., Oshawa. The tepic for discussion wil b. prenatal Non-profit communltygroups -' whlch are based In Whltby or have a substantial Whltby membershlp may 0lace their upoomin g meetings or activities on this page at no cost. - Profil moiing or rrorrWiW groupo wll b. Chrged. C 68a-sii1. Doaln. fo foiwn nr Insertion Is Frdya p.mn. CYSTIC FYBRosis On Saturday, June 10, 8 a.m. te 6 p.m., 803 Dundas St. W., Whitby, there will b. a yard sale' and barbecue. Ail proceeds te, cystic fybrosis. To donate items, caUl 668-2767 or 668-4659. PARK1NSON The Parkinson Support Group of Durham Region wiil meet on Monday, June 5, 7:30 p.m., at St., Marksa United Church, Whitby. Lawyer George Pollitt wil discus the Substitut., Decisions Act and related items. For more information, caUl 666-8576 or 72343183. FUN FAIR Pringle Creek Public Sehool, 80 Ribblesdale Dr., Whitby, will hold their second annual Fun Pair on June 2, 5. te 8 p.m. Face-painting, button-making, jumping castle, dunk tank, flsh pond, craft table, and bake sale are juat a few of the hetivities. There will b. a draw for Sunset Boulevard theatre tickets, Jays' tickets, Rapter tickets, Toronto hotel accommodations, dinners, etc. Food will b. available. GERONTOLOGICAL NURSES The Cerontelogical Nurses Association wiil present Qai ty of iàfe - What is It? by Val Coubrough at Sunnycrest Nursing Home, Dundas Street East, W hy, on Wednesday, June 7, 7 Pm. MENTAL HEALTH The 35th annual general meeting of Mental Heéalth Durham will b. held Thursday, June 1, at 7 p.m., ground floor meeting room at Cormack Station,- Whitbr.- David Reville, chair of the Advocacy Commission, will diseus'the Advocacy Act -- Wbat's it te, you? To attend, oeil Marie at 436-8760. FUN FAIR Col. J.E. Farewell Public School will hold their third annual fun fair on June 1, 5:30 te 8:30 P.m., at 810 McQuay- Blvd., Whitby, with hotdogsfhamburgers and many fun activities, including dunk tank, air maze and star room. OPEN HOUSE Kendalwood Montessori School will host an open houa. on Wednesday, June 7, 7 te 9 P.m. The. Montessori method and the new Grade 1 pori ilb. hglighted. Forfurther Information, oeil 725-5410. FUN FAIR St. Mark The, Evangelist Catholie School, 95 Waller St., Whitby wiil hold the first annuel fun fair and bazaar on Saturday, June 3, 10 a.m. te, 5 p.m. There will b. 25 games and eventa, including flsh pond, prize walk face-painting, sponge toss, silent auction, white elephant sale, French cafe, ice creamn parlour, and bake sale. Tables are available for rent- at- $15 '(for craftàsor yard sale). A portion of eproceeds will go te the Children's Wish Foundation. For more information, cail 432-6670 or 430-3646. The Durhamn branch of the Leukemia Research Fund of Canada will hold a «'Hot Dog Day' on Saturday, June 3, at Kingsway Village Loblaws, King Street and Townline Road, Oshawa. The annuel 'Tag Day' is on June 10, 9 a.m. te, 6 p.m. Volunteers with collection boxes will b. at several local mails. Ff C The First Oshawa ITO Club, which helpa develop confidence in public speaking and leadership, wiil meet on Tuesday, June 6, 7 p .m., at the Michael Starr Building, firat floor, 33 King St. W., Oshawa. For more information, cail 725-9179. HOSPICE Hospice Durham wil hold the sixth annual general meeting on Wednesday.,June 7, noon te, 1:30 p.m., at Wtby Free Methodist Church, 1916 Rosland Bd. E., Whitby Richard Newland of the euré of the Holy Trinity, Ajax, wiil discus Story Listening! Lunch wiil b. povded at $5 per Crs9RSVP by June 1 at the hopce offiepat (905) 435-5242. DURHAM PC USERS' CLUB The -Durham PC Usera' Club wiil meet Thursday, June 8, 7 te, 10 p.m., at CAW Lal 222 Hall, 1425 Pilp Murry Ave., Oshawa. Bandy Harding fromn 'Down te Earth Software wil present the Windows prograin, Homewise.' For more information, caUl Linda Netten at 905-623-2787. CANOE THE NONQUON Registration for the. 'Canoe the Nonquon' in Port Perry will b. held Fniday, June 2, 7 te 9 p.m., and Saturday, June 3, 7 te 9 a.m., at the Latchum Centre, Port Perry. Race day is June 3, and there are several classes. DOG SHOW On June. 9, 10 and il at Harmony Valley Conservation Area, Oshawa, the Ontario County Kennel Club wiil hast the annual international dog show and obedience trials. Take Harmony Road north from H-ighway 2 te Corbetta Boad, turn east te Grandview Road, then turn left and follow signs to area entrance. WALKATHON Concerned Citizens for Lynde Marsh will hold a -five-kilometre walkathon on Saturday, June 10 at Port Whitby. F or pledge forms' and more information, cali Linda at 668-9800, Dianne at 668-7538 or Johanna at 668-1317. Funds raised go teward protecting the marsh, public awareness and environmentaleducation. CAR WASH The Whitby Iroquois Swim Club will hold a car waah ($4) and barbecue (hot dogs) on Saturday June 3, il a.m. te 3 p.m., at the. petro Canada station at Bossland and Tlhickson roade. Funds raised go te the club. For more information, caîl 430- WISC. Kids camp seeks help Tenta and sleepfing bags are especially needed for the 'Kids for Kida summer camp te be held for Durham Region youth in July and August on a large property east of Little Britain. Organizer William Magee says many donations have been made but 30 used tents and about 60 sleeping bags are stilI needed for the camp te b. attended by ldds in one-week sessions. For more information, caîl Magee at 576- 1198. Visitors wantedQ Volunteer visiters are needed for the Canadian Cancer Society's CanSurmount and Beach te Recovery programs. 'Visiters' give emotionai, sup- port and practical, non-medical information te people with can- cer and their fam-ilies. A training program willbe held June 10 for th ose who sue- cessfuily appIy for the positions. For more fiformation, oeil Lynn at the cancer society office at 905-686-1516. SPANISH The Spanish International Language proram for elemen- tar school chiidren will be held Culy4 to Aug. 1 at St. Bernard Catholic School 1000 Dryden Blvd., VWhitby. ;téoregister, eall Mica Arnold at 579-2334. YARD SALE Whitby RoUer Skating Club will hold ayard sale on Sturday, Jume 3, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at 210 Kingston Rd., Ajax. Bain date Sunday, June 4. Snack bar will open at il a.m. CARD SHOW The Durham On-the-lake Sum- mer Spectacular Card and Comic Show '95, oraizeby 16-year- .old Ian Maxwell of Whitby, will be held on Sunday, June il 8 a.m. te 3 p.m.,at thei.Jubé 1eà PavilioninLak-eview PrOh wLThere will b. free promo carda (Hershey, Pepsi, Hildeý brandt Chroniuin Carda) given out te, the frst 1,000 people attending, and former CFL great Terry Evanshen, a Brooklin resi- dent, will sîgn autga with proceeda tetheHead njr Association. Admission la $5for adulte, $3 for seniors, $2 for those aged 6 te 12r, free for those under ae 6. For more informa- tion, cali 436-6922. ANTIQUE & GRAI SHOW The sixth annual Port Perry Antique and Craft Show takes- place Saturday, June 10 and Sunday, June 11, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., with more than 60 de"ers. The show takes place at the, Scugog Arena in Port Perry (Regional Boad 8 and Beach Street). The coSt"of admission is $3 for adu1t;s, $2 for seniors, and $1 for children (under 12 free). For more information, cal 905-985-8698 or 905-985-7346. BARBECUE The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre will hold a barbecue on Thursday, June 1, 6:30 p.m., te, kick off Seniors Month (June) events. Cost is $7. Cail the centre (668-1424) to Sregister for other events that ic1ude a Pub Nite, Strawberry Social, birthday party, Kfinsmen bingo, trip te, Fiesta in Oshawa and Legion open hou. FESTIVAL 0F SONG The Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre wiIl hast the nmnth annual 'Festval of Son&? on Sunday, June 4. 3 p.m., at Heydenshore

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