Whitby Free Presa, Wednlesday, May 24,1995, Page 7 Hold that graphie on camera one. Good. F111 in with point by point.highlghts: VOICE OVER: Mike Harris would eut taxes. Lyn McLeod would not. Mike Harris would make people work for welfare. Lyn McLeod says you won't see her taUgnabout that issue. So there is a difference. Vote Mike arris. For a chanice. New camera. Fade in. Lyn McLeod pressing flesh at farmers' market, Lyn McLjeod stepping off a bus, ILyn MeLeod mainstreeting, Lyn ,MeLeod with a broom, sweeping welfare moms out onte the street. Hi. rm Lyn McLeod. A lot of you people don't know me. ]Pm the one in the red dress. Remember that. Youll see me a lot during this campaign. ]Pm the one dressed ini red. ]Pm the one dressed ini red. rPm the one dressed in red. Hey, who wrote this crap? New earnera. Fade in. Talking head. No back- ground, no gi*mmicks, no ideas, no nothing. High. 'm Bob Rae. But you knew that. Mike Harris says'llM balance the budget and eut taxes. Lyn McLeod say she'l balance the budget sooner without tax cuts. eyre bath full of baloney. Hey, tell the script witer that should be spelled bologna, b- o-I-o-g-n-a. I should know I'm an expert on the subject. And .. my time's up already? Our budget that thin? No need te fade out. He's gone already. Fade in. Foreground, Big Liberal campaign bus. Lyn McLà eod at door of bus. She speaks. I'm Lyn McL.,eod. A lot of you don't know that. Sa far, that might be good for me. But ]Pm here te tel you that we've got a platform and we've got poil ratinge. That Barney step stool helps me see eye ta ey e with shorter tv journalists at least. But enough chit chat. Time te get back on the happy campaign bus.. . Driver: You can't get on this bus, ma'm. GO Transit is two blocks over. This is Lyn McLeod's campaign bus. McLeod: I amn Lyn MeLeod. Laok, see the red dress. Would anyane wear this if they weren't Lyn McLà eod? Driver: I got my orders. Nobady gets on this bus without clearance. rPve been driving this campie bus for two weeks now. You think anybody would recognize Lyn McLeod it would be me. Fade out. Fade ini. Bob Rae, the talking head again. You want to know why rlm running agamn for Premier. Good question. You find the answer, let me know. Seriously, folks, like you rve had it up.to here with politicians who p romise you anything ~st te _get elected and then brek their promises. I unow.I've ben there. That s wh 1 won't promise you anything. That's also why I won t get eleeted. Which is mnymastrpa.S e' make a deal: I won't promise Yo1U anyt gif you promise not te vote for me. Got it? Right. Now, yau just made a political promise, wbich-uhder the rules Of Ontario polities you arebound te break. Wich would mean you vote for me. Got it? Cameraperson one: Huh? Fade. Out. In. MIKE HARRIS VOICE OVER: The federal Liberals wiIl force everyone te reister their guns. Lyn McLeod backs a plan te register every man, woman and cbild in the province of Ontario. With photegraphs. Maybe finçerprints, who knows. Next thsReds will be wanting you te register your car, your business, your medical coverage. So vote Mike flaris For smal change. Fade: LYN MCLEOD: Let me back on that bus, you littie crepS or you'l be Mike Harris first welfare eut back! BOB RAE: That's it - no promises. That let's us foctis the attention exactly where it should be focused. So June 8, vote for me. Give me a second term as premier and I promise te prove that the past five years were no fluke. Neyer, nyrland 1l 80 YEARS AGO From the Thurda M 0 915dition of the " County Clerk J.E. Farewell was injured when an automobile ran into his buggy north cf Whitby. " Former Whitby résident Sergeant Gardiner was recommended for the Victoria Cross for heroic action in the Battle of Ypres. " The Sons of Eng1 d Benevolent -Society will hold a parade ta Ail Saints' Anglican Church on May2 3. " Miss Minnie Viola Powell bas organized a ladies rifle club in Whitby.I MAY QUEEN AND HER COURT, ONTARIO LDE 'tLeGHE, MAYf24,1915 This picture was taken 80 years ago taday, iwhen MarguriteHmt fWngm was selected as May Queen at the Ontario Ladies' Coileege (now Trafalgar Castie Sehool). The May Court Festival bas been an annual event at the school since 1907. It was orîginated b y Lady Marjlorie Gordon, daughter of the Earl of Aberdeen, Governor- General of Canada, wha visited the sehool in October 1898. WhiyArchives photo 10 YEARS AGO Pro= the Wednesdaý M 22 1985 edition of the w > E iiwRsS *George Ashe, MP for Durham West, has'been named Chairman of the Manage- ment Board by Otario Premier Frank Miller. " Durham Board of Education trustees voted themselves a 15 per cent wage increase. " Swimmer Lori Melien was granted $225 by Town Council ta compete et the Canada Cup swim meet in Vancouver. " Whitby residents Gertrude Goddard and Richard Scott were inducteld into the Order of St. John of Jerusalem for the work in St. John's Ambulance. " A Fram the Thursda . Ma 19, 1960 edition of the (This issue is missing) 1 1 ILI ým" ý - P-M.!N