Just around the corner we're not far when BROOCLIN travellinq by car! Bring Home Cou ntry Market some Country *Antiques. Crafts e Shrubs/Flowers *Collectables e Fmuit/Vegetables etc. Thickson Rd. N.- North of Tauünton Rd.* 655-3333 GORDON L. CORNER LTD. Agri Metal - Badger - Smale - Berkley PuImps Bodco - Sudenga - 24 HÉ. Service'e Alfa LavaI Agri, 3985Wilon R. N, R.. ~BRADLEY SHAW enjoys a close look at one of the Oshawa, Ontario Li H 7K4 cute chlcks held by mom Lori in the agricultural tent' Ph:, (905) 655-3177 40 exhibitors Br' Lima Gardner There will be about 40 exhibitors in the craft show at the fair, this year. ----------Included will be such-items as handmnade porcelain dolis, gift baskets, decorative potpUORidlS, dried flower arrangements, stained glass, WOOd cratphotography, art and homemade clothing. «They are ail le- ' le who love ni ingaly crafts and selling them, *ys Lz Schillings, whohrbee F ore~izing the show for five years. F A I Teshow w Il be in Luther Vipond Memorial Arena on SaturdayJune 3 and SnaJune î L.,ocatéd east o l~~here will b live SudteteMïa t so.entertainment at the time of t he 93~~~~~~~~ WicetrRodEBooln65555 h ~ive per cent of the vendors are the same ones I 93_Winchester______E_,__________ 655-5525_________ yea r...evexyyear it i successful,» saysg Schillings. Fo oe information, caîl Shillings at 905-985-9251. 10 Whitby Free Press CLOSEmUP