Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 24 May 1995, p. 30

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page 30, Whtby Free Press, Wednesday, May 24,1995 Ail Ontajohosýpitlsndergoing major changes mm OHA compaign PROM PAGE 9 According ta an. OHAi release, the campaign is y ded ta infiorm Ontario resi about the "significant -cha that are reshapi ~hospitals their raie within tC health system.» Speciflcally, the OHA wan assure the public that de 'these changes, the heaith system is not in criais, as i critics contend., "Hospitals are very diffi places than they were even si years- ago. But the public often not been krept Jul>y i med of these changes, et Timbreil. «There are many public conceptions, uncertamnties concerns that need to a.ddressed »"he said. Timbreil noted that hosp are caring for more people before even though provi operating budgets for hosp have been "flat-lined7 for r of the 19909. "In order ta ensure that lity care and access are ni tained, hospitals have hai change. They are now more with iess,» he said. For exampie: * more than- 50 per centc hospital surgery is now don an outpatient basis" *the average lingth of sti hoptifor acute care pat ropdfrom eight days in,' ta, seven in 1994; *increased outpatient ser and shorter înpatient4 allowed Ontario's 220 public pitals ta -close 8,631 bd straint, an geigppl new population growthp]ress and spiralling caste, hos1p wiii have to continue ta evýoive,» sai*dImbreil. news «There's no question that this ntn wiil invoive some tough decisions dents and patients can expeet ongoing ngschange," he added. iad For instance, more than 150 care hospitals and other health care organizations in Ontario (includ- *tita n< Durham)are currently invol- spite in- 53 restructuring projects, care the release states. smre Anticipated changes wili in- retclude more speialization axnong rethospitals, rationalization of ser- a few vices, and fuli-scale mergers and ,he.s amalgamations of hospitals. [nfor- In the future, restructing may bated mean patients will have ta wait ..longer for elective surer and mi-the may have ta travel fu2ther ad for specialized care, the release >be ,adds. The H campaign will in- *ats.1 clude consumer information nciaî pamphlets; a 1-800 enquiry and Inia cmplaint number, Wa nmpIe- nuch menting patient inquiry systems and satisfaction surveys at in- qua- dividual hospitals. nain- Ini addition, theOH has cal- d ta led on the politicai parties con- doing testing the June 8 election ta address a number of issues. These include: of ail * ensuring that alternative,, ie on community-based services are in place' and adequately funded ay in before downsizing- hospitals so dents that patients do not "faithroug1 1989 the cracks";1 * establishing a mechanism by viàces which money saved tbrough hos- days pital restructuring is maintained hos- mn the community for local health over care; * developing a compréhensive con- funding formula for bioth hospi- tion, tals and physicians Bures ailowing money ta be reailo- Pitals cated within the hospitai system ta areas of greatest need. While Armstrong welcomed the OHA campaign, he stressed that the next government wil have ta pay dloser attention ta Durham and other growing 'eg Os.reco¶uized at 'its convention last fai that high- çrowth areas need more fund- «We have a speciai situation here and that's exactly what we are tryin g ta highlight.» The latter was a referenoe ta the hospital council's own initia- tive to make Durham Region candidates and the public focus on local health care funding issues during the election cam- Ttloug the respnse has been bimited, it has been uvery positive,» said Armstrong. Whitby General Hospital board chair Jim Souch aise drew a distinction between Durham and other parts of the province. «Durham Region, York and Peel have had exceptional growth,» said Souch. 'Tve often said that it's too bad the people who move inta Dur- hamn Region caret bring their health care bucks with them." Souch said WVhitby General offliciais initially submitted a budget above last year's apprxi- mateiy $13.5-million figure, ut it was sent back by the Ministry of Health. «Tbejy wouldn't accept any in- crease in the budget, se we had ta revise it," he said. «Vie had a few dollars left fromn last year's Rae Days that we could appiyto this year.» But aithough "we stili don't have the money we want and need,", Souch noted, "we can balance the budget without changes in eistiingsrie. COSNMTC PESTICIDE USE Environmentalists are weii aware of the many negativ e health -and environmental impacts resulting fr-om the unnec- eesary !spraying. of pesticides on residential lawns. In fact, an increasing number of activiste are demanding a moratorium on cosmetic pesticide use, and some have eucceeded in convincing their councils ta implement a partial or total local byiaw foebidding or limting its use. At Durham Envfronmental Nêtworee (DEN) next general meeting, ta be held on May 25. at 7:30 pa..in the teacherle lunchroom at Port Perry High Schoi, 160 1koea St., Michael Elliott will speak, on banning coemetic pesticide use and relating his experiences, in Hudson, Que., which included a laweuit by a chemicai campany. DEN'e meetings, which draw fi-cm the entire regioei, are free and open ta, the public. How is your company recycling organic wastes? On June 15, find out how composting can help recVrle the Se anc wastes companies are generating by- attending 'Reycig Organic Wastes through Composting A. Practical How-ta Approach. ta Manage Your Orgaization'e Organic Viastes.' The Campoeting Council of Canada jeî7 hosting this half-day session at the Civic Garden Centre, 777 Lawrence Ave. E. (at Leslie). Six guest speakers are scheduied as weii as representatives from busineeses who have already beneflted, from recycing their organice through compoeting. Lunch and an optional tour are inciuded. Anne Kothawala of the Quick Service Restaurant Council wili expiain how 24 restaurants from an organic waste collection project in Kingeton have diverted more than 30 per cent of their wasteetream through compoeting. To register, contact Susan Antler at 416-535-6710. COMING EVENTS: May 27,lO0am., Wbitby'E Iroquois Park parking lot, 'ac for the Marsh'waikathon. May 27,lJxbridge, 9a.m. ta 3 p.m., Durham Region works department and Barclay Reydnmanufacturer ,of the 'SaiIcver,' offer another trclod composter sale and 'how-ta' workshop at Goodwaod Gardene, located at 378 Highway 47. GREEN TEP>: If your composter je toa wet or creates an odour, turn it over ta, aerate and add dried yard waste. The Whitby Free Press is introducing CALL -1-&J-853-6445 Ext. 4 7 to place yo ur FREE voice ad..-ý an all-NEWdating column! P ersoi CALL 1-900-451-4882 Ext. 47 If's only $l.99 per minute. You must be 18 -years or older and have a touebtone phone to use this service. To resnond or bro wse. ads. FREE AD . FREE VOICE GREETVNG -î 'FREE MESSAGE RETRIE VAL once a week Servihfut to you byzrect eapense Aua*ting 2"51 Whrie Di f vo WiImavilie, M. 14221 cuetomer service #1u80077fl * SPICY ITALIAN DARK MAN WANTED SWF, 29, 5'X, 1lO8Ibs., N/S, long curly SWF, 24, 57". î2lbs., brown hair, ENA I1 ~ dark hair, brown eyes, attractive, blue eyes, seeking Jamaican, ______________________________________________ S eeki attractive, SWM, 510'-6', 27- Trnadad SM, enoys reading, dnng, 33, NI , for frendship possible rela- swimming, movies. Toronto area. tionship. Toronto ares. d# 3290 Ad# 8645 tLETs TALK CALL ME PLEASE 15 THIS YU 68F, 119,56W, ll4lbs., attractive, intel- SWF,45,52", lBObs.,enîoyscycling, SWF, 29,52*,dark blonde hait, green figent, mature, caring, romantic, seek- dancing, taîkaý, walks, holding hands, eyes, son, 10, enjoys pets, sfiooting ing SWM, 30s-40s, no head games card games, seeks SWM, 4550, poot, outdoors, horses, Harleys, wVhitby ares. Ad# 8232 2lOlbs., must be big built, same inter- seeks ruggedly handsome, SWM, 33- SH! LIFTS WEIGHTS ess36ot re.A#78 , facial hair a plus, 58«+, for pos- SWF, 38, 5V, ll5lbs., nb chitdren, SEEKS FRIENDSHIP sible relationship. Oshawa ares. enjoys running races, csnoeing, SWF, 39, no dependents, vegetarian, Ad# 9495 moiuntain biking, movies, dining out, enjoys working out, swîmmîng, skiing, OMTST OOT seeking SWM, 35-39, for long terrn running, cycling, travel, environmen- OMTST OOT relationship. Whitby ares. Ad# 9150 15h51t, seeks SWM, 33-42, for possible DWF, 29, 56*, 125lbs., brown haitr 1 - long term relationship. Oshawa ares. blue eyes. educated, fit, tanned, momn TAICE A CHANCE Ad# 9248 romantic, seeking SWM, lte 20s-39, SWVF, 20, momn of one, enjoys danc-POSBERLTOSI loghiamutfr etonip ing, walking, family flie, home ifs OSIBE TAToNrI onohar amAt,#orre240 nh3 seeking down 10 earth, employed, SWF, 34, 54", l2Olbs., blonde hair, Trnoae.A#20 'hazel ey as. 4 chitdren, neyer married, LET'S DANCE SWM, 22-32, must like kids, for hon- sek SBM~, 35-45, possible Jarnai- SWF, English lady, petite, 54,53* red ______________ est relationship. Whitby ares. can, loves reggae, dinîng, dancing, hair, blue eyes, enjoys intermedste1H9CNWR Ad 79friands first. Toronto aresa. Ad# 7166 balroom dancing, loves dogs, walks SWGF, 25, enjoys dancing, movies, STOP READING HERE SINGLE PARENT along the beach seeka f0 meet SWM, animats, sports, ouldoors, learning, SWF, 20, mom of one, enjoys having SWF, 25, two children, msny interesîs, 50-65. Whlby ares. Ada 3033 seeking SGF, any age, wilh similar in- fun, on outfml limes, oudoors, eagndwn 10 earth, employed, tereats. friands tiraI, maybs more. gesing f)a 3-0,smil qaiteW1LL CALL BACK Whitby ares. Ad# 1819 drinkers/amokers, must love children. Mississauga ares. Ada 7838 SWF, 4.1, N/S, active, optimistec, en- Whitby aras. Ada 7884 -joys quiet eveninge, movies, music, LET'S GROW OLD GENLEAN ANEDSEEKING FRIENOSHIP dancing, seeking N/S, SWM, 4555 Together, SWF, 38, 55*, 127lbs.. aI- GENLEAN ANEDSWF,19. 54', 1121bs., enjoys alterna- frends firat good conversaionala ratîe, brnIoet br own ees, n SWF, 33, seaks down f0 earth, hon- tive music, seeking essygoing, hon- must. Trnoares. Ad# 9826 poedw 0erh o tles est, SWM, 29-41, for lasting relation- est, SWM, nothing senious, jut hang- Troo enjoys pampering, classecrok, Blue ship. possible romance. Oshawa ing ouf, concerts, more. Oshawa DOWN TO EARTII jays, blue jeans, heart oI gold, seeks ares. Ada 2390 ares. Ada 6362 SWVF, 34. 55«. brown hair, blue eyes, SWM, 35-45, unitorma a plus, long WEL EDCATD PSSILE ELAIONHIP enpoys country music, tatking, danc- hared, sarrînga okay. Toronto ares. SWF, 39,56«, no children, vegetarian, SWF, 47, 5'7« slîm, tooking for lait, îng, camping, much more, seîgAa84 environmenîatisî, enjoys runnîng' SWM, 40-50, sincere, honest, intel- SWM, 32-45, musIt ike children, simi- WILL CALL BACK mountain biking, ski, kaysking, traveî: gent. Whitby ares. Ada 4242 lar interests. Oshawa ares. Ada 2208 SWF, 26, 58V, i Slbs., long brown readîng, seeking SWM, 10 share inter- CALI. ME 'LL GET BACK TO YOU hair, blue eyes, no kids, employed, ests. Oshawa ares. Ad# 9148 SWF, 38, love and interest for Ite, hon- SWF. 30, protessonal, attractive, long is cfnoe in,acb diving, mov-n OUTDOOR NUT est, affecionale, slrong family and blonds hair, green syes, enjoys SWM, 28-40, f0 enîoy surrmmertîme SWF. 40, 148lbs., loves ifs, horses social values, seeks SWM, 35-45. bands, basebal, camping, workng wth. Torono ares. Ada 5430 golin, balngbeche, asesî, Whîlby ares. Ada 7892 ouf, ouldoors. seeks SWM, protes- CRL fISA holding hands. theatre,,dining ouf, ENJOYS FUN sional. similar ineet o redhPl SWF 27, brown hair/eyes, enjoys seeks SWM, 40-55, with common n- SWF, 33, seeks sîncere, honeat, possible relatîonshîp. Whilby ares. sports, hockey, movies. dîning ouf, tereats. Whitby are. Ada 5122 SWM, 30-41, for trîendshîp. possible Ad# 2324 sîayîng in, cooking. seekîng conver- long termn retationship. Oshawa ares. FRIENDSHIP FIRST safionalist, quick wited, funny, SWM, GOOD MAN WANTED Ada 2360 SW.yug4 ," utfgrd~ 2-3 o eptinsi, possibty SWF, 47, enjova Ie, fun, aughter, ro- SF on 1 '" ulfgrd v 73,frde redhp mance, camping, children, dancing, LOVELY LADY erage, mom, amoker. no bars/drugs/ more. Torono ares. Ada 1080 seeks special SWM, 10 share good< SBF, 55, 5'5». 130lbs., protessionat, games. enoys country music,. le STILL SEARCIIING lnes.Toronlo ares. Ad# 1768 seeka young ef heart. SM. 45-50, any markets, tsmily times, seeks young. SWF. 35, N/S. enjoys sports, outdoors, race, God tearing, for possible rala- funny. sîncere, SWM, 35-41, blue dancing. seeking SWM. 34-40. fori STILL SEARCHINO tîonshîp. Torono arsa. Ada 6272 jeans guy, dada welcome, serîous companionshîp, îriendship, rstation-, SWVF, 32, enpoys dancing, going ouf, SEEKS FRIEND only. Toronto ares. Ada 6937 shîp. Toront o ares. Ada 8889 1 good tîmes, seeks outgoing, SWM. SWF 49, seeks SWM. 45-60, for tese- WihAoAdaknsueyurochoepoe isn eroec 36-40, dâ10 55itraS >hw hn ak.oot rs d 73 Tfen record your voice greeting. and we'ilttranscribe if mb s aprint sd are. AN 100TAI.I BEAUTY f0 Person la available for single people seeking relationships. Ads coi HEY LADIES SWF, 18,511'. modal, enjoys movies. We reserve the night fo edit or refuse any ad. Customer service 1-80( 08F. 27. spontaneous, seeka 0F, 18.sskîng SWM, 18-25, 66+, for tnend- M MaeW Wie H isnc NO I 31. for ftnendship, goullg out, niaYbe shîp, possible relalîonshîp. Whltby FM FMale W Whace HA Aspani C NC more. Whllby ares. Ad# 3903 ares. Ada 6970 1 eae BBak A Ain c c ANYTHING'S POSSIBLE SHARE WITi- ME AV ,~' SWM, 23. 56', 1301bs., dirty blond SWM, 30,6, brown hsir/eyes, protes- haîr. blue sysa, enîoys bars, camping, sionat, enoys ouldoors, frayaI. moun- fîmes, seeke SWF, 19-23. Oshawa independent, SWF, 26-30, energetîc, ______________________ares. Ada 3489 open. Oshawva ares. Ada 5932 SENS! 0F HUMOR ROBIN HOOD STOP READING HERE SWM, 25, 5'6", 137lbs., black hair, SWM, 40, 6% 200tbs., good shape. SWM, 55, 58», gray bsard, distin- green eyes. enjoya weîght training, emptoyed, home owner, en> oys hunt- gihd îcrhnsmsjy logwatks. frayaI, seeking SWVF. 20- îng, fîahing, camping, dancnou-gihd ner adsm ejy long for possible retlonshîp. Whtby try music. seeking Msid Mario SWF~ walks, cycling, gaod food. seeka SWF, ares. Ad# 8460 18-40, f0 share intereats. Oshswi 45-55, classy, intelligent, sincere, 10 ares. Ad# 5507 share lite, !sughs and love. Whitby ST1LL SEARCHIHG ares. Ada 9217 SWM, 21, 510, lSlbs.. brown haîr, VERY ACTIVE blue syes, enjoys quiet limes, movîes, SWM. 25, 511%". lObs., brown curly MANY INTERESTS dîning out, seeks SWF, 18-22, honest, haîr, blue sysa. enjoya outdoors, col- SWM. 31, enjoys fishing, canoeing, sincere, tunny, wth sîmilar interesta, tages. camping, fîshing. scuba dîvîng, gotting, very good cook, seeka SF, 18- Whîtby ares. Ada 3480 seeking SWF, 19-28. with lots of en- 40, for possible relalionship. Whitby FIRST TIME AD ergy. Whitby ares. Adë 3526 ares. Ada 9088 SWM, 24, new t0 ares. ives atone, STILL SEARCHING CIRCLE THIS AD enjoya cycting, sports, motorcycting, SWM, 29, bsck hair, brown eyes, an- SWM, 27, 5,11% brown hsir, green seeks SF, for frendshîp. possible re-- joys ouldoora, seks outgoing, SW, yes, enjoya dining, movies, casuat lationshîp. Whtby ares. Ada 9446 18-35. Oshawa ares. Ada 3669 drinking, long wslks/drivea, seeka ARE YOU IN SHAPE? TWO WAY STREET 1 SWF, 25-28, to share inferesis. SWM, 27,5'9", l8Obs., muscutar. dark SWM, 33, enjoys giving and rsceiv- Oshawa ares. Ada 1060 blonde hair. btuseyea, ctean cul, good ing, seeka caring, SWFfl 18-30 looking, honesi, romsntic, enjoys out- ftriendly, down bo earth, for possible re: CALL ME doora, going oui, seeka SWF, 19-30, lationship. Whitby arsa. Ada 3641 SHM, 21, easy going. tun toving, seek- sîmilar inleresia, positive atitude, VERY FRIENDLY ing SF , any age, fun and exciting, for frienda irai, Whilby ares. Ada 9368 fun relstîonship. Whitby ares. _____________________SWM. 42, father of one girl ,11, enjoya Ad# 3234 STILL SEARCHING ton g watka, dining. home lite, seek SWM, 40, 6, 200lbs., good shape. SWF. 18-45, for tniendship, relation- DONT BE SHV dark hair, blue eyes, amoker, social ship. Oshawa ares. Ada 9467 SWVM. 29,61l", reddishiblond hair, blue drinker, enjoya ouldoors, camping, PLEASE CALL ME eyes, enîoys bowling, bssebstl, jet ski- fishing, hunting, walks, nature, ani- SWM. 24,5'7", 1 3lbs., darklhair, blue ing. dîning, quiet nights, seeka SWF, mals, dancing, country music, movies. syesa construction worker, enjoys 24-35, for friendship tirai, possible re- seeka SF, 18-40 for tnendshîp, maybe dancing, shooting pool, loves ro- latlonship. Oshaws ares. Ada 9212 more. Whitby ares Aa>407 _ mance, seeking SWF. 18-35, for pos- NTTOSR NEW TC AREA sible reltionship. Whiiby ares. SWM, 59, qUiEprvirirdro SWM, 48510', brown hair, blue eyes. Ada 3934 tSsin, 9,moe r non-driernos N/S, professional. Iunny, enjoya Ian- LET"S TALK SOON simple plessures, readîng. sailing, oit nia, cyclîng, goîng oui. tearnîng. chil- SWM, 30, enoys outdoors, hsving fun, painting, seeka petite, SWF, 45-55, for dren. seeka SWF. 32-47, lîvety, ener- seka specîsl SWF, 18-30, for good movieshetdingocnvra gelîc, proteasional. for meanînglul re- fîmes. Whifby ares. Ad# 3741 ,ion snd companinoshipcovesa lationship. Whitby ares. Ada 5679 to n opnosi.Ohw __________________LEAVE VOUR MESSAGE area Ada 6104 ENJOYS SUMMERT1ME SWM, 19, brown hair. blue eyes. me STILL SEARCHING SWM. 24, 5 7%-l4Otbs., excellent dîum build, enjoys sports, dancing,SW shape. snjoys ouldoars. seeka SWVF, working oui. seeking SWF, 18-24. SM55, prota5sionst. enjays sports, 18-40, fa share interesia and ideas. Oshawa ares. Ad# 7512 dîning, theatre. seeka SWF, 50-55. NW Whitby ares. Ada 3256 S, ighi drinker, same iniarasis, __________________UKE WHAT YOU HEAR? Oshawa ares. Ada 1652 LOVES TO SKI SWM, 21,5'10", 1 509b., good listener, TTLYHNS SWM, 45, . 1lba.. blond, N/S, essygoîng. enjoys country musîcTTLYHNS casual drinker, enoys ouldoora boaf- quiet limes, movies. seeking honeaf, SWM, 42. 511». 1 9Olbs.. balding. blue îng. golf. frayaI. dinîng oui, dancing, sincere. SWF. 19-25. sense of humor syes, mustache, enjays fsmily lite, seeking N/S. SF, 22-45, nol atraîd tla sptus. for fniendship maybe relation- golf, tennis, seeking SWF, 30-42, for try things. Whifby ares. Ada 2589 shîp. Whilby ares. Ada 9528 triendship msybs more. Whitby ares. questions about yourself and the type of person you would ike to meet. Ad 39 J tha1 will appear in the Whifby Fre Press. Whifby Free Press'Persan DOWN TO EARTIf ntaining exptic-ii sexusl or anatomical language will not be pubtished. 58M, 31, 5'9%, iSîbs., black hair, 0-273-5877. brown eyes, profassional. enioys go- lative Canadian S Single WW Widowed - ing out, good imes, seeka fun., 68F, hristian D Dlvorced NIS Non-smoker 21-35, for possible retatlonship. Oshawa ares. Ada 6502 Q&A Q: How do 1 Mtalertadi A:Your la gonq to be recordin yorvie reig be prepare pakthte listener, describe yopurselfoin a positive way. Be honesf, crestive and specîfia about.wht yu re fookmngfor. Cali1430-85-6fl Ex*47op- lion 1, you will b. prompted 10 an- awer some questions about your- self and ftha type oI persan you want Io meet. Ain effeactive print ad wlll be iranscribed from your volas greeting which will appear n the paper in 7-10 days. 0: What ta an ad number? A: The 4 digi number at the end of your print ad that allows singles ta cati and rmspand la your mi box. 0: What la an acoeaa code? A: A confidentiel 4 digit code that only you know,, thai atbows only you accesa ta your mailbox. Cl: What are mes0 as ? A: Vouas greefing?? rom other singles who responded tai your ad in fhenewspaper or through the brawse. To isten la y aur mes- sagas for FREE,,caît 1-800-853- 6445 Ext. 47 once avary 7 dsys or 1-900-451-4882 -Ext. 47 any- lime, ai a charge of $1.99 per minute. 0: What are systera matches? A: Voice graeings tram ather ad- verisars whose malching crile- ris la the sae or similar ta yours. You can listen 10 your sysiemn matches instanly by cslîng 1- 900-451-4882 Ext. 47, ai a charge of Si1.99 par minute. 0: Whatlel Sman rt Bw,? A: A special festure thai stlows you Ic i lsten and respond la other vaice greatinga that match lhe cri- leria you selct Cati 1-900-451- 4882 Ext. 47, option 2, ai a charge af $1.99 per minue. 0: Now dol1 reapond to an ad? &- Call 1-900-78-0606 Ext. 47, option 1,sfaacharge of$1.99gpar minute, the syslem witl ask you 10 enter the 4 digit ad nurnber ai the end 0f the print ad. Press 11Io respond, press 2 ici go on Io thie nexi ad. a .- 0: How do I cancel or renew an ad? A: Cati customar service aI 1- 800-273-5877. "Iýçoti

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