Page 28, WhItby Froo Pross, Weclnosday, May 24, 1995 .. . . . . . WHITBY, NON-SMOKER, use of facilitios, $3501mo. Cali 666-8388 bofore 9pm. ROOMMATE WANTED ta share 4 bodroomn homo. Parking & laundry facilities availabte. $3501mo. + utilitios. Calit 666-3550, leave message. BROOKUN - 2 larqo bedsitting rooms, I with private ktchen, share bath, can be fumnishod. Availabie, now. In quiet area, dlose to shopping. Caii 655-5539. NE WHITBY - BRIGHT, fumished or unfumished room, shared bathroom. Close to public transportation. Cabie inciuded $S5lWeek. Studont' or working person preforred. (905) 430-1415. WHITBY - bdrm. apt. avait. June lst. Ront $565/mo. Frdge, stove & parking for 1 car indu oed. Phono 430-0959gor 723-2857. 1 BEDROOM APT. 806 Brock St. N. Suitable for a singlte person. Available immediately $480/mo. al inclusive. First & Iast. Last month negotiable. For info oeil 623-4782 or 665-0321 after 6:00 pm. MODERN 1 BDRM. Bsmt. apt., mature subdivision, use of yard, includes utitities, laundry & cable, $600/mo. (No p ets. Available immediatety. (905) 666-8264. JULY lst - I bedroom basement apt. with watkout on Harrs Cri. $670/mo. inctuding utilities & appiiances. Ron Barsi 436-0990. AReal Estate utiïÃon Locat'ed Throughout Southern Ontario and Western New York, Sale io be held ai the REGAL CONSTELLATION HOTEL 900 Dixon Road, Etobicoke (near Toronto International Airport) TU ESDAYMAY 30 AT 1:00O PM ETOBICOKE 1,774± Sq. Fi. Commercial Building ETOBIC.OKE (3) 1I-Acre Industrial Lots w/Utilities NORTR YORK 56,000±Sq. Fi. Industrial Bldg. on 2.3± Ac. NORTH YORK 17,500+- Sq. Fi. Office/Ind. Building SCARBOROIJGH 14865 i Sq. Fi. CommI/Indus. Building SCARBOROUGH 1.81 Acre lndustrial Lot wfUtilities PICKERING 57000± Sq. FM. Hi-Tech Facility on 4± Ac. GOODWOOD Ptential 25-Loi Subdivision on 96t±Ac, NORTH BAY KINOSTON OAK VILLE MILTON ,MILTON 31,386i Sq. Fi. CommI Bldg. Plus Garage 13,540i Sq. Fi. CommnI Bldg. plus Garage 14,354t Sq. Fi. Office Building 3.67± Acre Indusial Loi wflIiilIIies 6.t8± Acre lindusîn*al Loi wlUtilities HALTON HILLS 60+- Acres - Zoned Agriculture GUELPH WATERLOO KITCHENER 3.57± Acre Indusifial Loi wllJîiliiies 10,020-+ Sq. R-. 88%o Leased - Business Cenier Absolute Above $275,000 Absolute Above $120,000IAc. Absolute Above $750,000 Absoluie Above $399000 Absolute Above $585.000 Absoînie Above $220000 Absolute Above $1,500,000 Absolute Above $750000 Absolute Above S350.000 Absoluie Above SI 58000Ac. Absolute Above SI 18,000/Ac. Absolute Above $500000 Absolute Above $199000 35,050-+ Sq. Fi. ConmI lBldg. Plus Garage Absolute Above $600.00 NIAGARAFALLSNY 167t Acres - Suinmit Business Park (8 parcels> Absoute Above $14,Ã"O/Ac. (US$) m Mtk] N t vi t mlu vl [$,Z IIL1 T« Cati (800) 722-3334 for iltustrated brochure and complete Terms of Sale. 3%1/ Buyer's Premium. n: Chambers &m &co.-ppâpy [MAStM Michael Fox Auctioneers,h. S(410) 653-4000 ,* Fax (410> 653-4069 i coNBtcW PAO5 L "~«"" (800) 722-3334 DOWNTOWN WHITBY - BrookS .[ OçR~ fmontae. aDorox. 2,000 sa.ft. Lona ....... terni Wt me8-14e8, 9anito 5prrr MASONIC HALL, 203 Cochrane St., avaitablo for banquets, woddings and other occasions. Caternny uavailabte. For more information leave message at 668-0776, ý4 hrs. MORTGAGESI & LOANSI E$1 e lst &2nd e Lines of Credit e BEST RATES Frank Callahan 571-2880 After hours 668-4454 Upper Canada Funding tnc. FOR RENT in Whitby: 1 Ian Fleming Croc. 2 storey 3 bdrm., dble. car gara g Pei6f0 sq. ft. Available Junei , asking $1300 per month. Cait (416) 490-8541 or (416) 315-6560. FOR SALE by owner in Whitby, 1 Ian Fleming Cros. 2 storey, ail brick, 50' lot, 2610 sq .ft., 1 year old, bsmt. has sep. ont ~not finishodd). Ownor motivatod b (soit. 6.65/o assumablo mortgago, bal. , f $130,000 due Mar.198. Asking prco $199,000. Cati (416) 490-8541 or (416) 315-6560. WHITBY - 4 bdrm. somi-bungalow with inîaw a pt. w/sep. ont. Generates $825 & $525 ront. Close to schools, 401 & GO. Private sale. Leave message on pgr. 416-337-3455. 01 recslvod 65 phono calte abota house 1 was sofling r BO. WHITIBY - Queons Common executive 2700 sq. fi A-I area, 4 bedroomes, available ÀAug. 1/95 @ $2000/mo. Cati Barrie Lonnox, Re/Max Summit Realty 668-3800. BRADLEY ESTATES Whitby Townhouses 10 Basset BIvd. (rook St./Manning Rd.) * 3 Bedrooms * 11/2 Baths * 5 Appiances * Centrai Air e Garage *Paved Driveway *3 Modeis *On Site Management *Easy Access to "Go" *Rents Start at $1 ,041 per month 668-1389 K.C. McCaIi Property Management 666-5794 e 924-1100 CLASSIC LANDSCAPE DESIGN. Specia ize in design 4nly. Gardon desi. n.ilt o ponds, interlôcing, docks. Nobligation to grchase matenal1. CaD (905) INTERLOCKING BRICK dniveways, walkways, patios, retaining watts, steps, repairs & sealing. Cati Bnickscape lmc. for a free es imate (905) 668-2742. B est price aroundi SPANKYOS PROPERTY Maintenance. Rosidontiai and commercial lawn maintenance, aerations, dethatching sodding, topsoil detivory, rubbish romoval9, treo & brush romovat. Cali Jim at 905-668-6803. Please leave message. TREE CUTTING & TRIMMING, pruning, shaping, setectivo brandi cutting, tree remnoval. Free ostimates fuity insured. 433-7140 or 430-46ý2. Pager 721-7304. DO YOUR own landscapinq - blue s pruce 6'-T' $70; birch singles - ciumps $35; bnidie wroath litac and mock orange $5. Calit 659-8088. WEED'BUSTERS LAWN MAINTENANCE, pruning, grass seéding, sodding. Sp ring clean-ups. Renovations of gardoens, rock gardens, pIantinq, îfirewood. Dutch-w¶ Landscaping. (905) NATURAL FENCING- cedars $5 each detivered. Cali 666-85010. NEEO To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YO(JR NEW COMMUNI1TY? SINCE190 L PHONE 668-6497 Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, ,along wlth helpful community information. .......&GARA.E. YARD. .ALE.. . YARD SALES HONEY TREE CRT. SATURDAY May 27th (raindate Sunday), 1 families. Electric iawnmower bies of ail kinds, fish tank, portable air conditioner, baby items, sofa/chair, ping pong table, antiques & more. HUGE STREET SALE Applewood Cres. Saturday, May 27, 8am - 6pm. NOT JUST ANY YARD.-SALE- THE tard sale. Treasuros, includo everyt ng from baby items/clothing to T & storos. Something for evoryono. Join us on Ma y 27 & 28 at 2 Lofthouse Drive, 8:3Oam - 2pm. GIANT YARD SALEI Woodcrafts, books, baked goods and lots more for everone' 922 King St., Whitby Mal 27 & 28, 9:OOam to 3:OOpm. Hoydoge & pop. YARD SALE SATURDAY May 27 from lamn to 4pm at 1 ô'Connor, Drive, Whitby. MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, Ma y 27th,2 94 întrepid Drive. Ramn date May 28th. GARAGE SALES TEN+ HOUSES Sat. May 27, 9:dOam to 3:OOpm Hartnick Place, Whitby west oft Garrard, south of Taunton, north of Dryden. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 27, 8am. Lots of household items, toys, sports equipment & much, much morol 11 Muir Cros., Whitby. GARAGE SALE Saturday, Ma y 27, 8am - l2noon at 113 Enickson Drive, Whitb . (off William Stephenson). Mtult-fà mily. WELCOME TrO A HUM YARfD SALE Saturday, May 27th 7am-3pmn Whltby Bapttst Church ;411 Gilbert St. E., Whltby Bî und raising event, crafts, books finit em<, d ues tyshousehold flocs. cffeuffîns. Omethin fr everyone!' AIL PROCEEDS toupp hty Bapttt Yot rogram Homeolwners To receive complete lawn care programs from