Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 17 May 1995, p. 35

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Whltby Free Proue, Wednesday, May 17, 1M9, Page 35. L ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __......................_ _ _ PRFESINA CLL C014CLL GARDEN GRACE .- speciaiizing in pruning, spring ciean-ups, tawn & garden care, ptantings. Free estimates. Reasonable. Lcensed & certified iandscaper. Grasscutting' & timming $12 & up. Book now for spring speciai. Cati 668-0242. MR. BRUSH - painting and renovatioins for home or business. Professionat, roliablo, reasonable, noat, clean, courteous. Free ostimates. Cati 905-571-6453. DEIBA HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Inteniorlexterior painting, quaiity matenials used, 10% seniors discount. Give your home or apartment a fresh, new look. Free ostimates 728-2969. VOUR #1 SEWVING 'CENTRE. Sewing machine repairs.Atmks 10% Seniors' discun.Comfptete tune-up from $29.95 + parts. Factory trained technicians. For free pick-up & detivery olil 432-7375. MARIGOLD WINDOW CLEANING. Att exterior windows $25. Also screenreairs. Wili P.U. and retumn. For po & professional service CaliNay 68-070. HOME RENOVATIONS& restoration. Plans, inspections, s fications, carpentry, ptumbing, electrncal, windows, energy conservation. Cati Jacques of Att Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. ?iY4e~<~0aweda F" ualtWorkmah ReasoablePrices IFor free estimate call 666-28031 evnnsor beave message at 432-3019 I .wood f encing & decks IFREE COMPETI T VE ES TIAM TESI IWrtten Guaranteel 1666-96901 Gary J. Hirlehey Financial Planning Consultant Giving people the information, options, and advice they need f0 make appropriafe choices. CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT -e.nia UCENSED ELECTRICIAN - expenienced in residential commercial & industriai work. 24 hour service catis. Phone Tom at 668-7852 for free estimato. WALLPAPERING AND PAINTING. 9 years expenienco. -Ail work guaranteed. Author of book "fWalpapening Made Easy". Cati Dave Taylor at Color Your Wortd (Whtb) (905) 435-0808. Free [Rtach 1.3 MILLION Onitaaris acrvssc the prvncec 44a~.. A Drawings, pool openings, installations, service work, interlock, planting, retainers, etc. Cat! Maffhew J. Hilton, B.L.A. WOOD RENEWERS - make decks, fences, woodsiding, log tructures look like new again. Remove ait weatherng, stains & paint. Seaterlstain wilt flot peotor chip. Work guaranteed. 655-3566a. RENEW WORKS - *we-dean and seai your interlocking brick wvith our patented, environMentaity friendly products. Free estimates and ail work guaranteed. 655-3566. PAINTING & PAPERING, "Lot George Do It". Reliable expenenced, quatity work. Special rates for seniors. flexible hours, p rompt service, free estimates. Phono George 666-1168. ELECTRICIAN LIC. # E-2268. Resid ential, commercial, industrial, 24 hr. service. Free estimatos. No job to0 small. Ail work guarantoed. Cati Frank at 90-6-193. LADY LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Ateretions and repair on draperies. Affordable prices. For your fre0in-home shop~ping and estimate oeil 432-1714. Customor's fabrics are welcome. PHOTOGRAPHY. Distinctive quatity portraits. Studio or in home. Babies, children, families. Packages from $29. Also: weddings fromn $299, otd photos copued & restored corporate & promotionat. No GSTI (905) 427-9164. B&D encivg AS YOU LIKE T' Work Guaranteed * njoy your home without CeGarden Sheds : thewoýrk. CePost Setting **Free Estimates For reliablean * PHONE 668-7951 * expenienced cleaning cali ......1. 668-3271 "'666-0719 BY GRANT CONTRACTING ...... Interlocking ~ Decks ~ WaiIs ~ Sodding Property Maintenance ~ Tree Removal WHEN QUAL1-Y AND SERVICE COUNT Cail 432-4870 or 428-5790 "(J The Mutual Group HEBTRAN catIlfor quotation TREE CUTTING & TRIMEUING FuJýI nsured'o Free Esîlmates 43M ol4»42~ç pager 721-7304 ----- XPRESSIONZ - Spning Fabric Sale. 30% off ait drapery and sheer fabrics. Choose from Waverly, Pride of Paris, Joanne and many more. Visa accepted. Cati Mary Etten (905) 666-3762. Your Complote Window Covoring Specialist. STONEWORK -ait masonry, chimnoys, intertockin , conrote, fonce & dock. "Cnstruction business sinco 1981, serving Durham since 1989. Ait work guaranteed. For free quoto cati (905) 666-0171. HENK KARELSEN Paintlng& Homo Ropair. Quality work, intenior/extonor. Ovor z20yoars exporience. No job f00 emali. Free estimetes. 1-800-423-0823. THE MOBILE HAIR SERVICE- iioensed professionat. Witt corne f0 your home. Reasonable rates. Cati SWIMMING POOL OWNERSI Book now. Uner replacement or repair. 26 years experionce. Speedy Vinyl Durham. 1-800-FIX-RIP S (349-7477) LOVING MOTHER wiltîng f0 provide daycare in her homo. Lots of educationat craifs, storytime music, playtimo -and much morel Loving and safe environmont, nutritious lunch & snacks provided. FallingbrooklDrydon. 430-7474. SUMMER DAYCARE available. If you're left without summer care for Sour kidsdaycaro is avaitabie in m ;orne for the summer only. Car 430-7611. DAYCARE AVAILABLE, smoke& pet free, lunch & snacks providod, untîmited hugs & smiles incuded. Aiso availabte: backup daycare for when your caregiver is sick or on hotidays. Cati 430-7611. PROFESSIONAL COUPLE wouid tike to have an in-houso expenenced person f0 look after their chitdron. Cati 404-2836. DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my homo, mature experienced mother of 4, non-smokçer, Garden& Manning area. Cati 666-8295. PAINTING - PROFESSIONAL PAINTING & waiipapor. lnteriortexterior. Power wash & swing staige. No job too smaii. For good pnicos & good work, cal George at 725-7870. Free estimates. CINDY'S ALTERA71ONS& Custom Designs - Corne see us for ail your sewing needs. Leather, zippers, aiso mens tailoring availabte. Tues.-Fri.. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, No appointment necessary. 133 Byron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. PAINTING -exterior/intorior. Canadien paint for the Canadian ctimate. Ont y top qualîty paints used. Ail woilgquarantood. et us quote your job <905) 666-0171. ELECTRICIAN - LICENSED, W1LL do ail tyes of oioctnicai work. We speciatize in service upgrades. Rasonablo rates. Cai Tom e t 430-7103. HOUSECLEANING - rosidential, commercial and apartments. Free ostimates,, references.',Somo Thursday and Fniday appntmonts available. Cati ArcPherM aid Services 728-5622 after 6pm. Specializing in Earty ChitdhoodI1 Education. For Peace of Mnd. Perry Ho-use Child Care Services 129 Porry St., Whttby 668-9476 DAYCARE - 5 YEARS experience, lunches, snacks and pienty of activitios provided. Thickson and Dryden. Please cati 721-2476. REILIABLE, EXPERIENCED daycare in my home. Lunch & snacks provided. Reasonabte rates. Alil ages. Fullpart-timo or backup. Please cati 666-9312. CARING MOTHER wilt provide a happy environment for your chiid. Nutntious lunches & snacks. Lots 0f activities (watks crafts, stonies). Thickson & Ross<and. Ages 6 mos. & up. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. Babysitters - You need to know more than what Urne. they'il be homé. Learn the basics of babysitting from the pros. "What Every Babysitter Should Know" teaches you child care, basic first aid and to how handle an emergency. You'I1 get a neat certificate too. Cail St. John Ambulance for details, or ask about the course a! your school. 668-9006 St. John Ambulance ....... ............ .. . . . . . .. . ................. .......................... .......... ............... iwh "'i". Quf W~i............... 7 1 vil 1 L'le 4,110 L' 1nterlock, r'etaining walls, diecks & fences. c 'l Specializing în Pisa stone. 10 years experience - All wérk guaranteed Cali (905) ý71 8-1008 or (905) 985-4626 ............ --- - --------- ----------------

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