Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 10 May 1995, p. 8

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Page 8, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, May 10, 199 wh ~*i tby buD el! ess Hunters' switch. to emus 'best step we ever made' RENEE HUNTE R is shown' with 1 0-day-old emus at Hunter Farms in Whitby. The birds, which are native to Australia are now being cultivated by more than 150 farms-in Ontario. Photo by Matjrlce Pither, Whlby Fr.. Pres Quad Speed CD ROM Multhiedia Systenis ALL SYSTEMS NOW INCLUDE 530MB HARD DRIVES AT NO EXTRA CHARGE - .~-.- ~ -~PW'~ *>Mon0onnecessa y 1 m ~ I lièii~ ~~ i~.B s- OiOna wr rL1 PERSONAL COMPUTERS M NolWor. Systern includes 7 Microsoft H orne software ltiles: Encarta '95 Golf vl.0 Works 3.0 Dangerous Creatures Money Scenes* Entertalnment Pack* *Scenes* Entelainmenl Pack are preloaded on th hard drve " 53OMB high speed hard drive " 3.5* high density floppy drive " OUAD speed CD ROM " Oual amplfled speakers 'aU~ " 16-bit sound card " 14.4 VoiceFaffModem " 1MB PCI SVGA video card i " MS Mouse and mouse padi " MS DOS 6.22 " Windows for Wo,*groups 3 11 " Three year parts & labour warranty " Rist year on -site service t Seven Microsoft software dtles 5$2,478 (Monitor flot tndlude Lease for $94lmonth* IPC CD/FX- 100 " Pentium Overrive ready " VESNIISA/PCI bus architecture " 4 PC, & 2 VESA local bus slots " 4MB RAM. Internai write back cache " 530MB hlgh speeri hard drive " 35" high density floppy drive :i& " QUAD spêedCD ROM " Duel amplifled speakers P 0 " 16-bit sound .ard " 14.4 Voice/FaXIModem " 1MB PCI SVGA video card " 14« SVGArnontor 1024 x768-2Bdp " MS Mouse and mouse pad " MS DOS 622 " Wndows for Workgroups 311 " Three year parts&a labour warranty " Frst year on-ste serice t Seven Microsoft software tilles IPC Prsoial Cmpuisrs are bihb30 MioospesipiMoi.3Swekoeu Ad W., Mailslm. 0.1wi. UR 3 3Fx905479.7W8. The InIel lnsdLog a e gwi.i dbadernaiii cl lhel Corp.on. Th@ IPC;mpoi*it tweoaili oi 30 o¶ocmpuerstMouiiornoi .hg5de fo on-Bs. u nMire n.Stes.ec. o Il rtav"@ibl. m ens*of C.nadkL Ponsi adcoufigraon awb.c lchange eUioui noban. For information S ~ contact: B es tby te Computer Performance Center 25 Thickson Road. North (Near K.F..C.) Tel:'905-725-7454 * Fax: 905-725-7732 - Hours: Mon., Tues. 10-7, Weci.-Frn. 10-9, Saturday 10-6, Sunday 11-4H"2 ByJohn Diujay For a family with 30 years of farin experience, it waen't easyte change the type of livestock they tended. But that's just what Robert and Barbara Hunter of Brookin did about nîne years ago. Today, Robert says their farin is probaly the largest in its fleld -- raising emus.. «It was the beet stop we over made," says Barbara. A large flightless bird, native te Australia, an emu will grow to an average of six foot high and weigh about 125 pounds, accord- ing te, Robert, during an inter- view at bis 5,00 0-acre farm. «Sometimes you have te, make two or three switches in your life, » ho says of the change. «You always thmnk your own worid's not as good as it should be.» The market for emus is grow- ing in leaps and bounds. Robert says there are about 150 other such farmers in Ontario. Recently, a co-operativo was for- nied so farmers cari more easiiy trade thoir goods. The emu produces oul, leather, eggs and a meat that tastes much like beef, ho says. Howe- ver, the advantages for today's heaith-conscious society is that emu meat is iower in fat and cholesterol; Ho explains that, like camels emus have a hump in which Zi thefr fat is stored. Thereforo the meat is fat-free. And the fat or ofi has become more and more popular. Robert says many. athietes are using it for its deep absobigM jalt«s As 1e1, i t c a n ho eem poyei in cosmetics. «It's aot a lot of poten- tial,"t says Barbara. uuelpn scentists are currently testing it as a component in humh rehabilitation. Robert says one of its unique properties is that ban- daeswill not stick te it, making rebnagingeasier. The Hunter herd consista of about 500 hirds. As weil, they raise ostriches, Ramas and mini- donkeys, among other exotic ani- mais, brut not on the saine scale as omus. They have an elabcirate sot-up, with' maàny differont barris for the hirds to grow. There are different sized aroas, rann from, a sinail hatcherywhee h oggs are hatched, te, a large barn, whàere the animais cari stay in- side or roarn outside in féeed areas as they please. The Hunters considered rais- mg ontriches, wliich can fotch highor returne. Howover ýthey avorageoeoight foot *ih1t and 300 pounds in weiglit andfcan ho very ornery and dangerous, says Robert. What sold them on the omu ie its groat adaptability and plea- sant nature. Wheroýas, ostriches may fret for weeks if they are movred around to different pons, the omu takes the change with little hassli. "We do anything we cari to make them happy,"sy Robert. He ela'satat the boCtter the birds beel, the more eggs they wiii lay and his herd will ini- aSometimes I feel that if they laid me another olgg, Md g and Mis them," ho says with a laugh. They even have a champion egg layer on the farm. She has laid 120 eggs tis season. «It's almost unheard of in the industry,» says Barbara, wearing a sweater with pictures of two of her grandchildlren, and throo omu chicks. The average bird oniy -lays about 20 to 35 eggs per season, she explains. The egg is a hoauti- fui marbied, deep green colour and weighs about 1,100 grains. Righit now it* is a b9,reeders' mark et. «We have te get our, numhors up,» Robert says. They are aiming te produce 1,000 chiclcs tis year. Althoughhne acknowiedges hoe is a pioneer in the industry, hoe maintains that.the early settiers te this country had more pro- biems ini, domesticating tcay's common aniaias. Ho is confident that they can make their experi- ment stick. «You'll look back in 10 years and say 'Ho was stupid' or 'God, hoe was smart Open house held by chiropractors Members of the Durham Regicri Chiropractic Soiety marked Spinal Health Day by holding an open house ail day on Satur-day, May 6, at the Oshawa Centre and Pickering Town Centre. Spinal Health Day was recognized across the province b~y Ontario's doctors of chiropractic to celebrate their lOOth anniversary and informi the public of the rôle of spinal hoalth ini overail well-being. IPC CDIFX-66 *Intel D21Jttrprocessor *Pentium Overrlive readyl *VESAJISAPCI bus archfitecture 4 PCI & 2 VESA local bus alots *4MB RAM. InternaI wr ite back cache *530MB hlgh speeri hard drive *35" hgh derisity floppy drive Q UAD speed CDROM M. *Duel arnplifled speakers *16-bit sourid card 14.4 Volce/Fax'Modernm - 1MB PCI SVGA video card - 14« SVGA montor 1024 x 768. 28dp - MSMouse andmousepad - MSDOS5622 - Wndows for Workgroups 3 Il - Three year parts & labour warranly - Frst year on-ste service t Seven Mcrosoft software tiles $1,99,ý 00àb La e r * emoth PuRNs, cjRowusANS 1 913 Dundas St E. o UWhtby, LIN2L5 404-9316 Over Experience Steplhen Rowlans C.A. ScottPnns C.A. 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