Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1995, p. 38

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Page 38. Whltby Fre Pros. Wochiosclay, May.3, IM Envlronmental Appeal Board Commission -d'appel sur l'environnement 112 St. Clair Avenue West, Suite 502 Toronto, ON M4V 1 N3 Tel. No:. (4i6) 314-3300 Fax No.: (416) 314-3299 112 avenue St. Clair ouest, Bureau 502 Toronto, ON M4V 1 N3 Téléphone: (416) 314-3300 Télécopieur (416) 314-3299 FILE: 00431.Al NOTICE 0F HEARING IN THE MATTER 0F Sections 137, 140 and 1440of the Environmental Protection Act, as amended, - anid- N THE MATTER 0F an applcation bv The. Realonal Municipelltv of Durham and Courtice Auto Wr.ck.rs Umlt.d dated Auaust 2, 1994, for a headn before the Envronmental Appeal Boardwmith respect to condition 23 on Certificate of Approval # Hl120100009-02 for an organlo waste management system uissued by the Director, section 39, Environmental Protection Act, Centrai Region, Ministry of Environment and Energy. Condition 23 staUk$ The appWant shail forthwvith reimburse the Crown for costs incéurred by the Crown to retain a full time Provincial Officer as defined under the Act who shall be responsible tor (a) wi~àitodng compliance writh the conditions of the Provisional Certificate of Approval No. Hl120100009-03 for this Organic Waste Management System including Organic Soil ConcFmtioning Sites listed InWSchedule «B" which is attached to and forms part of this Certificate; (b>)ft'onitoring the installation of ail works and ongoing site management and operations throughout the lite of this program; <c) éq0~rting to the District Manager on ail incidente of non-compliance with the regulations, the conditions of the Provisionai Certificat. 0f Approval No. H 120100009-03, the Environmental Protection Ac~R.S.O. 1990, the Ontario Water Resources Act, R. S.O; 1990, the Pesticides Act, R. S.O. 1990, other applicable legisiation and the approved design , operations and monitoring documents; and (d) -participating on any relevant Citizen's Advisory Committee. The applicanVs gméunds for appeal are: <a) The condition to reimburse the Crown for the costs of a ful-time Provincial Officer is unreasonable in the circumstances, given that the program has.never warranted, and will nover warrant, the full-tUme services of a Provincial Off icer and (b) The Crown is without specific statutlory authority to impose such a condition upon a municipality. For additional information respecting Condition 23 of the Certificate Approval No. Hl120100009-03, contact Mr. Andy Lapinski, Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department, 105 Consumfers Road, Whitby, Ontario Li N 6Al, telephone (905) 668-205 1. If you require the assistance of an interpreter, or any other assistance, or the hearing to be conducted in the French language, please advise the Board Secretary as soon as you receive this notice, and the Board will try to accommodate your need. If you do not respond to this notice or indicate to the Board Secretary that you wish to participate in the hearing, the Environmental Appeal Board may proceed in your absence and you will not be entitled to any further notice in the prooeedings. This notice is published in accordance with the directions provided by the Environmental Appeal Board. DATEDat TORONTO, thls 25th day of Aprîl, 1995 Susan E. Dunn, Board Secretary The hearing of mhis appeal will commence on Monday, June 5, 1995 at 9:30 a.m. In the. Councîl Chambers, Reglonal Munlclpalt of Durham, 605 Rossland Avenue East, Whltby, Ontario. This hearlng wlll continue If nec.s.ary at 9:30 a.m. on June 6 and June 7, 1995 at thie samo address, In the. followlng rooms: Tuesday, June 6, 1995 - Councl Chambers Wednesday, June 7, 1995 - Boardroom B-4. The purpose 0f the headng is to enable mhe Board to determine whether it shaîl confirm, alter or revoke the Director's condition on the Certificate of Approval. Any person who wants to participate in mhis hearing as a party should notify mhe Board Secretary as soon as possible and obtain instructions for applying for party status. PROPERTIES AFFECTED: The Organic Waste Management System in Durham Region involves the following properties and /or facilities. LOCATION S 1/2 Lot 25, Cono. 1. Darilngton Part of Lots 33 - 34, Cono. 6 DartIngton S 112 Lot 31, Conc. 8 Dartington Lot 16, Cono. 4 Part Lot 6, Cono. 6 Lots11 & 16, Conc. 5& 6 Lot 9, Conc. 6 N 1/2 Lot 3, Cono. 6 Lots 16 & 17, Cono. B.F. Lot 7, Conc. 7 S 1/2 Lot 6, Con. 9 S V2 Lot 3, Conc. 6 N M2 Lots i1 & 17, Cono. 6 Lot 15, Conc. 9 Part Lot 16, Conc. 6 Lot 12, Conq.,7 Loti1, Cono. 7 Lots 3 &4, Conc. 6 N 1/2 Lot 11, Conc. 7 S 1/2 Lot11, Conc. 6 N 1/2 Lot 10, Conc. 6 S 1/2 Lotl13, Conc. 6 Lots 9, 10, Cono. 8 Lots 10, 11, Cono. 8 Lot 4, Conc. 9 Lot 8, Cono. 8 Part of Lots 15 & 16, Cono. 6 Part Lot 4, Cono. 5 Part Lots 3 & 4, Cono. 1 N 1/2 Lot 17, Conc. 2, Thorah N 1/2 Lot 5. Conc. 6, Brock S 1/2 Lot 2, Cono. 8, Brook Part Lot 4, Cono. 7, N 1/2 Lot 3,Cônc. 4 Lot 6, Cono. 3, Thorah Lot 20,.Cono. 14, Brookç Lot 15, Cono. 14, Brock E 1/2 Lot 13, Cono. 1. Brock Lot 14, Conc. 1, Brock Lot 18, Conc. 6, Clarke Lot 24, Cono. 2, Clarke Part Lots 21, 22, Cono. 4, Clarke Lots 23,24, Conc. 10, Clarke Part Lot 23, Cono. 4, Clarke Lot 3, Conc. 6, Scott N Lot 16, Conc. 5, Scott W Lot 17, Conc. 6, Scott Lots 9, 10, Cono. 3, Scott W Lot 19, Cono. 6, Scot E Lot 17, Cono. 5, Scott Lot 19, Conc. 7, Scott N 1/2 Lot 25, Conc. 6, Scott Part Lot 24, Conc. 4. Scot Part Lot 26, Conc. 4, Scott E 1/2 Lot 21, Conc. 6, Scot E 1/2 Lot 25, Conic. 4. Scott E 1/2 Lot 23, Conc. 4, Scot Part of Lot 22, Conic. 6, Scott Lot 22, Coic. 4 Part Lot 22, Cono. 9 Lot 34 & 35, Conc. 3 <Whtby) Lot 1, Conc. 3 (Pickering) Part Lot 23, Conc. B.F. Lot 21, Conc. 6 S 1/2 Lot 20,Conc. 7 Loi 33, Cono. 2 Part Lots 18, 19, Cono. 5 Part Lots 25, 26, Cono. 9 Part Lot 34, Cono. 9 N Part Lot 34, Conc. 4 Lois 21, 22, Cono. 1, 2, Darlinglon Lots 20,21, Cono. B.F., Clarke Part Lots 23, 24, 25. Cono. 1 & 2, Dartington Lots 28, 29, Conc. 8, Darigion Lots 11, 12, Conc. 4, Clarke LoiS 13, 14, Conc. 4, Clarke LotS 9, 10, Cono. B.F., Clarke Lts 23, 24, Conc. 1, Clarke Lot 25, Conc. 4, Darlington Lot 35. Conc.9, 10, Darlington TOWNSHIP Claringion Clarlngton Clarlngton Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Ajax Brock Brook Brock Brook Brook Brook Brook Brook Brook Clarlngton Clarington Clarngton Clarngton Clarlngton Uxbrldge Uxbrldge Uxbrldge Uxbrldge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbrldge Uxbrldge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbrldge Uxbridge Uxbridge Uxbridge Whliby Whltby Whltby Whltby Whitby Whitby Whltby Whltby Whitby Whltby Whitby Clarlngton Clarngion Clazlngon - Clartngton Clartngton Clartngton Clarlngton Clalington Claringlon Claringlon TENANT I OWNER Blokle, Ronald Gelsberger, Arnold Ryland Faims Ambrose, Harvey Ambrose, Harvey Windfleld Faims Luke, Gordon / Gelsberger, Amnold Ter%-illliga, M.A. Hunter, Robert Ellîns, Levi Sanderson, Murray Flett, Robert Nesbitt, Fred Gelsberger, Arnold Grandy Powell, Vemn Beathton Faims Pieti, Robert Powell, Robert V. Powell, Robert V. Powell, Vemon J. Powell, Vemon Mackey, Frank Mackey, Robert Slute, John Gelsberger, Rlck Powell, Vem Loa-De-Mede Faims Lid. Allun, Hugh Shler, Ron Shier, Ron Stevenson, Ross Shier, Ron Campbell, Rlck Campbell, Jim Brown, Davld Hadden, Paul Hadden, Donald Morton, Gordon Chrlsti, Joe Haie, Bil Cochrane, James Yeo, Bruce Cox, Murray MeKnlght, Roger McKnight, Roger Coxlynn Faims Lld. McKnlght, Roger McKnlght, Roger McKnlght, Roger Rynard, Wayne Rynard, Wayne Rynard, Wayne Degeer, Bilan Rynard, Wayne Rynard, Wayne Degeer, Bilan Hansen, Bruce Struss, Heinilch Guihie, Neil Hunier, Robert Hunter, Robert Powell, Vemon J. Mackey, Robert Hunier, Robert Hunier, Robert Hunter, Robert Hunter, Robert Schwarz Bros. Lld. Chrisil, Joe Fracz Gelsbergeî, Arnold Haie, Bill Frank, Victor Chrisil, Joe Fosier, Earl Geisberger, Riok Herringa, John LOCATION N 1/2 Lot 34, Conc. 8, Darlngton Part Lot 6, Cono. 5 Part Lot 10, Cono. 9 LotS5, Cono. 9, Oshawa N Part of Loi 6, Cono. 6 N 1/2 Lois 15 & 16, Cono. 7 S1V2 Lots 5& 6.Conc. 6 N Part of Loi 4, Cono. 8 Loi 24, Cono. 6 Lot 18, Cono. 8 Lot 26, Cono. 5 Lots 28 &29, Conc. 3 Lot 9, Cono. 9 Lots 15, 16, Conc. 9, Loi 9. Conc. 8 S 1/2 Lot 26, Conc. 5 Lois 28, 30, 31, 32, Cono. 7 & 8 Lo17, Conc. 6 Part Lots 17, 18, Cono. 4 Part Lot 20, Cono. 5 Part Lots 17, 18, Cono. 5 Lot 2, Cono. 6, Plokerlng Lot 5, Cono. 9, Pickering Part Lot 4, Cono. 7 Part of Lots 13 & 14, Cono. 8 Lois 18, 19, Cono. 1, Reaoh Loi 17, Cono. 4, Reach Loi 7, Cono. 1, Cartwght E 1/2 Lot11, Cono.2Z S 1/2 Lot 25, Cono. 6, Clarke Loi 3, Cono. 1, Dartîngion Loi 24, Cono. 4, Darlingion Lot11 & 12, Conc. 5, Darlîngion Lot 28, Conc. 9, Clarke Loi 33, Cono. 4, Darlingion, Lot 32, Cono. 6, Dalingon Lot 13, Cono. A& B. Clarke Part Lot 25, Cono. 6, Clarke Lot 21, Cono. 8 & 9, Dariîngton Part 0f Lot 4, Cono. 7, Daringion N 1/2 Loi 28, Conc. 5, Darlington N Part Lot 32, Cono. 7, Dailington Part of Lot 32, 33, Cono. 5 Darlington S 1/2 Lots 9, 10, Conc. 7, Clarke S 1/2 Lot 31,Conc. 6, Clarke S81/2 Lot 2, Cono. 5, Clarke Part Lois 8, 9, Conc. 1B+1, Clarke Lois 21 & 22,.Cono. 7, Darllngton Loi 12, Cono. 6, Darlington Lot 21, Cono. 10, Clarke Lot 8, Cono. 7, Daington Lot 23, Cono. 9, Clarke Lois 12, 13, Cono. 6, Darlington N 1/2 Lot 26, Cono. 6, Clarke Lois 19, 20, Conic. 6, Clarke Lot 25, Cono. 9, Darlington Lot 22, Cono. 7, Clarke N 1/2 Lot 13, Conc. 6, Dailingion Lots 10, 11, Cono. 8, Darlingion Lot 14, Cono. A& B, Clarke Lot 3. Cono. 4. Clarke Lot 34, Cono. 5, Dailington Lot 26, Cono. 9, Darlîngion Lot 30, Cono. 1. Darlington Lot 31, Conc. 1. Dailingion N 1/2 Lot 28, Conoc. 2, Clarke S Part Lot 21, Conc. 1, Clarke N Part Lot 21, Conoc. 1, Clarke Part Lot 17, Conc. 4, Dadringion N 1/2 Loi 16, Cono. 7, Darlingion Lots 29, 30, Conc. 5, Clarke S 1/2 Lot 29, Conc. 7, DarlInglon TOWNSHIP Clarington Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa Oshawa. Oshawa Oshawa Pickeilng Pickering Pýckering Pickeilng Pickeilng, Pickering Pickeing Pickeing Pickeilng Pickeing Pickeilng Pickeilng Pickering Pickeilng Pickeing Pickeilng Sougog Scugog Scugog Scugog Clarlnglon Claington Claringlon Clarington Clarîngion Clartngton Clailngton Clailngton Claringion Clarington Clarington Claington Clailngton Claringlon Clarlngton Clairiglon Claulngton Claringion Clarington Clarington Clarington Claington Clailngton Clailnglon Clarlngton Claington Clarlr.gton Clailngton Clailngton Clarington Clarington Clatington Clailngton Claringion. Claringion Claulngton Clarlngton Clarington Clarington Clarington Claringlon Claringlon Clarlngton TENANT I OWNER Love, Douglas Loa-De-Mede Fais Ltd. Slute, LUoyd Ambrose, Harvey Amibrose, Harvey Labrie, F.E. Ambrose, Harvey Slute, John Gmeig, Uyd Aimack, Lome D. Hunier, Robert Partsh, C.W. MoKelver, Peter McKelver, Peter Hunter, Robert Willams, Jack Hunter, Robert Hunier, Robert Hunter, Roberl Hunier, Robert Gelsberger, Rick Geisberger, Rick Toroase Pmoperties Ltd. Stlckwood, Raymond Hunter, Robert Hunter, Robert Ambrose, Harvey Rowe, Glen Pedwell, B. Schwarz Bros. Geisberger, Riok Schwarz Bros. Wood, John Geisberger, Rick Geisberger, Rick Christi Jr., Joe D. Porter, Randy Worden, John Snowden, David Geisberger, Amoid Gelsberger, Arnold Ryland Faims Schmegner, Jullus Flnnook, Stan Todd, Bruce Robinson, Donald Wilsona Faims Wlsona Farms McKeen,Tim Loveridge, Walter Jefts, Roy Jeweil, William Schlacht, Adoîf Morton, R.D. Mountjoy, Dale Hooey. William Wilsona Faims Milison, A. ChristilJoe Todd, Bruce Gelsberger, Ron Geisberger, Amnold Christi, Joe Christi, Joe Allin, Hugh Ailin, Hugh Allun, Hugh Gilbank, Robert McGill, Keith Allin, Hugh Svetec, Paul LOCATION N 1/2 Lotl13, Conc. 7, Darlngton Lot 4, Cono. 3, Clarke Part Lot 6, Cono. B, Clarke Part Lots 19 & 20, Cono. 9, Daingion Part Lot 24, Cons. 2, Clarke N 1/2 Lotsl18 &19, Cono. 6, Clarke N 1/2 Lot 20, Conc. 6, Clarke S 1/2 Lots 23 &24, Cono. 7, Clark. N U2Lots 23 &24, Cons. 6, Clarke S 1/2 Lot 25, Cono. 7, Clarke Lot 22 &S 1/2 Lot 21, Cons. 6, Clarke Lot 33, Cono. 5, Darîngton S 1/2 Lot 24, Cons. 6, Clarke S 1/2 Loti15, Cono. 5, Reaoh Lots 23, 24, Cono. 2, 3, Reach Part Lots 2.,3, 4, Cons. 2,3, Cartwright Part Lot 9, Cons. 3, Cartwright S 1/2 Lotl14, Cono. 3, Cartwight Lot 6, Cono, 3, Cartwight N 1/2 Lot 13, Cono. 14, Reach, Lot 7, Conc. 3, Cartwrlght Lot 8, Cono. 3, Cartwright N of Lot 14, Cono. 3, Cartwight Lot 18, Cono. 4, Reach N1/I2 Lotl14, Conc. 2, Cartwilght Lot 15, Cono. 3, Cartwilght N1V2 Lots 7,8, Cono. 10, Reach Lot 9, Conc. 10, Reach Part Loi 7, 8, Conc. 2, Cartwright N E1/2 Lotl13, Cono. 9, Reach E 1/2 Lot 10, Con. 2 Cartwright S W Lot 19, Cons.2 Cartwight N Part Lot 21, Cons. 7, Cartwight W 1/2 Lot 12, Cono. 2, Cartwright Loi 20, Cono. 2, Cartwight S 1/2 Lot 4 &5, Cono. 13 & 14, Reach Part of Lot 7, Cono. 10, Reach Part of Lots 8 & 9, Cono. 6, Cartwight Part of Loi 6, Conc. 2. Cartwight Lot 6, Conc. 3. Uxbildge S Part Lots 19,20, Cons. 6 N Part Lot 16, Con. 8 Lot 29, Part Lot 30, Conc. 3 Lot 31, Cons. B.F. N Part Lot 35, Cons. B.F. Part of Lot 19, Cons. 7 Part Lots 32 & 33, Cono. 3 S 1/2 Lot 19, Cono. 9 FACIUTY TOWNSHIP Clarington Clarington Ch-aingion Claringion Clarlngton Claringion Claington Claingion Claringlon Clarngton Clailngton Claringion Clailngton Scugog Sougog Scugogý Scugog Sougog Sougog Scugog Sougog Sougog Sougog Scugog Scugog SouÉgg Scugog Sougog Scugog Sougog Sougog Sougog Scugog Sougog Scugog Scugog Scugog ýScugog Scugog Uxbildge Whitby Whitby Whitby Whiby Whltby Whitby Whutby Whltby Yoilk/Durham WPCP (Duffiln Cieek> Harmnony Creek #1, Harmnony Creek #2 Corbett Creek Graham Creek Port Darlingion Uxbildge Brook Pingle Creek #1 Pringle Creek #2 Beaverton River 2 Lagoon <Canningion) Beaverton River 1 Lagoon (Sundeilanid) Lake Slmooe Lagoon (Beaverton) Nonquon River Lagoon (Port Perry) TENANT I OWNER Svetec, Paul Bainoski, Edward Formosa, M. J. Pedwell, Barry Allun, Hugh Loweiy, Carl Lowery, Carl Hooey, John Lowery, Carl Lowery, Carl Lowery, Carl Gelsberger, Ron Pedwell, B. Hunier, Robert Hunter, Robert Graham, Harvey' Graham, Harvey Graham, Harvey Cochrane, George McKnlght, Roger Graham, Harvey Medd, Harold Wtteveen, Benny Hunier, Robait Duivesieyn, Anthony Mazzrolo, Artenlo Bacon, Earl Bacon, Eaul Bractbum, Marjoile Slbonlnskl Bradbum, Maroile Churchill, William Fiacz, Stan Grove, Glen Graham, Harvey Bacon, Earl Bacon, Murrey Wolters, John Avery Lawrence Mange. Allin, Hugh Allun, Hugh Aluin, Hugh Allin, Hugh Allun, Hugh Ryland Faims (A. Geisberger) Guthie, H. <Bert) Mîhello, Frank MUNICIPAUTY Pickeing Oshawa Oshawa Whltby Clarlngton Clarlngton Uxbridge Whhtby Whftby Brook Brook Brook Scugog

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