Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1995, p. 30

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PaGe 30, WhItby Free Prsse, Wochieday, may 3.1995 Grads again guaranteed Agin ti yaDurham College is offerin te employer guarantee, W ,cover a i 99 graduates until Jume 1996. The. employer guarantee was introduced by the coilege i 1994. The guarantee applies to al graduates who are hired for an entry level position on a fIlH-time, part-time or contract basis. if an employer findas the coilege graduate hired dsn't have the. knowledge of sidils normally requir-ed in bis orher program of study, the coilege will provide additional training for the. graduate for up to one year after graduation.1 The coilege bas received very positive feedback about the. guarant.. fiomemployers and .clege graduates alike. Sinco the. guarantée was launcbed in June 1994, oely four graduates and two epoeshave uSed it . '1une more way in which w. strve to ho accoumtable to students and employer." says Durham College prednt Goey Polonsky. Janis Leering ANDERSON C.V.I. Skilled skipper MELISSA DAVIS of the Ormiston Optim- ists shows her abilities dudin a skgping demonstration by the Ormstn ublil Shainnon Maracle School studerits at Bellwood Public Sohool recently. Photo by Peter Nilas, Whitby Free Pres Iknow that May 'i ongtb a busy month, and it lam barely begun. For graduatingstudents, prom pakgshave been itributeand they are due back on Friday. ."Conditional" coilege offers should ho arriving in mafiboxes any time after May 15. An OSAI> seminar for student assistance is scheduled for tomnorrow (Thursday) atý 10:30 a.m. Those of you aniously awaiting Wo enjoy a night of one-act comedy need wait no longer. 'Spontaneïous Combustion III' tickets are available for the May 17-19 performances, for just $5 a ticket. On April 27, Anderson held its Career Fair for students who wanted a chance Wo speak Wo pros ina nuznber of different fields. Thanks teail who took the time Wo corne in and help out wvith this popular event. ~*Olympios event for !SINCLAIÀ SECONDARY SCHOOL Scee Last week Sinclair was a place of many activities. The. nidget boys' rugby t.am defeated Anderson 12-0. An excellent gae was played by ail. Tii. junior teamr also played well, considering the. poor playing conitions, but lost Wo a Wough ,Anderson team. me girls' sscer team Pla well in their opening match week (score not reported). (3ood luck W ail of our teams in their games this week. Last week there were many visitoes W Sinclair. mhe Grade 8 student. fr-oniall of Sinclair' elementary feeder achoole were on tour. mhe tour were provided by our Grade il peer counseiloe!s as woil as otiier student leaders. To the. Grade 8 students, altbough a lot of you had Wo sing- songe such as 7l'a lttIs T@sot your years at Sinclair should ho fufihannsd chalening Ai ofus are looking forward Wo seeing you at the barbecue. On May 18, Sinclair wiil hold the. officiai grand opening ceremonies. Thore wiilalS ho a dramatic presentation put on by the. students.hIpeprtinfor this, all of our TAGgroupeswiil submit a pece of art to hang u during ti.presentation. Ail aspects of the performance should ho wonderful. TIckets will hoissued tW parents of students participating m tii. event. Those seats should ho fiiled by 7 p.m. After that, the. remainder of the. seats wil ho available on a firet-come-fir- serve basis. Details to follow. Réminder ail students mnvolved in the oe gare expected to attend alrehearsalto ho ready for the. big day. New en Wednesdays: Mons outside sud paricipate in une of our exciting aromund the. city or trouttihng on the Ganarasha ]River.I order tWmonUp for these events youi need a prison form. For trout flhnse. Mr. Black, and for bhiking, se. Mr. Court. Congratulations tW Sinclairs reach team who finished the season last we.k with 13 wins and a third-plce standing in the lefu:. W hd, o lieve that events and ideas for the next achool year are already being lanned. But if~s happeningan there are many things Wo look forward Wo. If you are interestedh igoing to St. Donat, Qué, see Mme Poulin-Tennant or Mme Rosa. If you are interesod i participating i the Encounters with Canada program next year, se. Me. Kagaichi as sonas possble. stud'ents Bufilding bridges, costrucin boats, designing en pretectors Grade 4 Wo 8 stdents frm 25 of Durham's public elementary schools Winl lear nvrugh collaborative problem-olvmng skilIs needed for the. workplaoe. Seventy-five studeats willl emlymath science stratog-es, shwig they can folow directions and solve pobea in t.ms givea maay chllnud a time limit. The Science Olympie takes ~en the. Central Park Senior Êlic School gymnasium un 1'hursday, May 11,9 a.m. Wo 3:15 P.m. A team of womenegnes will speak W students duingtii. day runmg them tUmh chahenïe. The end of achool is i sight. Exams begin on June 19 (and crdtenda red letter will ho distrbut 112). 1 Also, Muscle.Mia will ho held May 16,' when another. arm-wrestling competition wil give people a chance Wo show off their buffed bodies. Anderson is eoibn h competition ispnng sports.hI basebxAilRaiders-beat Exeèter ia doubleheader, 6-7 and 10-5ý tW go 3-0fo the oeasoneo far. Win* pitchers were Greg mryand Chris Campbell. LOSSA badminton results were also quit. good. I junior an~s girls, Claire Bramma took gola and Burke Rutherford did the samo for the boys. In junior doubles' girls, bronze winners we re Rub~y Luthra and Roshan James, with Tyson Pool and Scott McKinney getting silver for the boys. Altogether,- Anderson won the junior division trophy with 54 points.. The senior girli? field lacrosse team won against both ANax and Ausin, and the. junior varsity team hmd a »wet and wild time" at the Donevan Jamboree. The track and field teanisi looking good again this year for the. May 17-18 LOSSA competition. Tii. best events wil ho the 400-metro hurdies, relay and the. long and triple jump. Good luck W ail team members. ii soccer team had a tournament i Bracebridgs .bast weekend. AIsoý the 32-team ,Aniderson invitational in being held Ti!usdy tW Saturday this week. It is snord by Scarborough Lexus oyeota. ToenorroMw, catch the jno r u g be a t A j x T h e m ' s achedulehbastben busy, with soveral games i the past week. Addiction Prevention Weok i. May 1&-19. There wil ho guest speakers on substance abuse, as well as a stop-smoking 6ir sponsored b~y the. Lung Association. A French Soirée was a big bit lsM week, with French. music and games for ail. And finally,, student council "ntry-ouSware coenig Up Ummf. Forma are availablo hm the council office, end are due back on Moeiday, May 8. Cet involv.d.

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