Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 3 May 1995, p. 18

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page 18, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, May 3, 1M9 OMTOPOROS The Whitby OsteoporSmd Support Group wiIl meet on Friday, May 12, 1:30 p.m., at the Whitby Seniors! Activity Centre 801 Brock St. S. (meetings wil conti nue as usual on the second Fniday in May). A pharmacist Wiil discuss calcium and medication. St. Mare nited Church Women wiil hold their iiinth annuel spring roat beef dinner on Wednesdy, May 10, 6:30 p.m., et 201 Centre St. S., Whitby (corner of Colborne). Guest speaker will ho Glenn McKnight, chi fDurham Region Habitat for Huwmanity, a non-profit organiaton that builds or renovates housing for needy families on a cooperative hosis. Dinner/presentation tickets are $10 each (chidren under 12, $5). For more information caIl the church at 668-3091 or Renee et 571-4193. NEWCOMEBS CLUB 'fie Oshawa/Whitby Newvomers Club will meet on Tuesdy, May 9, 8 p.m., et the. Oshawa Arts Resource Centre, Green Room. Ail women in the area are welcome. Dr. David MacAskill. will speak on spinal, health awareness. Admission is $1 for memibers, guesta free. For more information, call Information Whitby et 668-0552 or Information Oshawa at 434-4636. AQUARIUM SOCIETY Tbe Durham Region Aqjuarium Society will meet on Tuesday,» May 9 7:30 pam., i the cafeteria at R&à. Mc aufilnCV,570 Stevenson Rd. N. (js south cf Roswland Road), Oshawa. Guest speaker will ho Cindy Le., cura- tor cf fleh et the Metropoitan Toronto Zoo who will diss cichids cf -LakeVictoria. For more information, calI Barry McKee 4t 683-7660. Tii Parent Group cf Epilepsy Durham Region will meet on Tuesday, May 9, 7:30 pamn, at the. Kinsmen Community Centre, 109 Coiborne St. W., Oshawa. Betty Gormick cf Prudential Insurance wiil ho guest speaker. Ail are welcome. For more information, cal 666-9926. MENTALEALTH The fourth annuel Mental Health Awareness Day, hosted by the. Oshawa/Whitby and Clerington COPE Mental Health Programa, wil be held Thursday, May 4, 10 a.m. ta 9 p.m., at the, Osht.wa Centre. There will b. information/education displays on mental health prgams and services. For more information, oeil Sharon Cochrane, COPE program manager, at (905) 434-1693. *WEEKEND eFree Parking & Admission ANTIQUES *COLLECTABLES *CRAFTS a GIFTS *FRUIT & VEGETABLES SAT. 9-5 ~SUN 10- 5 THICKSON RD. NORTH (NORTH 0F TAUNTON) SPAGETMIDNNER The Solvation Army and Mom's and Tots wiil present a spaghetti dinner on Saturday, May 13, 6 p.m., at the Selvation Army Haell, 122 Kent St. Tickets,4 $5 for adulte and $2.50 for children (under age 11)g, are available et the Salvation Army Thnrift Store, 225 Brock St. N., Whitby. For imore information, Calil 668-0868. LEGAL AID A 19Walaid advic. cinic wilho held on Tuesday, May 9, 7 p.m., at the Whity Pulic lrai. Appsintanents must ho mede at the Wbitby Information Contre, 900 Brock St. S. Cients Teceive a confidential 15-minute .t ment with a:lawyer, at nor c; For more information, cail 668-0662. Nurses Week DR. DAHLIA CAMPBELL (right), first vice-president of the DurhamNlorthumberfa *nd Chapter of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, and Lydia Abbott, registered nurse at Oshawa General Hospital, are two of the organizers of events for Nurses Week, May 8 to 15. On Monlay, May 8, 7:30 p.m., the chapter will host the musical 'Real Nurse' at the CAW Hall, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. For tickets, oeil Abbott at 728-5666. PARENT FIDERS Parent Finders,. the volunteer group that help in the research cf adoptees and birth relativesta find eech other, meets on Tuesday, May 9, 7:30 pamn, et ,Albert St. Umted Church in Oshawa. For more information, oeil Sendy et 404-9151 or Jan et 686-7840. ROSE SMINAR Oshawa Garden Club and Perkwood Estates present information seminars on "Rses on Thursday, May 4, 2 and 7 p.m., et tii. Oshawa Public Iàbrary, flm auditorium, 65 Begot St., Oshawa. Cost i* $5 rpeon Ethel Freemen, president cf the. World Federation cf Rose Societies wiil speak on planting, maintaining and produj prz-winning rose%, wt There wil ho a slide and video presentation on the highlights cf the 'Rose World 1994 Convention' held ini Christ Church, New Zealand lest November. BLOOD DONOR CINIC A Red Cross blood donor ecli will ho held on Tuesday, Ma 1 1 ta 8 pamn, et the. Legionle Branch 112, 117 Byron BSt.8 Whitby. PC USERSP CLUB The Durham PC Useri' Club will meet on Thursday, May 11, 7 tolO10p.m., at the CAW Local 222, 1425 Phillip Murray Ave., Oshawa. The annual elections wil be followed by a swap meet for members. For more information, cali Bruce Laycraft at 728-9351. CRAPT SHOW The lSth annual Whitby Festival of Crafts Show wiil b. held at Iroquois Park, WhitbLy, on May 5 to 7. More than 100 vendors wil offer a wide selection of crafts. FASHION SHOW M'le Whitby Seniors! Activity Centre, 801 Brock S. S, is holdin~g a fashien show on Sunday, May 7 1p.m. Osyle Nichob of Iàngerî g Ipressions ini Pickering wîl omentate and sply fshons. Tickets cost $8 each and can be obtained at the centre or oeil 668-1424. COIN CLUB The. Oshawa & District Coin Club will meet et the Arts Resource Centre behind Oshawa City Hall on Sunday, May 7, 12:30 p.m. For more information ceil 728-1352. FOCUS ON WVELLNESS A Focus on Wellness sympo- sium, with a focus on "stress and stress management,'will ho held on Sunday, May 7 at the. Holiday Inn, Oshawa. Gues speaker will ho Charlene Day ,heelth edu- cator and author o 'ii. Immune Systemi Handbook: Your Owner's Manual. For more information, caîl 721-1887. WORKSHOP Big Sisters NOW will present a workshop, 'Working with Lesbian, Gay and . Bisexual Youth,' n Monday, May 8, 9 a.m. ta 4 p.m., et the Durham Board of Education Centre, Taunton Roed East Whitb~yroom- 215. Tii. workshop is designed for service prvders and educators who work with leshian, gay and bisexual youth. Coot ie $25. Cail 725-9300 for more information. HOLISTCEALIR A series of smnrSs on naturel health car. is hoing offered et the YWCA Adelaide Houe. on Wednesdays from 7:30 ta 9:30 p.m. *May. 17: Reiki, with Bernie Morin, Reiki master, May 24: acupuncture and treditional Chines. medicine, with Tony Chuvalo; May 31: network spinal analysis, with Dr. Fedor Zlina; June .7: 'Flowering Women,' with Madeleine Byrnes, psyehotherapist; June 14: Ayurvedic medicine with Dr.' Munjal Parikh. Tlhe seminars each cost $15 in. advance, and series passes are available for $,59. A portion of the proceeds goes ta support Simcoe Hall Settiement House Women's Wellness Centre. For information and ta register, cali Imagin.Action Productions et 721-1887. LING WLTH LCANCER Living With Cancer support grou fo adulte,, friende and faiy will meet on Monday, May 8, 7 ta 9 p.m., in room G013, Ajax-Pickering Hospital. -Youth aged 7 ta 17 deeling with cancer either personehly or with a Parent or sibling meet from 7 ta 8:30 p.m.j, May 8 et the Holy Trinity Church, 91 Kings Cres., Ajax. For moreinformtion, oel 686-1516. OLDIES DANCE The Durham Chapter of the Cysic Fibrosis Foundation wilil hast the l3th annuel Breath cf iàfe '50s and '609 oldies Dance for çyctic fibrosi, featuring Don Baker and Craig Smith and Don Dainard, Saturday, May 6, 8 p.m.,at Oshawa Civic Arena. Tickets are $22 each. Call 668- 1599.%d CARNATION CAMPAJON The annual carnation campaign takes place on Mayl11 12, 13 to raise fimds fer mutiplel scierosis research and provida fir famiy services. To provide volunteer help, cail the.MO Society at (905) 686-2581. LJRACY FUNDING Superior Propane ' FIFor Lterac-Y Barbecue party wil ho held on Saturday,-Mayl13, 9 a.m. to, 3:30 p.m., at.505 Victoria St. E., Whitlby. Each 20-pound tank in filled for $5 on this special da only. From each fill-up, $1 will h donated ta, literacy programs. FUN FAIR West Lynde Public School wl hold the lOth annual Fun Fair on Frday, May 5, 5:15 to 9 p.m., at the achool, 270 Michael Blvd., Whitby. There wiil b. more than 30 games and events including fantasy room, haunted houae face painting, inflated maze, cake walk, fish pond, wheel of fortune, bot doga and hamugr. For; mom and dad, there is a weekend trip available for bidding at the sulent auction, wbich alzo includes 50 other items. CLUB CAMI Club Carib -of 'Oshawa bic. wil hold a dance and queen crown*ng Saturday, May 13j 8 pam., at the Caribbean Cultural Centre, 600 Wentworth St. E., Oshawa. Adision is -$8. Caribbean Snacks wil ho on sale. Music by D.J. Lee. HEORMSSOE ]PJTIUNHG Anyone interestèd ini joining the Whitby Ringers for a gae of horseshoes starting My47 p.m., et Kinsmen Park,% Whiby, cen oeil Nick for more information at 668-5500.. PIRAC'TICE SWING The Arthritis Society wiil hold a fundraiser et Durham Driving Range, 'Taunton Road West, Oshawa, Saturday, May 13, noon ta 3 p.m. For more information, call 434-7221. YARD SALE The Arthnitis Society wlll hold a giant yard and bake sale on SaturdayMay 6 9 am. to3 p.n., at 1585 Townn Rd. N., Oshawa. There will ho house. and patio furniture, ppiances, dishes, toys, and mo0r=rmreiformation, oeil 434-7221, orc Lorraine Anderson at 725-6746. WELLNISS SEMNA 7th Day Adventist Church will present a Family Wellness semi- nar on Saturday, May 13, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m., at Cormack Station, 250 Hickory 'St., Whitby. For more information or to, register, call 728-8396 or 666-8007. PIANO MONSTER «.For the Love of Music - A BALANCE A workshop ta learn tcnqe ta reduce stress, improve perauda performance and develop a more positiv relationslhip, wil ho offered at the Ajax Public Librazy 65 Harwood Ave, on Wednesday May 171, 7 to9 pan. The. f.. in$8 pe 'ebn and the book fee is $5. Ca e ti. Famlly Eduaton Resoure Centre at 433-0386, ext 316.

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