Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1995, p. 38

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HUNTER, David& Julie (nee Wilson) aie excited 1 announce the safe arrvai of their baby boy, DALLAS DAVID RICHARD, 8lbs. 5oz. on February 3rd, 1995 ai OshawYa General Hospital. A new brother. for Shelby. Proud grandparents are David & Shirelene Wilson & Bob and Barbara Hunier ail of Brooklin. Thanks 10 Dr. B. Caims and the hospital staff. MARK, Gary and Shannon Mark are pleased to announce the birth of their son, JACOB THOMAS, at Aj!ax Hospital, on 13 Apnil 1995, ai 18PmlpmProud 9randiparents are Ken and Sue Bnimble, and Bruce and (the late) Dianne Mark, ail of Whitby. Jacob wishes 10 thank Dr. Kirupa and the nursing staff at Ajax Hospital for taking such good care of him and mommy. TOMALTY Rick and Carol thank the Lord for the safe -amrval of GARRETT DREW on March 19, 1995, ai 6:1 3am, wleighing lOlbs, 112. oz. He is ait lo broiher for Chnistopher, and a new grandchild f0 spoil' for Steve and Anne Ogletree of Almonte, Ontario and Ken and Wilda Tomalty of Pe-mbroke, Ontario. Many thanks 10 the staff ah the Ajax Pickering Hospital. [Please Recycle This Newspaper KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS - eeyWednesday ah 6:30p t locahd #2699 Brock Rd. N., Pickering, 3 miles north of hwy. #401 (hake exit #399). Feahunng every ed an excellent selection ofatques, fine fumnishinjgs, glass china, collectabies, primiives, and other unusuals. So join us every Wed. and partipaie in one of Ontanio's Nfrue" auctions wifth no buy-backs or reserves. Ternis: cash, cheque (with prper I.D.) or Visa. Prevîews frm l:OOpm, S Consignmenh & Estate selling our scialh Cail us toda - hn SAucinSrvices 905-683-004. AUCTION SALE, Saturday May 13 ai lOam Kedron United Church, corner ot Ritson N. & Conoin Rd., Oshawa. Also flea market, craffs, antiques, bake table, books, lunch couniter. For more information: Keith ý579-0191 or Doug 725-5024. SAT. APRIL 29 AT lOam OUR ANNUAL SPRING FARM MACHINERY, VEHICLE, RV AUCTION AT ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTER, LINDSAY 20+4 Davis trencher & trailer hydrostatic, 4 way blade, 2 cyl. motor, Allis 170 diesel tractor nIih 500 loader, 2 tandem floats wiih brakes, singie axle float, 87-26 fi. Citation motor home, rear bed, loaded, under instructions from Alan Lawson Fisher, Trustee in Bankruptçy we will b. selling an 18' skiboat, .Ohp motor & trailer, 20' Cutter boat with Merc. 110, 1 7# fibreglasstinhull boat, 65h19 outboard & trailer, 14' Traveller wit SOhp Merc & trailer, 14' fibregiass boat, several smaller boats, 2 nifles 2 shoiguns, '65 Pontiac Beaumoni converlible, new 350 motor, certified, '85 Dodge Charger, certified, '68 4-dr. Cadillac, '89 Mercury Sable, loaded, '85 Cadillac Sedan DeVille '78 Jeep 4X4, '82 Mazda RX7, 'ë6 Ford Taurus, '91 Ford Explorer 4X4, loaded, '66 Olds <ulass 4 dr., only 56,000 miles '72 Mercedes, certified, '89 l!ord Escort, '84 Ford Ltd., '90 Lumina '90 Dynasty, '84 Pontiac Fiero, :é§ GMC 6.2 diesel cube van, '89 Pontiac Sunbird, '88 Ford Aeroshar van, '88 Sundanoe, '93 Ford Taurus, '89 Daytona, '84 Chev Celebrity '90 Merc Topaz LS, '86 Oids Calais, '88 Hyundai Excel, small diesel tractor with loader about 20 cars, trucks, etc, '90 Forci F250 4X4 wiih plow, '80 Chev Blazer 4X4 wvith plow, large assortment of rentaI equipment, tools, glassware, etc., 2 electnic cul-off saws, hospital beds, 4 Ramset guns wiih discs, cordless drill, armature g rowler, trailer hutches, camper jacks & equipmeni, submersible pumnp, 7 Santa Claus suits, sewng machines, lawr sweeper, dog clipper, camping trailer, propane water heater, 2 Wsconsin waier pumppressure washer on trailer with 200 g ai. tank, 2 mortar mixers. Partial list, subjeci to additions and' deletions. Accepting vehicles, riding lawn mowers, construction equipmeni, trailes, boats, RV's shop tbls, must be ai bam by lËriday. Cal b consign or bning to bamn. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTIONS 705-324-2783 or 1-800-46146499 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, APRIL 28 at 5:3Opm 3 miles east of Little Bnitain on County Rd. 4 The property of GORD WRIGHT of Fenelon Falis plus contents of a Lindsay home, plus others 9 pc. wainut dining room suihe, pine qqn abietmaple kiichen suite, GEamond 2 door refnigerahor & maiching 3Oin. electric stove almond dishwasher, General upnight freezer, console colour TV, 5Spc. rattan kitchen suite, rattan coffee & end tables, uprighi piano modem dressers & chesis ot drawers, antique seiee, Quebec heater, coffée & end hables, Duncan Phyfe drop leaf table, wroughh iron kiichen suite, Siaking washer & dryer, new pin. roll top desk, press back rocker, Kenmore 2 door refnigerahor & 3Oin. electric stove, fine art electric Uin Ram table saw, box trailer, JË) 108 niding lawinower, 20 fi. Norcom irailer (Holiday model1 fully eqipped in excellent condition), qty. sports cards, plus a quaniity.f cina, glas household & collectable DON & GREG CORNIEIL AUCTIONEERS RRDI, Little Britain 705-786-2183 Respite service looks for volunteers Durham Famifly Resfite Servics, which provides relie f for families who have a handicapped member lvn at home and proo nte frendsup and socaliztion for the eber with spocial needa, is looking for volunteers te spend time with a new friend.. Durham Respite provides ongoing triainrandinormation sesions for unteers. For more information, oeil 905-427-3541. The Marcii 21 Red Cross blood rdonor clinic iield at the. Legion hall downtown i Whtby, had 330 registered donors and 300 runits cieced Always, mme people are deferr.d for minor health reasons. Some regular donors were unable te, wait due to the. extra time now needed during the. screening mIt in most unfortunate that w. bost a good number et donors wbo coudnot spend the. time te b. oplllë/ muf iatitirJLJUM CLUUUUpuu jng 1 M r M luS VOLUNTEER PAiRI'!'summer and diingz two or three hundred miles into the US. Senior. who volunteer in any This seema 80 odd te me given that summer is the eaaiest cycy can attend the te, explore Canada the third-largoat country ithi. world. <vomtr Recognition C<ffee The. CTC will work in cooperation withi the touriSm industry' Party' on Thurday, April 27, 2 on a cost-sharing basis. Fifty million dollar. of taxpayers' p.m. at he WitbySeni>rs' money i. bein1 invested in this initiative. Pive million dolar. Activity Centre. MyrTOM will b. spent developing the Canadia'n market. An evaluation Edwards will p roent the 1995 system Will monitor how successful, the plan is. Mayor'. Senior Volunteer Award. Marketig Canada te Canadiana,. Americans, Southeast Asians andPEuroens i. thi. goal of this shared-coet progrm.- FASifON SHOW mhe teurisma industry i. expected te spe»nd $50 million of its own Tihe Whitby Seniors Activity mon.y. Contre, 801 Brock St. S., i. Tourism i. one of the. fastest growing.industries. If?. relatively holding a faLshion show on élean and doesn't require enormous capital coes t estabUli:. Sunday, May 7, I p.m. Gayle Tourism alo bring--out the. adventureri ailcf us. It gives us Nichols of L'ng ring Impressons the opportunity te sapl,, under.tand and appreciate. different in Pick.ring wml commentate anid lfestyles. Maybe this is one of our probbemé? supply fashlions. Tickets cost $8 We havent taloen the. time or made tii. effort te, understand each and can ho obtaied at the ourselves as a nation. Recently I was a little surprised wiien sme centre or oeil 668-1424. Bloc Quobecois MPs visited Toronto and it was the. firat time. they had been out of their province. PANCAKEBRAF T In Durhamn we have tremendous tourism resources. W. should The WhitbY Seniors Activity ho promoting tiiese with frienda and relatives from otiier areas Centre, 801 Brock St. S., wiil hold and foreigner. a pancake breakfast on Baturday, Fishig and boating in Lakes Scugog and Ontari%, our April, 29, 8:30 a.m. te noon. Cost Bowmanville Zootii. Ganaraska Forest, thes. are just a few<of i. $4 and proceeds go te, support the attractions Durham bas te offer visitera. progr as at tii. centre. Tii. latost Alex Shepherd is MP for Durham ridiiW which includes floor pans of the. soo-to-be- Whitby, north of Taunton RoacL To reach lais conatituency office, stexpanded centre will ho on coU 721-7570 (Oshaupa). display. Ban on balloons in hos pital'S p ediatries unt The. pediatries unit of Oshawa General Hospital bas implemented a policy banning latex (rubhor) balloons mi al areas of the unit. 'tatex bailoons have a potential lethal riak of hoing inhaled Iby children and represent the leading cause <f pediatric chok*mq deatha frm ciildren's toys, explaina Sheila Klaassen, director of tiie patient care unit for pediatrics. "The main problem is that children can swa]low or inhale latex hlboona or fragments in several ways sucii as ciiewing or suckcing on a belloon fragment or uninflated balboon, or biting an inflated balloon whicii may break and b. inhaled." According te the United States Consumer Safety Product Commission, latex balboons account for 43 rr cent <f childiiood deatha reil ty. Latex sticks easily te tith Oat whicii often beads te a blockage <f the airway and as a result, hamper. a child7s breathing. "Bailoons made of mylar (balloons thiat look like foil>) will stiil b. allowed in pediatric., but will only b. allowed within tue string," says Klaaasn. 'M(ylar balboons do not present the. mme danger. as latex." Mylar balcoons como, pre-inflated and sealed and do not explode and fragment -- tiiey simpby defiate. Latex balboons sent te the hospital for delivery te pediatrics will be turned away. Also latex balloons i floral arrangements will b. removed prier te delivery te patient rooma. processed" says Sandra Tesolin, communications manager, Toronto Blood Centre. "We try not te keep people waiting unduly, but this isn't alway pssible, especiaily during -ea -eis. -In tii... times <f transition, thieRed Crossapreciates the understanding of=bboddonor. as w. .trv. to imake improvements whIfe contindn to ensure the. "jýýÇaniWblgod siuppy. . AU iietiiy individuala hotween ages 17 and 70'can give blood every 56 days. Donors must b. w.il-rested and b. free of cold or flu aymptems for at l.aat seven days prior te making a blood Whitby'supcoming hlood donor clinic wiilbeii.bd on May 16 at the Liegion Hla on Byron Street South, 1 te 8 pm Fer more 723-2933. information, oeil Believe it or not, the ride that began on Apnil 7th, 19.45 at the Trinity United Church in Cobourg, Onlarlo i, still going strong in 1995. (We bet Dad wishes. the car were!) Ted, Sarah, Jefi and Jenny are thrilled to announce the golden anniversary of their folks, Herb and Shirley Parkinson. Mom and Dad: we're really glad that you had to get a bigger car!!!1 l-erb and Shirley Parkinson thank their- children, Ted, Sarah, Jeff and Jenny, for a wonderful golden celebration. We are truly thankful that we had to keep on buying bigger cars. Delay atblood chnic Promoting Canada By Al«Siepherd Canada is strapped with an annuel tourium deficit approeching $8 billioni. This doemnt mean government in running its national parka, museums and heritage g ope eficiently. It means the net money spentbyouadou bordera is substantially more than atfrinr are effding inaide. So what's the problem? This much foreign travel put. a strain on our dollar. And Canada has to attract foreign doam to replace the. bat currency. I don't have to toll you how much thie Canadian dollar han been under pressure latel, and with $8 billion Ieavmng the .economyWeil,ts allpart ofthe pressure- Ti. edea government is setting UP thi. Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC), -not only to promote Canada abroad but within our border. .Since 1984 Canada haent pntpootional money encouragfing Canadiana to travel at home. TEis is due, largely, to the previous government's pandering to theii. -epara-tia who think provincial governments shoud b. thi e Sly on.. promnoting tourism. I was shocked with the Bloc Quebecois arguments on this topie. Obviously if we can encourage people from Qiiebec té viait Ontario and vice versa instead ofgoen* to the.U., w. wifl ail b. botter off -- ini more ways than juatimrothe. economy. The largest loss of capital is not frmte nowbirds (thos. Canadiana who tae, off to Forida itiie fan and ret;urn in the mwinWnirl bt rater fiw m 'ilima nw4vnSun fm m d..in th

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