Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1995, p. 35

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Whltby fre Pres, Wednesdy, Apuli 26, 1996, Pap-35 CAL mi.CALL. LA ____........... FOUR SEASONS Landscaping and Gardening Services "Spring has Sprug;.Eavestrough cening: bungalow $35, 2 storeys $45. Tree pruning, remnovais; fences, decks, retainingwalls weekly Iawn cutting from $20. (90ý) 428-1305. STONEWORK - ail masonry, chimneys inteilockin,- conrete, fence & deck. Construction business since 1981, serving Durham since 1989. Ail work guaranteed. For free quote oel (905) 666-0171. PAINTING - exterior/intenior. Canadian paint for the Canadian climate. Onty top quallty paints used. Ail woik guaranteed. et us quote your job (905) 666-0171. WOOD RENEWERS - make decks, fences, woodsiding, log structures look like new again. Remove al weathering, stains & paint. Sealer/stain wiii not peel or chip. Work guaranteed. 655-3566. FIREPLACES, CHIMNEYS, wet basement repaira. Free estimates. Bricklayers since 1948. Caîl Smith & Co. Inc. 571-0615. HENK KARELSEN Paint ing& Homne Repair. Quality work, inteniôr/extenîor. Over z2oyears expenience. No job f00 small. Free estimates. 1-80-23-0823. SWIMMING POOL OWNERSI Bock now. Uner repacement or repair. 26 years expenence. Speedy Vinyl Durham. 1-800-FIX-RIP S (349-7477) LADY LOUISE CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES. Alterations and repair on draperies. Affordabie prices. For your free mn-home shopping and estimnate oeil 432-1714 .Customer's fabnics are welcome. RENEW WORKS - we clean and seai your interlocking brick with our patented, environmentaily fniendi products. Free estimates and y work guaranteed. 655-3566. WALLPAPERING AND PAINTING. 9 years expenience. Ail work guaranteed. Author of bock 0"Waipapering Made Easy". Cali Dave Taylor at Color Your World (Whitbr (905) 435-0808. Free PAINTING - fiROFESSIOrIAL PAINTING & wallpaper. Intedorlexterior. Power wash & swing stage. No job too small. For good ne & 5ood work, oel George at 7 5-7870. Free estimates. UCENSED ELECTRICIAN - experienced in residential commercial & industrial work. 24 hour service oeils. Phone Tom at 668-7852 for free estimate. CAKES FOR ail special occasions. Lion King on a 9X1I3 siab $25. Character cakes $25. Five days notice appreciated. Cali Occasional Cakes by Gienys 666-0366l. HOME RENOVATIONS & -restoration. Plans, inspections, speifications, carpentry, plumbing, electrical, Windows, energ conservation. Cali Jacques ofAl Trades, ASHRAE #2053385, 666-0993. GARDEN GRACE - spectaiizing in pruning, spning clean-ups, lawn & garden care, plantinqs. Free estimates. Reasonable. Lcensed & oefl adcpr. Cali 668-0242. CLEAN UP SERVICES - -yards, basements, garages, eut trees. Cali 655-3004. MACNEIL'S CUSTOM Upholsteîy & Refinishing, antiques & modem repairs). Serving the Durham area flor 25 years. Cal 430-4585. PAINTING, PAPERING, ceramic tules and home improvemnents. Interior/exterior. Quality workmhanship. Oniy uses quality mateniais. Very reasonable prices. Cal Joe 721-2706 (please leave message). MiACS HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Carpentry, landscaping, decks and fences, retaining walis, iawn care from $ï18, windôw cleanlng from S35, eavestrough cleaning from 130, siding cleaning from $85 sring cleanups from $95. însured 4§0-2525. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS & CUSTOM DESIGNS - Corne see us for ail your sewving needs. Offenn bridai - proms. Wide selection 0f fabrics. Tues.-Fni. 10-5:30, Sat. 10-3, 133 Byeron St. N. Pearson Lanes 430-6550. NEEP To KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT YOoe NEW COMMUNI1Y? SINCE1930 LTO PH-ONE 668-6497 Our hostess will bring gifts and greetings, ,along with heipful community information. The Mutual Group HEBTRAN calfor quotation 668-969*e432-7216 FAX YOUR AD 668-0594J Gary J. Hirlehey Financial Planning Consultant Giving people the information, options, and advice they need to make appropriate choices. CALL 579-7777 FOR AN APPOINTMENT -e.nia FQiaiiWorkmanshipI I Reasonable Prices For free estimate cail 666-280 vnnsor leave message a432-3019 0 .Wood f encing & docks IFREE COMPETI TI VE ES TIAM TESI IWritten Guaranteel 1~666-96901 .....E...U. Wee Watchà The systemn that provides... " Unscheduled home visits ensure quality care for your chiid " Fuiiy trained providers receive ongoing Agency support " Reliable local back-up covers Provider illness or hoiidays " Com pie t einsurance coverage " Income tax receipts " Children six weeks and Up " Full or part-time For more Information cali: 686-:3995 a icensed Agency -BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS. Government aid, assistance, grants and boans money available. For your new or existing business cail 1-800-915-3615. CAREERTRAINi.NO LEARN AUCTIONEERING at the Southwestern Schooi of Auctioneer- ing. Next Classes: AUGUST19-25; NOVEMBER 18-24. Contact: Southwestern Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R.#5, Woodstock, Ontario.N4S 7V9. (519) 537-2115. SALES HELP WANTED $Attention Students$ 15 BIKES TO DRAW. Make a lot of money selling chocolate bars NEW $2.00 PROD- UCIS. Nothing to pay in advance. Fast delivery 1 -800-383-3589. DO YOU LIKE CANDLES? Partylite Gifts featuring candies and unique home decorating accessories is seeking consultants and leaders. No investment. No deliveries. Top Com- missions. Caîl 416-266-7071. PAY TELEPHONE SERVICES (*A cost wili be incurred.) LIVE PERSONAL PSYCHIC, Get answers to any questions. Love, money, future, 1-900-451-3004, extension 599, $3.98 per minute. Must be 18. Touch Tone required. LIVE PSYCHICSI Genuine Canadi- an Psychics tell ail. Past, Present, Future revealed. Romance, Wealth, Career. Live and personai. 1-900- 451-3778. Innervision Crystal Con- nection. $2.99/min .,18+, 1-on-1, 24 hrs. CARING MOTHER will provide a happy environment for your child. Nu itîus lunches & snacks. Lotsof activities (walks, crafis, stories). Thickson '& Rossland. Ask for Debbie 404-0815. PART-TIME BABYSITTER need for one 7 year oid, occasionai momings and some weekends. Brock& Chestnut. Phone 666-1728. RELIABLE, EXPERIENCED daycare in. my home. Lunch & snacks proided. Reasonable rates. Ail ages. Fulpart-time or backup. Please oeil 666-9312. EXPERIENCED MOTHER of 2 teenagers wili babysit kids of ail ages. Lunch & snacks provided. Non-smoking. Cali 576-6128. - 'ae ele i ,'pae PERSONALS' GOOD SEX for seniors. Overcome ail erection problems caused by aging, surgery, medication, diabetes etc. Get the facts. Performance Medicai, Box 418, Valemount, B.C. VOE 2Z0. 1-800-663-0121. WHEN LIFE BECOMES- a battie ground, your MIND is your best weapon. Buy and Read DIANET- I05: The Modemn Science of Mental Heaith, by L. Ron Hubbard, $39.59. Cali 11-800-561-5808.- WANTED 58 PEOPLE to lose 10 to 40 ibs., or more, plus inches for summer, ail naturai, Doctor recom- mended, 100% guaranteed 1-800- 267-0629. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND member- ship/timeshare? We'll take it! Ameni- ca's largest, oidest resale clearing- house. Resort Sales International 1- 800-423-5967. Timeshare rentais needed. Cali 24 hours a day. STEEL BUILDINGS THE LAST BUILDING you'Ii ever need. Future Steel, the recognized leader in affordable, top quaiity, arch-styie structures. For Value, Service, Integrity & free deiivery, cail 1-800-668-6853. ROCK BOTTOM PRICES! Quonset buildings.. .High sidewalis. Spring sale. 25x34'$2,669.00. 30x42 $3,954.00. 35x54 $6,998.00. 42x66 $8,888.00. 47x80 $11,844.00. 52x90 $1 7,838.00. Ends optional. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. *t t AffordableI. * WFast e* W, Easy a On. Bill Do.a It Ail eNorthem Ontario $63a Eastern Ontario $91 Western Ontario $162 e Central Ontario $168 é Ail Ontario $380 *National Packages Available Cati this paper for details! 'CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE'U Tro nrac a widdrmwket. adv.,bs. thmug~hot tha e gommbshiof the On"i and Canadian Comm Li)ny New4uperAssocations. Central Ontario 50 nowpaprs - 168 for 25 words - AM Ontarlo 178 nmpap.rs - O for 25 words cAil Canada 5M3 ns pra - $1,183 for 25 words For further information pios cmii the WhtyFe rs lastes-6861 .................. . .. ...... .. ... . .. . .... . ... . .. ................ ............ ....... ............ ............... .......... off .. ................ CLASSIFIE.D MARKETPLACE "A dvertise A cross Ontario or Across the Country"' ?-tY4e< a e 44 R Dln eeks *:Fe= ItetaimnWaUu *Reuatlm iWbbby Poeon =y 66&-636S 985-0412 BY GRANT CONTRACTING Interlocking ~ Decks ~ WalIs ~ Sodding Property Maintenance - Tree Removal WHEN QUALITYAND SERVICE COUN1. Cali 432-4870 or 428-5790 m 1 -J

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