Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Free Press, 26 Apr 1995, p. 14

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Page 14, Whitby Free Pn«s, Wednesday, ApdI 26, 199 Trustee criticizes new regidations FROM PAGE 1 -and excuse me for aying that, it may not b. apprograte, howe- ver, it is my opinion. 1Macean eaid there's nothing in the framework, written or oral, "that would place a gag oni anyr trustee... it's about responsi- "I ehave the. right to. speak out, w. have te also ho mindful of the responsibilities that w. have as governors of this organi- zation.» The. framework is not a policy, it's an interini measure "until we have sufficient time to sit down around the table with each other and ha.mmer out any refine- monta to this procedure,» eh.e said. "This is tho least gagged board I have evor sat on.» Whitby trust.. Doug Rosa saw nothing wrong «with this guide- lin., whIuch is ail that this docu- ment wo'r looking at is... "I think w. OWO the respect and the decency and the conside- 'ration te the poople who work for us and with us te investigate hofore we accuse.» The motion is not a gag, Rosa argued. I feel perfectly comfortable that when I have thle facte and if I have a problem that I can't solve at the board level, or'in- dividually acroos a desk with on. Request for Public Opinion Ion the Proposed Nursing Home Annual licence Renewal of Sunnycrest Nurshug Home, Whitby In accordance with the Nursing Homes Act, public opinion i s being requested prior to a final decision being made on the above. If you have comments or opinions and wish to bring them to the attention of the Ministry of Health. you may submit them in writing by addressing themn to: Director, Residential Services Branch Ontario Ministry of Health 5700 Yonge Street, 7th Floor North York, Ontario M2M 4K5 (416) 327-7357, by May 29, 1995 Please include the name of the nursing home and quote Project #009-96 S GENERAL TIRE ~B SIRE ISPL-. ALINVE HC P235X75R1 5 P205X70R1 5 * GRABBER AP GENSEAL *OWL W/W $C)5,00 $88.00 o 31 X10.50X1 5 P235X75R15 . S PGRABBEER AP HOOSIEIR RWL * $130 00 $95«00 DEALER USED TIRES $20.00 & UP ____ DEALERFOR GENERAL, BRIGADIER, HOOSIER s ..DUNDA ST i0 z 0 lji ~ eme Tirs '1W WARREN RD.1 ~ NU G~ONSUMER DR." " .l of the peope that work for us, that 1have eveyrgh o ot the newspapers. «But until I at least try to solve the problem on an indivi- dual basis, followin g these guide- lines, 1 don't thi=k I have the right to say anythn publicly- until I know there ie no oter solution," sa.id Ross. 'Mhe intont (of the motion) was so that w. ail get correct infor- mation to react on » said Picker- inif trustee Susan Ikular. 'It will mako us ail work as a toam with complote, good infor- mation and w. can provide answers based on that iforma- tion and those answers won't b. inconsistont ail have the is- correct simply because we sanie soturce, which information," ieh. added. "I strongly holieve that we are bound by some code of decency, discretion and common sense in the way in which we deal with staff members in particular making public statements ancf criticisme of them,» said Oshawa trustee Ken Ridge. uObviously w. canet legislate decency, common sens. and dis- cretion,ebut nevertheiess I hope that trustees will support thie as at least a statement of commit- mete decent behaviour on the part of trusts» said Ridge. Royal Canadian Logion branches in Whitby and Brooklin will host the 501h anniversary celebration of Victory in Europe (V-E) Day on Sunday, May 7, in downtown Whitby. mon breed that's part Neopolian Mastiff and part RoteiIlor - -escaped from a pen at a Green Street residence shortly after 8 a.m. and bit the ringer of a 17-ye I~d Perry Street boy walknala1ong Dunlop Street. oldy thon attacked a 66-year- odAthol Street man, jpushing hlmteotthe ground and biting hie .xand and leg. The ownor, who had been out searching for the doge, thon arrn- yod and got the. animais under control. Both victime were treated at Whitby General Hospital. Supervisor of animal control, S'ylvie Lynch says se expects charges, whiclx range in severity from. a 'doge running at largo, fine te a muzzling order, te be laid this week. «I see nothing here that would gag mýei any way... jst some very simple guide& es toas. us and make us more efficient,' said Ajax trustee Colleen Jordan. «I think that unlese wo are a team, we don't serve our consti- tuents or students well. We have to work together and instead of running off aili different direc- tions and doing our own thing, w. must come together at. this table -and in domig soin that way, we serve our students and our public best," said Jordan. Nicholson was the only truste. who voted against the frame- work. "Flawed' tender charge rejected by counCil By Mike Kowalski A contractoes demand that Town council reject a supposedly flawed tender for the. Witby Seniors' Activity Centre expan- sion project was rebuffed Mon- "ouncil disageed with Picker- ig contracter Brce Kubbinga's contention that a recommended tender from Town staff should have been disallowed since the succeseful bidder was asked te modiify the original submission. Couneillors pointed out that the changes were te the bidder's disadvantage, and approved an operations committe. recommen- dation that a $1.398-millionten- der from The Conarch Giroup of Mississaugaho eaccepted. However, Kubbinga, owner of BWK Construction Co. Ltd., argued that hie firm should have been awarded the contract and not Conarch as it adhered te the original tender specifications. Kub*a's o ani bulig the ne headquarters o Taunton Road, submîtted a bid of $1.430 million and was the fourth-lowest tender received. But as Kubbinga pointed out, Conarch and the next two lowest bidders substituted a different elevater and windows from that epecifled in the tender document. The Pickering-Ajax-Whitby (PAW) Animal Control Centre is mnvestigating after two Wbitby residents were bit by two large dogs Friday morning. Polce say the two-year-old Conmie Corsa do"s -- an uncom- The War Amps says: Ifs fimne for... oe $à The War Amps i e-Lo e ri e o Celer Your World®' e>t \~ \'X i SATINLÀ 1916 DUNDAS ST.1 WHITBY E., A staff report noted, however, that Conarcli agreed te, supply the more expensive elevater and windows at no extra cost. "I have nthigagainst Con- arch,» Kubbinga stessed. .But if ho is allowed te ch eange hie bid, we should ho allowed te change ours,» ho claimed. «Wéewee the fourth-lowest and we won't ho awarded the tender hocause I adhered te the specificatiôns.» Kubbinga's demand that coun- cil reconsider the committe., recommendation was not suppor- ted. As. operations chair Dennis Fox explained later, staff did not err in requesting that Conarch revis. its bid. «It's not the usual practice of staff te, go te companies and ask them te snbstitute materiale and it won't ho a trend for the. future," Fox pronused. 1"But there was nothing illegal. The. lowest tender was still accepted,» he stressed. Fox conceded that council could have called for- new ten- ders, but said this would have taken almost two monthe and the, proj ect is already two weeks béhind? «We have te, trust staff. As a council wo are hesistant about getting involved in the tender procesa," he added. Starting at 1:45 p.m., a parade will begin at the Whitby Branch 112 Legion Hall on Byron Street S8outhffand end at the cenotaph on Dundan Stret East at Green Srefor a service at 2 p.m. Tie service will includoe Legion members, the Whitby Brass Band, Royal Canadian Mounted Policeý, Ferret' Armoured Patrol Vehicles, WVhitby firefighters, Sea Cadets, Knights of Col- umbus, and representatives of local Polish, Dutch and other groups. Miniature Canadian flags will be distributed to children at the cenotaph and Whitby church belîs will ring out. And at 2:30 and 6:30 p.m., open houses will ho held the Legion hall in Whitby. There will ho music, clowns, buffet, face- painting dancing to 195013, mscfIlms fýrom tL e1940s and '50s, and a display of local pic- tures from 50 years ago. St. John Ambulance To register for a course, or to learn about St. John Ambulance programe and services in Durham Region, cail (905) 434-7800. 7.f't1eyar4 ATEX Available n 1 00 s of decorator colours Pnice guaranteed til May 2nd/95 al : i * [ele* Legion o hol V-E. ceremonies I Animal control I investigates dogatck m a - - la - - . 1 Designer

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